Weird deep sea game, I can fish unlimitedly

Chapter 103 Hanged from a street lamp

Late at night, in Borg Moros's gorgeously decorated and huge bedroom.

Li Feng, who was holding a flower in one hand, looked at the blood-colored crystal ball in Chenxing's hand. She obviously came here for this.

At this moment, Morning Star is holding the crystal ball.

No matter in terms of color or texture, this crystal ball is beautiful, but it is also extremely weird.

Under the light, the color of blood in the transparent crystal, or to be precise, thousands of blood threads.

As long as you keep staring, you will find that they are constantly rotating slowly.

And the longer you stare, the faster they turn.

Although I don't know what this thing is, I don't know who put it in Borg Moros's bedroom.

But just looking at it, Li Feng felt dizzy and something was wrong.

Li Feng immediately looked away, placed the flowers in his arms on the table next to him, and asked Chenxing.

"What's this?"

Chenxing wrapped the crystal ball with a piece of thick black velvet cloth and answered Li Feng:

"You've been sneaking into the bedroom for a while, haven't you noticed that Borg Moros is unusual?"

Li Feng thought back for a moment.

Indeed, ever since he heard Borg Moros's voice outside the door, he had realized that he was violent.

But Li Feng didn't think too much about this. He never regarded Borg Moros as a normal person in his heart.

After all, normal people wouldn't do anything so bad as a beast.

But now, after Chenxing asked, Li Feng suddenly thought whether Borg Moros' violent temper was due to some influence.

"You mean, because of this?"

Li Feng said and looked at the crystal ball wrapped in black velvet.


Chenxing nodded, and the ends of the high ponytail on the back of her head swayed up and down.

"Someone used this crystal ball to cast a curse on him, or to be more precise..."

Chenxing tilted his head and thought for a while:

"To be precise, someone put a curse on Borg Moros and used his status as a noble to harm these girls."


Li Feng looked at the girl lying on the ground and roughly understood what it meant.

"Well, I don't speak Common Language very well. Anyway, I just want to collect blood and essence from them."

Li Feng nodded, generally understanding.

"Then, why does your Black and White Institute care about this matter?"

Although this was obviously not the place to talk, Li Feng still wanted to ask the questions in his mind.

This elf was the first peer he saw after becoming the Hidden One.

Moreover, this colleague seems to know a lot and does not seem hostile to him.

So he really wanted to seize the opportunity and ask something he didn't know.

"Reintroduce yourself."

Chenxing did not answer Li Feng, but introduced himself first:

"My name is Morningstar Elastaselinda, a northern wood elf and a third-level hermit of the Black and White Courtyard."

This is not the place to talk, but don’t worry..."

Chenxing's green eyes looked at Li Feng, with a smile on his picturesque face:

"I'll tell you everything I know, including what you want to know."


Li Feng was puzzled. He had never met him before, so why did he treat him like this?

"Because the god we both believe in is a stranger in the shadows, and you are the key to the instructions he gives me."


"The instructions given to me by the Shadow Stranger were to find a new Invisible who was alone, and then teach him to become a true Invisible."

Chenxing winked playfully as he spoke.

Li Feng was so surprised that he didn't know what to say.

It's a strange feeling to be the protagonist in someone else's mission, but also the one being helped.

"I think you must have a lot to do now."

Morningstar said, looking at Borg Moros and his butler on the ground, and then said:

"Two days later at midnight, I will wait for you in the pine forest south of Jinhu Town.

When the time comes, I will tell you everything I know and what you want to know.

Of course, including this. "

Chenxing shook the crystal ball wrapped in black velvet in her hand as she spoke, as if she was afraid that Li Feng would not come. She added:

"I will also tell you what I find out about this thing, I think you might be interested.

Of course, you can continue to disguise yourself. "

After she finished speaking, she smiled brightly at Li Feng and then disappeared.

Li Feng knew that she had entered the shadow world and left.

‘She actually saw that I was using the disguise potion. ’

Li Feng was very uncomfortable with Chenxing's last words, but it also showed that Chenxing was an inherited and organized hider.

Because in the autobiography of the player Faranir, the disguise potion came from a certain family of concealers.

It's just that the part in the autobiography was very vague, and Li Feng couldn't guess what organization it was.

But now that I think about it, maybe it’s the Black and White Institute.

After thinking about the air for a second, Li Feng brought his thoughts to the present.

He really didn't expect that this home invasion and murder would involve so many things.

The first is the elf named Morning Star and the matter of the Black and White Institute.

Second, behind Borg Moros, it is not that simple.

Someone used the crystal ball to curse him, and used him to play with these girls, and then get something through dirty things.

Borg Moros committed a heinous crime, but the person behind him was even more vicious.


With a silent sigh, Li Feng felt the pulse of the girl who had been unconscious.

At this moment, her pulse was strong and normal.

It seemed that the potion Chenxing gave her worked, but he just kept her in a coma to avoid trouble.

Li Feng nodded slightly, then turned his eyes to Borg Moros and began to deal with the aftermath.

The next morning.

When the first ray of sunshine dispersed the fog and illuminated Jinhu Town.

The residents of the town were horrified to find a dead man hanging from a streetlight on the main road entering the town.

His hair was messy, his lower body was naked, there was a bloody hole in his throat, and his body was tied with some strange equipment.

There is also a sign hanging on his body, which reads:

Welcome to my basement.

Jinhu Town is not a big town, so the news spread quickly. After a while, people gathered under the street lights.

"who is he?"

"I can't tell, but I feel a little familiar."

Before the Sheriff arrived, people couldn't help but start talking.

"Dad, what's tied to him?"

Suddenly, a little boy pointed at the strange tools tied to the body and asked loudly.

The crowd suddenly fell silent for a few seconds when they heard the little boy's question.

Some people were blushing, some were inexplicably surprised, but more people were surprised by the variety and quantity of the utensils and couldn't help but take a breath.

"I'm afraid he's not a deceiver!"

"Welcome to my basement? What do you mean?"

"Who is he? Is he from our town?"

"Give way, give way."

At this time, Sheriff Ryder finally arrived in a hurry. He pushed through the crowd and squeezed in.

He then worked with two assistants to lower the hanging man.

As the body was placed on the ground, the onlookers took a step closer. They formed a circle around the body, waiting to see who this person was.

After a lot of work, the sheriff's assistant finally freed up his hands to separate the hair from the corpse's face.

When the pale and bloodless face was revealed, the onlookers suddenly shouted in surprise.

The people standing in the front row took a step back in shock.

"Oh my god! It's actually..."

"Seven gods above, it's Lord Borg Moros!"

"How could it be that adult?!"

For a time, everyone was talking about it.

Because the deceased was a familiar noble, it aroused great curiosity among the townspeople.

But soon, another voice emerged from the crowd.

"Seven Gods! Borg Moros was a good man. Who killed him?"

"Yes, who is so cruel? To treat Lord Borg Moros like this."

"That is, not only killed him, but also insulted him..."

"Wait, what do you mean welcome to my basement?"

"Is there anything in the basement of the castle?"

"No, where are the guards in the castle? Where are the servants? Didn't they notice that their master was dead?"

"Yeah, why didn't you see anyone from the castle coming?"

"There must be something over there at the castle, let's go take a look!"

As the discussion began, attention turned to Borg Moroth's castle.

Borg Moros' naked lower body, as well as the indescribable utensils on his body, as well as the notice board, successfully aroused the curiosity of the onlookers about the castle.

"Let's go! Go see the castle!"

In the crowd, someone suddenly took the lead and shouted, and a large number of curious townspeople walked towards Moros Castle together.

"Boss, what should I do?"

The sheriff's assistant looked at the people watching the excitement in the distance and couldn't help but be very worried.

This matter concerns the nobles. If the superiors punish him, their small Jinhu Town Sheriff's Office may not be able to handle it.

Hearing the assistant's question, Sheriff Ryder also frowned deeply.

The nobles naturally don't want to make a fool of themselves, not to mention that this man's uncle is still the chief political officer.

There is only such a nephew in politics, and he is usually very doting on him. If things get into trouble like this, I'm afraid...

After finding a quick white cloth to cover the body of Borg Moros, Sheriff Ryder made several turns in his mind.

Because of the incident involving Kathleen's son-in-law Danny, Ryder has already expressed doubts about Borg Moross's identity as a good person.

It just so happened that something like this happened again, and a life had already been lost, again in a very dishonorable way.

However, since the trouble has reached this point, it is better to let more townspeople bear witness.

If Borg Moros is really a beast, and the scandal has been made public, then it will be difficult for the higher authorities to pursue him.

Moreover, Sheriff Ryder had a vague feeling that this was exactly what the murderer of Borg Moros wanted.

"Let's go and have a look too."

Sheriff Ryder said to his assistant.

On the outskirts of Jinhu Town, Borg Moros Castle.

When the townspeople and the constable arrived, they saw the castle gate open, but strangely, they could see no one in the castle yard.

"There won't be any ghosts in the castle, right?"

"Or a cultist?"

"The cultists must have killed Lord Borg Moros!"

The people who were so high-spirited just now were frightened when they came here.

They gathered around the castle gate, afraid to enter.

"What are you talking about? The cultists don't kill us but only the nobles? Stop joking!"

There were timid people in the crowd who were afraid, and naturally there were also bold people who walked straight into the castle.

But the sheriff's assistant reminded his boss whether he should first ask Wind's End City to ask the police station there to send someone.

The middle-aged Sheriff Ryder stroked his beard. He ignored his assistant, only took out his revolver, and then walked in first.

As the Sheriff walked into the castle, more and more people followed.

There were no ghosts or cultists as expected. People only saw locked up guards in the semi-underground private cells in the courtyard of the castle.

And the indescribable basement of Borg Moros.

Finally, there were the maids who walked down the stairs cautiously and tentatively, looking frightened and at a loss as to what to do.

The truth finally came out.

"Boss, do you want to notify the police station in Wind's End City?"

"No, let's find the reporters first."

Early the next morning.

The sun is very bright today and there are no clouds in the sky. There is a breeze blowing through Jinhu Town, which actually brings a bit of coolness in the middle of summer.

After disguising himself, Li Feng was sitting in a restaurant in Jinhu Town having breakfast. What he had next to him was a popular private newspaper.

What the newspaper reported was the report that Borg Moros was hanged by anonymous chivalrous men and the crime was publicized.

The report is not only accompanied by detailed text, but also contains a large number of detailed photos.

"It's true that people cannot be judged by their appearance. We originally thought that Borg Moros was a kind person.

I didn't expect him to be such a hateful person! "

Sheriff Ryder, who had breakfast with Li Feng, said:

"And according to the interrogation, Charlotte was actually killed by Borg Moros, and our Danny is innocent.

Thanks to that anonymous knight who saved so many girls and also saved Danny who was almost executed. "

Li Feng listened and nodded while eating breakfast:

"Good deeds and evil deeds are rewarded."

The bright sunshine shone on the restaurant window, and Li Feng and the Sheriff continued to chat while eating breakfast.

Sheriff Ryder also vividly described to Li Feng what he saw yesterday.

Afterwards, they guessed the identity of the knight together.

Sheriff Ryder also consulted Li Feng on legal issues, asking him if Borg Moros could be legally exempted from the crime of murder since Borg Moros committed such a heinous crime.

Li Feng doesn't know the legal knowledge of this world, so he can only talk nonsense to him.

After breakfast, Li Feng said goodbye to the sheriff and wandered aimlessly on the street.

Compared with Jinhu Town, where big news broke yesterday, today's Jinhu Town can be described as an undercurrent.

Because the nobleman was killed, although he deserved it, he used this publicity method.

And the murderer hasn't been caught yet, so the Wind's End Police Department sent a lot of police officers.

They were scattered throughout the town, investigating all suspicious persons.

Since the actions of Borg Moros have aroused the anger of all the townspeople, people are now very grateful to the knight who eliminated harm for the people.

Therefore, no townspeople really cooperated with the police, so the investigation progress was very slow.

"They must not have guessed it was you, sir."

In the dragon's bag, Mrs. Alvin, who had been following Li Feng, whispered.

She was a witness to last night's incident. She was already familiar with Li Feng's methods and was no longer afraid of what happened last night.

On the contrary, she felt very relieved and happy.


Li Feng secretly observed the policemen while taking a leisurely walk. He gently replied:

"After all, I'm just a lawyer with no limits."

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