Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 280 The house was stolen

After confirming the effects of the two things, He Shan is about to end this battle.

He took out a pistol, and the expression on his face gradually became ferocious and perverted.

The name of this gun is - Surrender!

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

Bang is the sound of gunfire.

The click was the sound of knees cracking.

Ten bullets were fired, and ten purple rays of light flashed randomly.

He Shan fired ten shots and destroyed seven monster knees!

The powerful power of the surrender pistol even caused seven broken legs to appear on the ground!

However, He Shan still shook his head: "It seems that the effect of the surrender pistol cannot achieve every shot...but this is okay."

He Shan could not test the effect of this gun outside.

He can't break people's knees for no reason, and most of the monsters in the slime village don't have knees...

"Although there is a description of hitting the knee, what the surrender shoots is not a tracking bullet, but after the bullet is fired, it will correct the trajectory to a certain extent."

"If you shoot too far, or if the opponent's speed is very fast, if you consciously dodge and cover, you will not be able to hit the opponent's knee."

"But as long as it hits the knee... that's a lot of fun!"

Looking at the seven monsters without knees, He Shan felt very comfortable.

And this terrifying scene also greatly stimulated the remaining Yaoyi's nerves.

Three of them roared and rushed towards He Shan, and they wanted to die with He Shan.

He Shan's fingers moved slightly, and three different long swords passed through the chest of the three eels.

All the tests that should be tested are over, so there is no need for him to hold back.

The remaining two wanted to die together, but they were frightened by He Shan's strength, so they turned around and wanted to escape.

But as soon as they reached the window, the rings on their heads shook, and then two heads fell from their necks...

"Hiss... something."

He Shan took a breath and picked up a ring.

After some research, he discovered that there was a sharp blade hidden inside the thing, and as long as it received a signal, the blade would cut off the head.

Those two strange escape actions just now were obviously against the rules.

"These rings are made with trick energy. Technically, Eel Village is better than Lion Village."

"Wearing this kind of thing on Yao Yi in the same village means that this place may be in the stage of slavery, and the system is backward compared to Lion Village."

He Shan cleaned up the scene, walked to the room that was locked by chains, and swung his sharp sword to cut off the chains.

Pushing open the door, He Shan found some messy things piled up inside.

He Shan picked up a book and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"On the Postpartum Care of Sows"

"Time Management Master Cultivation"


Most of them are technical books, as well as some human technology products.

If it was in the wasteland era, then these things might be of high value, but now they are worthless to He Shan.

But He Shan can understand the purpose of eel village to collect these things.

These are all knowledge!

They want to learn from humans and develop further!

Fortunately, in this pile of things, there are still a small part of trickery materials, and more than 20 tricky copper coins, so He Shan returned empty-handed.

"What do the demons in this overlapping area want to do, education, science and technology, breeding the next generation..."

"It seems that their ambitions are not small. It's a pity that you met me. I chose to nip the danger in the bud. Your future ends here."

Then He Shan went to the room where the eggs were stored, and put all the eggs into the corpse jug.

These eggs are not even a zero-level monster, and the decomposition machine cannot decompose them, but they are very good wine-making materials for the corpse flagon.

After taking all the valuable things away, He Shanben imagined that he would burn down the place with a torch, just like in Slime Village.

However, this place is built above the sea, and the buildings and ground are extremely slippery, so it is difficult to ignite the buildings here.

So He Shan could only turn on the spare decomposition machine and take out some explosives from it.

Since it can't be burned, it can only be blown up.

After installing the bomb, He Shan did not detonate it for the time being, but went to another place first.

This is a platform where only the eels who are in charge of farming will come. On this platform, you can directly see the status of the farm.

He Shan stood on the edge of the platform, looking at the breeding farm in the center of the eel village, his eyes gradually narrowed.

The water in the farm is very clear, and you can see the bottom of the sea at a glance, and you can also see what is being farmed here.

The flesh of these fish is transparent, which should be the same material as the flesh of jellyfish, and the internal organs and bones can be seen directly through their skin.

He Shan could tell at a glance that the bones of these fish were pieced together from human bones.

And the internal organs of these fish... are completely human internal organs!

"First of all, there are human head fruit trees in the wetland. There are fish with human bones and internal organs raised here. I'm afraid the plantation of the lion tribe is not a good place."

"It's no wonder the fish in this sea area are so ferocious. I'm afraid they are also affected by these things in the farm."

"These things are very abnormal. Is there any hidden secret in them?"

He Shan stood on the edge and studied for a while, and found something different.

It was a thick water pipe, which came from the outside and hung above the farm.

There is a pungent bloody smell at the mouth of the nozzle, and the remaining liquid inside is like a mixture of blood and flesh...

But He Shan had no way to find out where the pipe came from, because the other end of the jar was below the sea surface.

At this time, he remembered that he seemed to have seen similar pipes when he was in the wetland, but he didn't pay attention to it at the time.

"Scipy Lion didn't tell me about this pipe."

"It may be because he has insufficient authority, or he may be deliberately concealing it. Either way, it means that this pipe is very important."

"Maybe instead of attacking the village, I should think of a way to find out how these fish and the head fruit tree came from."

He Shan walked out of the eel village with a gloomy expression and detonated the planted bomb.

There was a loud noise, and the most important part of the eel village was torn apart.

And He Shan ran to the land on the other side through the path built by the eels on the water.


In the center of Inner Sea Park, the battle competition continued.

Now the two sides of the battle are the steel eel, which is covered in iron armor, and the stone lime, whose body color is similar to rock.

The strength of these two monsters is similar, and they have no worries when fighting, so this battle is very exciting.

In the middle of the battle, a thunderous sound spread into the arena.

The entire arena suddenly fell silent for two seconds.

Stone Lime said to the steel eel: "In your village, are there any eels that fart loudly?"

The steel eel scolded angrily: "Fart, don't talk about fart in our eel village, we don't even know the word fart."

Shi Lim was silent, speechless.

The Otter Eel, who was watching the battle, stood up directly and roared.

"What the fuck, our house was stolen!"

Add one more, thirteen chapters left

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