Weird deep sea game, I can fish unlimitedly

Chapter 113 Should I tell her?

‘Huang Yanyan is also a player?

Did she bring these things back from the game world herself? ’

In the living room of Huang Yanyan's house, Li Feng looked at Huang Yanyan, who was sleeping on the sofa, and was stunned for a moment. Google search reading

He guessed that Huang Yanyan was a player, not without reason.

I remember that when they were underage, Li Feng was always short of money because he was an orphan.

But there is no guardian, and he is not old enough to apply for an ID card, so it is difficult for Li Feng to make money through normal means.

At that time, in order to make himself more comfortable, Li Feng often worked as a babysitter in the game.

The game party will prepare him a high-level account that has been adjusted in the background, and then Li Feng's job is to form a union or gang in the game.

After that, there are various rankings, PK in the wild, and forming a group to compete for other union tasks.

In a word, it is to show off everywhere, cause trouble, provoke conflicts, and provoke the other party to charge a lot of money.

As long as the other party recharges money and competes with him for the ranking, his mission will be completed.

When he was a minor, Li Feng did make some money through this method.

As for Huang Yanyan, who has a good relationship with Li Feng, even though she is not short of money, she always wants to be a sitter in the game with him.

At that time, the two of them often pretended to be enemies in the game, pretending to be big bosses and having fights outdoors, fighting to the death, which heightened the atmosphere of the game.

The game party prepares accounts for them, all of which are high-level and equipped with epic equipment, which often attracts the attention and envy of other players.

Players who are hot-headed will follow suit and charge money and smash boxes.

After that, Li Feng will almost receive a message from the game party, as well as daily wages.

When today's target is completed, he and Huang Yanyan log off and go to the Internet cafe for a late-night snack together.

This kind of life lasted for several years, until Li Feng came of age and had a legitimate income, he never did this again.

But he and Huang Yanyan still retained their habit of playing games together.

Even in the years since they started working, they still share some new games with each other.

'So, will she...'

Li Feng thought about this and sat next to Huang Yanyan, trying to feel the extraordinary fluctuations in the other person's body.

Unlike the game world, there are no gods in the player world, and there is no transcendence in the nature of the world.

Therefore, the extraordinary power of the player cannot passively resonate.

He had discovered this with Susan.

Extraordinary power cannot passively resonate, which can actually protect players from being discovered by other players.

But for Li Feng now, it is a bit troublesome.

If Huang Yanyan is a player who has been promoted to extraordinary, but in the player world, as long as she does not actively use her power, Li Feng will not be able to feel the extraordinary in her.

His thoughts returned to just now, and Li Feng searched for clues in his memory.

Suddenly, he thought of what Huang Yanyan had just said to himself:

"I've probably been really stressed out lately."

"How can I be so fragile? I won't be able to..."

Is the "high pressure" due to traveling between two worlds, and is the "not enough" the reason why Susan is like that?

Thinking of this, Li Feng felt his head was as big as a bucket.

‘If she were a player, which group of players would she be? ’

Li Feng thought about this when he picked up Huang Yanyan's phone. If she was really a player, there would be no browsing history on her phone.

Press the power button lightly to wake up the phone and enter the lock screen interface.

‘What’s the password? I wonder if she has changed it. ’

Li Feng thought as he swiped a few times on his phone, and it was successfully unlocked.

Taking a deep breath, Li Feng clicked on the search history.

But when he was halfway through clicking, he suddenly heard:

"Eh? Are you looking at my phone?"

Huang Yanyan's voice startled Li Feng, and he turned to look at the sofa on the left. Huang Yanyan had woken up and was looking at Li Feng in confusion.


Why is it so unfortunate?

"You had an intercept call just now. It seemed like it was for sales."

Li Feng said, locking the screen of Huang Yanyan's phone and putting it back on the small table next to the sofa, and then changed the topic:

"How's it going? Are you feeling better?"


Huang Yanyan had no doubts about Li Feng's lies. She tried to sit up:

"Strange, it's really better."

Realizing the difference in herself, Huang Yanyan stood up, stretched her muscles, and said in surprise:

"It's really weird, I'm actually better?!"

Seeing her recovery, Li Feng was relieved.

It seems that Huang Yanyan's illness is really related to those weird cards.

"Is there anything else to eat? I'm a little hungry."

After a few activities, all the hunger that had accumulated for several days came over, Huang Yanyan asked Li Feng eagerly.

"There should be quite a few more."

Afterwards, the two sat back in the restaurant, faced with the barely touched dishes, and Huang Yanyan started to eat.

Suddenly, she seemed to think of something again, pursed her lips, and asked:

"What, I remember... there was a fish just now."

"Uh... you?"

Judging from the meaning in her words, it seems that she is no longer disgusted with fish.

Thinking about the mysterious mermaid on the card, Li Feng thought that it was indeed the case and brought the stewed carp from the kitchen.

After Huang Yanyan thanked him, he returned to his happy state.

Li Feng thought about the evil card, looked at Huang Yanyan who was rejoicing that he could eat fish again, and asked:

"Yanyan, have you played any games recently?"


Huang Yanyan, who was drinking fish soup from a basin, paused. She put down the soup basin that was big enough to cover her face and asked curiously as if she didn't hear clearly.

Looking at her expression, Li Feng understood clearly.

Huang Yanyan's on-the-spot reaction was indeed good. She pretended not to hear clearly on the pretext of focusing on drinking fish soup.

Then use rhetorical questions to take advantage of the time difference between the other person's retelling and prepare your own words.

Huang Yanyan's expressions and movements were so smooth that no one should see the problem.

But Li Feng has known her for too long, from the age of 3 to 28.

Besides, Li Feng is still a time traveler. In the zombie apocalypse in his previous life, he had never seen any kind of lies or acting skills.

The answer in my heart is almost the same, but since Huang Yanyan is going to act, it is better to act with her for a while and see what she will say.

Anyway, it’s still growing today.

Under Huang Yanyan's gaze, Li Feng looked relaxed. He leaned back on the chair and repeated what he had just said, as if chatting.

Finally, he added:

"I finished my old book last month, and I've been thinking about playing some new games recently to find inspiration for the new book."

Li Feng's reasons are reasonable to anyone who listens to them.

Huang Yanyan nodded slightly after hearing this, but what Li Feng didn't expect was that her expression turned serious.

After two seconds of silence, she put down the soup basin in her hand, took a deep breath, and said to Li Feng as if to muster up courage:

"Do you remember...Susan?"

Li Feng felt a chill in his heart when he heard Huang Yanyan's words.

Why would she take the initiative to mention Susan? Is she planning a showdown with me?

Thinking back on Susan as an ordinary person, Li Feng asked back:

"Is it the local internet celebrity you talked about last time?"

Susan is a local Internet celebrity in Yuncheng. When she traveled back in time last time, Li Feng fished her clone from the river.

Later, Li Feng asked Huang Yanyan about Susan in order to inquire about the case.

It was she who told Li Feng that Susan was a local Internet celebrity, and the case turned out to be a mistake.

From Huang Yanyan's perspective, Li Feng only knew so much.

"Yes, that's her."

Huang Yanyan nodded in confirmation, and then in Li Feng's expectation, she said:

"She is dead, murdered."

Li Feng:? ? ?

He said in his heart that I was the one who killed the person, but why did Huang Yanyan take the initiative to mention this to me.

The key is, looking at Huang Yanyan's appearance, it seems that he has no intention of telling himself about Susan's fleshy tree-like corpse.

Li Feng didn't know what kind of work Huang Yanyan was going to do, so he just continued to act with her.

"How? Who killed her?"

Li Feng, who had been brought into the perspective of an ordinary person, showed obvious surprise and sadness.

Huang Yanyan shook her head:

"We haven't found out yet, but one thing is certain. The person who killed Susan found her through a game."

Li Feng, who was like Ming Jing in his heart, suddenly became confused when he heard this.

After thinking for a moment, he seemed to understand Huang Yanyan's intention.

"Game? What game?"

Li Feng asked in surprise.

But Huang Yanyan still shook his head:

"It hasn't been found out yet, but the current clue is...

It was a new game that was not common on the market and was only spread in a small area.


Huang Yanyan paused, looked directly at Li Feng, and said solemnly:

“And from what I’ve heard, a lot of people have died because of that game.

So, as it stands now, except for downloading well-known games on the rankings, you must never play new games.

Because the murderer is really cruel and is still on the loose. "

Huang Yanyan's attitude was very serious.

She looked at Li Feng, fearing that he wouldn't believe it, and then told another story. There was a virus in the game that would invade your phone and steal your whereabouts.

Huang Yanyan used a bunch of very professional terms to describe her fictitious case, trying to dispel Li Feng's doubts and make him really believe it.

Finally, she told Li Feng very seriously, never play games that are not on the rankings.

Then he looked like if you don't agree to it, I will continue talking.

Li Feng nodded cooperatively, and then condemned the murderer like a normal person.

He was now certain that Huang Yanyan was a player.

But Huang Yanyan, who is already a player, doesn't know that he is also a player.

In order to prevent herself from being involved in it, she became a player of the Endless Sea and got into trouble with the weird and extraordinary, traveling between the two worlds.

That's why he didn't hesitate to borrow Susan's case and made up many lies to keep himself away from games, at least away from games from non-well-known manufacturers.

After analyzing this, Li Feng felt some warmth in his heart.

"Actually, I wanted to tell you about this at the beginning of the month."

Seeing that Li Feng was full, Huang Yanyan made him a cup of tea and continued:

"But I'm afraid that you might be curious enough to search for that game online in order to find writing inspiration.

I just thought it would be better not to tell you yet. "

Li Feng nodded, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart for Huang Yanyan's thoughtfulness.

But when his mind changed, he immediately noticed that Huang Yanyan said "the beginning of the month".

At the beginning of the month, July 1st.

After players travel through the game world, the player world will stop for a while.

Therefore, the time when players live in the game world for half a month and return to the player world happens to be at the beginning or middle of the month.

Li Feng himself was one of the players on July 1st, and based on what Huang Yanyan just said...

‘Is she the same group of players as me? ’

Li Feng couldn't describe how he felt now.

There is regret and boredom.

As a friend, Huang Yanyan didn't want him to become a player who frequently took risks, and Li Feng actually didn't want Huang Yanyan to go through that either.

But now that things have come to this, Li Feng feels faintly happy.

He and Huang Yanyan have known each other for 25 years and have an absolutely trustworthy relationship.

As friends and players, they can share secrets and solve problems together.

Moreover, Li Feng now really wants to know how Huang Yanyan got contaminated with the mermaid coral card.

As for the camp, Li Feng knew Huang Yanyan. She had always had a strong sense of justice and would never choose the abyss.

So, no more acting, let’s show off.

Li Feng was thinking this, but suddenly, he remembered the things he had done in the game world.

The Hunters of the Abyss, seven mortal pirates, two Hidden pirates, two Tilly brothers, three Soul Eater apprentices, Borg Moroth, and three noble knights of Storm's End.

I had never calculated it before, but when I suddenly thought about it, I realized that I had killed so many people.

Strangely enough, Li Feng thought of Xia. He could confess who he had killed and what he had done in front of Xia without any scruples.

But Li Feng felt uncomfortable with Huang Yanyan, whom he had known for a longer time.

Ultimately, she has three views of the world.

‘It’s nothing, a showdown doesn’t mean no reservations. ’

Li Feng took a sip of tea and decided to pay attention.

Thinking of the vast blue sea and countless islands in the game world.

Li Feng planned to ask directly, "Which island are you on?"

But just as he was about to speak, Huang Yanyan's cell phone rang.

It was the captain of her police station calling.

Huang Yanyan greeted Li Feng and went to the balcony to answer the captain's call.

Because it was a work matter, she deliberately avoided Li Feng, but with Li Feng's current ability, he could hear it very clearly.

During the phone call, they mentioned Susan's autopsy, the game, Huang Yanyan's physical condition, and when she could go to work.

After hearing these contents, Li Feng suddenly realized, how could the official behind Huang Yanyan not know about the game?

The game announcement did not allow the game content and player identities to be disclosed, but by eavesdropping on their phone calls, Li Feng clearly felt that the officials knew a lot.

Also, they are not the first batch of players, and Susan is definitely not the only one who brought Chao Chao here.

Isn't the coral card in the inner pocket of his jacket just another copy of the extraordinary one that was brought here?

There must be many more such things happening in places that I don’t know about. How could the authorities not discover them?

Perhaps, they already have some secret coping methods, or even ways to detect players.

And communicate with them without violating the game announcement method.

Li Feng knew that he was just a civilian, and there must be people planning something and dealing with something in places beyond his reach.

As for Huang Yanyan, she hates evil as much as she hates her mother and has a strong sense of justice.

When she grew up, she chose to become a forensic doctor for this reason.

Therefore, if possible, she would definitely not hide such a big thing from an organization she trusted.

The player world is not a lamb to be slaughtered by Ren Chaofan, which is a good thing.


But if the reality is like this, is it necessary for me to confess my identity as a player?

After all, what he did in the game world was not good.

"Oh, by the way, what were you about to say? You were interrupted when I answered the phone."

While Li Feng was analyzing the pros and cons, Huang Yanyan had already returned from the balcony after making a phone call.

She sat back down opposite Li Feng, blinked and looked at Li Feng, waiting for him to say what he wanted to say just now.

As for Li Feng, he had countless thoughts in his mind.

‘Which island are you on? ’

Do you still say this?

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