Chapter 154 The Eighth Little Family[9](4/5)

As time passed, Luo Hao had already spent half a year in the Yun Pavilion before he knew it.

The Eight Extraordinary Meridians in the body have already been opened up, and their status in the Yun Mansion has increased since they entered the Yun Pavilion.

There is an own courtyard. Although it is a lot smaller than the courtyard of Yunfu Zhongren, it is not bad compared to Li Hu's courtyard.

In the past six months, Yun Ziqing, the second Miss of Yunfu, has walked closer to Luo Hao.

Because of Yun Ziqing's special status in Yunfu, many of her peers respected her, and her savage personality made people feel scared of her.

So many times, Yun Ziqing regarded Luo Hao as a playmate.

Sometimes even sneaking out from Yunfu to play, you have to bring Luo Hao.

Of course, if he is found out, he will be punished by family law, and these punishments will naturally not be severe for Yun Ziqing.

But Luo Hao will inevitably get a few whips on his back, and today he was caught sneaking out by Yun Ziqing.

Yun Ziqing was imprisoned in the confinement room, and Luo Hao was hit with twenty whips from the head of the martial arts teacher.

Although it is already Martial Dao Third Stage, Luo Hao is a copper-skinned and iron-boned Luo Hao. After hitting these twenty whips, his back is also aching pain, and the flesh and blood have been cracked.

The cultivation of these two days must also be slowed down, so it is natural to cultivate in the room today.

Luo Hao also regretted this. He knew that she shouldn't have heard what Yun Ziqing said at the time and went out to play.

At this time, Luo Hao, who was lying on the bed, felt a little footstep outside the door, and immediately raised his head to look at the door.


The door was slowly pushed open carefully, and a small head was exposed. It was Yun Ziqing who caused Luo Hao to get the whip.

"Didn't you go to confinement? Why did you sneak out again..."

Looking at Yun Ziqing who carefully closed the door in front of him, Luo Hao also showed a wry smile on his face.

"Shhh! Be quiet, knowing that I ran out secretly and still so loud.

"You want to get the whip again?"

Looking at Luo Hao, who was lying on the bed in front of him, with his upper body naked, Yun Ziqing's eyes were also unbearable.

Her disposition is not bad, she is just slightly naughty and playful. In fact, she doesn't want Luo Hao to get the whip because of herself.

After six months of getting along with each other, Luo Hao didn't call Yun Ziqing Miss anymore in private.

The two of them are more like friends in private than the master and servant.

"So you don't hurry back, otherwise you want me to get a whip again."

Hearing Yun Ziqing's words, Luo Hao also sighed helplessly, lying on the bed like this and did not get up.

"I didn't say that. Since this Miss said to cover you, I won't be so unrighteous."

"This is the hemostatic medicine I stole from the pharmacy. It has a very good effect on trauma."

"After I have given you the medicine, I will go back to the confinement room. Don't worry, no one will find it.

Yun Ziqing looked like Yuntian with a righteous face, and she had no choice but to nod her head to this little girl.

I hope to quickly send away this disaster star in front of me.

When Yun Ziqing saw Luo Hao's head buried in the pillow, he also opened the medicine bottle and put a little bit of powdered liquor on the wound on Luo Hao's back.

A pain that deeply penetrates the bone marrow caused Luo Hao to bite one of his teeth in an instant, and his eyes widened to look forward.

Finally, after spraying a whole bottle of powder, Yun Ziqing also put down the bottle and patted her palms.

He looked at Luo Hao triumphantly, like a kid who did a good job and wanted to be praised.

"How about it, is it better?"

Yun Ziqing looked at Luo Hao, who had a grim face and then slowly relaxed, with a little complacency on her face.

"It's much better now, it really hurts before."

Luo Hao took a long breath. After the pain passed, Luo Hao felt a chill in his back.

It is very comfortable, as if the whole person was soaked in the cold lake water in the scorching heat.

"Okay, then you have a good rest, and wait for you to get up well."

"I am about to come out of the confinement room, and I will take you out to play.

Yun Ziqing's fearless character that day made Luo Hao a cold sweat.

"I won't be hanging out with you next time, if you pull me out next time."

"I will report you to the head of the martial arts teacher. I don't want to be lashed.

Luo Hao, who was lying on the bed, shook his head and refused, and immediately made Yun Ziqing's mouth pouted slightly.

…Please ask for flowers………

After an angry snort, he walked directly out of Luo Hao's room.

Luo Hao also smiled bitterly. After Yun Ziqing left, he lay down on the bed and began to rest.

Halfway through, it was almost time for dinner, and Li Hu also came to Luo Hao courtyard.

After bringing some pain medicine to Luo Hao, he put down some food and sat beside Luo Hao.

"From now on, don't get so close to the two Miss."

"Otherwise, it won't be an ordinary person who beats you with a whip next time. If the martial instructor beats you 20 whips, you will lose half your life if you don't die. Fortunately, now it's just a wound of flesh and blood."

Li Hu glanced at the medicine powder remaining on Luo Hao's back, and put down the medicine bottle in his hand.


After understanding that someone must have given Luo Hao medicine before, he immediately said to Luo Hao earnestly.

The master and the servant are clear, as long as some things cross the line, then even if Luo Hao's talent shown is high, he will immediately go down.

"Manager Li, I know, I didn't cross the line, but sometimes I can't help it."

"In the entire Yunge, only two Miss can afford me. If I refuse, I am afraid that there will be many people who trouble me in the Yunge. Back then, it was young and naive to fight back."

"Now, I'm afraid I'm hitting my collateral children. I'm afraid I can't stay in Yun Mansion.

Luo Hao knew the meaning of Li Hu's words very well in his heart, and he also expressed a helpless look.

Li Hu sighed deeply when he saw this. In this complicated world, just a small family would have so many troubles.

Even if Luo Hao leaves Yunfu, he may not be able to get any fame.

Naturally, we want to be honest, and gradually breakthrough Realm.

"Anyway, you have been a little more careful recently. The owner seems to like you very much. If you have any needs, come to me."

"If I can help you, I will try my best to help you.

Li Hu patted Luo Hao on the shoulder, and there was a hint of encouragement in his words.

As Luo Hao who is similar to his own destiny, he naturally does not want Luo Hao to be isolated in the Yun Pavilion.

Although the current situation is almost isolated. enter,

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