Fang Xiu took the note and opened it, only to see that it was empty and blank.

"Captain Fang, for this diary, you need to put your finger into the skull's mouth, let it absorb your blood, and then ask a question in your heart, and the answer to the question will appear." Lin Ye explained.

But Fang Xiu didn't do that, but asked questions directly to the diary.

"Where is the ancient ruins of Kunlun Mountain?"

The diary is unresponsive.

The two Lin Ye looked at each other.

"Captain Fang, why don't I ask..."

Lin Ye hadn't finished speaking when he saw a burst of extremely deep black light emerge from Fang Xiu's palm, accompanied by boundless fear and deceitful ravings, all of which poured into the diary.

The next moment, the skull on the diary screamed, squirming and twisting crazily.

This time I opened the diary again, and there were fonts on it.


The two Lin Ye were stunned. Is there such an operation?

Why do I always feel that these horrible and weird things are like toys in the hands of the prophet?

Fang Xiu looked at the bloody text that appeared on the diary.

"North of Qingyuan, south of Muhe, in an extremely cold place, on top of ten thousand mountains."

"speak English."

The skull on the diary trembled, and words appeared on it again: "Longitude 110.965539, latitude 35.60833."

Fang Xiu couldn't help but re-evaluate the value of the diary when such precise latitude and longitude came out.

Obviously, the diary is a special and weird one, a bit similar to the pen fairy, but it looks obviously much more advanced than the pen fairy.

With this thought in mind, Fang Xiu planned to add strength to the diary.

He asked silently in his heart: "Who is the existence that gives me the death recovery file?"


The diary trembled violently, the skull on it showed unimaginable horror, and then...


The skull actually vomited blood. Of course, it wasn't his own blood that he vomited, but the blood he had obtained from Lin Ye before.


Fang Xiu casually threw the bloody diary to Lin Ye. It was useful, but not much.

Seeing that Fang Xiu didn't covet his diary, Lin Ye was happy at first, but then felt ashamed.

How can you think like this, what kind of person is the prophet, how can he rob things with himself, I am afraid that people still look down on him.

At this time, the clone Lin Ye suddenly said in a deep voice, "Captain Fang, what do you plan to do with us?"

The two Lin Ye watched Fang Xiu closely, after all, each other's words and deeds could determine their own fate.

The replica Lin Ye was afraid that Fang Xiu would kill him as a mirror slave, and the main body Lin Ye was also a little worried when he saw that the replica was getting very close to Fang Xiu.

Fang Xiu calmly watched the two teenagers who were also nervous, and said calmly: "I have always respected the fate of others, you two can do whatever you want, and it happens that both of you are spirit masters, you can compete against each other."

The duplicate body Lin Ye was stunned, and blurted out, "You have also become a master of spirits?"

Lin Ye didn't hide anything, but nodded, "The spirituality lit up in the mirror world."

"Could it be that your ability is also a dead line?"

Lin Ye shook his head: "My ability is lifeline."


Hearing this, Fang Xiu's eyes moved slightly, the main body and the clone awakened different abilities?

"Tell me in detail."

"Yes, Captain Fang." Lin Ye said respectfully, "I can see the lifelines in other people's bodies, which represent the life force of the other person, and I can draw out or give them to others to deprive them of life force or increase their life force. Effect."

"Interesting, life line and death line, the same mind awakens different abilities."

Fang Xiu seems to have discovered the magical effect of the mirror, and has a better understanding of the spiritual portrayal of the imperial master.

The mind is amorphous, and everyone's mind is unique. Twins can look exactly the same, but the thoughts and thoughts produced every minute and every second cannot be exactly the same.

From the moment Lin Ye and the replica separated, the two experienced different things, and the thoughts they naturally produced were also different, and there were subtle changes in the minds of the two.

In addition, the time, environment, and even the thoughts in the hearts of the two when they light up their spirituality are not the same. This has led to the awakening of two abilities that look similar but are different in nature.

Fang Xiu had a vague idea in his heart, could this method be used to cultivate dual-ability spirit masters?

Duplicate an ordinary person into two copies, face different strangeness in different environments, light up the spirituality, awaken different abilities, and then combine the two into one to create a dual-ability spirit master.

It's just a pity that this method is only applicable to ordinary people who have not yet become a master of spirits.

But Fang Xiu didn't regret too much, because he didn't lack abilities at all. If he wanted more abilities, he could just transplant a few more weirdnesses, which was more convenient than copying.

At this moment, Lin Ye suddenly asked, "Captain Fang, I have a question."

"Just ask."

"May I ask if the two of us survive in our current state, will there be any impact?"

"Then you will never be able to become the fifth level, because the fifth level needs to transform the spirituality into the light of the soul, and the soul must be perfect, and become two of you, seemingly non-interfering with each other, but in fact the soul is already lacking."

After listening to Fang Xiu's explanation, the two Lin Ye fell silent at the same time. After a while, they both raised their heads at the same time: "Captain Fang, can we discuss it?"


Afterwards, the two Lin Ye went to a distance to have a conversation. No one knew the content of the conversation, and Fang Xiu didn't have a habit of eavesdropping on other people's conversations.

With his current strength, he's just a rookie with some potential, and it's not worth his time.

About two minutes later, the two came over with a heavy expression on their faces.

Clone Lin Ye: "Captain Fang, please help us with the Integrated Union."

"Oh? Are you afraid of disappearing?"

The clone Lin Ye shook his head: "I don't think it will disappear, because our conscious thinking is exactly the same, it seems that we suddenly separated from another perspective and created an extra memory.

I have always aimed at you, and it is not my wish to stop at the fifth level, and I know that you control the mirror, and as a slave of the mirror, I am also under your control.

Although I know you won't harm me, the taste of having my fate in the hands of others is still uncomfortable, so I choose Integrated Union. "

"Okay." Fang Xiu nodded, but didn't say that even after the Integrated Union, you are still under my control.

The next moment, his right eye was stained with blood, and a strange bloody light shot out from the right eye, shining on the two Lin Ye.

Under the light of blood, the two Lin Ye turned into two bare men, and finally slowly merged into one.

Jing Gui's real body is actually Jing Zhongtong, and now Jing Zhongtong has integrated union with the original blood pupil and turned into a new eye pupil.

Fang Xiu named it [Mirror Pupil]

Jingtong has three abilities of creating hallucinations, mind impact, and copying, and the Integrated Union has been enhanced to a certain extent on the original basis.

After all, no matter how weak the mirror is, it is still an S-rank monster.

At this moment, the only one, Lin Ye, slowly opened his eyes.

"Captain Fang, I have caused you trouble."

"It's okay, I'm also doing experiments, how about the ability Integrated Union?"

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