"Brother Xiu! It's been two minutes!" Zhao Hao interrupted Fang Xiu's climax.

Fang Xiu's expression instantly returned to calm.

"Go away first, I'm going to experiment with the power of spirituality."

"So you really became the spirit master that Wang Ziteng said?" Zhao Hao was overjoyed.

Fang Xiu nodded, and then Zhao Hao tactfully ran towards the corridor on the left.

Suddenly, Fang Xiu raised his right hand, and his spirit attached to it.

He looked at the female doctor who was still eating, and muttered to himself, "I'll let you feel the pain first."

The characteristics of the pain ability made him very satisfied. Similarly, he guessed that this ability was not weak.

If this ability falls into the hands of others, it is naturally a weak ability, but in his hands, it is a divine skill!

It's a one-hit kill! !

Because his punch represents the pain he suffered from 21 deaths. Who can stop him to this extent! ?

And as the number of deaths increases in the future, the pain will increase, which means that this is an ability that can be infinitely enhanced.


Fang Xiu punched the female doctor in the head.

The female doctor who was eating did not respond at all.


A muffled sound sounded.

Roar! !

The female doctor suddenly let out an extremely painful roar, and her body fell to the ground with a bang. Xin Chang's hands tightly covered her head, trembling constantly, and even the scalpel in her hand fell to the ground.

Fang Xiu, who had initially achieved results, frowned. This punch did not achieve the results he wanted.

Although the female doctor was in pain, she was obviously not as painful as she was in the past. She was obviously hindered in spiritual transmission, and after this punch, her spirituality was exhausted.

Unable to throw a second punch.

One percent spirituality is still too weak, and the reason why the effect is not obvious should be that it has not broken the defense.

There was no obvious trauma to the head of the female doctor, only a little injury, which prevented all the pain from being transmitted.

It seems that next time it will really hurt Weird.

The power of fists is limited after all, it is best to use weapons.

But can ordinary weapons channel spirituality?

Thinking of this, Fang Xiu suddenly found the scalpel that the female doctor had just dropped to the ground!

Without the slightest hesitation, he directly picked up the scalpel on the ground, and it was very cold, like a piece of ice.

The moment he got it, he felt a series of extremely violent negative emotions begin to impact his heart, which contained the resentment, anger, hatred and so on of countless people.

Such violent negative emotions almost tear people's hearts apart.

Ordinary people are afraid that at the moment of contact, they will be impacted by these negative emotions into a monster who only knows how to kill.

However, Fang Xiu is no ordinary person.

If these negative emotions were like ink, they would turn all minds black, but what if the mind is already black?

Fill black paper with ink, and it's still black.

Therefore, these negative emotions did not break Fang Xiu's mind, but made him feel like seeing the same kind.

Gradually, countless broken images appeared in front of Fang Xiu's eyes. One after another, half-human, half-strange beings were tied to the operating table, and an extremely sharp scalpel cut and dismembered them.

Suddenly, he realized.

The female doctor used to use this scalpel to conduct experiments on strange people in the mental hospital, so this knife absorbed countless strange grievances.

Later, some kind of accident may have happened in the mental hospital, and the female doctor was crushed by the resentment on the scalpel, and became weird.

This also means that the real weirdness is actually the scalpel, and the female doctor is just affected by it.

Then with this knife, can I kill the female doctor?


A bright silver cold light flashed across, fiercely slashing towards the female doctor's pale neck.


There was a crisp metallic clang, and then sparks flew everywhere.

The female doctor's neck was unharmed.

Fang Xiu was slightly taken aback.

This is impossible!

How can a scalpel that can cut countless strange things not cut a female doctor?

Unless... it's spirituality!

He reacted instantly!

This scalpel needs to be driven by spirituality, and my spirituality is exhausted now, so the scalpel cannot exert its due power.

It seems that revenge is temporarily impossible.

Without the slightest hesitation, Fang Xiu turned around and ran away.

He was afraid that the female doctor would slow down and stop eating Wu Dahai's body, and turn around and attack him.

Zhao Hao, who had been waiting in the left passage for a long time, saw Fang Xiu running, and immediately started to run away together.

Running, Fang Xiu walked out of the corridor and came to a hall, which was very empty. Here, he saw the two colleagues from just now again.

At this time, two colleagues were hiding behind a large pillar in the hall.

Originally, Fang Xiu couldn't see them, because there were pillars blocking his sight after all, but after lighting up his spirituality, his five senses became more acute, and he could easily hear their rapid breathing and restless heart beating.

There are four doors in the south, east, north and west around this hall, and no one knows what is connected behind them.

"Brother Xiu, there are four doors here, how should I go?" Zhao Hao asked.

The two colleagues who were hiding behind the pillar immediately came out from behind the pillar when they heard the voice.

"Great, you two are all right."

"Fang Xiu, you lead the way quickly."

Zhao Hao was taken aback: "Damn, you two are hiding here. You ran very fast just now, and now you have Brother Xiu to show you the way."

The two smiled awkwardly and did not speak, but looked at Fang Xiu for help.

Fang Xiu didn't pay attention to the two, but looked at the four doors very calmly: "It's very simple, try one by one."

Zhao Hao and the others were taken aback for a moment.

In this treacherous field of racing against time, where is the time to try one by one.

Just as everyone was about to advise, Fang Xiu was already walking towards the westernmost door.

The others had to follow.

But at this moment.

Roar! !

An inhuman roar resounded through the audience.

Immediately afterwards, the ceiling began to vibrate, as if something was running on it.

Everyone was shocked instantly.

"Sly! It's Sly who has caught up!"

"How is this possible! Wang Ziteng and Wu Dahai are two people, how could it be so fast?"

Fang Xiu quickly realized that it was most likely caused by his own strange attack, or that he snatched the opponent's scalpel and broke the female doctor's law of killing.


He gave a low snort, then pushed open the westernmost door and ran in, and other people entered in a single file.

The westernmost door turned out to be a staircase going upstairs, so everyone started to go upstairs with all their might.

Among them, Fang Xiu is the fastest. Although his spirituality is exhausted, he still has the bonus of enlightened spirituality. He can mobilize most of the muscles in his body and explode with amazing strength.

But no matter how fast he is, it's weird. The female doctor doesn't seem to have any special abilities. Her only specialty is her long legs, which allow her to climb very fast.

Appearing on the stairs in just a moment, she completely ignored the others and rushed towards Fang Xiu.

Fang Xiu couldn't dodge in time, and was immediately thrown to the ground. The limbs of the female doctor Xin Chang held his limbs tightly, like iron tongs.


The female doctor let out an angry roar, opened her bloody mouth, and bit Fang Xiu's neck fiercely.


Blood spurts.

Fang Xiu, pawn!

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