Chapter 60 The Fourth Life·Counter-attack of the defeated nobles [4] (7/4)

"Yes, now you can stop those basic physical training."

"Choose a handy weapon, after you step into the knight, it will be of great help to you."

Amber nodded in satisfaction. Luo Hao, the student's intelligence, was far beyond his expectations.

There are many things that other children often don't think of, but Luo Hao can think of it, and then he is not ashamed to ask him.

Including the current situation, it is the same.

As for the weapons, in fact, Amber would have chosen to let him contact after the college vacation was over.

But now it seems that within a year, Luo Hao can condense the seeds of life and truly become a knight.

Luo Hao also listened to Amber’s advice, and went to the arsenal with Amber to select a long sword.

Of course it is unopened, and only knights can specially build or receive the long sword in the academy.

Luo Hao just took away the long sword that the apprentice knights used to train.

After sending Luo Hao to the school gate, Amber looked at Luo Hao's disappearing back.

He went directly to the office of the dean of the academy, and directly talked about the problem with the dean of the academy.

After a high-level meeting of the college that day, the dean decided to apply for Luo Hao's graduation and enrollment in advance.

In the evening of the same day, he personally set off, went to the Imperial High Knights Academy, and brought up the matter to the other party.

Immediately decided the way out for Luo Hao's next college.

Moreover, the salary has even improved a lot for Luo Hao. Others spend money to receive education when they study.

Luo Hao is a little different. He leads his salary to do his own happy things.

On the third day, people from the Imperial High Knights Academy came to Luo Hao's home.

After explaining Luo Hao's situation to Luo Hao's mother, Luo Hao's mother immediately shed happy tears.

Covering his face and weeping with joy, Luo Hao was also told that after school started, he didn't need to go to the elementary college to report again.

You can go directly to the college to report, at the age of nine and less than ten.

Under normal circumstances, the enrollment age of higher education institutions is twelve years old, and the cohesion of life energy must reach a certain level, and you can graduate after becoming a knight.

Although Luo Hao's situation is obvious, it doesn't take long for him to be promoted to knight.

But Luo Hao is still a simple piece of raw jade after all. It needs educators to carve meticulously in order to become the best jade material.

. . . . . .

One month later, the holiday is over.

Luo Hao changed into the uniform of the college, and the dress dedicated to the nobles was worn on Luo Hao.

Let Luo Hao feel a little uncomfortable, picking up the saber presented by the junior college, Luo Hao bid farewell to his mother.

Higher colleges live on campus, so early in the morning, there is a special carriage to pick Luo Hao into the college.

At this distance from the room to the door, Luo Hao's mother repeatedly said many worried words.

No one would have thought that Luo Hao, who had supported a whole family with his high talents, had to leave home to pursue higher opportunities when he was less than ten years old.

"Mother, don't worry, there will be holidays in the college every week."

"At that time, I will definitely be back on time."

Luo Hao looked at the mother in front of him, gave a gentle hug, and gave this mother who was about to be very lonely a warm hug.

"Chris, my excellent boy."

"May your heavenly father take good care of you, and carry forward the original family crest of the Fiore family."

Kosiah suppressed the warm tears in his eyes and put Luo Hao in his arms.

After exhorting Luo Hao a few words at the end, he sent Luo Hao onto the carriage.

Gradually, the carriage disappeared in front of Kosya, tears could no longer help streaming down.

. . . . . .

About an hour later, the bumpy carriage finally stopped.

At the entrance of the huge college, there are two lifelike behemoth statues.

There are a large number of horse-drawn carriages parked around, most of which are those of aristocrats.

Many aristocratic teenagers who were taller than Luo Hao got off the carriage.

Many people's eyes are on Luo Hao's body, and everyone is very strange.

Why is the school uniform of the colleges and universities even being worn by a child?

And that kid was wearing a long sword around his waist.

Although Luo Hao is only nine years old this year, his height is a little over 1.6 meters.

Children with vital energy in this world grow faster than ordinary children in terms of height and physique.

Luo Hao is naturally so, but the three to four-year-old boys around Luo Hao are almost 1.75 meters tall.

Naturally, Luo Hao is regarded as a child.

However, Luo Hao didn't care about the eyes of others, so he walked directly in the direction of the school gate. According to the person who came to the college last time, Luo Hao needs to report in the teacher's office first.

"Hey, are you a special admissions college student, Fiore Cris?"

Just as Luo Hao stepped out and walked forward, a female voice with dissatisfaction reached Luo Hao's ears.

Luo Hao, who turned his head, looked at the gorgeous blonde girl in front of him with a puzzled face.

After recalling it carefully, I didn't seem to know her. *

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