Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 408 Returning to Paradise on Earth (One Chapter)

During the process of opening the store, He Shan also asked Fei Cui to go to a nearby restaurant to get him some delicious food.

These days, in the paradise on earth, there are food and wine everywhere, but he dare not eat a single bite.

God knows if those angels did anything in these foods.

He could only satisfy his hunger with the dry food he carried with him, and now that he was home and unable to go to heaven on earth for the time being, of course he wanted to take this opportunity to have a good meal.

He Shan gnawed at his bones while watching the time pass by. Finally, after six or seven hours passed, He Shan could close the shop.

The income from selling goods this time is not high, because there are not many new goods, and many old customers are waiting for the next batch of new goods.

So He Shan only sold 700 cunning copper coins, and now he has a total of 60 cunning silver coins.

After closing the store, He Shan did not go home.

Impatiently, he returned to the paradise on earth.


Paradise on Earth is divided into four floors.

The lowest level, the 'lower realm' where ordinary humans live.

The penultimate layer is a huge empty island, which is named the base layer, where ordinary angels live.

Twelve small empty islands further up are the 'core layer', where twelve archangels live.

The topmost "highest level" is the residence of the archangel.

At this time, in the center of the base layer, several first-order angels were busy wielding shovels.

Their task is to restore the damage caused by the previous battle.

Different from those ordinary monsters, angels have a very high awareness of the environment, and their places are all clean and tidy.

The potholes left by the previous battle, even if only a little bit, will make the angel who sees feel uncomfortable.

An angel was piling up soil when suddenly a bulge appeared on the ground.

The mound bulged up very quickly, and the angel was caught off guard, and was directly thrown out by the bulge, and fell heavily on the ground.

The rest of the angels came over curiously and looked at the little bulge.

They didn't understand why the ground suddenly raised twenty centimeters high?

In the next second, two hands stretched out, grabbed the ankles of the two angels, and dragged them fiercely into the ground, and then the two angels fell silent.

Then a blood-red figure broke through the soil and rushed out.

Before the surrounding angels sounded the alarm, they were all knocked out by this figure.

This figure is exactly He Shan, who returned to the paradise on earth from the random shop.

Because when he left, he was in a big pit, so when he appeared, he appeared directly in the soil.

And when he teleported over, the power of Suiyuan Xiaopu would directly push away the things equivalent to He Shan's size in an instant, so it had such great strength.

Let me explain here that there are two modes for the transmission of Suiyuan Xiaopu.

One is like now, where it was teleported from before, and when it comes back, it will return to the original place, and no matter what is there, it will be pushed away by the power of Suiyuan Xiaopu.

The second is the situation on the vehicle.

If He Shan teleported away on a boat, car, or plane, he would make a mark on the vehicle when he left, and he would still be on the vehicle when he teleported back.

It will not be separated from the vehicle by hundreds of thousands of miles because of the transmission.

In addition, the transmission of Suiyuan Xiaopu uses a fixed process, which must be the transmission point-Suiyuan Xiaopu-transmission point.

For each transmission, these three processes must be completed before the next transmission can be started.

Just like how Shan escaped back to Suiyuan Shop before, if he did not return to the paradise on earth from Suiyuan Shop, he would not be able to start the next teleportation.

After coming out, He Shan immediately put these angels away to prevent them from making too much noise.

He had tried head-to-head with these angels before, but it turned out that He Shan couldn't touch them at all.

So this time He Shan intends to be more insidious and engage in some sneak attacks to consume the vitality of this overlapping area little by little.

He spread his wings behind his back and flew up lightly. The test showed that there is no three-meter limit this time.

Then he soared freely in the sky. This was the first time he used his own identity to fly in the sky.

This feeling is quite good.

Not long after feeling refreshed, He Shan shivered a bit, and felt a ray of light shooting down from the sky!

He hastily ducked into a cotton candy cloud, peeking through a small opening.

I saw a huge, golden eye in the sky!

This eye kept scanning, and He Shan felt a chill down his spine when he was stared at by that gaze.

Then he saw a pair of dozens of angels flying to the place where He Shan was resurrected.

After careful investigation, they confirmed that He Shan was not dead, but escaped in some way.

Then the whole sky island became lively.

All the angels gathered together, and so did the eleven archangels.

All the angels started to form a team and searched everywhere, trying to find He Shan who was hiding.

He Shan's teeth ached watching this scene.

How can He Shan defeat them one by one if they do this?

Now that he rushed out, he was afraid that he would be caught by others in a few minutes, and then a big cross would come down.

In addition, the power of the eye in the sky should not be underestimated, and the strength of the domain master in this overlapping area may not be simple.

"It's over, it's broken!"

"This is my first exploration since I became an independent explorer. Do I want to just run away in such a desperate way?"

Seeing that these angels were about to be found, He Shan sighed in the cotton candy cloud that was hiding.

He is ready to evacuate.

Although he couldn't deal with the cooperation of the angels, he was still a Holy Emblem Trickster after all, with countless cards in his hand, and he could still escape from here if he wanted to.

Just as He Shan was searching for the props needed to escape, he suddenly found an interesting thing in the corner of the spare decomposition warehouse.

Those were more than a dozen stacked flesh cubes, all of which were decomposed from the servants of the evil god.

According to the remark of Suiyuan Xiaopu, the original appearance of the servant of the evil god is sealed in this flesh and blood cube. Once the outer membrane is broken, some bad things will happen.

When Canglian attacked Suiyuan Shop, He Shan had seen him use something similar.

From the thing Cang Lian released, an uncontrollable flesh and blood monster emerged, and this monster would instinctively attack anything it saw.

In terms of breath, the dozen or so flesh and blood cubes in He Shan's hands are much weaker than those used by Cang Lian.

If he is on an empty island, use one of these blocks.

Will there be a flesh monster too?

Let these angels fight with flesh and blood monsters, and then He Shan will be a fisherman?

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