Chapter 65 The First ‘Prey’, the Battle Between Skull and Decade!!

‘Wow! Swish! Swish! ’。

I saw that after Su Yao’s hand released the card,

The Decade card spins in the air and finally spins and inserts into the Decade drive.

Su Yao’s right hand also pushed the Decade drive immediately.

“Kamen! Ride! Decade! ”

As the sound of transformation sounded, the Decade armor gradually appeared on Su Yao’s body,

Until the final transformation effect (card plug) was played, the purple light on Su Yao’s forehead flashed slightly,

Kamen Rider Decade.(Passion Form).! Debut~! It was also the next moment when Su Yao became Decade,

A loud voice exploded in the sky:

[After ten minutes, the first batch of weirdos will be dropped to random locations!] 】

[The first weirdo: five Amazons, five alien insects! ] 】

[Please note that the best way to survive to the end is to avoid the pursuers.] 】

[Without being discovered by the weirdos, it can effectively avoid the attention of the pursuer.] 】

[The pursuer of this game is now announced:]

[He is called the destroyer of the world! ] 】

[It is the existence that destroys everything!] 】

[It is the demon of all knights who destroy! ] 】

【Scatter! Survive his hunt! 】


This voice enveloped the entire Lost City not only Su Yao,

Everyone else heard it.

The Lost City, in a movie theater,

This movie theater is big and brightly lit, but there’s no one here.

It’s a bit gloomy at this time of night.

The chameleon Ofe Enoch randomly arrived in this movie theater.

“Knight Battle Royale? Are we fugitives? ”

The chameleon Orpheno recalled the information he had seen on the circular screen.

In this way,

It should not be the “special team” who came here by themselves, and the chicken type Ofe Enoch and Yuan Mo did not come to this place, most likely because they are not Kamen Riders.

“So, is this a game that only Kamen Riders can play?”

Chameleon Offe Enoch’s eyes were solemn,

Among the ten people just now, all of them should be Kamen Riders! Among them, the chameleon Ofhienos did not know, and naturally did not know what Kamen Rider the other party was.


No matter who is opposite, for the chameleon Offe Enoch, the important thing is to live to the end!

The round screen said that this is a battle royale and will be ‘dead’!

The chameleon Offe Enoch doesn’t want to die!

“Maybe only by surviving to the end can you go back alive.”

The chameleon Ofhienoch had just figured out the current situation a little when he heard the sound that resounded in the sky.

“Drop the weirdo?”

“Five Amazon and five alien insects?”

A strange color flashed across the chameleon Ophienoch’s face. He’s also an Ofhienoch!

If the weirdo was Orphieeno… At the same time, in a place in the Lost City, where it looked a bit like a shopping mall, she heard the loud voice like the chameleon Offe Enoch.

“Drop the weirdo?”

“Chaser? Kamen Rider too! ”

Yan Xueying repeated, “Decade…”

Shaking her head slightly, Yan Xueying knew that now was not the time to think about this, the main thing now was to find Bai Yaner and them first, join their teammates, all ten people were scattered to different places in this lost city, everyone was trying to figure out the current situation at this time, although the loud voice just now said that there would be ten strange people cast, but most people were not looking for a hidden place to hide, but looking around to find other people or find out where this city was.

Ten minutes later,

The five Amazon and the five alien insects were also thrown into the lost city,

But because there are not many of them, no one has encountered these ten weirdos for a while. However, to everyone’s heart,

After casting the ten weirdos, the voice sounded again.

[Five Amazon and five alien insects have been released! ] 】

[After 60 minutes, five Orpheinos will be released!] 】

The number has become less,

People don’t think it’s less difficult,

It is very likely that the previous five Amazon and five alien insects were very weak,

The five Ofionos behind are stronger.


On a street, Meng Chonghua shouted and became Kamen Rider Knight.

He walked for a few minutes and found no one,

So he planned to transform and use his contract beast ‘Darkwing Darkwing Bat’ to fly into the air to find others.

Draw a card and insert it into the Dark Summoner.

“Advent! (Covenant Descends)”,

With a sound wave roar, the contract beast ‘Darkwing Darkwing Bat’ flew out of the mirror on the side,

“Go find out, where are the others!”

Meng Chonghua just finished speaking,

He found his contract beast ‘Darkwing Darkwing Bat’ flying rapidly towards a place,

Seeing this, Meng Chonghua immediately rushed in that direction, and soon,

Meng Chonghua found that the contract beast ‘Darkwing Darkwing Bat’ flew into an open-air football field,

Without too much hesitation,

Meng Chonghua rushed in directly,

But after entering, Meng Chonghua regretted it a little. Because what exists inside is not his teammate but a weirdo!

A green weirdo covered in disgusting hair. Caterpillar Amazon!

Meng Chonghua secretly said unlucky,

But there is not much fear in my heart,

Because the caterpillar Amazon in front of you seems to be very weak, even weaker than the ants Amazon encountered before.

The caterpillar Amazon also found Meng Chonghua at this time, and screamed strangely,

He rushed towards Meng Chonghua!

Meng Chonghua didn’t want to waste too much time with this caterpillar, so he took out a card from the card holder and inserted it into the dark summoner.

“Final! Vent! (Final Arrival)”

After Meng Chonghua summoned the contract beast ‘Darkwing Darkwing Bat’, the movement caused was not small,

Because it’s so quiet here

And the ‘Darkwing Darkwing Bat’ also flew high in the air,

It is possible for someone who is not far away to see the ‘Darkwing Darkwing Bat’. Just like Su Yao!

After Su Yao changed into Kamen Rider Decade, he began to search for Kamen Rider’s actions.

When there are no results of the search,

Suddenly heard the ‘Darkwing Darkwing Bat’ flying high in the air and calling, so Su Yao chased in the direction of the Darkwing Darkwing Bat. But because of the relatively long distance,

When Su Yao arrived at the football field,

There was only a pool of disgusting Amazon blood on the ground, and there was no one around.

“Have you come and gone…”

Su Yao glanced at the Amazon blood water on the ground,

Helplessly: “The weirdo who put it on for the first time seems to be a little weak!” ”

Just when Su Yao thought that he had run in vain this time, he suddenly found a figure walking into this football field. It’s easy!

Bu Yi was also attracted by the ‘Darkwing Darkwing Bat’ summoned by Meng Chonghua,

Once on the football pitch,

Bu Yi also saw Su Yao, who became Kamen Rider Decade, at first,

Bu Yi also thought that the magenta (pink fan) Kamen Rider in front of him was one of the ten of them.

As a detective,

Although not famous, the basic reckoning ability is still easy to have, from the circular screen to give the information,

And that loud voice

Bu Yi knew that the ten of them were all Kamen Riders, and some of them were known to Bu Yi,

I also know which Kamen Rider is. But some people don’t know it,

Therefore, after seeing Su Yao,

Bu Yi’s first reaction was that Su Yao was one of the few people he didn’t know, but the next second.

When Bu Yi and Su Yao looked at each other, a sense of panic suddenly rose in Bu Yi’s heart, Kamen Rider Decade!

I don’t know why, Bu Yi seemed to have someone telling him in his mind, and as if no one told him,

This Kamen Rider in front of you is Decade! That loud voice speaks of the destroyer of the world!

Bu Yi immediately took out the lost drive and put it on his waist, and at the same time took out the Skull memory,

Looking at Su Yao vigilantly, he asked in a condensed voice, “Are you Kamen Rider Decade?” ”

The corners of Su Yao’s mouth rose slightly, but he didn’t expect that he had lost and regained, and finally met the first ‘prey’!

There is no answer to Buyi’s question,

Su Yao slowly walked towards Bu Yi. One-step… One-step…

Su Yao and Bu Yi are about a hundred meters apart, close to two hundred meters apart,

This distance is not too far. But Su Yao walked very slowly

And every time Su Yao took a step, the tension in Bu Yi’s heart became one more point, and Bu Yi can basically be determined now,

The voice that came out of my heart was true! This Kamen Rider in front of you is Decade!

The Kamen Rider who is going to hunt them down!

“Skull! (skull)” Buyi pressed the Skull memory,

After the sound sounded, Bu Yi’s eyes looked closely at Su Yao who was coming, and he whispered: “Transform!” ”

Then insert the Skull memory into the lost drive.

“Skull! (Skull)”

The sound sound sounded this time, and after a burst of transformation effects, Kamen Rider Skull appeared!

At the moment when Bu Yi’s transformation was successful, Su Yao’s speed suddenly accelerated,

Seeing this, he subconsciously took a step back, but did not escape,

After being transferred from Hangzhou City to Pengcheng, although the number of strange people encountered has decreased,

But almost half of the elimination of weirdos is by the main force of Bu Yi, so, during this time,

Bu Yi is more familiar with the power of Kamen Rider Skull and can use the power of Skull better.

And most importantly,

Bu Yi is more clear about the meaning of his own battle,

So, the day before entering this ‘knight game’, Buyi successfully obtained from Skull’s ‘SkullCrystal’! (Crystal Skull)’ became the basic form of Skull.

That is, the form one with the lightning sign on the forehead!

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