"It's impossible! It's impossible for a Tier 1 Spirit Master to be able to erupt such a powerful strange power! When this strange power enters his body, he should be distorted into a monster immediately. Why didn't he distortion!?"

At this time, Fang moved.

I saw him wielding the scalpel violently, and with a swish, he chopped off the top of the silver spikes. In a short while, the silver hair scattered all over the ground.

One knife after another.

Swish Swish Swish!

He kept slashing, looking at the posture, it seemed that he wanted to cut off the entire silver spike, like a chef shredding potatoes.

Wang Erni seemed to be irritated, and kept waving the silver spikes, attacking Fang Xiu from all directions, but what she got in exchange was that her hair became shorter and shorter.

Clang, clang!

The sound of the scalpel colliding with the silver hair became more intense.

"Too weak! Too weak! Why can't you make me more happy!"

A distorted and suppressed voice came out of Fang Xiu's mouth. At this time, his face was already enveloped in black air, and he looked abnormally distorted. Only one blood pupil was emitting a scarlet luster. It was not weird, but it was more than weird.

The speed at which he swung the knife became faster and faster, almost approaching in front of Wang Erni.

"Steel slave, kill him quickly!"

At this time, the burly man at the side roared and charged towards Fang Xiu like a tiger.

Before, Fang Xiu's speed was too fast. As a tank player, he couldn't catch up at all. Now Fang Xiu's speed slowed down because of the continuous chopping of silver hairs. This is the right time.

However, just as Steel Slave rushed to Fang Xiu's side, he raised his right fist high, like a heavy hammer, intending to hit it until his skull was cracked.

Unexpectedly, Fang Xiu didn't even look at him at all.


A silver light flashed.

A line of blood suddenly appeared on Steel Slave's neck.

Afterwards, his eyes widened with anger, his veins bulged, his whole body twitched, as if he had suffered great pain, and he fell down straight.

"It seems that something came over just now?" Fang Xiu in the black smoke was puzzled, and then continued to chop off his hair.

Seeing this scene, Wang Yanran's eyes almost fell out of shock.

Only she knows that Steel Slave is her puppet's spiritual master, whose spirituality is 15% lit up, and his ability is steel skin, which makes the skin as hard as steel, and ordinary and strange attacks on him can't break the defense at all. .

Because of this ability, Steel Slave's defensive vitality and strength are extremely amazing.

Back then, she, Wang Yanran, was often shot for being a puppet steel slave.

But now he didn't expect that when facing Fang Xiu, he didn't even glance at him, and with a wave of his hand, the steel slave would be dead?

In fact, it is mainly Fang Xiu's ability to defeat steel slaves.

Steel Slave is a typical meat shield fighter, strong against high health and strong.

Fang Xiu is a natural assassin with a fast attack speed. It stands to reason that these two people should entangle for a while when they meet.

But don't forget, Fang Xiu's attack is not so high. The scalpel is indestructible. It has cut so many weird things in the mental hospital. The sharpness can be seen. The steel skin is like tofu in front of the scalpel.

Coupled with his painful power, no matter how thick your blood is, it will kill you with one blow.

That's why Steel Slave died so cleanly.

As Fang Xiu continued to slash, Wang Erni's silver hair became shorter and shorter, and the distance between the two became closer.

At this time, Wang Erni let out a roar, and strong spiritual fluctuations erupted all over her body. The next second, the ground shook, and the sound of water waves hitting the ground continued to be heard.

In the direction of the Heishui River, a nearly 100-meter-long water dragon made of condensed river water roared and rushed towards Fang Xiu's back.

Unexpectedly, Fang Xiu seemed to have eyes behind his back. He didn't even turn his head, just tapped the ground with his feet, and his whole body took off instantly. He gracefully drew a circular arc under the night sky, successfully avoided the water dragon, and landed calmly.

Wang Erni waved her hands fiercely, the water dragon turned around again, and attacked Fang Xiu fiercely.

A sinister grin appeared at the corner of Fang Xiu's mouth, and he turned into a ghost and rushed towards the water dragon.

When the two were about to collide, he jumped lightly, narrowly avoiding the water dragon's impact, and successfully landed on the water dragon's head.

He didn't stop walking, and attacked all the way, even if he stepped on the dragon body made of water, he could still walk on the ground, the scalpel in his hand turned slightly, and he held it with his backhand.

The bright moonlight shone on the scalpel, and as he ran, he actually pulled out a long silver afterimage in the night sky.

In just an instant, he had already run from the dragon's head to the dragon's tail, obviously his target was Wang Erni not far from the dragon's tail.

Since Wang Erni had already become a puppet at this time, her face did not fluctuate in the slightest, but Wang Yanran who was in the distance was almost terrified when she saw this scene.

She has already witnessed the power of the scalpel just now, killing the steel slave who is famous for his body in one blow. Although Wang Erni is a second-level imperial spirit master, she is completely inferior to the steel slave in terms of physical strength in a single round.

Steel Slave is still like this, once Wang Erni is approached, it must be the result of a one-shot kill.

This is unacceptable to Wang Yanran. After all, this is a puppet she just received, and it is such a powerful puppet. If it is in Fang Xiu's hands, she will feel sorry for her for the rest of her life.

Of course, in addition to this, once Wang Erni, the most powerful fighter, dies, then he is not far from death.

So, just as Fang Xiu was crazily closing the distance, Wang Yanran and Wang Erni shot at the same time.

Wang Yanran lifted the slit of the wine-red dress, and a row of shiny silver throwing knives were tied to the base of her white thighs.

These flying knives are all made of spiritual steel. Although they are not 100% pure, each flying knife contains at least 50% of spiritual steel.

The reason why she made the flying knife with the steel of mind is because her puppet ability can not only control people, but also control objects.

However, since items cannot transmit spirituality, only after adding the steel of the mind to allow it to transmit spirituality, can the object be controlled.

Therefore, these throwing knives are her only combat power other than puppets. Because of her ability, her frontal combat has not been very strong.

Whoosh whoosh!

There were several sounds of piercing through the air, and more than a dozen flying knives drew graceful arcs, and under the control of the puppet's ability, they shot at Fang Xiu from different directions.

Wang Erni also shot at the same time, her silver hair swelled wildly, like steel needles, piercing towards Fang Xiu overwhelmingly.

At this time, almost all the space around Fang Xiu was locked, and there were attacks from all directions, cutting off his back path and cutting off his vitality.

However, in the next second, a miraculous scene appeared.

Fang Xiu moved, his figure was like a ghost, flashing and moving in the narrow space, and the black air wrapped around him surged, making him almost a black afterimage, making it impossible to see the figure with the naked eye.

All of a sudden, all the attacks failed. Whether it was sharp flying knives or sharp hair pins, they all passed by Fang Xiu's body dangerously. He seemed to be able to predict it. No matter how fast he was, he could still find the gap in it, dancing gracefully and calmly in the attack.

For those who couldn't avoid it, he would pick up the scalpel in his hand and turn it into streaks of silver light under the night, cutting off all attacks with ease.

The originally extremely dangerous battlefield seemed to have turned into a stage for his solo dance at this moment.

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