Weird recovery: I build the world with weirdness

Chapter 1 Time Travel, Monster in Dreams

When Lu Yu opened his eyes, he was still surrounded by strange lights, with countless light bands of different colors twisting and floating around.

Occasional collisions and interweavings evolved into scenes one after another, some familiar to him, some completely unfamiliar, and some intertwined with both.

Some are in rooms, some are in the wilderness, some are in rural areas, and some are in cities.

And there are lives inside, some familiar, some strange, some humans, some monsters, and he even saw himself in them.

Some scenes are just normal life, while others are filled with extraordinary existences of demons and monsters, and they themselves have unparalleled extraordinary power, fighting against the heaven and earth, subduing demons and monsters.

However, when these scenes develop to the end, the self in them will gradually become powerless.

Those who were originally able to fly to the sky and escape from the earth could no longer fly; they were originally those who subdued demons, but instead they were chased by demons.

And all these scenes are twisted and grotesque, and even the various buildings in them are twisted and tilted, or even hung upside down. There is no logic at all.

Moreover, there are also scenes that collide with each other and then intersect.

At this time, Lu Yu in the picture would appear here and there, without any logic at all.

However, Lu Yu did not panic at all when seeing these bizarre scenes.

Because this is not the first time he has seen it, nor is it the first time he has appeared here.

Ever since he traveled through time three days ago, he has been dreaming about this scene.

Even gradually, he began to feel a sense of control over the bizarre scenes around him, and that sense of control would continue to grow over time.

Until now, Lu Yu even felt that the floating light bands around him and the dream scenes were like extensions of his own hands and feet, which he could control as he pleased.

If it weren't for the death of his predecessor, he would have wanted to sort out the bizarre dream environment around him.

Well, time travel, how can he travel through time if his predecessor is not dead?

But this is not the point. The point is the cause of death of the predecessor.

As Lu Yu sorted out the memories of his predecessor, he also had a general understanding of the world.

This world is generally the same as the previous life. Many dynasties in history can be found in this world. There are also fights against foreign aggression and the establishment of the Xia Kingdom.

In other words, this world is the same modern urban world as his previous life.

If it weren't for the fact that his body had become much younger, his residential address had changed, and there were some strange memories in his mind, he would have thought that he had not traveled through time.

Originally, in the memory of the predecessor for more than twenty years, this world was an ordinary urban world.

However, just a month ago, my predecessor suddenly had nightmares.

In his dream, there was a terrifying monster that was constantly chasing him.

At the beginning, he didn't take it seriously, he just thought it was a nightmare.

However, as time went on, the situation became more and more serious, and his body and mind became weaker and weaker, and he gradually realized that something was wrong.

After that, he saw a psychiatrist, a monk and a Taoist priest, but all of them had no effect.

He could only feel that the monster in his dream was constantly approaching him, as if it could kill him at any time.

Under all kinds of nervous and anxious emotions, his body became more and more weak and haggard. He became depressed day by day, in a daze all day long, and did not dare to sleep at all at night.

But, he is not a machine after all.

Finally, three days ago, my predecessor could no longer hold on and fell asleep.

Well, I really fell asleep.

The kind that never wakes up.

It seemed that the monster appeared again and bit off the head of its predecessor.

Then, the frightened Lu Yu suddenly sat up.

It was a completely seamless connection, and this was how Lu Yu completed the time travel.

After traveling through time, Lu Yu was still a little nervous at first, fearing that when he was sleeping, he would dream of the monster and then suffocate himself.

And when he first dreamed, Lu Yu did dream about that monster.

How to put it, if described normally, the monster is actually not scary. It is just dark, twisted and grotesque. It is like a bodyless shadow, constantly squirming and changing into different shapes.

However, the monster seems to have some special ability. The moment people see it, they can't help but feel fear, and the monster will also transform into the most feared object.

And as time continues, this fear will continue to increase.

In the end, he suffered a nervous breakdown, completely lost his resistance, and was killed by the monster.

And because of his previous experience, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel fear when he saw the monster.

Instinctively, Lu Yu wanted to escape, or even leave the dreamland.

And when he came up with this idea, the dream in front of him immediately collapsed and dissipated like a broken mirror.

However, Lu Yu did not wake up. Instead, he came to a strange and bizarre place, with countless light ribbons fluttering, and countless pictures flowing in it, just like countless 3D projection screens.

After the initial panic, Lu Yu stabilized his mind and looked at the countless pictures, and soon discovered that those pictures seemed to be dreams, and they were all dreams that his predecessor had had.

He even saw the monster running around in these dreams, entering this dream and then breaking into that dream, seeming to be searching for something?

And it was obvious that the monster was looking for Lu Yu.

However, perhaps due to some kind of restriction, the monster could never escape from those countless dreams and come to where Lu Yu was.

Therefore, it was destined not to find Lu Yu.

After a period of observation, Lu Yu discovered that the monster didn't seem very smart.

Even though I searched all the dreams, I couldn't find any trace of Lu Yu.

However, the monster had no intention of stopping at all. It just kept squirming and jumping from this dreamland to the next, in a cycle that seemed to never end.

At the beginning, although Lu Yu discovered the monster's weakness, he didn't have much intelligence.

However, he didn't have any good ideas.

After all, he was outside the dream, and the monster really had nothing to do with him, but in the dream, he would fall into deep fear.

Even his whole body was so stiff that he couldn't move. He could only rely on what he thought in his heart to leave the dreamland and come to this dreamland above the dreamland.

Therefore, the two sides were at a stalemate.

One is within the dream, and the other is outside the dream.

The new book has set sail, I hope you all will support it!


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