The female traffic police only noticed Ye Fan's outfit.

"You turned out to be a Taoist priest!"

She seemed to be very surprised by Ye Fan's identity.

Ye Fan was a little puzzled.

"What? Can't I be a Taoist priest?"

The female traffic police said with a little disdain: "No! It's just that, depending on your young age, how many ways can you do?"

"Don't think that if you have learned a little bit of Taoism, you feel that you are very good!"

"It doesn't matter if you are killed by your behavior, it will be bad if it hurts others!"

With that, she looked at Liu Rumeng of the co-pilot.

The meaning is clear, that is to say, Ye Fan is arrogant.

Fortunately, there was no demon ghost on the road.

Ye Fan finally heard it, it turned out that this woman actually looked down on him!

His little temper also came up, he is Maoshan authentic at any rate, what is she?

"I said, Comrade Traffic Police! Anyway, I'm also a Taoist priest! But what about you? A small woman who stopped the car before it dawned. Isn't she afraid of hitting ghosts?"

When the female traffic police heard this, she couldn't help but sneered: "I'm sorry! I'm not a traffic policeman!"

She took off her helmet, buckled it around her waist, and said triumphantly: "My name is Mo Liuli, and I am an investigator of the Shangdong Citizens Investigation Bureau! I am responsible for the supernatural incidents in Qidao County!"

"Polling Bureau?"

Ye Fan remembered that it seemed to have heard of this department, and it had existed before the horror came.

The people in this department are quite mysterious, on the surface it is a functional department that investigates public opinion.

But in fact, their job is to deal with all kinds of supernatural phenomena.

"Seems to have heard of it!"

Mo Liuli just wanted to show off, but Ye Fan closed the car windows directly, started the car and got ready to leave.

Mo Liuli was also a ruthless person, ran directly to the car and blocked Ye Fan's road with his own body.

Ye Fan rolled down the car window and said angrily: "Are you going to die?"

Mo Liuli was even more angry than him. She opened the car door and asked sternly, "You dare to escape! Get out of the car, now I'll arrest you!"

"Hey!" Ye Fan was also on fire.

"You are a pollster, what qualifications do you have to stop my car? Who gives you the right?"

Mo Liuli directly took out a stack of documents and threw them on Ye Fan's face.

"Look for yourself and see if I have any power?"

Ye Fan opened a few documents at random, and his face became difficult to look.

It turns out that Mo Liuli's identity is not just as simple as an investigator in a polling bureau.

She even has multiple identities such as traffic police, civilian police, public security, and court at the same time.

Apparently, it should be done specifically for her convenience.


Ye Fangang wanted to explain, but Mo Liuli pulled him out of the car.

"Now, take out your driving permit, driver's license, and ID card!"

Ye Fan said helplessly: "Comrade! For the sake of everyone being a peer, please forgive me this time!"

"Look, the bride is still waiting to go to the wedding scene!"

Mo Liuli still said coldly, "I don't care! Who made you break the law? As a public official, I can't know the law and break the law!"


Ye Fan is speechless. Is this unclear as a public revenge?

"Um... you... leave me speechless!"

Who has the power in the hands of the family? No one can offend the public.

This is the truth of life that Ye Fan has realized for two generations!

"Okay! Comrade, according to the regulations, speeding is only a fine! Come on! How much will you fine me?"

Mo Liuli saw that Ye Fan was finally stopped, and his expression began to become serious.

With a solemn expression, he said, "Since you are a Taoist priest, you must also know something about ghosts!"

"Can you do me a favor?"

Okay! The reason for making such a big circle was to ask him for help.

Ye Fan asked tentatively, "Is it haunted by a certain neighborhood?"

Mo Liuli said in shock: "How did you know?"

Ye Fan pretended to be mysterious and said: "The secret of heaven must not be revealed!"

Afterwards, he pretended to pinch his fingers, his eyes looked at the sky, and he muttered something in his mouth:

"Heaven is spiritual and earth is spiritual, and the old man will appear soon, there is something in Qidao County, tell me quickly..."

After a while, he suddenly yelled, "Ah! There is a family named Wei in the community, and there is a person named Wei Qian in the house, right?"

" even know this?" Mo Liuli asked incredulously.

Ye Fan shook his head and said, "Don't talk nonsense, are you right or wrong?"

Mo Liuli nodded and said, "Yes! There is such a person!"

Then Ye Fan started looking at the sky again, still chanting a spell that Mo Liuli couldn't understand.

After a while, he said again: "Ah! Yesterday, Wei Wei invited an expert, right?"

Mo Liuli swallowed softly, nodded dumbly and said, "Yes!"

Ye Fan suddenly sat back in the car, looking almost collapsed, gasping and said: "Quick! Quick! Get the expert up, it's him!"

Mo Liuli quickly took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call.

An imperceptible smile appeared at the corner of Ye Fan's mouth. He didn't expect this woman to be so cheating.

As a result, she hadn't had time to dial, but the phone ringing suddenly rang.

"Hey! Captain! I just want to call you! I have something to ask you..."

Although Mo Liuli had many identities, they generally held basic positions because it was easier to come into contact with various incidents.

Therefore, other people's assistance is often needed.

As a result, there was a somewhat anxious voice from the captain on the other side: "Liu Li! Don't you know something about Taoism? We just received a report. More than a dozen people disappeared last night. Come back!"

Mo Liuli frowned slightly and said, "Huh? Missing? What happened?"

"Don't ask, now family members are making troubles here, and they are about to turn into a pot of porridge!"

"Okay! I'm coming right now!"

Mo Liuli, who hung up, looked at Ye Fan.

Ye Fan wanted to tell her the news, so he didn't bother to help this woman!

I still have such important things to do, so how can I have so much time to take care of these nosy matters.

But seeing Mo Liuli's expression on own, Ye Fan suddenly had a premonition of'ominous'.

"You...what are you going to do?"

Mo Liuli looked at Liu Rumeng apologetically and said, "This bride, I'm sorry, I urgently need a Taoist priest now, can you lend him to me?"

"Don't worry, I just want him to help see the specific situation! It won't delay you too much time!"

Mo Liuli knew that since Ye Fan was only taking the role of picking up the bride, the initiative must be in the hands of the bride.

Therefore, as long as the bride agrees, Ye Fan must have nothing to say.

Liu Rumeng turned his head and glanced at Ye Fan, she only listened to Ye Fan.

Ye Fan waved his hand and said, "No! Marriage pays attention to good days and auspicious days, so how can you delay time?"

"Comrade, you can be regarded as a half Taoist priest. You can always understand this, right?"

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