Weird And Hard To Kill? Sorry, I'm The Real Immortal

Chapter 45 True. Predicting The Future

Shen Lingxue sneered: "Fang Xiu, we did send people to the lottery center, but that was because we were afraid that you had prepared manpower in advance and planned to do something wrong. This lottery is completely random. Why? Now that the lottery numbers are different, yes Didn’t the manipulation fail?”

Fang Xiu looked at the reactions of the three of them, and basically concluded that they should have done nothing, so they can safely go back to death.

At this time, Shen Lingxue sneered again: "Didn't you say before that if you guess wrong, you will be killed? Hehe, I don't think you are going to give up your life now, it's almost the same if you deny it."

"Don't worry, I will do what I say." Fang Xiu smiled slightly, and the next moment, a shiny silver scalpel appeared in his hand.

Shen Lingxue and Yang Ming immediately protected Wang Dehai behind them, thinking that he wanted to see him.

However, to their shock, after Fang Xiu took out the scalpel, he did not attack, but stabbed himself in the forehead.

The three of them were stunned for a moment, looking at Fang Xiu with a scalpel stuck in his forehead, they just felt that there are not many people who are so trustworthy.

He really did what he said.



Green Vine City Investigation Bureau.

Fang Xiu, who returned from the death file, walked into it under the leadership of Shen Lingxue and Li Wenhao.

When he came back this time, he completely repeated what he did last time, so as not to cause a butterfly effect.

Looking at the investigation bureau that came for the second time, Fang Xiu smiled slightly.

It's time for true future-seeing.

The three walked into it, and suddenly, Fang Xiu stopped in his tracks.

Shen Lingxue frowned slightly: "What's wrong?"

"There will be two staff knocked down at the corner of the corridor ahead."

"What?" Li Wenhao asked subconsciously before he could react for a while.

As a result, in the next second, a woman in a professional secretary's attire holding a stack of documents came running in a hurry. When she ran to the corner, a male staff member just came out of the corner.


With a scream, the two collided, and the documents were scattered all over the floor.

Shen Lingxue and Li Wenhao were shocked instantly, and looked at Fang Xiu in disbelief.

" is this possible?!"

With a calm expression, Fang Xiu walked forward on his own, stepping over the scattered documents.

Shen Lingxue and the two followed closely behind, and they didn't even hear the staff who fell to the ground saying hello.

Fang Xiu seemed to have been to the investigation bureau before, and he walked to an office area with ease, where there were more than a dozen clerks sitting in front of computers working.

At this time, he said again: "The woman in the third row from the left will get up to take the coffee."

As soon as he finished speaking, the woman picked up the cup on the desk, got up and went to the coffee machine as if she had heard an order.

The two behind him, Shen Lingxue, were even more shocked, they just found it incredible.

"The man in the middle of the penultimate row will knock the file away."

As soon as the same words were spoken, the man seemed a little tired, he raised his hand and stretched his waist, and at the same time as he was stretching, the documents on the table were accidentally knocked off.

"The first man in the first row will receive a call immediately, and the call will last three seconds."

Shen Lingxue and Li Wenhao looked at the watches on their wrists almost at the same time.

next second.

Jingle Bell......

The phone rang.

"Hello, who is it?"

"I don't buy a house, and I don't take out a loan. You intermediaries don't call me anymore."

After hanging up the phone, the two raised their heads and looked at each other, both seeing the shock in their eyes.

No more, no less... three full seconds!

The two of them looked at Fang Xiu with a calm face in disbelief, only feeling that the other party was like a god who could not follow what he said, standing in the world, manipulating the fate of mortals at will.

Fang Xiu glanced at the two of them calmly, and said calmly, "Let's go, the lounge is here."

As he said that, he seemed to turn his back on customers, and brought Shen Lingxue, who was in a state of extreme shock, to the lounge.

When he arrived at the lounge, he even took out tea from the second drawer on the left side of the counter with ease, and then took out coffee from the third drawer.

Then he poured a cup of coffee for Shen Lingxue, and Li Wenhao poured a cup of green tea.

And considerately added five cubes of sugar to Shen Lingxue's coffee, no more, no less.

Shen Lingxue: "..."

Li Wenhao: "..."

Fang Xiu poured himself a glass of plain water, took a sip, and said calmly, "Don't be so surprised, as I said, my eyes can see the future."

Shen Lingxue: "..."

Li Wenhao: "..."

The two of them were so shocked that they lost their voices. After a long pause, Shen Lingxue said: "Did you predict what happened just now? Including, the location of the lounge, and even the fact that I need to add five cubes of sugar to my coffee?"

Fang Xiu picked up the cup, gently blew away the heat above the mouth of the cup, took a sip and said, "Otherwise?"

The two fell into a continuous silence again.

If the two of them still had doubts before, most of the doubts in their hearts have basically been dispelled now.

Knowing some information may have been found out in advance, but the accurate prediction of the next move of the staff of the Investigation Bureau is not something that can be found out in advance.

"It's time for the two of you to report to Wang Dehai, he happens to be free right now."

The two of them were a little numb at this moment, and they didn't know what to say. This is a normal behavior when people face things beyond their common sense.

The two looked at each other, finally got up silently, and reported to Wang Dehai.

After the two left, Fang Xiu took out his mobile phone and made a call.

At the same time, Yang Ming, who was far away in the mountains near Qingbei Town, was driving a car and humming.

Suddenly, the song was interrupted and the phone rang.

Yang Ming picked up the phone and saw it was an unfamiliar number, so he answered it without thinking.

"Hey, who is it?"

Yang Ming's carefree voice sounded, with a low tone in his tone, completely different from Bai Qi's state after his death.

A calm and deep male voice sounded from the other end of the phone.

"Bai Qi will die in half an hour."

Stab it!

Yang Ming slammed on the brakes, and the tires rubbed against the ground violently, drawing two long marks.

His foolish expression suddenly subsided, replaced by a strange and deep voice.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Fang Xiu. I am a person who can predict the future. I am currently a guest at the Bureau of Investigation. If there is no accident, we will become colleagues in the future. I predict that Bai Qi will be killed strangely in half an hour. You go to save him now." You still have time."

Yang Ming laughed angrily: "I don't care who you are, do you know that you will die if you joke around?"

"When selecting the captain, you competed with Bai Qi. It was you who gave him laxatives the night before. It's just because your ability is lucky, so no one doubts you."

Yang Ming was shocked instantly, and blurted out: "How did you know! I never told anyone this secret."

"Remember what I said, I'll just say it once, now Bai Qi is in the unfinished building on the outskirts of Qingbei Town, where he will meet the Human Head Sly and start a fight, but there is more than one Sly, there is also a Shadow Sly hidden In his shadow, he will make a surprise attack at a critical moment, resulting in Bai Qi's death."

After speaking, Fang Xiu hung up the phone directly.

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