"Oh?" Li Wenhao was slightly surprised: "It seems that Mr. Fang, you know something about imperial spirit masters."

Li Wenhao didn't ask Fang Xiu how he knew it, but continued to explain: "Since you know the Spirit Master, you must also know about spirituality, so I won't explain too much.

The level of power of a spiritual master is divided according to the amount of enlightened spirituality. For a newly promoted spiritual master like you, Mr. Fang, the degree of spiritual enlightenment is generally one percent. We call it a first-order spiritual master. .

Lighting up 1% to 20% of the spirituality is the category of the first-order spiritual master. The specific performance is that the ability is initially manifested, and the ability has just been acquired, and the ability will be strengthened with the increase of the spirituality.

Lighting up 21% to 40% of the spirituality is a second-level imperial spirit master, which is specifically manifested in the strengthening of abilities, and its abilities will be greatly enhanced and undergo qualitative changes.

Forty-one to sixty are Tier-3 Imperial Spirit Masters, and their specific performance is classified, and I don't know about it at my level.

By analogy, there are four levels and five levels behind. "

"What happens when you are 100% spiritual?"

Li Wenhao shook his head: "I don't know, as far as I know, there is no one in the world who is 100% spiritually enlightened, and the difficulty of enlightening spirituality becomes more and more difficult in the future.

If the imperial master wants to light up more spirituality, he must constantly search for powerful strangeness, constantly experience life and death, and break through between life and death, but in the face of increasingly powerful strangeness, the death rate will rise linearly, and there is no such thing now. There have been strange things that are enough to make people 100% spiritual.

Spiritualists and strangeness are naturally hostile, but they complement each other. The stronger the strangeness, the stronger the ability of spiritualists. However, the current strength of strangeness is not enough to hatch too powerful spiritualists.

So not only did there not have a 100% spiritual master, there was no one who had reached the fifth level, and the fifth level only existed in theory.

As for Tier 4 Imperial Spirit Masters, there are rumors all over the world. No one knows if it is true or not. It is already a legendary existence, so it is not known whether it exists or not.

Anyway, currently the strongest group of people in the world is the third-order imperial spirit masters. "

"The third question...."

Fang Xiu wanted to ask a third question, but was interrupted by Shen Lingxue, who said impatiently: "I don't have the time to listen to you asking so many questions here, Li Wenhao, give him the URL of the Global Weird Forum, let him Check it out yourself."

Li Wenhao had no choice but to give Fang Xiu a website address, and said: "This is a dark web, which is the largest weird forum in the world. It contains some common sense information. If you want to know the secrets, you need to pay for it." Yes, and I would also like to remind you that because it is a global forum, it is not supervised by our investigation bureau, so don’t trust strangers’ emails when you browse.”

Fang Xiu nodded to show he understood.

"Now it's time for us to ask questions. Tell me about your experience in the Bailiu Academy's treacherous domain. Tell me everything in detail. If you dare to cheat and cause immeasurable losses, you will be responsible for all the consequences." Shen Lingxue slightly warned Meaning said.

Fang Xiu ignored the other party's threats, but continued to calmly say: "I have one last question."

Shen Lingxue's beautiful eyebrows frowned immediately, her eyes were unkind and she said, "Are you still finished?"

Fang Xiu ignored the other party's gaze, pointed to his side and said, "Can you see my wife?"

As soon as this remark came out, Shen Lingxue, who was about to get angry, froze for a moment. She looked at Fang Xiu's empty right side, and then looked around, but she didn't find the so-called wife at all.

Li Wenhao was also stunned: "What are you talking about Fang Xiu, the information shows that you don't even have a wife, not even a girlfriend."

"Can't you see it? Or are you pretending not to see it?" Fang Xiu looked at the two of them calmly, murmuring incessantly.

For a while, the atmosphere in the field became weird.

Li Wenhao's heart skipped a beat suddenly, he suspected that Fang Xiu's mental state was abnormal.

It must be so, how can ordinary people be so calm after experiencing weird events? In particular, his mind was eroded by strange forces, and he became a spirit master, and his state was already unstable.

Under the double blessing, it is not normal for Fang Xiu to behave so calmly.

Now he actually asked others if he could see his wife?

Do you have a wife as a single dog, do you have no idea?

Not only did Fang Xiu have mental problems, but he was even more serious than ordinary spirit masters, and even had hallucinations.

"Fang Xiu, are you kidding us?" Shen Lingxue suddenly said angrily.

Fang Xiu glanced at the furious Shen Lingxue, and felt that the other party didn't seem to be pretending, but it didn't matter, he was still prepared.

I saw him turn around and look at his wife, and the two sides met their gazes.

"Honey, I saw you."

"You can see me!!!" A voice full of depression and ecstasy sounded.


Shen Lingxue and Li Wenhao stood up abruptly, and looked at Fang Xiu's right side strangely.

In the place that was originally empty, a beauty wearing a moon-white silk nightgown unexpectedly appeared out of thin air.

It's just that the beauty's cold white skin began to break like porcelain, forming dense cracks. In the blink of an eye, countless dense black cracks spread all over his body, his whole body was like broken porcelain.

In the black crack, the sound of running water sounded, and the dark red blood came out of the crack like wriggling worms.

The wife's smooth long hair began to move, dancing wildly in the air like twisted black snakes.

At this time, her small cherry mouth had already reached the base of her ears, her flat teeth were jagged, and there was actually a mouth embedded in her mouth, as if a mouth had grown in her throat.

"Weird!" Shen Lingxue exclaimed: "Damn it! Fang Xiu, who are you? Your wife is actually weird!"

Fang Xiu frowned slightly, can I see it now?

It seems that because I "saw" my wife, a certain medium was triggered, causing the originally illusory wife to enter reality, so Shen Lingxue and the two could see it.

Just like the Qingshan Mental Hospital before, only I could see it at first, but later broke into reality and integrated into the sales office, all my colleagues could see it.

This also means that "seeing" weirdness has nothing to do with the spirit master, neither ordinary people nor spirit masters can see the strangeness all over the street.

If Zhao Hao couldn't see it because he was too weak, then it didn't make sense that Shen Lingxue, who was from the Investigation Bureau, couldn't see it either.

Maybe... only I can see the whole world.

This made Fang Xiu's heart sink. He didn't want this kind of specialness. No one likes the feeling of being surrounded by strange streets. Once found, they will die.

It's like walking in the jungle of blades all the time, and the spirit is tense all the time. If you are not careful, you will be cut to pieces.

"Giggle... Human!" A tooth-piercing laugh broke out from his wife's mouth.

Seeing this, Shen Lingxue acted first. She spread her white and tender hands, the air suddenly twisted, two bursting flames appeared in her hands, the temperature of the room rose in vain, and even the curtain sofa not far away spontaneously ignited.

It can be seen that the flame temperature is high.

Two groups of bursting flames were thrown out by Shen Lingxue.

He attacked his wife fiercely.

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