On the top of the spire covered with countless gold and jewelry, Li Feng looked at Xia in surprise. 𫍬

He knew that the little cat was very smart, but he didn't expect that she could guess so much.

"You don't need to say anything, don't affirm or deny, just listen to what I say."

Xia told Li Feng that there were some things she wanted to figure out, but she also knew the limitations that existed on Li Feng.

"Back then, in order to avenge Penros Fell, I drank the Moon Shadow Potion to increase my strength a thousand times.

But what makes me strange is that even though I had such powerful power at that time that I could even seriously injure my cocoon, I could not find any sign of Penlos Fell even though I searched the entire Wind's Breath City.

At that time, I thought Penroth Fell happened to be away from Wind's End, but later I discovered that he hadn't even left Storm's End at all.

So I have never been able to figure out how he managed to escape my tracking since he was only a fifth-level Holy Judge. 𫍬

It was not until later, when we fought him in the basement of Storm's End, that I discovered that the power he used was not the power of the Inquisitor at all.

Moreover, that kind of power far exceeds that of a fifth-level holy judge.

It seems to be a power that can change the nature of things. I saw with my own eyes that Penros Fell turned crude stone pillars into sharp cones.

Compared with the extraordinary abilities of the Endless Sea, this power is more direct, more straightforward, and more desperate.

But I soon discovered that you also had this power, and you used this power to kill Penros Fell.

So in other words, in the endless sea, in addition to the extraordinary power of the seven natures, there is an unknown, more powerful power.

This power reminds me of my ancestors and the Lost Book. 𫍬

Whether it is recorded in the "Lost Book" or circulated within the dragon clan, the dragon flames of the black dragon clan are also extremely powerful.

Powerful enough to kill a lava lord and tear the earth apart.

During these tens of millions of years, the Black Dragon Clan relied on this power to rule the entire Giant Dragon Clan.

But it is obvious that none of the descendants of our ancestors, that is, us black dragons, can truly master the dragon's flames.

Just like just now, even my dragon flames can destroy a huge ogre camp without any effort.

But I know that compared with the real dragon flame, it can only be regarded as superficial.

But it's very strange. Over the past tens of millions of years, there have been so many descendants of the Black Dragon Clan, many of whom are amazingly talented and beautiful. But why can no one master the real dragon flame? 𫍬

I think my mother wanted to find out why, so she collected gargoyle heads, or something.

But she didn't find the answer, nor could she grasp the more direct and straightforward power.

But her actions aroused the vigilance of the dragons of other colors. They were afraid that my mother would achieve something and master the real dragon flame, and then they would never be able to take power.

So they betrayed my mother and slaughtered the black dragon clan to eliminate future troubles forever.

But no one can refuse the powerful power, so those dragons secretly support Mathas and help him decipher the contents of the "Lost Book" to explore the real dragon flame.

But before that, I discovered that the "Lost Book" stored in the mermaid's place was really stolen by the hidden people of the Black and White Institute.

Perhaps, as you said, the Lost Book was actually stolen by the Shadow Stranger. 𫍬

But why are the Seven Gods looking for the "Lost Book"? Are they also interested in that kind of powerful power?

Later, I remembered that the leader of the mermaid clan once said that although the Seven Gods are very powerful, they are all false gods who claim to be gods, and they did not exist at the beginning of the creation of the world.

Later, I became the governor and learned about the existence of players. Players come from another world and possess special powers.

So I guess my ancestors, the Seven, and Penros Fell, they are all players, and players have been around since ancient times.

As for the instantaneous increase in Penlos Fell's power, it seems to prove that players are not only from other worlds, but also people from the Endless Sea can become players. "

Xia said her conjecture, but she didn't let Li Feng respond, and continued:

"So...if I can, I also want to be a player."𫍬

The dusk outside the window was heavy, and Li Feng was speechless for a moment.

The little cat is indeed very smart. She connected all these messy clues one by one and guessed the close to the truth.


Li Feng rubbed his forehead. He suddenly felt that the player group was like a besieged city.

Those outside wanted to come in, like Shia and Penros Fell, and those inside wanted to get out, like himself and the Seven Gods.

"Some things come with a price, and that price...is extremely difficult to escape."

Li Feng carefully considered his words and said to Xia: 𫍬

“Even if someone has worked hard for thousands of years, the result is still in vain.

Shia, I really don’t want you to live like a puppet. "

"I guess one of the costs is having to keep it secret."

Sia replied with a smile, and then continued:

"I admit that I am greedy for that kind of powerful power, and I also guess that the reason why the Black Dragon Clan cannot master the real Dragon Flame is because no Black Dragon has become a player except the ancestors.

But there is another reason why I want to be a player. I want to be like you.

I can imagine that the price you mentioned, something that makes you deal with it carefully, must be something very, very powerful and very difficult to solve. 𫍬

However, I want to be with you. In my opinion, no matter how difficult those things are, they are simpler than the things that need to be avoided between us.

I don’t want to have something I can’t tell you, and I don’t want you to always choose your words. "

"Or make up some not-so-good excuse."

Recalling all the past events, Li Feng added self-deprecatingly.

Sia was amused, and she thought for a moment:

"Well - actually... some of the excuses were quite clever. I believed them at the time, but I only realized something was wrong when I thought about them afterwards."

The little kitten blinked her golden eyes, looking very energetic under the reflection of the gold and silver jewelry all over the floor, but then she said seriously: 𫍬

"So I want to be like you. I think you can tell me anything. I'm really afraid that you will suddenly leave again one day and I won't be able to find you anywhere."

The sky outside the balcony was dark, and the twilight only emerged from the water near the sea.

Li Feng looked at Xia and quickly thought about many things in his mind.

The condition for Shia to become a player is the core of the earth, of which Li Feng already has three.

Moreover, he also has two half-godheads, which when put together, is exactly one complete godhead.

If Shia becomes a player, she can directly become a level 3 player.

Based on Xue Yu's experience as a player, those who become players can choose whether to travel to a new world. 𫍬

Of course, if you don't choose to travel to a new world and face new crises, you won't be able to unlock your player's talents.

At this point, although each has its pros and cons, there is also room for detours and options.


Now that Xia has decided and her starting point to become a player can be very high, Li Feng no longer hesitates.

Under Xia's curious eyes, Li Feng took out the core of the earth from his backpack:

"Try holding it, don't be nervous when you see anything, just do as I say."


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