Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 220 Lianyuan Elevated Road

"Hey, brother, which road are you on?"

The fat, bald man known as 'Brother Kun' was tied to a chair.

Li Daofu took a hatchet and slashed at Brother Kun's eyes with a round swing, and stopped suddenly when there was only one centimeter left.

Brother Kun is indeed a tough guy, he didn't blink his eyes, and he didn't pee his pants in fear...

"Brother, big brother, uncle, my ancestor, don't play with me, please give me a good time." Brother Kun said tremblingly.

He's not so tough that he doesn't blink, but his eyelids are pinned with paper clips and he can't close them at all.

He didn't hold back so he didn't pee his pants, in fact his pants were dry...

"Ah... so tired."

He was a bit taller than before, and Li Daofu, who had grown to 1.6 meters, was in a very good mood. He played with Brother Kun here for three hours and swung the knife at least 200 times.

Doesn't this Brother Kun like to scare people with knives? Then Li Daofu also let him taste the feeling of being frightened, so that he will be soft when he sees knives in the future.

After teaching Brother Kun enough lessons, Li Daofu pulled up another banner with the title "The community is killing Brother Kun, and he will never scare people everywhere again."

Below the title is a small composition he has already written.

After finishing all this, Li Daofu removed the pins from Brother Kun's eyelids, and left here happily.

Like the previous cases he committed, this blood tooth case also came into the attention of the Bureau of Abnormalities, and the banner spread to the Internet.

He used his trumpet to lead a wave of rhythm, and 'exposed' Blood Fang's despicable deeds. What Blood Fang said about the random shop was all false!

After doing all this, Li Daofu felt that his brain was a little easier.

Li Daofu knew that the curse he had been planted by the jade had been lifted, and there would never be a 'little watermelon' growing in his head again.

Moreover, although no one was killed in this punishment, the satisfaction it brought to him was far stronger than that of killing people indiscriminately before.

This made him even more grateful to Suiyuan Xiaopu. It was Suiyuan Xiaopu who made him walk on the right path.

In the middle of the night, he was lying on the bed, sleeping soundly, when he suddenly felt itchy on his back.

He first stretched out his hand and scratched it twice, but found that it couldn't relieve the itching, so he took out the 'artifact' to scratch it, but this time it couldn't relieve the bone-eating itching.

Li Daofu was almost driven crazy by the sudden itching.

He turned on the light, turned his back to the mirror, and his pupils suddenly dilated.

I saw his back emitting a faint golden light, and under the golden light was a scale tattoo!

On one side of the balance is a mass of dripping flesh and blood, and on the right side is the word 'justice' emitting golden light.

The golden light flashed more and more, and a phantom of a rotting corpse in golden armor emerged from behind Li Daofu, and roared at Li Daofu.

"Why don't you kill that person!"

"Only with blood can justice be carried out!"

"A tooth for a tooth, blood for blood, the wicked must die!"

The voice of the golden phantom pierced into Li Daofu's mind like thunder, distorting his conception that had just returned to normal.

Li Daofu noticed the change in himself, and looked at the golden rotting corpse in horror.

"You, what are you?"

The golden carrion clasped its hands together, with a divine light on its face.

"My name is 'Kormi', servant of the God of Justice!"


"Kill all evil, only in this way can we usher in true justice!"

Li Daofu covered his face, and golden spots appeared in the whites of his eyes.

At this moment, he suddenly wanted to understand many things.

His ability is called 'Scale of Justice', and when he punishes the wicked, his ability will improve to a certain extent.

From the moment he acquired this ability, he had the strength of a first-tier trickster, and after several punishments, his strength improved rapidly, and he already possessed the strength of a second-tier trickster.

Compared with ordinary tricksters, his growth rate is completely unreasonable.

But Li Daofu didn't care, and thought he was a special one.

Only now did he suddenly realize that he hadn't even killed a monster before. At the beginning, he was just near the court in the overlapping area, and approached a golden scale by accident.

This golden balance is a trick!

It is precisely because of this golden balance that he has the ability. In fact, he has never been a trickster!

This thing was not discovered before, only because of his mode of action, it has been in harmony with this strange thing.

But now, because of Suiyuan Xiaopu's persuasion, he changed his approach, and this weird creature finally exploded its power!

"I will not give in!"


"I won't act in the way of the monster... kill?"


He Shan didn't know what happened to Li Daofu.

He saw a new essay on the Internet, and after thinking about it for a while, he understood what was going on.

Then he put the matter aside, because he was about to start a new exploration.

The overlapping area to be explored this time is called 'Lianyuan Elevated'.

The huge and geometrically beautiful overpass, located in the center of this area, makes it bear the burden of a transportation hub.

But now it has become an overlapping area, and naturally no vehicles can pass.

The traffic in Lianhai City has become as rubbish as it is now because there are too many places like this.

If He Shan and the others can successfully resolve this overlapping area, it will be of great help to the traffic in Lianhai City.

But this time, He Shan was not the first to arrive.

When he drove here, there were three tricksters sitting outside the entrance of the Lianyuan elevated road, discussing plans to explore the overlapping area.

The temperament of these three tricksters looks a little weird.

A person on the east side is wearing a blue long gown, a lun scarf on his head, a chicken feather fan, and an ancient thread-bound book in his hand, pretending to be reading.

The man on the west side was sitting on a white unicycle, wearing silver armor and a large white cloak, and holding a spear in his hand.

The last one, dressed in black, was short and thick, with a full beard and two axes hanging from his waist.

He Shan yelled inwardly that it was not good, but he did not expect that there were other people who were also staring at this overlapping area.

Two teams are eyeing an area, which is likely to cause some disputes and disputes.

So he first greeted the three of them, and then said: "I am the trickster who is going to explore here today. I didn't hear that there are others coming too."

The man in the turban said gently: "It's okay, we can explore together."

"I also have my own companions. There are too many people exploring together." He Shan shook his head slightly.

The man in white armor patted his chest and said, "It doesn't matter, the more people there are, the better."

He Shan was stunned for a moment, he originally thought that if there was a dispute, he would find a way to squeeze these three people away.

Seeing that the three guys are so open-minded now, he doesn't need to be cautious, everyone can explore together.

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