Fang Xiu's face remained unchanged, and he continued to walk forward.

And as he blinked, more and more amusement facilities appeared out of thin air on the originally empty streets.

Carousels, bumper cars, roller coasters...

It feels like loading an amusement park scene.

However, the loading has not yet been completed, and the scene is still somewhat illusory and incomplete.

Fang Xiu guessed that this should be because the dreamland of nightmares is gradually invading reality from dreams, and it has not completely invaded yet. When there are more and more fears, I am afraid that the entire Luteng City will fall into a dream.

He walked straight through the amusement park, ignoring the abnormalities around him, and went straight to the investigation bureau.

Now he must rush to the investigation bureau as soon as possible, because the surrounding environment is obviously changing, and if he delays for too long, he may get lost.

Soon, he walked by the carousel, and at some point, there was a little girl in a white dress on the carousel.

The little girl was looming, with an innocent smile on her face, giggling continuously, obviously having a good time.

"Uncle, let's play together!" The little girl invited Fang Xiu.

Fang Xiu stood still, staring at the innocent little girl calmly. When he raised his hand, a scalpel tied with silver hair flew straight out.


The scalpel pierced through the little girl's body like a mass of air.

Fang Xiu withdrew the scalpel, looked at the little girl with a smile and said, "Uncle will play with you when you fully come to reality."

After speaking, Fang Xiu left without looking back.

In the empty amusement park, only the cheerful laughter of the little girl echoed.

As Fang Xiu continued to move forward and time passed, there were more and more strange phenomena around him.

There were murmurs of whispers in the empty streets, and countless figures surged in the dark corners.

The sound of footsteps following behind.

The once-bustling high-rise buildings disappeared, replaced by gloomy cemeteries.

But all of this seemed to have not been loaded, Fang Xiu shuttled freely through it, and did not receive any attack.

During this period, he also encountered a lot of panicked people, some walking aimlessly, some driving wildly, and some madly worshiping the blood-red eyes facing the sky.

Of course, most of them are still hiding at home and shivering.

Seeing that the scene was changing faster and faster, Fang Xiu imitated Spider-Man, using silver hair as a spider's thread, constantly flying in the sky through the surrounding buildings.

At present, the changes in the sky are better, but I can roughly recognize the direction.

Soon, Fang Xiu arrived at the investigation bureau.

As soon as I entered it, I felt a dignified and panic atmosphere, and the number of staff who came and went on weekdays was also reduced by more than half.

Su Kexin was standing at the entrance and waiting anxiously.

She didn't wear work clothes, but only a set of casual clothes, her hair was a little messy, and she didn't even come to change her shoes. She was wearing pink ladies' slippers on her feet, exposing her toes as white and delicate as cardamom.

She was overjoyed when she saw Fang Xiu, and hurried to greet him: "Investigator Fang, you are finally here, go to the conference room, Bureau Wang and the others are waiting for you in the conference room."

Fang Xiu looked at Su Kexin calmly, and said, "Come with me."

After saying that, Fang Xiu took Su Kexin to a corner where no one was around.

Su Kexin stood against the wall, raised her head and looked at Fang Xiu in a daze, not knowing what the other party wanted to do.

Just when she was wondering, Fang Xiu came closer and closer, his eyes fixed on her, she backed away in a little panic, and as a result, her smaller body directly stuck to the wall, unable to retreat.

"Fang... Investigator, you... What's the matter with you? Bureau Wang is still waiting for you." Su Kexin lowered her head and looked away.

She was a little nervous, because Fang Xiu looked like he wanted to wall him off.

She even had some doubts at this moment, so Fang Xiu didn't like uniforms, did he? He was so indifferent on weekdays, why did he wear casual clothes and slippers today, but he caught his attention?

"Raise your head." Fang Xiu's calm voice rang in Su Kexin's ear.

Su Kexin raised her head subconsciously, but she saw a pair of eyes as calm as stagnant water.

Those eyes stared straight at him without blinking.

Su Kexin's eyes kept dodging, and she bit her rosy lower lip nervously.

"Fang... Investigator, you..."

"It seems that it is invisible to the naked eye."

Fang Xiu suddenly said something inexplicable.

Su Kexin was taken aback: "What are you talking about..."


A silver light flashed.

A scalpel was inserted into Su Kexin's white neck like a swan.

Her voice stopped abruptly, her eyes widened in disbelief, full of horror, disbelief, and a little bit of bewilderment.

Afterwards, the pupils continued to dilate, the corners of the ruddy mouth overflowed with blood, the little head tilted, and he died.

Fang Xiu pulled out the scalpel, and Su Kexin's body collapsed to the ground like mud, the blood on the neck kept gushing out, and even twitched twice.

"Is it a real person or not a dream?" Fang Xiu muttered a few words, then wiped the bloody scalpel on Su Kexin's clothes, and then walked towards the meeting room.

"Insufficient information, need to try again."

As soon as he entered the conference room, countless gazes were immediately cast on him.

Fang Xiu looked at them one by one, and saw Wang Dehai, Yang Ming, Shen Lingxue, Zhao Hao and other acquaintances, and there were a few unknown spirit masters in the rest.

Some of them are members of the Bureau of Investigation, and some are folk spirit masters.

With the enemy at hand, it was clear that the Bureau of Investigation had used all the power it could.

Seeing Fang Xiu present, Wang Dehai immediately winked at Yang Ming.

Yang Ming came over immediately, still holding a spiritual polygraph in his hand.

"Fang Xiu, you are finally here. What did you do before? Why did you come so late?"

"I'm delayed by something on the road." Fang Xiu replied calmly, and then looked at the spiritual polygraph in Yang Ming's hand.

"What does it mean?"

Yang Mingdao: "Fang Xiu, you have experienced nightmare dreams, you should be very clear that everything in the dream may be fake.

Now the nightmare has undergone some kind of mutation, the dream has turned into a paradox, and it has begun to invade reality. Although it has not completely invaded, we have to guard against it.

Everyone here has gone through a spiritual lie detector test to find out who they really are, now it's up to you. "

"It's reasonable." Fang Xiu said calmly, "However, I have a better way."

"What better way?"


A silver light flashed, and an extremely sharp scalpel pierced directly towards Yang Ming's neck.

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