Soon, Ivan dug out a long box from the corner.

The box is still carved from white bones, with exquisite patterns on it.

Ivan came to Lu Xiao holding the box

"my friend! This is a piece that I have had in my collection for many years!"

As he spoke, he opened the box.

Inside lay a bone spur about thirty centimeters long.

On the bone spur, exquisite and complicated patterns were spread all over the entire bone spur.

There was also a round blue inlaid at the end of the handle. Colored gem.

Ivan picked up the bone spur, and the sound echoed in the room.

"This is a leg bone and an eyeball that I got by chance!"

"I don't know who they come from!"

"On this bone spur, I have devoted my entire life's understanding of the alchemy circle!"

"He is the greatest piece of work in my life!"

Lu Xiao's eyes were attracted by this bone spur.

His eyes never left this exquisite bone spur for a moment.

After staring at it for a long time, Lu Xiao still refused with a hint of regret.

"Mr. Ivan, this is too expensive!"

Ivan stuffed the box into Lu Xiao's arms.

"my friend! Now it's yours!"

"Good works can only be owned by those who know how to appreciate them!"

"It’s obvious that you are a person who knows a lot about art!"

The prison doctor said from the side.

"Ivan is right, my friend, only you deserve it!"

Lu Xiao was startled. Those lifeless fish eyes destroyed the emotion on his face.

"Thank you for recognizing me!"

He put away the bone spurs, and then solemnly said

"forgive me! We’ve known each other for so long and I still haven’t told you my name!"

"My name is Lu Xiao, with a smiling face!"

The prison doctor replied

"land! Prison doctor is my name!"

Ivan's voice also came at this time.

"land! We will definitely become very good friends!"

Lu Xiao nodded, with a smile on his face.

In the surveillance room, the doctor saw all this.

Monitoring of the contained objects is carried out all the time.

One is to avoid abnormalities in the contained objects, but Continuously collect data, conduct research and analysis

"Um! The containment conditions of S081 can be updated!"

He murmured in a low voice.

Then he focused on the bone spur.

On the other side,

Ivan's voice came again.

"land! Your curse will cause you trouble in the near future!"

"I carved a suppressive alchemy circle on your bones, but that only treats the symptoms, not the root cause!"

Hearing this, Lu Xiao immediately listened carefully.

He didn't dare to be careless when it came to his own body.

Ivan said

"That curse is rooted in your bone marrow, and there is no possibility of eradicating it!"

"But that curse also gives you great strength!"

Lu Xiao nodded, and then said

"So what should I do next? How much time is left?"

Ivan thought for a moment and looked at the prison doctor.

The prison doctor explained

"I once told you that the end of this curse is to become a pile of rotten meat with no thoughts but only instincts!"

"But this theory doesn’t necessarily apply, because the last time I saw it was on a pig!"

"Although the pig was solved into a pile of rotten meat, it also transformed into a higher-dimensional form!"

"That form, even if I saw it, was almost contaminated!"

There was a hint of fear in the prison doctor's words.

As he spoke, he looked at Lu Xiao again

"Your situation is similar to that of the cursed pig. Judging from the cursed components in your blood, you should become that piece of meat next month!"

"But after Ivan and I’s surgery, the time was postponed by one year!"

"So this year, you need to find solutions!"

Lu Xiao nodded and said in a deep voice.

"So where should I look, return to the dark prison?"

The prison doctor replied

"If you return to the Dark Prison, your curse will deepen, so my suggestion is to find it in the human world!"

Lu Xiao nodded, and then looked at Ivan.

Ivan didn't make any suggestions.

So Lu Xiao wrote down these words.

After chatting for a while, Lu Xiao said goodbye to the two of them.

After Lu Xiao left, Ivan Look at the prison doctor

"How did you lie to Lu?"

"It is obvious that only by returning to the Dark Prison can we find a solution!"

The prison doctor shook his head.

"I didn't lie to him! Returning to the Underdark does have a better chance of resolving the curse!"

"But it will also speed up the erosion of the curse!"

As he spoke, he paused.

Ivan instantly understood what he meant.

His bones were shaken strangely.

At the same time, all the sculptures in the entire room shook.

Over there, the surveillance camera, The doctor looked at the dark surveillance screen and the noisy sounds, pushed up his monocle, and then the prison doctor continued.

"This curse is called Deng Shen!"

"As a human being, the human world is more suitable for Lu Lu!"

When Ivan heard this, the soul fire in his eyes kept flashing

"How could he, a human being, be cursed like this?"

The prison doctor shrugged.

"I am also very curious!"

Ivan's voice was filled with worry.

"But the consequences of failure to ascend to the gods"

He didn't finish his sentence.

The prison doctor let out an unpleasant laugh, like a crow croaking

"But I believe in Lu!"


Lu Xiao returned to the holding room and immediately said to the air

"Mr. Doctor! are u there?"

Soon, the doctor came to Lu Xiao's containment room.

Lu Xiao asked the doctor aloud

"Mr. Doctor! I want to go to the human world!"

Since Lu Xiao was not sure whether this human world was the world where he originally existed, he had to use the word human world instead. As for the things he saw in the shelter so far, apart from the familiar firearms, the others Almost all of them were things he had never seen before.

The doctor groaned.

"However, there is no precedent for the shelter to bring living objects into the world!"

In this sentence, the doctor is actually not lying.

Because Lu Xiao is a living life form, and those objects that are called to cooperate with the containment are usually dead objects.

The difference between the two is that Lu Xiao is more difficult to control.

After hearing the doctor Lu Xiao was stunned for a moment, and then asked

"So is there any other way?"

The doctor had a look of embarrassment on his face.

"There is still a way!"

Hearing that there was a way, Lu Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the doctor expectantly.

The doctor said in a deep voice

"I can let you help the jailer complete the task of containing the weird ones!"

"However, this will undoubtedly bring me huge risks!"

He looked at Lu Xiao, and Lu Xiao's figure was reflected in his monocle.

"If you hurt a human while you are out, the organization will classify you as D-class and will put you on trial!"

Lu Xiao instantly understood what the doctor meant.

He patted his chest and promised

"Don't worry, doctor! I am very friendly to humans!"

The doctor nodded.

"At least for now, it seems to be exactly what you said! This is also the premise for me to believe you!"

"But I have one condition!"

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