Chapter 203 The Tenth World-Mortals Slaying Dragons[3](3/5)

Two years later, Luo Hao is eight years old this year.

The figure is almost as tall as an eleven or twelve-year-old child because of the cultivation wind and thunder body refining technique.

The Mental Energy itself has been restored for almost all times, and the manipulation of natural energy has also become proficient.

The daily boring and tedious practice allows Luo Hao to get a certain amount of capital equal to it.

"Will Young Master.

Just when Luo Hao opened his eyes and was about to stand up, an old man outside the courtyard bowed slightly to Luo Hao.

This person is the Savile butler who has been taking care of Luo Hao and Abel Life.

"Why do I have to take my blood once a year."

"Does it make any sense?"

Luo Hao frowned slightly as he looked at the seven poems and the small bowl in Saville's hand.

"This is to ensure that Young Master, your pure blood, will be better accepted by Dragon King in the future."

Savile smiled slightly, and wrinkles appeared on the old face because of the smile.

Luo Hao took the dagger after hearing it, and calmly drew a blood line on his wrist.

Drops of blood dripped into the bowl, and immediately turned into a blood line, until the blood in the bowl was almost there.

Luo Hao also picked up the towel next to him and wrapped his wrists.

"Will Young Master, please wait a moment, I will give you medicine right away."

Saville placed the bowl 187 on the stone table aside carefully, and took out a salve from his waist.

This is not the first time Luo Hao has done this. From birth to now, he will come once a year. He even has a heavy scar on his left wrist.

After the medicine was wiped off, the cooling sensation gradually penetrated into the wound, and Luo Hao walked straight back to the room.

Prepare to rest in the room for a while, and then start cultivation Mental Energy.

Saville bowed respectfully in the direction Luo Hao left, and then left with the blood bowl.

It was not until the sky gradually darkened that Abel returned to the courtyard.

I prepared some dinner for Luo Hao. The mother and son did not communicate too much, and started to eat directly.

Until the end of the dinner, Luo Hao left the scene, and Abel sighed deeply.

But Abel did not know that Luo Hao did not leave, but stopped in a corner where Abel could not see.

That heavy and helpless sigh was really not like a mother who would vomit out when she saw her child.

Luo Hao raised his eyes slightly, turned around and left directly.

(cbai) One year has passed, Luo Hao is nine years old this year.

Realm of Martial Dao Third Stage, coupled with wizard power, has given Luo Hao a little self-protection.

Also today, Luo Hao was finally approved to leave the own courtyard and walk freely among the Aroland family.

This allowed Luo Hao to spend more time in the library of the Aroland family every day except for cultivation.

I have also learned more about the creature of the giant dragon. Luo Hao will not be like people in this world, maintaining awe and devotion to this powerful creature. On the contrary, he has a touch of disgust for this creature.

According to records in many books, the dragon, as an existence enshrined by humans, has many sacrifices every year.

It is dedicated to the dragon to ensure the safety of the area where it lives and not be invaded by Magical Beasts and other races.

And these human beings who were offered to the dragon are called "gifts", and Luo Hao couldn't help but think of own after a while.

However, Luo Hao, who has a high adaptability to dragon blood, did not feel that he would be abandoned by the family as food and dedicated to the dragon.

Luo Hao once heard the butler of Saville mention that Dage, who seldom meets his own, has a worse adaptability for dragon blood than his own, so Luo Hao didn't want to understand why it was so strange all the time.

• o o o o

Until Luo Hao was ten years old, he was taken by Abel, and all the family members came outside a quaint mansion.

After walking into the quaint mansion, what you see is a huge pure gold statue.

Shining with a heavy golden halo, an imposing and domineering dragon was opening its wings and looking arrogantly downwards.

All the members of the Aloran family knelt on the ground, as if the giant dragon in front of them was really like a god.

Awesome, pious, and faithful.

Luo Hao was slightly startled, and followed his own mother, Abel, to kneel together.

This is also the rare time Luo Hao can meet his father and Dage in a year.

Finks still had a serious face, but after seeing the golden dragon statue, there was a touch of devotion on his face, like a fanatic, Dian always on the ground.

The 30-year-old man beside Finks is Luo Hao's Dage.

Once it was just a meeting, Noksa, the son of the Aroland family, was also a powerful Aron.

According to Abel, he is the most powerful person in the entire family.

In the past, when Luo Hao was young, he just felt that the Noxa in front of him was a little different from ordinary people.

But now Luo Hao, who is close to Martial Dao Fourth Stage, can feel the faintly powerful blood in Noxa's body.

The rush of energy and blood that is different from ordinary people is like a beast. Just not far away can make Luo Hao feel a little heart palpitations.

Even the Finks on the side did not give Luo Hao this feeling.

This inexplicable and sudden sacrifice lasted all morning, until Luo Hao's legs were numb.

Finks and his eldest son Noxa stood up and walked out first.

At this time, Abel also stood up and started chatting with the women around him. Luo Hao discovered from their conversation that they were all Finks’ wives.

This is the first time Luo Hao has actually met them. At Abel's signal, Luo Hao also greeted these women one by one, and then Luo Hao was taken by Abel to the next room.

The five spirit cards were neatly placed in the center of the room, and there were many spirit cards scattered around.

There are almost hundreds of spiritual tablets, and in the most central place, the names on the four spiritual tablets shocked Luo Hao's pupils.

Aroland, Krga, Aroland-Beckmos, Aroland-Asa, Aroland-Besar

All are the spiritual cards of the Aroland family, and as far as Luo Hao knows, the ancestral hall of the Aroland family is not in this place.

Every patriarch of the Aroland family has no brothers or sisters, and apart from the four named spirit cards, there is also a blank one without a name.

Suddenly, a bold guess grew in Luo Hao's heart

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