Chapter 92 comes a wave _ stealing in person, and finally attacking and controlling Kaixa!!

“There’s no place to hide here.”

“Oh, what about the three Fangire?”

“Yuan Mo is not there, and neither are the three coercions?”

The chameleon Orphe Enochon fled to a relatively wide plain, where the view of the Pingchuan River was overlooked,

Basically there is nothing good to hide. And because of this,

The chameleon Offe Enoch’s heart was even more flustered.

Alone, with no teammates, and no place to hide, if Kamen Rider Decade chases after him,

Come to think of it,

The chameleon Offe Enoch looked behind him and found that there was no magenta figure behind him.

Subconsciously relieved.

“Fortunately, I ran fast.”

“That guy probably hasn’t already…”

“I’ve been waiting for you here for a long time!”

Before the chameleon Offe Enoch’s words of rejoicing could be spoken, he heard a lazy voice directly in front of him. Keep your eyes fixed,

It’s Kamen Rider Decade! Behind Kamen Rider Decade,

A gray flowing wall is slowly disappearing.

“When are you?”

The chameleon Offe Enoch was shocked,

Immediately clench the “Kaixa blade gun” in your hand “You are too slow! ”

Su Yao stood directly in front of the chameleon Aoife Enoch and said in an indifferent tone.

“Oh! Swish! Swish! ”

In response to Su Yao, there were several consecutive golden energy light bullets. It was the ‘Kaixa blade gun: shot.

In the face of the energy light bullet that is fired at him,

Su Yao just slowly stretched out his right hand.

“Boom! Boom! Boom! ”

Those energy light bombs stopped in front of Su Yao’s right hand, and if you look closely, you will find that

They are wrapped in a plume of magenta energy. Then Su Yao’s right hand shook sharply!


Those light bombs exploded violently, but the explosion formed was only maintained in front of Su Yao’s right hand,

And it’s a small range, as if blocked by something.


Chameleon Offe Enoch looked at this scene in disbelief, and it was the same last time!

The chameleon Offe Enoch saw three Kamen Rider Decades appear at the same time,

And now it’s like that again.

Just a shake of his right hand defused his attack.

“Kamen Rider Decade… Is it really that powerful? ”

The chameleon Offe Enoch did not find,

In his tone, he revealed a trace of powerlessness.

“Kamen Rider Kaixa!”

The corners of Su Yao’s mouth rose slightly, revealing a slight smile, “If you deal with you, it’s better to use this card!” ”

Su Yao’s voice just fell,

Then I heard a sound effect similar to the sound of a locomotive, and it was the card box on Su Yao’s waist that was opened,

A card in the card box automatically flies out, and this card rotates in the air,

“Count it up, you’ve been getting the Kaixa drive for a while.”

When the card was spinning in the air, Su Yao also said silently. The chameleon Offe Enochon was stunned,

I wondered why Su Yao suddenly wanted to say this.

“Got the power of Kamen Rider Kaixa for so long.”

“I haven’t seen you really exert his power,”


Su Yao said this,

After the card that rotated in the air circled around Su Yao, it was slowly inserted into Su Yao’s Decade drive.

“Before forcing the Kaixa drive to be recycled,”

“Just let you meet the true power of Kamen Rider Kaixa!”

After the word ‘quantity’ is uttered,

The Decade drive snapped shut and began reading the inserted card.

“Kamen! Rider! Kaixa! ”

Kaixa’s Knight Energy Emblem emerges from the Decade drive.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yao was wrapped in a golden light, and the armor on his body began to change,

Several golden lines appear,

When the light cleared, a knight almost identical to Kamen Rider Kaixa appeared.

The golden line just now is the flow of yellow photon blood. At this time,

The armor on both Su Yao and the chameleon Ofhienoch,

The only difference is that the drive around the waist is different.


The chameleon Offe Enoch couldn’t help but burst into foul language.

“Kamen Rider Kaixa?”

“Shouldn’t it be me?”

Chameleon Ofhienoch said and touched the Kaixa armor on his body,

After making sure that it was still there, he said in a surprised tone: “It’s not that you stole my armor.” ”

“Instead, he turned into another Kamen Rider Kaixa?”

But on second thought,

The chameleon Offe Enochon was not very surprised, last time in the ‘Knight Game’,

Decade even summoned two Decade doppelgangers, and now Kamen Rider Kaixa is nothing,

And most importantly, Kamen Rider originally flowed out of Su Yao’s hands. So thinking of this,

The chameleon Ofe Enoch had no extra surprise. Instead, he looked at Su Yao with a solemn expression.

“Kamen Rider Kaixa’s true power…”

After becoming Kamen Rider Kaixa,

Su Yao walked slowly towards the chameleon Ofeino. While taking out Kamen Rider’s exclusive weapon

‘Kaixa Blade Gun’!

After switching it to sword mode, Su Yao suddenly accelerated,

Seeing this, the chameleon Offe Enoch’s heart tightened,

Immediately also switched his own /Kaixa blade gun to sword mode,

When he switched, Su Yao had already rushed to the chameleon Aophie Enoch and swung out the ‘Kaixa Blade Gun’ with lightning speed.

The chameleon Ofe Enochon could only hastily push the ‘Kaixạ bladed gun’ in his hand forward,


Also Kamen Rider Kaixa,

The same weapon is the ‘Kaixa Blade Gun’!

But the moment Su Yao and the chameleon Aoifenoch’s ‘Kaixa blade gun’ collided,

The chameleon Offe Enoch was instantly blasted away.

When he flew out upside down, even his own weapon, the Kaixa blade gun, was knocked out of his hand.


The chameleon Orpheno fell to the ground, a trace of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth. What a strong force!

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but the chameleon Ofiono feels that Su Yao seems to be stronger than in the ‘knight game’!

Steady and slowly get up from the ground,

Chameleon Orphie Enoch removes Kaixa punching from his belt! (Kaixa camera)’.

This is a weapon similar to Kamen Rider Faiz’s ‘Faiz Fist’.

It can be worn on the hand and punched at the target. It is also one of its special moves.

Then, the chameleon Ofe Enoch filled the ‘Kaixa command memory’ with ‘Kaixa Fist Command’.

“Ready! (In preparation)”

As soon as the sound sounded, the chameleon Offe Enoch immediately pressed the ‘Enter’ key on the ‘Kaixa phone’.

“Exceed! Charge! (Energy filling) “Photon blood flows into the ‘Kaixa Fist’.


Su Yao also came to the chameleon Aoife Enoch again, and this time the chameleon Aoife Enoch took the initiative

With the right fist of ‘Kaixa’, he swung sharply towards Su Yao.

“Gran! Impact! (Huge shock)”


A deafening muffled sound sounded.

“How is that possible?”

The chameleon Aophie Enoch looked at Su Yao, who was motionless, in shock, and roared in disbelief.

I saw his killing blow,

was actually blocked by Su Yao’s hand,

And Su Yao’s body is still standing.

It was as if blocking the chameleon Ofhienoch’s special move was very simple.

Kamen Rider Kaixa’s boxing special skill is not very powerful according to the data, but only a mere 5.5t of power.

Of course, Kamen Rider’s battle data is of little significance.

But this punching special move sent by the chameleon Aophie Enochon was really easy to block for Su Yao.

“This special skill is not powerful enough!”

The purple compound eyes on the Kaixa armor on Su Yao’s body stared closely at the chameleon Offe Enoch,

The chameleon Offe Enoch was flustered by the eyes that he had the same as his own.


I saw Su Yao’s right foot kick violently, kicking the abdomen of the chameleon Aophieno,

Just like just now, the chameleon Ofe Enoch was once again blasted away. Twice in a row was so easily knocked away,

The chameleon Aophie Enoch was a little angry at the same time as he was afraid of Su Yao.

“Since this can’t work! Just change to another one! ”

“I don’t believe it, my ‘gold drill’

“You can take it calmly!”

A fierce look flashed on the chameleon Aophieenoch’s face,

After speaking, the chameleon Ofhienos took down the ‘Faiz cursor’. After a series of operations, the ‘Faiz cursor’ was installed on the right foot by the chameleon Orphieno.

“Or I’ll die!”

“Or not…”

The chameleon Aoife Enoch did not say a word later, obviously not thinking that he had the strength to kill Su Yao, he did not expect to be able to kill Su Yao,

I just want to give myself a chance to live.

Quickly press ‘Enter’ on ‘Kaixa Phone’.

“Exceed! Charge! (Energy filling)”

As the sound sounds, yellow photon blood flows from the Kaixa driver to the ‘Kaixa cursor’,

The chameleon Ofe Enoch jumped into the air, and a golden four-corner cone beam shot out from the ‘Kaixa cursor’!

“Gold! Smash! (Gold Drill)”

When the chameleon Ofe Enochon installed the ‘Kaixa cursor’, Su Yao was not idle,

In the card box around the waist, ‘Oh! With a bang, a card popped up, and this card was spinning in the air like the previous Kaixa knight card,

Finally, it automatically flies into the Decade drive. Card insertion, reading!

“Final! Attack! Rider! Ka,Ka… Ka… Kaixa! (Final Attack Harness Kaixa)”

The same shot out a golden four-corner cone beam. Two golden four-cornered cone beams collided in the air, in the sky.

Two identically shaped Kamen Riders are each wrapped in golden energy and kick towards each other!

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