"Nothing in this world can hurt you?" Hearing this, Fang Xiu gradually calmed down.

He remembered the true self command, his own power of pain, and what his wife in white said before, why she let him travel through time, in order to use the power outside the world.

With this thought, he knew what he should do.

"In this case, I will use the power from outside the world!"


Fang Xiu punched his wife's cheek without any fancy moves, and the extremely strong power of pain surged on it.

When this punch was about to touch his wife, he could clearly feel that this power of pain that did not belong to the world penetrated his wife's invulnerable natural characteristics without any hindrance.

Fang Xiu was ecstatic when he saw this, but the next second, he couldn't laugh anymore.

Because his punch hit the air.


Fang Xiu's eyes were about to burst, looking at his smiling wife in disbelief. He had used the Void to dodge the enemy's attacks countless times, but he didn't expect that in the end, he had to face others using the Void to dodge him.

The most terrifying thing is that he can feel that his wife is not only using the law of nothingness, but also the mystery of nothingness!

This means that his wife's attainments in the way of nothingness are higher than his own, and it is impossible to use the Void to counter the Void.

Did it fail?

"Husband, I said, you can't kill me, give up." The wife whispered to comfort.

Give up? No! Never!

Fang Xiu's blood-red eyes became more and more red, he stared at his wife, and hatred was churning in his heart.

"I have come all the way and finally met you, but you asked me to give up? Impossible! I would rather die than give up!"

He used the power of pain to punch his wife one punch after another. Even though he knew it was useless, he still didn't stop, and he couldn't stop.

If I give up now, what is the pain I have suffered along the way? Do I deserve it?

Boom boom boom!

The powerful punches shook the world, but they couldn't shake you.

Fang Xiu punched like this, his expression became more and more ferocious and crazy.

After a few days, he began to feel numb, his eyes were empty and lifeless, and he punched like a machine.

His wife didn't leave, she always stayed with him and let him beat him.

Maybe she was a little tired after standing for a few days, she slowly sat down, and the material laws between heaven and earth surged in an instant. When she was about to fall, a dark golden throne engraved with mysterious patterns appeared out of thin air and caught the soft and round ball.

A ray of light flashed in Fang Xiu's empty eyes. He took advantage of his wife sitting down and hit her fiercely. He understood the virtualization. Since the other party could sit on the chair, it might mean that the virtualization was resolved.

However, this punch also missed.

It turned out that... the chair was also virtualized.

The wife sat on the throne, crossed her legs, barefoot, with her hands on her cheeks, and looked at Fang Xiu lazily, as if she couldn't see enough.

The pain in Fang Xiu's body was rapidly consumed, and the pain finally reached the bottom after all the full force of the punches.

With the last punch, the pain was completely exhausted, and the collapsed Fang Xiu fell to the ground as if he had lost his support.

He half-knelt, his expression was extremely painful and numb, but he laughed like crazy.

The future scene that had been foreseen was finally staged without any surprise.

At this time, Fang Xiu had no mind to think about these things. He just felt so painful in his heart that he wanted to die.

The pain in his heart was completely different from the pain in his body. It was like drowning, watching himself sink to the bottom of the sea, getting deeper and deeper, and the surroundings became darker and darker. Even the sound gradually disappeared, and there was a dead silence. The feeling of suffocation came from all directions, and it hurt so much that he couldn't breathe.

At this moment, my wife suddenly felt something in her heart, and she turned her head slightly. Her eyes seemed to penetrate the entire long river of fate and fell somewhere.

Her red lips were slightly raised, and she said charmingly: "Don't peek~"

Then, she cast her eyes on the painful Fang Xiu, and a touch of heartache flashed in her eyes.

"The way of nothingness is very special, it is the most special avenue, because it does not exist in the world, but only exists after the destruction of the world. Only when the world is destroyed and everything returns to nothingness, will the way of nothingness be born. This way is what I realized after witnessing the destruction of the world countless times."

My wife patiently explained to Fang Xiu, as if she couldn't bear to see Fang Xiu in such pain.

"Only extreme damage can break the virtualization."

A faint light flashed in the eyes of the painful and numb Fang Xiu, and he seemed to think of something.

He thought of the two abilities that his wife had shown before, one is virtualization, the other is true injury, one is absolute defense, and the other ignores defense.

Virtualization is the way of nothingness, so what is true injury?

What on earth! ?

Why did he control his wife's virtual transformation, but never the real injury?


He couldn't think of it, which made him more painful. At first, he was in pain because he couldn't take revenge, but now he knew the way to take revenge, but couldn't find it. This feeling of hope hanging on you was even more painful.

The pain tortured him like a thousand ants gnawing at his heart. Since he had experienced endless pain, it was difficult for him to feel pain again, but now, this pain came back again.


Fang Xiu screamed violently, like a wounded beast. Suddenly, some tiny black particles emerged from his body. Slowly, these black particles became more and more, almost covering his whole body.

It was pain, the ultimate power of pain that had materialized.

Wrapped in billions of black particles, his body slowly floated, and his eyes, mouth and nose were filled with endless black particles.

"I understand." Fang Xiu's deep voice sounded.

"It turns out that I have mastered the ability of true injury a long time ago, but I never realized it, because... true injury is my ability!"

He looked at his wife who had a look of relief on her face. His voice was as indifferent as a god and as crazy as a demon. Two completely different voices came out of his mouth.

"The secret of pain—sorrow!"

"Feel my pain! Wife!"


Billions of black particles poured into my wife's body. She groaned, her face became extremely pale, and her body kept shaking as if she was experiencing great pain, but she was smiling.

She looked at Fang Xiu who had taken revenge, and her smile became more and more poignant and brilliant: "You finally realized that this is your ability, and I also learned my true wounds from you, but in the end, you are still not as good as you.

In countless reincarnations, in fact, whether I remind you or not, you will eventually realize it, because you who cannot take revenge will eventually fall into extreme pain, and then realize the secret of pain. This is inevitable, and it is nothing more than the length of time.

I remind you just to save you some pain. "

My wife's figure began to become transparent, as if slowly dissipating, and she gave Fang Xiu one last look with nostalgia.

"So this is the pain you have been suffering? I feel it, husband."

After her words fell, her figure could no longer hold up, and finally completely disappeared between heaven and earth.

Fang Xiu was speechless. He stood there and stared at the direction where his wife disappeared. No one knew what he was thinking at this moment.


"Husband, I'm back again~"

Fang Xiu's expression suddenly became ferocious. He lowered his head and looked at his chest, only to see a beautiful head growing out of it.

Qiao smiles beautifully, she is my wife!

His wife blinked at him: "I told you, you can't kill me. Did I lie to you?"

The next moment, his wife separated from Fang Xiu's body like a ghost and stood in front of him beautifully.

What greeted her was the secret of pain—sorrow!

Endless black particles poured out, drowning my wife again.

Without any surprise, his wife grew out of Fang Xiu's body again.

Once, twice, three times...eighteen times!

No matter how many times I try, the result is still the same, it seems that my wife cannot be killed at all.

Once upon a time, Fang Xiu thought that he was the most difficult person to kill in the world, until he met his wife.

Fang Xiu's expression became colder and colder. He kept exploring his body, trying to figure out why his wife could keep resurrecting from his body.

Yes, it is resurrection.

He clearly felt that his wife really died under the painful secret, but the other party kept coming back to life.

Why! ? Why is this happening! ?

He examined his whole body countless times and still couldn't find the source of his wife's resurrection.

Is it not in body and soul?

He killed his wife again, and then immersed his consciousness in his inner world, finally!

He found it, found the source of his wife's resurrection!

At this moment, Fang Xiu was shocked physically and mentally because he discovered that his wife had suddenly resurrected from his heart!

What exactly is going on! !

At this time, a pair of jade hands slowly hugged Fang Xiu from behind, and a soft ball pressed against his back.

My wife's soft voice rang in my ears: "Husband, don't you understand? I was resurrected by your hatred."

Fang Xiu's body trembled, and his eyes were a little dazed. He was resurrected from my hatred. Doesn't that mean...

I just heard my wife continue to say: "Don't forget, in addition to being the polluted heaven, I am also the source of pollution. Are you curious about what the source of pollution is?

Let me tell you, this is the source of pollution. "

While speaking, his wife's hand around Fang Xiu gently opened, and a drop of crystal clear blood appeared in her hand. The drop of blood was very magnificent, like the most precious ruby ​​in the world.

Looking directly at it is like looking straight into an abyss. An unimaginable force swallows your sight, making you unable to look away.

The wife put away her palm and said softly: "As you can see, this is a drop of blood, a drop of demon blood from outside the sky. It is like the source of demons and contains incredible power. No one knows where it comes from. All they know is, The moment it reaches this world, the way of heaven will inevitably be polluted.

Now I control this drop of demonic blood, and it corresponds to all the evil in the world, including the evil thoughts in people's hearts, so I can be reborn from the evil thoughts. As long as the evil thoughts in the world remain alive, I will be immortal forever!

Husband, do you understand? Even if you destroy the whole world, as long as you still have hatred in your heart, you will never be able to kill me. "

Fang Xiu's face suddenly turned pale. At this moment, he finally understood why his wife sent clones to kill him eighteen times at the beginning of his time travel.

She is here to sow hatred!

This damn bitch was planning it from the very beginning, and she was invincible from the very beginning! !

For some reason, Fang Xiu suddenly wanted to laugh at this moment, laughing at himself for being unable to do anything in the face of his enemies, laughing at himself for being plotted from beginning to end, and even though he had the upper hand, he still couldn't win.

At this time, his wife had already come to Fang Xiu, hugged him tightly, and begged: "Husband, give up. Can you listen to me this time?"

Fang Xiu's expression was dull, his eyes were red, and he laughed uncontrollably: "Hahaha... Only when I put down my hatred can I kill you, but how can I kill you if I put down my hatred!!

Get out of here! "

He pushed away his wife in his arms like crazy, roared to the sky, and a line of clear tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

His secret of pain comes from hatred. Although his wife will lose her immortality if she lets go of hatred, letting go of hatred is equivalent to giving up the secret of pain. How can he kill his wife without the secret of pain?

Dead knot! A complete knot!


I haven't lost yet! still have a chance!

Death rollback! There is also a death rollback!

Fang Xiu suddenly thought of a way, that is, death rollback, using the power of reincarnation to erase his own memory and hatred, and then using the power of heaven to open the death rollback and return everything to the beginning!

Although it is possible to repeat the same mistakes and become the dead end again, you only have a chance if you try. If you don't try, you have no chance at all.

Just when he was about to activate the death reversal, he suddenly froze, and the words of the wife in white and the wife in black echoed in his mind.

It turns out... is this what is called reincarnation?

It turns out that I have fallen into this situation countless times, and then start all over again?

I erased my memory again and again, kept rewinding, and failed again and again.

Is it worth what the wife in white once asked? He finally understood the meaning of this sentence.

She was asking herself if it was worth repeating reincarnation again and again! !

"Actually, I wanted to give up a long time ago because I didn't want to see you suffer, but for you, I won't give up."

The words of the wife in white echoed in my ears.

Fang Xiu laughed miserably. It turned out that the real way of heaven was about to give up. He had been insisting on revenge and reincarnated again and again. Therefore, in order to help him, the wife in white chose to confront the wife in black in every reincarnation.

How many times has this been reincarnated?

He couldn't think of an answer because he would erase his memory every time, which was equivalent to completely formatting it.

The hatred for his wife ran through his life, and it could not be erased alone, it could only be formatted in its entirety.

At this time, the wife who had been pushed away ran over again with tears in her eyes and hugged Fang Xiu tightly.

"Husband, can you just listen to me once? Don't think about revenge. Let's refine this drop of demon blood together, and then transcend this world. From now on, we will be detached from the world, gain great freedom, great freedom, and be a pair of gods and immortals. Isn't it good to be a couple?

I've had enough of this endless reincarnation. I used to hate you and hate you for stopping me time and time again, but later, I gradually fell in love with you, because every time I reincarnate, you are the only one in my world!

I have looked back countless times in reincarnation, and you have always been there.

Even if the world ends, you and I will be the ones who come to the end.

Husband, will you walk with me on the road ahead? Give up hatred! "

Fang Xiu smiled miserably, with blood and tears oozing from his eyes. The sky above his head had long been shattered, and the earth was gradually falling apart.

Suddenly, he caressed his wife's cheek with his palm and said softly: "Since you keep saying you love me, why do you resist? Why don't you give me the magic blood?"

The wife was silent for a moment. After a moment, she raised her head and looked at Fang Xiu, her red lips parted slightly: "After I give you the magic blood, I will definitely be killed by you. I am not afraid of death, but I don't want to die, because after I die, I will die." I can never be with you.

I know I'm selfish, but love is selfishness and possession! "

Fang Xiu's expression gradually became cold: "Is this your answer? In that case, I will also tell you my answer.

This hatred will last until death! "


Death rollback is activated.

The world begins to shatter, time and space begin to flow backwards, and everything will be buried in the ruins of history like countless reincarnations.

His wife seemed to have expected it. She just hugged Fang Xiu tightly, enjoying the tenderness of this last moment, and her tears fell silently.

A happy smile filled her face: "Husband, do you know? In fact, I gave myself a name. I have told you many times, but you still forget that next time, the next reincarnation, you will definitely Remember."


The world is completely shattered and everything is swallowed up by darkness.

In the darkness, a gentle voice came faintly.

"My name is Buyi."

"Until death do us part..."

Never let them know you can see!

Never let them know you can see! !

In the dilapidated rental house, Fang Xiu, who had just traveled through time, opened his sleepy eyes and looked at the bloody words on the ceiling and the unfamiliar environment in the house like a frightened bird.

Not long after, a gentle female voice reached his ears.

"Husband, it's time to have breakfast."

(Complete the book.)

Finished spreading flowers!

Family, my youth is over! Woo woo woo...

After more than a year, Fang Xiu's story is over, and I feel a little empty. Anyway, I am very grateful to the book friends who have accompanied me along the way, especially the book friends who came with me from the last book. Thank you for reading Fang Xiu. Hugh's story, your support is the motivation for me to write.

In fact, the ending has been planned out very early. Book friends who have read my last book know that I usually give a happy ending with a happy ending. In the book "Magic Division", the ending is that Gu Qingfeng and Li Mingyue stay together and fly together. This book is about Fang Xiu and his wife never being separated, both have the same happy ending. (The dog’s head saves life)

Finally, I hope my family will support this book one last time, support Fang Xiu one last time, and help click on the free gifts to rush to the gift list. I hope to end with a good ranking.

Also, don’t forget to follow me. Follow Six Hulus, so that you won’t get lost when I release new books in the future! Click on my author name and you can follow me there.

Regarding the new book, I plan to take a break for two to three months to recharge myself, and then I will start a new book. See you then.

And also... Please help post a message to inform those book friends who have been raising books that the book is finished and can come back to read it!

Everyone, the road is long, see you in the next book!

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