Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 335 Body Strengthening Pronucleus

"Well... I can only hope that he can convince those people."

He Shan looked up at the ceiling and sighed softly.

He is not a person without self-knowledge. Think about it in another way. If he is those crown-level tricksters, he will not be able to accept a stranger who suddenly joins them and resists this disaster with them.

This stranger may make the situation better, but it is more likely to drag everyone into the abyss together.

After all, in the final analysis, Suiyuan Xiaopu is also an overlapping area.

"Miao Miao, go and watch at the door, I won't sell any goods when I open the shop today."


Miao Miao jumped to the door, pretending to be loyal.

Now she is actually very flustered, because He Shan found out that she went out to play just now, and now He Shan has no signs of trouble for her, which made her feel relieved.

Then He Shan walked to the second half of Suiyuan Shop and came to the decomposition machine.

"Please, break down enough pronuclei."

With a wave of his hand, there was a pile of corpses piled up on the ground of Suiyuan shop.

Even though the space in the Suiyuan shop had been expanded, the accumulation of these corpses still made the Suiyuan shop congested.

When exploring the abandoned shipyard, He Shan had more than 800 strange copper coins in his hand.

But after successive battles and the storage of a large number of strange corpses, there are only about 500 strange copper coins left in his hand.

Under the current situation, the most useful decomposition product is the pronucleus that allows people to obtain trick power.

At this time, He Shan had a lot of strange corpses that could be decomposed.

There are two third-order holy emblems, one is the dragon of the painted dome, and the other is a red-clothed warrior.

There are a total of ten second-order monsters, eight second-tier warrior monsters, and two painting monsters who escaped from the endless corridor.

There are ninety first-order monsters in total, sixty-six are warrior monsters, and twenty-four are first-order painting monsters.

There were exactly one hundred of the zero-level monsters, all of which were bugs from the abandoned shipyard. He also encountered other zero-level monster corpses on the road, but He Shan didn't waste time picking them up.

There is also a super big bug of unknown grade, the corpse of a strange person, and the most important corpse of the black shadow.

There are too many of these corpses, just 90 first-order monsters, and at least 900 copper coins are needed to disassemble them all.

So He Shan needs to pick out some monsters that may alleviate the current situation in Lianhai City from here.

First of all, there are a hundred bugs. According to He Shan's observation, the ability of these bugs may be simply physical enhancement, which is a very good choice for ordinary people who have not yet become tricksters.

Decomposing one hundred bugs requires two hundred and fifty copper coins.

Then He Shan looked at Sombra's corpse. This corpse was of a high level, and it was obviously related to this catastrophe. If his corpse was decomposed, it might have a greater effect.

However, according to He Shan's observation, this guy has at least the fifth level of strength, and the decomposition machine may not be able to decompose it.

Put Sombra aside first, now we need to get rid of those bugs first.

The corpses of one hundred bugs are more than one hundred cubic meters, and the smelly blood has flowed to the floor, and the unpleasant smell permeates the entire Suiyuan shop.

He Shan put two hundred and fifty cunning copper coins into the decomposition machine, and all the bugs floated up and got into the decomposition machine in one go.

Compared with the size of these bugs, the decomposition machine seemed a bit small.

But these bugs were compressed like cotton candy, and then they were all dragged into the decomposition machine.

There was a terrifying creaking sound in the decomposition machine, and the corpse of the bug was strangled into pieces.

Being able to decompose in batches means that the three types of bugs, 'crickets', 'worms' and 'snags', although they are of different types, all have the same ability.

After the decomposition machine finished running, He Shan looked at the decomposition tank expectantly.


The decomposition tank opened, and a lot of things poured out.

The decomposition tank couldn't even hold the things that were decomposed this time.

Fei Cui came over immediately to help He Shan sort it out. After sorting it out, these things were divided into eight parts.

They are pronucleus, armor, food, boots, vest, dagger, a flute, and an inexplicable thing.

Since there are too many things broken down this time, most things are piled up.

First of all, the most important pronuclei. The jadeites counted for me, and there are fifty-one pieces in total.

More than half of the insects have decomposed their pronuclei, which is good news for He Shan.

Each pronucleus is a colorless crystal with a strand of red muscle inside.

Item: Body Strengthening Pronucleus

Remarks: A strong body is the greatest wealth in itself

After using the body to strengthen the pronucleus, the body functions will be strengthened in all directions...

Price: Ten Copper Coins

"Body strengthening is indeed such an ability... How is it different from the original body strengthening nucleus that I decomposed before?"

"Although there is only one word difference, the effect may be very different, but it is precisely because of this ability that those bugs can grow to be so huge."

Many people have made similar assumptions. When insects are enlarged in equal proportions, their various physical attributes will crush all animals.

But in fact, if you really magnify insects to that extent, they will be crushed by their own weight instead.

It is this power to strengthen the body that allows the insects in the abandoned shipyard to remain safe and sound after they become so huge.

After helping He Shan organize the items, Fei Cui wanted to clean up a lot of stains in the house caused by the accumulation of insect corpses, but He Shan stopped her actions.

"These things, I'll clean them later."

Fei Cui looked at He Shan in surprise, has this guy been taken away?

He doesn't even want to pour a glass of water by himself!

He Shan shook his head: "Don't look at me with that look, you have other things to do."

He threw all the pronuclei into the hands of Jade.

"There is a catastrophe going on outside right now. It would be too wasteful for you to help me look after the shop here with the crown-level strength."

"Now you should be able to move freely in half of Lianhai City centered on Suiyuan Xiaopu. If you encounter troublesome monsters, you will kill them and bring the corpse back to me."

"If you encounter human beings with the spirit of resistance, give them this pronucleus."

Jade was stunned for a while: "You mean to say that the fifty-one pronuclei are free?"

He Shan immediately changed his face, and his expression was no longer compassionate: "Hey, what is this, how can it be given for nothing, just treat it as a loan to them, and let them come to Suiyuan Shop to pay back the debt when they have money."

"By the way, don't you have the ability to curse?"

"You should put a small curse on those who have taken the pronucleus. It doesn't need to be too harsh, but it should be enough to remind them that they still owe the debt to the random shop!"

Fei Cui rolled her eyes, she thought why kindness found out, it turned out that she was asked to sell outside.

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