Weird deep sea game, I can fish unlimitedly

Chapter 169 Who said this? What No. 67 said

*: "Progress increased by 9%? It's only half a day, right?"

*: "Did we all think wrong before? The progress of the blood sacrifice event does not increase by 1%, but the faster it increases, the faster it increases?"

*: "You don't care about martial ethics at all!"

*: "Yeah, 1% for the first time and 9% for the second time. I really can't imagine how much it will be for the third time."

The progress of the blood sacrifice event has increased significantly, leaving players a little stunned. Google search reading

Li Feng looked at the chat channel and frowned deeply.

Not only because of the system announcement, but also because he heard the slight sound of rain coming from outside the window.

It started to rain again.

*: "Everyone, it's raining here again, what about you?"

In addition to Li Feng, other players soon noticed that it was raining.

Judging from the responses, it was not surprising that it started to rain again across the country.

In other words, just like last night, it started to rain all over the world.

*: "Why do I find that the rain is still very light and has not become heavier at all? Isn't the blood sacrifice event coming at 10%?"

*: "It's true, the rain here is just like last night and this morning, it's just a slight drizzle."

*: "So what's the difference between 1% and 10%?"

*: "Well, I remember the official player just said that there is something in the rain, it seems to be some kind of blood?"

*: "Yes, I also remember that crazy animals are stained with blood. I'll look back and have a look."

While the players were discussing, Li Feng opened all the curtains in his home and carefully observed every window.

As a copywriter, he made a lot of money. At this moment, several floor-to-ceiling windows on the flat floor were already covered with crystal raindrops.

One drop, two drops.

After only a short while, Li Feng found two more blood watermarks on the glass of his house.

'really. ’

The unknown and evil transcendence pollutes the world through the blood mixed in the rain.

The more progress the blood sacrifice event makes, the more blood will be mixed in the rain.

So the crux is not the size of the rain at all, but the density of blood in the rain.

After clarifying his thoughts, Li Feng browsed through the chat channels and saw that no one had mentioned it yet.

Just speak in the chat channel.

0067: "There is more blood in the rain."

Li Feng just wanted to remind and didn't want to cause a debate, so he simply used the number to speak.

The eye-catching number really stirred up waves with one stone.

*: "It's No. 67! The boss is also paying attention to the blood sacrifice incident."

*: "Isn't this nonsense? We all live in the same world."

*: "Wait a minute, it's exactly what the elder said. There's really more blood in the rain! I just saw a drop on the window sill."

*: "Yes, I saw it too, my house has a yard..."

Since Li Feng raised this topic, most players have noticed the blood in the rain.

But then came worries.

When it rained last time, only 1% of the blood sacrifice events occurred. The blood was not obvious, and many players never saw it at all.

But even this can cause many animals to go crazy and lose control in just half a day.

So now, the blood sacrifice event has reached 10%, and obvious blood can be seen in the rain. What will happen after this rain.

*: "There are still many ordinary people in our world. I really can't imagine what would happen if they were drenched in blood and water?"

*: "It's still rush hour for get off work, right? It's raining at this time, which makes me miserable!"

*: "Yeah, if it rains heavily, everyone knows how to take shelter, but in this kind of drizzle, many people don't even know how to hold an umbrella."

*: "This is no longer about martial ethics, this is simply vicious!"

*: "Everyone, my mentality is going to collapse. I just went to pick up my wife from get off work. I did pick her up and didn't let her get wet in the rain, but you don't know that scene...

When it was time to get off work, her colleagues and one of her office workers went to the subway station and the parking lot in the rain, talking and laughing.

They didn't think there was a problem at all, and even thought the rain was cool and beautiful, but there was already diluted blood on the ground where those people walked.

If this continues, I really don't know what will happen tomorrow. "

*: "Oh - you are picking up your wife, I saw it after school, exactly the same.

There were times when I really wanted to yell at them to take shelter from the rain, but because of game advice, I didn't have the courage.

To be honest, I feel bad. "

*: "People upstairs, don't feel bad. Even if you say it, they won't believe it. They will just think you are crazy."

*: "Yes, but I have friends there and teachers who take good care of me."

*: "You are not as miserable as me. I just called my parents and told them that it was raining acid outside and they must not go out or set up a stall.

They agreed, but with that tone, I knew they were perfunctory.

Those are my parents, what can I do?

If I don't tell the truth, they won't believe it, but if I tell the truth, I'll send it, and they have to send the white-haired person to the black-haired person.

Can anyone help me? ? ? "

*: "Oh, by the way, didn't the news just now say that work and classes will be suspended and everyone should stop going out?"

*: "Heh, a small factory in a small place, do you think you are afraid of acid rain?"

*: "I'll go and report it quickly."

*: "Report immediately."

After realizing the problem in Yuli, many players in the chat channel talked about their experiences and their sadness.

Unlike previous disasters that were about to happen in a certain location, this extraordinary arrival was global, or hidden in an inconspicuous drizzle.

A thin drizzle falls from the sky. It pollutes everyone's life silently, and no one is spared.

Even informed players are unable to ensure that their family and friends are safe from this disaster because of the game's advice.

For a time, grief, anger, powerlessness, collapse, and all kinds of emotions spread wantonly in the chat channel.

*: “Everyone, now is not the time to lose your temper.

I remember just now the official players said that they should take advantage of the fact that only 1% of the blood sacrifice is coming to prevent the blood sacrifice from coming. Is there anything they can do? "

*: "Official players said so, but it was 1% at that time and now it is 10%. Is there anything else they can do?"

"The news has stopped again? Keep broadcasting. All other programs have been stopped. Today we will only broadcast the acid rain incident! Yes, the network will follow suit."

"What about the weather? When will the rain stop?"

"Is there any manual intervention?"

"Can the floor cleaning be kept up after the rain stops?"

At the Yuncheng Research Institute located on the fifth floor underground, both official players and non-players are busy.

This afternoon, when Huang Yanyan was doing an autopsy on the crazy and out-of-control animals, he found that their hair was all wet.

She also checked the records of the animal owners or reporters, and found that these animals had been exposed to rain.

At that time, she speculated that there might be something wrong with the rain.

At the same time, colleagues who were responsible for observing the rainfall due to widespread rainfall found traces of blood in the rain.

There are no sources of pollution at any of the observation sites of the institute, so it is very abnormal for the rainwater falling from the sky to be mixed with blood.

Sure enough, after analyzing the collected blood and conducting experiments on mice, the institute came to the conclusion.

The blood mixed in the rain is what causes the animals to go crazy and lose control. Even after the heart is removed, the heart and the animal still maintain vitality.

Thinking back to the scene just now, Huang Yanyan still felt chills on her spine.

After being drenched in blood, the white mouse screamed and hit the cage hard after a while.

But when Huang Yanyan took out the heart of the mouse according to the experimental procedures, she saw a very horrifying scene.

The white mouse is still alive, but its little heart is beating powerfully in the petri dish.

Just like the pig heart she saw this afternoon.

And not only that, Huang Yanyan tried conventional methods of ending his life, but they were completely ineffective.

In the end, it was another official player who was good at attacking spells who used extraordinary means to end the life of the mouse and its heart.

Huang Yanyan has seen all kinds of corpses in the past few years since he chose the forensic medicine major.

But I really felt sick and wanted to vomit, and whenever I thought about that scene, I got goosebumps all over my body.

'how so……'

After drinking another glass of ice water, Huang Yanyan felt better.

She returned to the conference room where the official players were. Due to the pig heart incident this morning, the institute headquarters sent a person in charge of extraordinary affairs.

Unlike team leader Xing Jianhua and the branch director of Yuncheng Research Institute, this forty-year-old team leader Gao is also a transcendent.

And he is also a veteran player of the third level and eighth level with rich experience in the game and a higher level.

And not only that, as an official player affiliated with the headquarters, Team Leader Gao is also extremely good at dealing with extraordinary disasters in the player world.

At this moment, there is an endless stream of phone calls in the conference room, all from other relevant departments reporting various data.

Team leader Gao instructed team leader Qi Heng, the team leader, and many team members to busy compiling data.

Because of the strange global blood sacrifice incident, everyone in the entire conference room was nervous and felt as if they were facing an enemy.

The system announcement just now reminded that the progress of the blood sacrifice event has increased from 1% to 10%.

Team leader Gao himself also started making phone calls, asking the players responsible for observing the rainfall to check whether the amount of blood mixed with water in the new round of rainfall increased.

Huang Yanyan, who was also busy at this time, happened to see No. 67's speech in the chat channel.

She didn't think much and immediately reported to Team Leader Gao:

"Some people say that there is more blood in the rain."

"Who said that?!"

Team leader Gao, who was anxiously asking about the situation, said sternly.

Team leader Gao was actually not dissatisfied with Huang Yanyan, but because the situation was too critical, his tone and expression were a little serious.

But as a third-level and eighth-level transcendent, his stern tone immediately shocked the other players in the conference room.

They couldn't help but stop what they were doing and look at Huang Yanyan.

Faced with this situation, Huang Yanyan did not expect it, and she was slightly stunned.

But looking at the number in the chat channel, she instantly felt confident, even when facing the gazes of more than a dozen people present.

She was not afraid at all and answered in a very clear voice:

"It was said by No. 67, who was at the same time as me."

This number seemed to have magic power. After hearing this, the official players present all looked convinced.

Even Team Leader Gao, who had a stern expression just now, softened instantly.

At the same time, he also realized that there was a problem with his attitude just now, so in a serious and tense mood, he forced a smile to Huang Yanyan and said:

"Okay, I know."

At the same time, the player on the other end of the phone who was responsible for observing the rainfall also reported to Team Leader Gao:

"There's definitely more blood in the rain."

After hanging up the phone, Team Leader Gao, who received two-phase confirmation of the answer, gave Qi Heng the whale bone in the fog.

Ask him to immediately notify non-player Xing Jianhua and the branch dean of the latest news so that they can take corresponding measures.

The urgent work continues.

Looking at the increasingly accurate information in front of me, there is Team Leader Gao who is experienced in dealing with extraordinary disasters in the player world.

I know in my heart that the only way to solve the problem now is to prevent the blood sacrifice event from happening at the root.

The system has its own rules, but it is not yet certain whether these rules are as he had guessed during the meeting at the headquarters before his arrival.

With this thought in his mind, Team Leader Gao suddenly asked Huang Yanyan:

"Xiao Huang, I remember that you players have periodic tasks to advance to the third level, right?"

Huang Yanyan didn't know what he meant by asking this, but she nodded yes.

"Headquarters now has a guess."

Team leader Gao said to Huang Yanyan and other official players in the office:

"I think everyone knows that the reward given by the system to players for periodic tasks is to stop the fusion of the two worlds and delay the generation of the next batch of players.

The headquarters now speculates that the coming of the blood sacrifice incident is actually a fusion of two worlds. It is the extraordinary coming of the game world to our world.

What if, before the blood sacrifice event comes 100%, any one of us can complete a player cycle mission.

Does this mean that the fusion of the two realms of blood sacrifice can be stopped this time? "

As soon as Team Leader Gao said these words, the official players present immediately opened their minds.

The system has its own rules. As long as you act according to the rules, it is not impossible.

However, when everyone was in trouble again, Team Leader Gao's cell phone rang. It was a call from the institute headquarters.

After a brief answer, Team Leader Gao announced.

Through divination, the headquarters believes that it is feasible to prevent the blood sacrifice incident from happening by completing the player's periodic tasks.

So now, no matter official players or unofficial players, someone must step forward and complete the player cycle tasks they receive.

However, Team Leader Gao knew from the faces of the official players present that they were still far from completing their respective periodic tasks.

Unfortunately, so is he.

He is an old player, and player cycle tasks become more difficult the further they go.

From the initial promotion to a certain rank to the completion of certain demanding achievements, it has become increasingly an impossible task.

Therefore, to complete player cycle tasks, you have to find them among relatively new players.

Team leader Gao looked at Qi Heng. He was a player in the 2251st period. The current player cycle mission requirement should be to be promoted to the third level and fifth level.

"Uh, no, Team Leader Gao. Our periodic mission has just begun one cycle and one day."

Qi Heng immediately explained:

"Even though I stepped on time and completed the task of advancing to the third level last time, I am still at the third level now, far from the fifth level."

In the last cycle, Qi Heng only took care of his mentor and was busy with the Sadness Theater. He had no time to be promoted.

So even though half a month has passed, his rank is still at the third level.

Team leader Gao nodded when he heard this. He also knew the situation.

At this moment, Qi Heng suddenly looked at Huang Yanyan and asked:

"I remember that this period, you received the periodic task of promoting to the third level. It has been a while. Is it possible for anyone to complete it?"


Huang Yanyan frowned. Their periodic mission this time was to advance to the third level within eight game cycles.

Now, exactly three cycles and one day have passed since the time to release the task.

Huang Yanyan used her own prayer for light as an example. In the game world, she has no pressure to survive.

Whenever she had the chance, she would sit in her boudoir and bless the small wooden tablets, but her current rank was only the second and fourth ranks.

If we look at eight game cycles, it should be enough for her to advance to level three.

But the problem is that with the advent of the blood sacrifice event, time is no longer waiting for anyone.

"I understand the situation, and there is no need for anyone to blame themselves."

In the dull conference room, Team Leader Gao consoled him:

"We still have many branches, as well as many official and unofficial players. The headquarters is also working hard. There will definitely be hope."

Team Leader Gao's comforting words had some effect, but the next second, the door of the conference room was knocked quickly and opened.

Team leader Xing Jianhua held the door handle in one hand and his mobile phone in the other, and said eagerly:

"There's a call from the hospital, someone is infected!"

The drizzle has stopped in the turbid night sky illuminated by neon lights.

Because of the official acid rain news and strict traffic control.

Even though it was only 9 o'clock in the evening, even if the "acid rain" had stopped, the streets outside were already deserted.

Li Feng stood by the window and glanced at the night sky where it no longer rained and the deserted streets with neon lights.

While thinking about the fishing spots that appeared in my mind when I just used the talent of finding fishing spots.

Li Feng checked again and saw the various things he had just put into the system backpack this afternoon.

Now, Li Feng is ready to go out to confirm his conjecture today.

It is a crucial guess related to his promotion.

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