The underling showed a look of embarrassment: "Boss Wang, the specific situation is still unknown. After all, they were all injured and receiving treatment. I didn't ask in detail. The only one who was the least injured was Investigator Shen, but Investigator Shen Although the body is fine, but the mind seems to have suffered a lot of trauma, unwilling to answer my question, just a simple bandage, and hurried home."

Wang Dehai's expression was slightly solemn: "Xiao Shen is a senior investigator and has experienced many strange incidents. Even she has suffered psychological trauma. Then this incident may be very serious."

The subordinate hesitated to speak, but said: "Uh... Maybe it has little to do with the weird incident, the main thing is... The main reason is that Investigator Shen's hair seems to be gone."

Wang Dehai was stunned: "What did you say? Xiao Shen is bald? Why is he so bald?

Forget it, I can't ask you anything, as long as people are free, let them rest well today, and I will go and see tomorrow. "

The next day, Fang Xiu, who was lying on the hospital bed, had just woken up when he saw Wang Dehai coming in a hurry.

When he saw Fang Xiu covered in gauze, he immediately showed a look of concern on his face, and he walked forward quickly and said, "Hey, don't get up, you are a wounded person, our investigation bureau doesn't have so many formalities, hurry up. ..."

Wang Dehai hadn't finished speaking when he saw Fang Xiu had already got out of bed. He glanced at him calmly, then turned and walked into the bathroom.

Wang Dehai's outstretched hands froze in place.


Don't be angry, I'm not angry, the imperial master, it's always like this, I'm used to it.

After some psychological training, Fang Xiu came out of the bathroom, and Wang Dehai seemed to have regained his poise as the director.

He first briefly talked about three points, and after caring about Fang Xiu's physical condition, he began to ask about the history of Heishui Village.

Fang Xiu didn't hide anything, but directly told about Wang Erni, her weird hair, and the puppet master Wang Yanran.

Wang Dehai's expression became serious the more he listened, especially after hearing about the Bright Club, there was a rare look of anger on his face.

"What! People from the Bright Club dare to openly attack the Bureau of Investigation!? What are they trying to do! Want to rebel!"

"What!? You said that you snatched their tricks first, and killed a core member? Oh, that's okay."

"What!? You used the power of a trick weapon? How is the degree of spiritual pollution? Xiaolin! Hurry up and mix a spirit incense in the bureau, no, two."

Not long after, Fang Xiu harvested two sticks of spiritual incense, plus 3000 spiritual coins.

Because the weirdness of the hair belongs to the B-level weirdness, and the reward for solving the B-level weirdness is 1000 spirit coins.

Fang Xiu's privilege is to double the reward, that is, 2000, but since the Blackwater Village incident was not a single weird event, but also involved a second-level imperial spirit master and the intervention of folk forces, the final reward was 3000 spirit coins.

The value of spiritual incense is also very high. The official price of a stick is around 100 spiritual coins, but if it is sold on the black market, the price will double, or even several times.

This thing is a life-saving thing. Once you encounter a spiritual master who is about to lose control, the other party will come to buy one even if they are bankrupt.

This time, Fang Xiu can be said to have made a fortune. The reward from the investigation bureau plus the spoils he got from Wang Yanran, etc. combined, he can already afford the life of the president of the Bright Club.

But as he said at the beginning, when he can really afford the life of the head of the Bright Club, he can take the order himself.

He has already killed a second-tier imperial spirit master, so why can't he kill the president of the Bright Club who is also a second-level imperial spiritual master?

Even if Wang Erni, a Tier 2 Spirit Master, is a little watery, has very little combat experience, and has just stepped into the threshold of a Tier 2 Spirit Master, but don't forget, she still has teammates such as Wang Yanran and other weird hair.

What's more, after this battle, Fang Xiu's spirituality reached 10%, and he was able to control more power of scalpels. With the help of his hair, his strength has been improved to a higher level. With the infinite trial and error of death recovery, how can he lose?

The Bright Club must be destroyed. When he killed Lin Ziyang, Wang Yanran, and snatched the bronze candlestick, he had already formed a death feud, so he had to continue to kill.

In fact, Fang Xiu has no interest in killing people, he is only interested in weirdness, but he has no choice but to be forced to do so.

He could have been a good person who was dedicated to killing strange things and benefiting mankind, but someone always forced him.

So in order to protect himself, he had no choice but to raise his butcher knife and use killing to protect himself.

"Fang Xiu, I will give you an account of the Guangming Club. But now the vice-captain Bai Qi is still seriously injured, and the captain Yang Ming has another mission. I will send them to visit the Guangming Club in person after a while."

Fang Xiu nodded calmly, not paying attention to Wang Dehai's words, because he had already decided to do it himself.

"You don't need to do anything during this time, and you can rest assured. I have already called up a few cell repair fluids from the bureau, injected them with a few injections, and you will be discharged from the hospital after a week.

The file of the Blackwater Village incident has been updated, the grade is B+, code-named [Fat Gui], these will be recorded in your files, they are all honors, and will be with you forever. The Bureau of Investigation will never forget any hero.

You must remember to take a good rest, play games when you have nothing to do, watch anime, and watch short videos. In short, how to relax and entertain yourself. "

After Wang Dehai finished speaking, he seemed to be afraid of causing misunderstanding, and quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, the spiritual growth of the few of you in this strange incident is too fast. Although it seems to be a good thing, in the long run, it is also a hidden danger.

A surge in spirituality in a short period of time means that a large number of strange forces continue to exist in the mind, which increases the risk of spiritual loss of control. In the words of you young people, it means that if you practice too fast, you will easily go crazy and have sequelae. "

Fang Xiu didn't react at all when he heard the words "obsessed".

Fortunately, Wang Dehai was also used to the weirdness of the spirit masters, so he chatted awkwardly and left.

Not long after he left, Zhao Hao, who was wearing a cane and had plaster casts on his feet, came in happily.

"Brother Xiu, you didn't see how handsome the little nurse who gave me the infusion just now is, in a nurse outfit! It was almost a waste of time, tsk tsk, that little hand is so soft and slippery, I just want her to touch me a few more times , Deliberately moved several times."

Fang Xiu looked at the needle holes on the back of Zhao Haoman's hand, and he knew that the sequelae were coming.

Although the former Zhao Hao was perverted, he was not so perverted.

Afterwards, Zhao Hao took out a small half of the spirit incense, which was as thick as a little finger, and the whole body was dark red.

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