"Who said that the target is not counted, I..." Zhao Hao retorted subconsciously, and then he was taken aback, his expression became ecstatic: "Brother Xiu! That's great, I knew you would definitely come Save me! Brother Hugh, I am too..."

"Stop! Don't say anything that is not conducive to unity."

Then, there was a rumbling sound, and the trees that were pressing on Zhao Hao's body were all thrown away one by one.

Because of the cover of the night and the problem of the angle, Zhao Hao didn't see how Fang Xiu cleared the trees. He thought Fang Xiu used his hands.

In fact, Fang Xiu used hair.

Soon, Zhao Hao was rescued, but one of his legs was twisted in an abnormal state, apparently broken.

"Your leg is broken, it's not suitable to walk now, just wait here, I have already contacted the investigation bureau, and someone will come soon."

Zhao Hao grinned his teeth due to the pain for a while before saying, "Brother Xiu, is the silver-haired girl finished?"

"Yeah, dead."

Zhao Hao immediately expressed admiration: "Awesome, my brother! My child's time has come and I can't do anything to her. I didn't expect you to solve it so easily."

"It's time for you to call your ability?"

"Ang! Isn't it very stylish?"

Fang Xiu didn't answer, but his evaluation was that it was not as good as duck king transformation.

Afterwards, he briefly explained to Zhao Hao what happened next, and then went back the same way to find Shen Lingxue and the others.

When they got to Shen Lingxue and Liu Shuai's side, they fought hard one by one, and with the injection of a bit of pain, they were successfully awakened.

Shen Lingxue broke a few ribs, and Liu Shuai lost a lot of blood, so it's not a big problem.

After briefly explaining the follow-up of the incident, they led them to join Zhao Hao, and they lit up a fire, waiting for the rescue team from the Investigation Bureau.

However, at the moment when the fire was lit, Zhao Hao and Liu Shuai were stunned for an instant, and they both looked at Shen Lingxue dumbfounded.

Shen Lingxue frowned immediately, and said displeasedly: "Why are you staring at me, isn't it just a little muddy?"

She obviously didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, and thought that she fell into the mud pit and was covered in mud, so the two of them kept staring at her.

She is also someone who often surfs the Internet, and she is very clear about men's minds. Some people like to see beautiful women in a state of embarrassment and muddy bodies.

"It's not... your head... your hair..." Liu Shuai pointed at Shen Lingxue's cut head and said dumbfounded.

"Hair?" Shen Lingxue was even more displeased immediately, her hair must have been covered with mud, and it was so ugly, but who told you to say it?

Just when she wanted to get angry, a cool mountain wind blew in.

Inexplicably, Shen Lingxue felt a chill on her scalp, which made her slightly startled, and subconsciously touched her head.

As a result, I felt empty for the first time, and the long hair like a waterfall disappeared.

Shen Lingxue panicked instantly at this moment, she hurriedly touched the top of her head, the softness she used to have turned into prickly hands now, as if she was touching a man's buttocks again.

She hurriedly took out the mirror to take a look.

The whole person froze instantly.


The mirror slipped from his hand and fell to the ground, immediately shattered.

Along with it, Shen Lingxue's heart was broken.

The air was silent for a second, two seconds...


A scream that resounded through the sky broke the silence in the arena.

"Where is my hair!!!"

Shen Lingxue seemed to have forgotten her broken ribs, she stood up abruptly, the muddy face couldn't stop the overwhelming anger.

Even because of being too excited, his eye sockets were red, as if he was already extremely angry, and he was about to cry in the next second.

At this time, Fang Xiu calmly replied, "I was eaten by the hair."

Shen Lingxue was taken aback for a moment, then shouted again: "Ah!!"

She seemed to want to vent the anger in her heart, because what Fang Xiu told her earlier was that the tricky hair had been resolved.

Liu Shuai and Zhao Hao stared dumbfounded at Shen Lingxue, who was furious like a tigress, trembling, and no one dared to say a word.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Shen Lingxue suddenly ran away without saying a word.

The two looked at each other.

After a long time, Liu Shuai asked: "You said, she couldn't think about it and committed suicide, right?"

Zhao Hao was taken aback: "No, it's not enough, is it? It's just hair, what a big deal, if it's gone, it can grow back, and it still needs suicide?"

But Liu Shuai shook his head: "You don't understand the importance of hair to women. I once went to a barber shop to get a haircut, and saw a little girl squatting in front of the shop crying. I went over and asked, guess what? Just because The barber gave her two extra cuts, and cut her shawl-length hair into ear-length short hair. The little girl cried all afternoon at the door of the barber shop.

In the end, the crying boss really couldn't do business anymore. Not only did he confiscate the money, but he also reattached the wig to him, and that was the end of it. "

"So serious? Then why don't you go and see her, in case she really can't think about it?"

"You're right. You really should go and see her. Now is her most vulnerable time. It has been said on the Internet that when a girl is most vulnerable, it is the time when she is most likely to take advantage of it."

Hearing Liu Shuai's words, Zhao Hao's heart fluttered instantly, but unfortunately, he couldn't move because of his heartbeat, and his leg was broken.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Handsome guy, why don't you help me over there."

Liu Shuai rolled his eyes at him, and said sarcastically, "Yo, now you know you're a handsome guy, go think of something nice!"

As he said that, Liu Shuai chased after Shen Lingxue in a nonchalant manner.

Zhao Hao became anxious immediately, but his body didn't allow it.

After a while, there were a few tragic cries from the woods not far away.

Then, not long after, Fatty's figure appeared beside the fire like a flash.

At this time, the fat man's nose was blue and his face was swollen, and he seemed to be fatter than before.

"Oh, it hurts me to death! I was kind enough to comfort her, but she hit me?"

Zhao Hao looked at Fatty's miserable face, and suppressed a smile: "How did you comfort me?"

"I just comforted you normally. I said, Lingxue, even if you don't have hair, you still look good. I see a lot of people with hair on the street, and you might as well look better without hair. Besides, what's wrong with not having hair? It just saves money." Washed every day."

After listening to this passage, Zhao Hao gave a thumbs-up in astonishment: "Nice! You deserve to be beaten."

The fat man was slightly taken aback: "Why do you say that? Is there something wrong with my consolation?"

"Of course there's something wrong with it. It's a serious problem. Although I've never talked about a girlfriend, I know that when comforting someone, I can't always expose their scars. You can do the math yourself. Your comforting words have made Shen Lingxue lose her hair several times." ?”

The fat man counted a little, and then his face, which had lost too much blood, turned even paler: "It's over, it's over, there's absolutely no chance now."

Seeing Fatty's dejected face, Zhao Hao immediately cheered up, gloating over his misfortune.

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