Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 185 Twenty Seconds

He Shan took out a glass jar the size of a basketball from the spare disassembly bin.

Meow Carpenter jumped away vigilantly, not being affected by the glass shards.

But the biggest threat in this jar is not the glass, but the contents inside.

Black-haired puppet!

And it was originally filled with liquid, which was corpse wine poured from the corpse wine pot!

From the corpse flagon, the speed of pouring a little bit of wine was too slow, and the black-haired golem couldn't absorb too much corpse energy.

So He Shan filled a glass jar with corpse wine in advance, then put the black-haired golem into the jar, and immediately sealed the jar.

In this way, when it needs to be used, as long as the glass jar is broken immediately, He Shan can get the black-haired puppet in full condition.

Countless black hair protruded from the broken point, quickly forming a human shape.

This time, the black-haired puppet is much stronger than before because it has absorbed a large amount of corpse wine.

I'm afraid that just this puppet is enough to defeat Meowsmith.

But what He Shan wants is not to defeat her, but to defeat her as quickly as possible, so the purpose of using the black-haired puppet is just to restrain Meow Jiang.

The frantic black hair stretched around, and the hair was so thin that it was almost unnoticeable, wrapped around Meow's waist, making her movements a little slower than before.

Then He Shan took a deep breath and stretched out three fingers in each hand.

The two hands were quickly crossed in front of the chest, and with a quick shake, a strange copper coin appeared in each hand.

At the same time, the four long swords floated up and down around He Shan.

This is He Shan's current limit, and at the same time, he added the power of strange copper coins to each of the four floats!

Although holding four weapons at the same time, He Shan's control over these weapons has been minimized.

But to deal with Meowsmith, only one attack is enough.


Four strange copper coins flew out at the same time, and the four long swords around He Shan flew out directly!


The long sword disappeared suddenly, and then Meowsmith heard a piercing explosion.

Then the air flow brought by the flying of the long sword caused her body to fly backwards.


The last alarm goes off, which means forging time is coming.

He Shan took out a small table from the spare disassembly bin, with some items placed on it.

This is an item prepared by He Shan long ago to cope with the forging time.

Meow Carpenter breathed a sigh of relief, although He Shan made a big splash before, and the monster made up of black hair was also powerful and scary, but all this is finally over.

After all, she has lived here for a long time, and if you give her ten minutes, she can hide so well that He Shan can't find her even after digging three feet.

But as soon as she thought of this, she found that she couldn't lift her feet.

She looked down and was stunned for a moment.

"Hey, what about my legs?"

She wanted to touch what was going on with her legs, but her hands didn't work anymore.

The feeling of panic came to my heart again.

She saw where she was before, with two thighs and two arms falling loosely.

That's hers!


Blood gushed out from the cut, and severe pain finally appeared, and Miao Jiang rolled on the ground in pain.

Now she can only do rolling movements.

She was crying, and she couldn't figure it out. She didn't understand what happened at that moment, why her arm suddenly broke.

In fact, it was just because the speed of those long swords was too fast, she didn't notice it.

He Shan stroked his chin. Now that Miao Jiang has been dealt with, it's time to call it a day.

Although the forging time, the requirements for forging items are not very strict, but not everything can be used to get away with it.

At least one thing that didn't exist here before and that has the power of tricks.

Take a box of clay and just pinch something to pass the level, this does not exist.

When he joined the promotion team, He Shan was told the most convenient way.

That is to use copper coins as materials to make rings, necklaces and the like.

But He Shan couldn't do such a thing as destroying the copper coins.

So he chose another way.

That is……

Bring over a box of clay and squeeze something.

At this time, someone will ask, didn't you just veto this method?

That's right, but what He Shan took was not ordinary mud, but mud with trick energy.

The soil that makes up the mud is ordinary red clay.

But for water, what He Shan used was corpse wine, so this mud can also be regarded as corpse mud.

But what kind of kneading is better?

After all, He Shan is not a guy who is good at handicrafts, so he thought of a good idea.

He walked up to the painful meow craftsman, put the corpse mud on her face, then smoothed the corpse mud, and then carefully peeled it off.

At this time, Miao Jiang didn't cry or make trouble.

Because she is completely desperate, this guy He Shan is a complete devil!

He Shan poked some holes on both sides of the soft soil, as well as the eyes and nostrils.

Then go to the magma pool and bake the soil until it is hard with the high temperature emitted by the magma.

He Shan had tried it himself at home before, and it may be due to the special characteristics of corpse wine. Things made from corpse mud can be quickly set at a certain temperature.

"Okay, the corpse clay mask is done!"

He Shan put a rope on the corpse clay mask and tied it around his waist.

This thing just needs to be brought to the end of the forging time.

Bring it on when the next forging time starts, so he doesn't have to forge new things.

Then He Shan walked up to Miao Jiang, took out some water from the spare decomposition bin, and gently washed her face.

After all, he is his future employee, so he should be a little more gentle.

It was a stick for her before, but now it's time to give her dates.

Picking up Miao Jiang and her arm, put them into the spare disassembly warehouse respectively, and then He Shan walked out of this place.

When the long sword flew out just now, it felt a little weird.

It seemed that after cutting off Miao Jiang's arms and legs, he pierced through the wall and stabbed something. He wanted to go out and have a look.

After walking a certain distance, He Shan saw a pool of blood and a broken arm on the ground.

The blood that had been dried by the high temperature spread all the way in one direction.

"This feeling is not bad, I am still a sword and two monsters."

Behind He Shan, half floating and half walking, a black-haired puppet slightly bigger than He Shan looks like a stand-in.

The black-haired puppet absorbed a lot of corpse wine this time, so it existed for a little longer and could help He Shan fight again.

"The victim who was accidentally injured by me, where are you, come out and show me."

"I want to compensate you!"

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