Weird And Hard To Kill? Sorry, I'm The Real Immortal

Chapter 93 Nightmare's Weakness

In the next few days, Fang Xiu returned to the ward to recuperate from his injuries, and received an injection of cell repair fluid on time every day.

This thing is a magical medicine developed by the headquarters, which has a miraculous effect on healing injuries. Even if a limb is severed, as long as the residual limb is still there, it can heal within a certain period of time.

The body of the Yu Lingshi is stronger than that of ordinary people, and his resilience is very strong. Even if Fang Xiu suffered such a serious injury, with the blessing of his own resilience and cell repair fluid, he can recover in less than a week.

He didn't follow Bai Qi to the outside world to search for the whereabouts of Nightmare, because he knew very well that according to Nightmare's ability, once the other party wanted to hide, it would be difficult to find.

As long as you find someone at random and get into the dream of the other person, how do you find it?

It's like finding a needle in a haystack.

The plan for now is to wait until the nightmare shows itself.

On this day, Wang Dehai came to Fang Xiu's ward again.

"Fang Xiu, how are you doing? Are you feeling better?" Wang Dehai had a very tired smile on his face, his eyes were bloodshot, obviously he didn't sleep well these days.

"It's much better, is there any news from Nightmare?"

Wang Dehai nodded, a look of anger appeared in his eyes.

"Nightmare hasn't been found yet, but it has already made a move. Yesterday, the Xiyuan Community on Yuhua West Road was completely occupied. Everyone in the entire community fell asleep and died!

Several families have already died in their dreams, and the bureau has suppressed the matter so far. "

With that said, Wang Dehai took out a report and handed it to Fang Xiu.

Fang Xiu took a look, and there were several photos inside. There were men and women in the photos. Everyone's eyes were closed, and their faces were miserable. Fear was like a brand, firmly engraved on their faces.

Obviously, this is Nightmare's consistent method of killing people, using fear to kill people in their dreams.

Why do we fear death in dreams? Why does Nightmare go to great lengths to make people fearful?

Fang Xiu speculates that fear is most likely the source of the nightmare's power, and it is powerful because of fear.

"I guess Nightmare can absorb fear and strengthen itself, so this matter must be suppressed, and the outside world must not be known. Once ordinary people panic because of this, then Nightmare may grow to a point where it is difficult to deal with.

Moreover, according to the report, there was only one family that fell asleep at the beginning, and then spread like a plague, one unit, one building, and finally the entire community. . "

Wang Dehai nodded solemnly: "You're right, this matter has been discussed in the bureau, the nightmare does rely on fear to become stronger, and its dream scope is gradually expanding.

But the problem now is that we currently don't have any good ways to deal with nightmares. Those who are in a coma, no matter what means are used, there is no way to wake them up. "

"Has anyone been sent from the bureau?"

"Bai Qi was sent there, but Nightmare seemed to be afraid of Bai Qi. Even though Bai Qi lived in Xiyuan Community for several days, he couldn't enter the dream world to deal with those ordinary people."

Hearing this, Fang Xiu's heart moved.

Nightmare afraid of Bai Qi?


It is clear that Qi can't hurt it, but it doesn't let Bai Qi enter the dreamland.

Does this mean that Bai Qi can hurt it in the dream?

After pondering for a moment, Fang Xiu calmly said: "It seems that the weakness of the nightmare lies in the dream."

Wang Dehai's eyes were fixed: "You mean, if you want to defeat the nightmare, you can only do it in the dream?"

Fang Xiu nodded: "That's right, if my expectations are correct, the nightmare has no entity, so most of the attacks can't hurt it, but it's different in the dream, because when we enter the dream, it is equivalent to no entity.

It is equivalent to being in the same state as the nightmare, so only the dream can fight the dream. "

"Then this mission probably belongs to you and Zhao Hao, only the two of you have defeated Nightmare in a dream."

Fang Xiu shook his head, he could call it defeat, but Zhao Hao could only call it fencing.

"Nightmare's spiritual intelligence is not weaker than that of human beings. From his reluctance to let Bai Qi enter the dreamland, we can see that if I go with Zhao Hao, I'm afraid we will be turned away."

Wang Dehai's face became more and more ugly: "Is there no other way? I can only watch the nightmare pull everyone into a dream?"

"For now, we can only wait."

"Wait? Wait until when?"

"Wait until the Nightmare is strong enough, until it thinks it doesn't need to be afraid of us.

Only then will the nightmare pull us into a dream. "Fang Xiu calmly stated a desperate fact.

"How can this be done! Once the nightmare is so strong that it no longer fears you, then how will you deal with it if he pulls you into the dream?

Damn it! This damned nightmare is so difficult to deal with, the initiative is in its hands, it can fight when it wants to fight, and if it doesn't want to fight, it uses the fear of ordinary people to strengthen itself, this is already invincible for Innate! "

"Then let's see who is stronger." Fang Xiu said calmly.

Seeing Fang Xiu so calm, Wang Dehai immediately asked: "Have you seen the vitality of the future?"

Fang Xiu shook his head: "No."

During this period of time, he has not died and returned to the file, even now he knows where the nightmare haunts.

Because it's useless to go back to the file, so what if you go to Xiyuan Community in advance?

Even Bai Qi, the number one imperial spirit master in Luteng City, couldn't enter the dreamland, Fang Xiu didn't think he could.

So going back to the Xiyuan community now is nothing more than watching the residents of the community enter a dreamland.

As for dispersing the residents of the community in advance, so as not to let Nightmare absorb fear and accumulate strength?

It is also useless. Nightmare is an absolute crushing existence against ordinary people. If Xiyuan District is dispersed today, there will be Dongyuan District, Beiyuan District, and Nanyuan District tomorrow.

Nightmare will always pick lucky viewers in a community at random and reward them with a nightmare that will never wake them up.

This result was doomed from the moment the nightmare came out of the cage, and it was doomed to kill many people.

Afterwards, Wang Dehai chatted for a few more words, and then left. The nightmare made him very anxious.

Not long after Wang Dehai left, suddenly, two hurried footsteps came, and soon Shen Lingxue, who was full of anxiety and anger, appeared in the ward.

Behind her is her partner, Li Wenhao.

Li Wenhao also had an anxious expression on his face, as if he wanted to grab Shen Lingxue, but as an ordinary person, he couldn't grab a spirit master who was in a state of rage.

At this time, Shen Lingxue had already put on a wig, and she looked the same as before.

"Fang Xiu! There are dozens of weird ones in Qingshan Mental Hospital, why didn't you make it clear at the beginning!

Did you know that because of you, Yang Kunpeng's team was wiped out, and now everyone in the entire Xiyuan community has fallen into a coma, and they may all die! do you know! "

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