Yuan Ziming specially fled to a crowded place

Only in this way can he better escape the pursuit of the lion Ofe Enoch.

At this time, Yuan Ziming was already some distance away from the ‘Yuan Seclusion’ that exploded.

“Look, that person seems to be Kamen Rider too.”

“I haven’t seen it before, is it the new Kamen Rider?”

“Look at his waist, it’s that Faiz drive, he’s Kamen Rider Faiz.”

Yuan Ziming’s appearance naturally attracted the attention of pedestrians on the road

Among them, someone recognized the Kamen Rider he transformed into through the Faiz drive on Motokoaki’s waist and Faiz’s mobile phone.

And when Kamen Rider Faiz came out with these words,

More pedestrians were drawn attention

They all gathered around.

The large number of pedestrians gathered made Yuan Ziming feel a little safe in his heart.

“With so many people, that lion Ofe Enoch can’t…”

Yuan Ziming just had this idea in his heart

Then I heard, ‘Oh! ‘

A gray-white figure was already approaching

It was Ophienoch, the lion who was chasing

I saw the lion Aophie Enoch smile cruelly, and the long knife in his hand slashed at the nearest few humans to Yuan Ziming.

The humans were stopped and cut in half

Blood suddenly flowed to the ground.

“Ah! Yes! Yes! Kill! ”

“Crouch, it’s Orpheenoch, run,”

The death of several humans instantly caused panic among the onlookers

They all shouted and fled the scene.

Soon, only the lions Ofe Enoch and Yuan Ziming were still standing.

Orpheno the Lion was not targeting ordinary humans, so he ignored it

Instead, he looked at Yuan Ziming playfully:

“What’s wrong, Mr. Kamen Rider, you don’t want that group of humans to protect you, do you?”

“Your good son has made a special account of me,”

you said

“I want you to disappear completely from this world.”

Saying that, he also used the long knife in his hand to compare in the direction where Yuan Ziming was.

It seems to be thinking about where to start.

“That unfilial son!”

Yuan Ziming cursed secretly again,

Then he said to the lion Ophienoch in a consultative tone:

“Let me go.”

“Whatever that beast gave you, I gave double.”

Yuan Ziming didn’t want to die,

For people like him, life is the most precious thing.

“Double? Hahaha…”

When the lion Offe Enoch heard this, he immediately couldn’t stop laughing.

Then he looked at Yuan Ziming playfully and asked mockingly:

“Can you give me two Faiz drives?”

“I’m afraid, you can’t even bear that Faiz drive on yourself.”

The goal of Orfe Enoch the Lion was always only Faiz Drive

Other things were of no use to Orphie Enoch the lion.

Yuan Ziming’s face sank

As Orphie Enoch the Lion said,

It is impossible to give up the Faiz drive yourself.

If he now drives Faiz to the lion Ofhienoch,

Then the chances of surviving are even lower.

It’s like,

Two generals engaged in a life-and-death battle, suddenly one side asked the other to hand over the weapon to him

That fool will hand it over.

“It seems that there is only a fight.”

Yuan Ziming calculated in his heart

Now this situation wants to win,

There is only one chance

That is to use the crimson drill directly.

Preferably when Orpheno the Lion was defenseless.

Thinking of this, Yuan Ziming suddenly said:

“It’s not impossible.”

“I might actually be able to give you two Kamen Rider drives.”

“Oh?” The lion Aophie Enoch looked at Yuan Ziming with interest

But only the Faiz armor that wrapped Yuan Ziming’s face could be seen.

“Kamen Rider Specialty Store,”

“I can buy you two Kamen Rider drives from there.”

“Believe me, I have a lot of assets that Yuanmo that beast doesn’t know.”

The lion Offe Enoch hesitated when he heard this

According to Yuan Ziming’s personality, it is indeed very likely that he has hidden assets from others.

“If you let me go, and help me kill Yuan Mo.”

“I’m sure I can buy you two Kamen Rider drives.”

Seeing the lion Ofe Enoch began to hesitate

Yuan Ziming continued to fool.

But at the same time, he secretly took out the “Faiz instruction memory”

It was intended to be inserted into the Faiz cursor

Suddenly he caught a glimpse of the lion Ofe Enoch looking at him with a strange face.

The secret word was not good, and Yuan Ziming immediately accelerated his movements.

‘Faiz instruction memory’ is inserted into the ‘Faiz cursor’.

“Ready! (Ready!) )”

A sound sounded

As soon as Yuan Ziming wanted to attach it to his right leg, the lion Offe Enoch had already attacked with a knife.

“Old fellow, your son is really right.”

“In your eyes, no one dares to violate your interests.”

The lion Aoife Enoch’s movements were very fast, and in the blink of an eye, he came to Yuan Ziming’s eyes

Looking at Yuan Ziming coldly, he said:

“So, I’d better kill you directly, and then take Faiz Drive to be safer.”

The lion Orpheno spoke at the same time

The movement of the hand is not slow

The long knife in his hand had already slashed at the armor on Yuan Ziming’s chest.

Yuan Ziming, who was already seriously injured, reacted

Watching the long knife smash into his chest.


Accompanied by a metallic clashing sound,

Yuan Ziming screamed and fell to the ground by this knife

However, the lion Ofe Enoch did not stop attacking because of Yuan Ziming’s screams.

Instead, he still slashed at his chest with a long knife

Knowing that Yuan Ziming’s chest had been hit hard

Orphie Enoch, the lion, grabbed here and struck hard.

“Bang! Bang! Bang! ”

With every slash, the aura on Yuan Ziming’s body was weak.

“Hehe, who would have thought that the big man in this city would be trampled under my feet at this time?”

Orphieno the Lion said mockingly

Then, he swung the long knife with all his strength and slashed at Yuan Ziming at his feet.


This knife went down and directly knocked Yuan Ziming back into his human form.

I saw a flash of red light on Yuan Ziming’s body, and Faiz’s armor dispersed

Revealing the miserable body inside.

“Put… Let it go…”

Yuan Ziming’s breath was weak, and his face and mouth were already full of vomited blood.

The lion Ofe Enoch smiled cruelly, and then sighed:

“Sure enough, the richer the person, the more stingy

he is,” he is

“You said that you have to do these little actions, now it’s okay?”

“I obviously hesitated a little just now, what a waste of my feelings.”

After speaking, the lion Aoife Enoch aimed the long knife at Yuan Ziming’s heart.

Thinking about to plug in.

Suddenly, a roaring voice sounded:

“Stop me!”


PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of ‘Blackened Fungus’.

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