Zhao Hao looked at Liu Shuai's weight of three hundred catties, and it was really hard to say the word handsome.

But in the next second, Liu Shuai said again: "By the way, we are performing missions together. Let me introduce each other's abilities. I will come first. I have the ability of the space system."

As soon as the word Space Department came out, Zhao Hao immediately exclaimed.

There is no way, but anyone with a little common sense knows that the ability related to space is very strong.

"Handsome guy! Are you really a space system?" Zhao Hao said in surprise.

Liu Shuai smiled triumphantly: "It's true, the Space Department Spirit Master has the ability to teleport."

As soon as this remark came out, Zhao Hao was envious again.

"Teleportation, it's too strong. I thought mine was strong enough, but I didn't expect yours to be even stronger!"

"What's your ability?" Liu Shuai asked curiously.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Hao looked at Shen Lingxue who was driving ahead with a twisted face, and was a little embarrassed to say it.

Shen Lingxue saw this scene through the rearview mirror, and immediately snorted coldly: "Since you have awakened such an ability, don't be embarrassed to say it.

Since I am the captain this time, let me give you a brief introduction so that you can get acquainted with each other.

Fang Xiu's ability is perception, Zhao Hao's ability is surnamed, Fatty's has already said it just now, as for me, ability is flame. "

When Shen Lingxue uttered the three words surnamed Lili, Zhao Hao immediately blushed.

Liu Shuai on the side looked at Zhao Hao as if he had seen a ghost, and was astonished.

"Brother, you... you are awesome!"

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help laughing: "You are so damn talented, what is your ability? What do you think? How can this ability deal with weirdness? Is it possible that you are going to be weird every day?"

Zhao Hao's face turned even redder at the mention of the word Rigui.

At this time, Shen Lingxue poured a basin of cold water.

"Fatty, stop laughing. It's affecting my ability to listen to music. Also, you have the nerve to laugh at other people's abilities? Your teleportation ability can only teleport ten centimeters in an hour. Is there anything worth showing off?"

Liu Shuai's laughter stopped abruptly in an instant, and he looked annoyed, but he dared not speak out.

Unexpectedly, at this time, there was another laugh.

"Hahaha... Teleport ten centimeters? This distance is not half as long as mine."

It was Zhao Hao who spoke.

Liu Shuai became more and more frustrated, he couldn't offend Shen Lingxue, and couldn't he offend a newcomer?

"Ten centimeters was before! I've improved more than before, I can teleport 20 centimeters in half an hour now!"

"Hahaha... twenty centimeters? Once my ability is activated, it is longer than your teleportation distance!"

"You fart, I don't believe it!"

"Enough!" Shen Lingxue shouted angrily, shocking the two of them.

"From now on, if any of you two dare to say a word, I will throw you down and run to Heishui Village by yourself!"

The two were silent for a moment, and they didn't dare to laugh anymore.

During the time they came to the investigation bureau, they had already understood Shen Lingxue's strength and temper.

Let's not talk about temper, just talk about strength, Shen Lingxue is a first-tier senior spirit master, and her spirituality has been lit up by 10%. This kind of strength can easily crush a newcomer spirit master.

Coupled with the fact that her ability is an attack-oriented flame ability, she is not weak at the first level.

As Shen Lingxue got angry, the car suddenly became quiet, only the singing was flowing slowly.

As for Fang Xiu, Nurturing Spirit closed his eyes from the beginning to the end, without saying a word.

It's just that he was slightly puzzled in his heart.

In the C-level weird event, only a first-level senior spiritual master and three newcomers were sent?

Zhao Hao and Liu Shuai basically have no combat effectiveness. In fact, according to the investigation bureau's judgment, they themselves are also existences with no combat effectiveness.

So, isn't this equivalent to a senior imperial spirit master carrying three oil bottles?

Is this really a configuration for performing C-level tasks? Why is there always a sense of déjà vu that Gao Wan leads the team to brush dungeons?

Or is it that the manpower of the investigation bureau has been stretched to this extent?

Fang Xiu doesn't know about all this, maybe everything will become clear when he arrives in Heishui Village.

hours later.

The off-road vehicle passed through the mountains and finally came to Heishui Village.

The village is surrounded by mountains, and the surrounding terrain is steep. There is a long river passing through the village. This river is the Heishui River. It may be due to geological reasons. The river is like black.

At this time, the sky was dark, and the dim sunlight shrouded the entire Heishui Village, and the Heishui River was getting deeper and deeper. From a distance, it looked like a big black python hovering on the mountain.

Arriving near Heishui Village, Shen Lingxue did not choose to continue driving, but walked forward, because the mountain road became steeper and the car could no longer pass.

A group of people took their luggage and set off with the camera on their shoulders.

As for why she brought a camera, it was because Shen Lingxue made a disguise. Before she came, she had already used the power of the investigation bureau to pack herself and her group into TV reporters, and got in touch with the head of Heishui Village to do a news report .

The group of people walked for about an hour, and finally entered the area of ​​Heishui Village. At this time, it was completely dark.

Shen Lingxue called the head of Heishui Village.

Not long after, a young man walked slowly with the help of an old man. They held lanterns in their hands, emitting a dim light.

Accompanied by the footsteps of the two, the light flashed and flickered, reflecting the faces of the two people either brightly or darkly, adding a sense of gloom in this dark mountain village.

"Is it Miss Shen from the TV station?" The old man said tremblingly.

Shen Lingxue didn't seem to be afraid of the dark at all, so she took a step forward and said, "Exactly, you are the head of Village Wang, right?"

At this time, the old man had already walked in, and the light of the lantern enveloped them, and everyone finally saw their appearance clearly.

The old village chief has dark skin, a stooped figure, his face is full of years, and his eyes are a little cloudy. He is obviously not young, but at his age, he does not have a single gray hair, but black hair, like a smudge. The oil is average.

The young man who supported him looked somewhat similar to the old village chief, with the same dark skin and shiny hair, but there was no wrinkle on his face, but his skin was a little rough.

There was a simple and honest smile on his face, especially after seeing Shen Lingxue's appearance, he was even more embarrassed. If it wasn't for the dark enough sky and dark skin, he might have blushed already.

The appearance of Shen Lingxue coming to Heishui Village is indeed a blow to reduce dimensionality. With exquisite facial features and white skin like a freshly peeled egg, standing here, she looks out of place with Village Chief Wang, completely different from the world. people.

It's like a bright and clean star coming to help the poor in a dilapidated and poor mountain village.

"I'm Wang Yougui, and this is my grandson, Wang Fugui, rich and noble." Village Chief Wang said with a hearty smile.

The young man named Wang Fugui scratched his head in embarrassment when he was named, and said, "Shen...Miss Shen, hello."

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