
There was a metallic clang.

Fang Xiu's hair instantly turned into waterfall-like silver hair, directly blocking the blow from the back.

When the blow was missed, the man in Wuyin was startled, and then he retreated back into the white mist.

He sneered and said: "There are two brushes, which can block my blow, but the next blow will not be so lucky. No one can beat me in the hidden fog!"

While he was talking, his figure moved rapidly, circling around Fang Xiu, which made his voice come from all directions, permeating people like a ghost.

"Eyes, Throat, Heart, Belly....Guess I'll Attack....Ouch..."

The man in Wuyin, who was running, fell straight to the ground.

"What tripped me up?"

He looked down and saw a very thin silver hair wrapped around his feet. Looking along the hair, he was shocked to find that, at some point, the ground around Fang Xiu was covered with a layer of hair. Dense mesh of silver hair.

It's like a spider weaving a web.

Afterwards, those silver hairs stretched continuously, reaching deep into his eyes, throat, heart, abdomen...

Seeing that the Kirigakure man was about to die, at this moment, bang bang!

Two crisp gunshots sounded.

I saw two light bullets shot out rapidly, fiercely shooting towards Fang Xiu.

This is not a bullet, but a spiritual bullet made of spirituality.

The man with two guns used to be a mercenary who licked blood with swords. Guns were his only reliance on the battlefield and his most trusted partner. So after experiencing strange events, he awakened the ability of guns, which can shoot spiritual bullets.

Facing the incoming spiritual bullets, Fang Xiu tilted his head slightly as if he had foreseen it, and easily dodged the two spiritual bullets.

The movement was very quick and there was no unnecessary movement, the two spiritual bullets flew directly past the scalp.

Seeing this scene, the weak and elegant man suddenly showed shock, calling it impossible.

He was obviously hit by Fang Xiu, who was weak, and he had to face the resistance of the white mist, how could he dodge the bullet so quickly?

What he didn't know was that it wasn't Fang Xiu who made the evasive movement at all, but Fang Xiu's hair.

If you observe closely, you will find that at some point, there are countless slender silver hairs connected to Fang Xiu's whole body!

That's right, Fang Xiu once again controlled his body like a puppet.

It was Fang Xiu who was weak, not his weird hair.

Seeing Fang Xiu dodging the bullet, the man with the scar showed a sneer, and lightly hooked his fingers, only to see that the two spiritual bullets that had passed by Fang Xiu turned strangely.


The spiritual bullet drew two long trails in the white mist, heading straight for Fang Xiu.

Just when the man with the scar thought he had succeeded, Fang Xiu's body moved sideways like a ghost.

With just a very quick sideways step, he easily dodged two spiritual bullets again.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the man with the scar almost popped out.

It is understandable to avoid the first attack, but why can you even avoid the rounded bullet?

Who would expect a normal person to turn a corner when he gets a bullet?

Moreover, because spiritual bullets are not real, their speed is much faster than ordinary bullets, and their power is very powerful. Unless this kind of bullet is a speed-type spirit master, it is absolutely impossible to dodge.

Obviously Fang Xiu's speed is not very fast, but he dodged it anyway, as if he had predicted it in advance. At the moment you shot, he had already dodged in advance.

At this time, the Kirigakure man had quietly died.

The silver hair poured into his body, piercing his internal organs with many holes, stirring them into a ball of flesh, and draining his spirituality along the way.

For a moment, the luster on the long silver hair became brighter.

No wonder Weird wants to eat people's souls and the spirituality of imperial masters. It turns out that Weird relies on this method to increase his strength.

Fang Xiu could clearly feel the eerie jump.

However, he didn't like to see Wei Wei being happy, so he directly input the power of pain into Fa Gui, and Fa Gui instantly wilted.

After the man in Wuyin died, the white mist that filled the corridor immediately dissipated.

Three people also appeared in Fang Xiu's vision.

They are Ma Wenbin with a gloomy face, a man with two guns and scars, and a refined man with gold-rimmed glasses.

Seeing these three people, Fang Xiu said calmly: "I never thought that there are only three of you in the famous Bright Club."

Hearing this, Ma Wenbin almost ran away.

What do you mean there are only three people, obviously everyone was killed by you!

"kill him!"

Without any unnecessary nonsense, Ma Wenbin directly ordered to do it.

With the fighting at this level, it doesn't matter what the reason for the fighting is, and it doesn't matter what caused the conflict between Fang Xiu and the Bright Club.

The important thing is that only one can live between the two parties.

Unfortunately, Fang Xiu will not die.

The man with the scar immediately pulled the trigger frantically, and spiritual bullets shot out without money.

Fang Xiu's expression was calm, his footsteps remained unchanged, and he walked towards the scarred man step by step.

Immediately afterwards, a miraculous scene appeared, Fang Xiu, who was not restrained by the white mist, was so fast that he formed an afterimage.

Those spiritual bullets kept piercing through the afterimage, and couldn't hurt Fang Xiu at all.

This is a strange ability, the silver hair connects to the whole body, helping to mobilize the body faster, increasing strength and speed.

Human strength is not as good as that of Wei Yi. In theory, by controlling the body with Fa Wei, it is possible to erupt stronger strength and speed, but the premise is that human hair must be integrated and hair can follow the heart, in order to complete such a delicate operation.

Back then, Wang Erni couldn't reach this level, but Fang Xiu could.

Because Fa Gui has already changed into his shape, manipulating hair is more flexible than manipulating fingers.

Of course, the help of predicting the future is indispensable.

The spiritual bullet is so powerful that even silver hair can hardly resist it. Although it will not be directly injured, the body will be impacted and slowed down.

Once delayed, you will suffer continuous attacks, so the best way is to dodge.

Fang Xiu escaped the first wave of attacks, but soon, the spiritual bullet turned around and shot at him again.

This time, under the control of the man with the scar, the spiritual bullets formed a dense net, which sealed Fang Xiu's body tightly, leaving him no room to hide.

But at this moment, more than a dozen throwing knives shining with dark golden light flew out from Fang Xiu's waist, directly meeting those spiritual bullets.

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