With a gloomy expression, Wang Ziteng picked up the descendant hiccup butt cover he had just thrown away, and found that it was not a hallucination, but the wolf tooth style he often used, and his face became even uglier.

"Stop making noise!" He yelled: "My cousin said that ordinary people can't get out of the tricky wall. If you want to break the situation, you can only rely on spirituality to see through it. Hurry up and check it out. Is there anyone here?" Light up your spirit!"

After finishing speaking, he himself could concentrate on praying desperately, hoping to light up his spirituality. He didn't know if being chased and killed by a ghost before counted as life and death, but up to now, all he could do was pray.

Fang Xiu didn't pay attention to everyone's movements, but began to grope along the wall on the right. He never expected others to light up their spirituality and become a master of spirits.

Because among these people, the one who is most likely to become a spirit master is definitely himself.

Only he has truly experienced life and death, and has had close contact with Weird.

If you don't become a spirit master yourself, then others have no chance, so instead of praying, it's better to search for clues.

He began to recall the overall layout of the mental hospital, and felt that the way of life should be on the right.

He walked through the stairwell before, and the exit of the stairwell was on the right. Although it was temporarily unclear which building it was in the mental hospital, the layout of the building should be the same.

Since hitting the wall is an illusion, close your eyes and go down the stairs on the right side with your hands. There is a high probability that you will touch the door.

Fang Xiu closed his eyes and touched the wall on the right and began to go downstairs. His strange behavior immediately attracted everyone's attention.

After all, everyone stood where they were, and Fang Xiu was the only one who broke away from the organization and acted alone, so it was hard not to attract attention.

Wang Ziteng looked at Fang Xiu's actions thoughtfully. Up to now, he also saw that Fang Xiu was a little unusual, too calm. From the beginning to the end, his face did not show the slightest panic, even when he saw the strange is also like this.

He couldn't help recalling the previous scene, when the female doctor appeared, he was the first to react and run away, but what was Fang Xiu doing at that time?

Fang Xiu did not run, but stood against the wall to prevent being squeezed.

Obviously the position is the most forward, but they did not choose to escape immediately, and in the end only Fang Xiu, Zhao Hao and Li Feifei were left.

Now that Li Feifei is gone, she must be dead.

But Fang Xiu and Zhao Hao stayed in that corridor for at least a minute, what were they doing?

Why didn't Sly kill them all? Why not run away?

The two men and the woman stayed together for a full minute. Could it be that they were taking advantage of the woman?

Wang Ziteng ruled out this absurd idea. Although he didn't know what the two did in that minute, one thing was certain.

That is, Gui only kills one person at a time, three minutes for the man and two minutes for the woman.

At this time, Fang Xiu had already walked down the stairs, distanced himself from the crowd.

When Wang Ziteng saw Fang Xiu going downstairs, he seemed to realize something, and imitated Fang Xiu's movement, closed his eyes and touched the wall and went downstairs. Everyone else was attracted by their movements.


In Fang Xiu's touch, he has always touched solid and rough walls, but when he reached the fifteenth step, the touch in his hands changed.

It became smooth and colder, as if touching steel.

Fang Xiu suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the bare wall in front of him, without any hesitation, immediately put his hands on it, trying to find the doorknob.

At this time, Wang Ziteng, who was painting gourds and ladles, also touched them. Soon he also realized that the touch was different, and he couldn't help being ecstatic.

"It's the door!"

With a click, Fang Xiu twisted the door handle he had just found, and the door opened.

At some point, an iron door appeared on the wall. At this moment, the iron door opened, revealing a dark corridor.


Wang Ziteng was like crazy, and was the first to rush in.

Fang Xiu didn't say anything, and walked through the door on his own.

When the rest of the people saw the exit, they ran in like crazy.

A group of people started to flee in the long corridor, Fang Xiu, who was clearly the second to enter, landed in the penultimate position.

It's not that he runs slowly, but that it's unnecessary.

Facing the female doctor, you don't need to run faster than her at all, you just need to run faster than the last person, and it is also convenient to touch the female doctor's thighs a few more times during the meal, trying to lighten up the spirituality earlier.

And, sometimes running ahead is not necessarily a good thing.

Fang Xiu clearly knew that there were not only female doctors in this mental hospital who were weird. Although most of them were locked in the wards, don't forget that the doors of some wards were open.

Running and running, Wang Ziteng, who was in the lead, stopped, followed by the rest of the people.

Because there were two forks in front of them, one on the left and one on the right. The two forks were very deep, and the visibility was less than one meter. No one could clearly see the situation behind these two roads.

So no one dares to go at present, if he chooses a dead end, wouldn't he be caught by the female doctor in a while?

At this time, everyone couldn't help but focus on Fang Xiu, who had just run up at the end of the line.

Because Fang Xiu had found a way to survive by hitting the wall before, they naturally thought that Fang Xiu might find a way to survive now.

It's just a pity that Fang Xiu didn't know which path to choose.

He didn't visit the mental hospital before, but shuttled back and forth through the walls of the mental hospital like a ghost, knowing the general layout and some routes he walked.

Unfortunately, the two roads here are not within his knowledge.

"Fang Xiu, which way should I go?"

Wang Ziteng asked quickly.

Looking at the expectant eyes of the crowd, Fang Xiu couldn't help feeling amused. When he ran away, he wished he could push himself away, but when he encountered difficulties, he thought of himself again.

Isn't this a proper tool man?

But Fang Xiu didn't care, because he also regarded everyone as a tool. Currently, female doctors are invincible against people like himself. If they want to buy time, they can only use human lives to fill it.

Fang Xiu didn't speak, but directly chose the road on the right.

Even though he didn't know which way was right, he knew that time must not be wasted at this time, all the time at present was bought with human life.

Everyone saw Fang Xiu running to the right, and without exception, everyone also chose to run to the right.

And at this moment.

There was a clicking sound of joint rotation.

When everyone looked back, they saw the spider-like female doctor hanging upside down from the ceiling, her pale eyes staring straight at everyone, and the white coat on her was very eye-catching in the dark corridor.



"Stay out of the way!"

The crowd boiled all of a sudden, and ran forward desperately.

But the speed of a person cannot be compared with the speed of a female doctor at all, and two legs cannot run with four legs.

The ghostly figure of the female doctor appeared on the ceiling above everyone's heads in an instant, with her long black hair hanging down, attacking the last person in the team.

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