Weird recovery: I build the world with weirdness

Chapter 135: Rules of Red Flame Desert, Improvement of Dark Vine

Seriously speaking, no matter whether the strange resurgence occurred first or the strange power eroded the body of the Strange Controller first.

In essence, the strange power erodes the body of the person controlling the strangeness, transforming it into a new strangeness, or being swallowed by the strangeness controlled.

Therefore, after hearing about the strange space and the effect of the bloody moonlight, many of the strange masters were naturally excited.

Although Niu DaDang didn't know the specific situation of the Trickster, he looked at the barrage that flooded the screen and nodded after a while of hesitation.

"Okay, I'll ask!"

After all, the two parties have signed a contract, so they won't be able to swallow him up after coming here, right?

Crossing the road and arriving at the bus stop opposite, I glanced at the bus stop sign and prepared to walk towards the Sanjin Courtyard at the back.

But in the next moment, Niu Dadan took back his steps and looked at the bus stop sign.

There are still four characters "Red Flame Desert" written on it.

But below the stop sign, there are rows of small characters.

Just because the fonts are too small, and the fonts exude a heart-stopping power, people instinctively can't help but look away.

Maybe it's because of this that it didn't attract his attention when he arrived here before?

But this time, Niu boldly got out of the car. After taking a closer look, he discovered through his unintentional sweep just now that there seemed to be a lot of small words underneath the bus stop sign.

He had never thought that there was no fine print in the original.

Niu boldly moved closer, resisting the feeling of terror that kept coming from the fonts, and looked at them carefully.

Red Flame Desert Rules:

1. Under the blood moon, Qi and blood return to the moon;

2. Everyone is welcome to visit the Red Flame Desert, and tourists who get off the bus can play as they please;

3. Be civilized and polite;

Please do not spit or litter everywhere. If someone asks a question, please answer politely.

4. The Red Flame Desert is dangerous, please do not leave the road at will;

5. If there are items that need to be traded, please go and find Mr. Huang;

6. The final right of interpretation belongs to Huang Yuanwai.

Looking at the six rules of the Red Flame Desert above, Niu Dadan couldn't help but be slightly startled. This time, there was no need to ask Huang Yuanwai.

Niu boldly moved the live broadcast lens of his mobile phone upward, allowing many netizens in the live broadcast room to clearly see the above rules.

"Eh~? It looks like it's okay."

"Well, that's a good thing!"

"You said that under the blood moon, qi and blood return to the moon. Is that what Brother Daudao feels? Under the moonlight of the blood moon, his own qi and blood will be strengthened?"

"Well, it should mean something similar."

"Um, do you think that's where ordinary people can go?"

"It should be possible, then there isn't anyone specified above?"

"Then tell me, if ordinary people went there, would it be possible to become a Trickster?"

"Becoming a Trickster? So dangerous"

"At least as a Trickster Controller, you can still fight when death comes. If you are not a Trickster Controller, you can only wait to die.

How do you choose? "


Looking at the discussions among many netizens, Zhou Dingwu and others from the Secret Bureau could not help but frown slightly.

Sure enough, with the exposure of the strange events, people's hearts became impetuous.

Especially in the dream realm, the exposure of the weird space seems to have given many ordinary people the hope of becoming masters of the weird.

But, is it really that easy to become a Trickster?

Unless we sign some kind of contract with that yellow member, is this possible?

However, becoming a master of tricks in that way must have extremely harsh conditions and great restrictions. Don't develop an evil force when the time comes.

And based on the previous words and deeds, it seems that there are not only Huang Yuanmen in that space, at least they know that there is the Lord of Qingmu Tenghai and the Lord of the Strange Tomb.

If this is some evil force left over from ancient times, then things will be difficult to handle.

As for Huang Yuanwai, he did not kill anyone.

The kind of evil forces that directly promote killing and doing evil are really a very small minority, right?

Even if there were, it would be difficult to develop on such a huge scale.

On the contrary, it is the seemingly benign evil forces that can set off a huge wave.

For example, the White Lotus Sect, a professional group of rebels, the slogan they put out can never be, I want to rebel, I rebel just for the sake of rebellion, so you come and join me.

Is it possible for such propaganda to develop?

Therefore, they were a little wary of Huang Yuanwai and the dream realm.

As a national organization, they cannot ignore the various risks involved like ordinary people.

But for now, I don't see any danger.

As for the weirdness in that dream realm.

That is the real world, a space that is intertwined with the rules of the dream world. Various spiritual consciousnesses and rules are integrated, and it is normal for there to be many weirdnesses.

On the contrary, what if there is no weirdness there and this is abnormal?

And to be honest, Zhou Dingwu and others from the Secret Intelligence Bureau were also very excited about it.

Although the Dream Realm is not as good as the Dream Realm, it still has many resources.

The most important thing is that the dream realm is easier to enter than the dream realm, and it is relatively safer.

In the end, everyone decided to take a look at the situation first, and tried to send people into it to explore the situation inside.

Compared with Zhou Dingwu and others from the Secret Intelligence Bureau, Zhang Wei from the He County Secret Intelligence Bureau is the one who has the biggest headache.

Because, based on what we know so far, it seems that the Red Flame Desert can only be entered from Shanglin Mingyuan in He County.

It is conceivable that in the next period of time, there will be many foreign masters who want to enter the Red Flame Desert through there.

Even many ordinary people may find ways to enter.

In the next period of time, he had a headache.

However, it's not all bad.

You know, based on what we know so far, the trading items that Huang Yuanwai needs seem to be weird.

It is conceivable that the weirdness in the entire He County and even around He County may attract people to grab it.

By then, the weird incidents in He County will inevitably be greatly reduced.

After reading the rules of the Red Flame Desert, Niu Dadan hesitated for a while before leaving the bus station and walking towards the three-entry courtyard at the back.

However, the closer he got, the slower Niu Bingdao's footsteps became, and he became extremely uneasy.

Facing such a strange and powerful existence, he couldn't help but feel nervous and uneasy.

However, no matter how slow his pace is, he will always reach the end.

When he came to the gate of the small courtyard and looked at the two characters "Huang Mansion" above him, Niu Daring took a deep breath and reached out to pat the door knocker.


The crisp knocking on the door echoed far and wide in this empty desert, so empty and faint that it sent shivers down one's spine.

Fortunately, Niu Daring was not made to wait any longer. In just a moment, the door opened with a creak, and the cheerful Huang walked out.

"Huang Yuanwai!"

When he saw Huang Yuanwai walking out, Niu Dangdang immediately saluted.

"Haha, you are so bold. Do you want to make a deal with me?"


Niu DaDang was startled for a moment. Does Huang not know what his situation is? How could he be weird enough to make a deal with him?

However, despite thinking this in his heart, Niu DaDa still stated his purpose.

"I don't have anything to trade now. I'm just leaving now. I want to come over and say hello to Huang Yuanwai. By the way, I want to ask Huang Yuanwai if our previous contract has a time limit."

"Haha, the contract has no time limit, you can come over and trade with me at any time.

Since you are not trading now, just leave. "

As he spoke, Huang Yuanwai stepped back into the door, and the door closed with a creak.

Looking at the closed door, Niu Dadan frowned slightly. He always felt that something was wrong with Huang Yuanwai, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Many netizens who had been watching the live broadcast started discussing it at this time.

"Do you think Mr. Huang is weird?"

"Yes, you are not the only one who feels this way. Although the voice, appearance, and demeanor are exactly the same as those of Huang Yuanwai before, it still feels like they are not the same person."

"I wonder if you have ever talked to those AIs? This time, Huang Yuanwai's words are somewhat similar to those of those AIs, and there is something mechanical inside and out."

"Yes, that's right, that's what it feels like.

The current Huang Yuanwai gives people the feeling of an NPC in a game. "

"In other words, the current member Huang may be an intelligent programmed robot or intelligent NPC that has been programmed in advance?"

"Well, it should be about the same."

"I'm just saying, for a big guy like this to be squatting here, waiting for you to come over and make a deal, this big guy is too cheap.

Now I finally know that this is probably a puppet or clone of the big boss."

Watching the discussion in the live broadcast room, Niu Dandao also showed a look of surprise, and he said what's wrong?

It turned out to be Huang Yuanwai's way of speaking. Isn't this similar to the conversations of game merchants in those games?

Although this yellow member is much better on the outside, he still looks mechanical and dull inside and out.

Everyone's guess is not wrong. The current member Huang here is just a puppet and an intelligent NPC.

How could Lu Yu have been staying here, waiting to trade with everyone?

Naturally, I set up the rules and procedures in advance and then became the hands-off shopkeeper.

Lu Yu's mind and consciousness had returned to the strange grave again, and he saw the wriggling and twisted black vine growing and transforming rapidly.

It was the black vine that attacked the treacherous bus in the Aoki Vine Sea earlier, which gave it a lot of fear power.

However, Lu Yu used the power of illusion to slightly change its color, making it look even weirder.

Originally, even if Lu Yu poured a lot of strange power into it, it could not break through. After being poured with a lot of fear, it finally began to break through.

The reason why it broke through now is that it was in the past. Although its attack made Niu bold and fearful among many netizens.

But to be honest, his attack may be okay, but the impact on everyone's emotions is really not as weird as others.

So at that time, he did not complete the breakthrough on the spot, but as time passed, he accumulated enough strength.

Of course, although it was not as good as the Butterfly, it had completed two levels of jump at that time, and even included a large level.

However, this was enough to make Lu Yu happy.

There is still plenty of time now. Now that he has a clear target direction, he naturally has many ways to push the vine to break through to a higher level.

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown as he looked at the treacherous vine that, after breaking through to the C-level, began to spread rapidly outward, occupying hundreds of meters in radius and still expanding.

If this continues, the entire strange tomb will be occupied by it.


Lu Yu thought that the fastest way for this vine to improve would be by absorbing the power of human fear.

In this case, it doesn't really matter whether the vine will continue to stay in the grave.

If this is the case, then it seems that it is not impossible to really move it outside the strange grave.

With something in mind, Lu Yu did not hesitate at all. He directly controlled the power of the strange space and instantly suppressed the strange vines. Together with the countless vines and roots, he picked them up and threw them directly to the east of the strange grave.

Immediately afterwards, the power of the contract circulated, and the power of the contract rules was engraved by Lu Yu into the earth and sky.

Under the sign of the Qingmu Tenghai bus station, rules similar to those in the Red Flame Desert began to emerge one by one.

However, the final right of interpretation does not belong to Huang Yuanwai, but to Aoki.

Originally, the treacherous vine wanted to continue entering the treacherous grave.

However, how could it get past the ban set by Lu Yu? He can only stay in the Aoki Vine Sea honestly, so that in the Aoki Vine Sea, there is really a treacherous vine that covers an area of ​​several hundred meters, and it can be regarded as a little worthy of the name.

After doing this, Lu Yu turned his attention back to the strange grave.

He felt that this time, the one who gained the most was not him, let alone Gui Teng, but Jui Die who had caught Gui Da and Niu DaDa and attacked them crazily.

Even after jumping two levels in a row and directly reaching the C-level, Weidie's improvement has not stopped, and it has even reached the C-level at this time.

Lu Yu even doubted whether he could break through to level B in one fell swoop, which made him look forward to it.

Lu Yu was still very excited about Judie's abilities.

It's a pity that Lu Yu was disappointed in the end. Along with Niu DaBang and many netizens, other things attracted their attention.

The power that Weidie can absorb begins to become less and less, and finally stops at the peak of C level. It is still far away from C+ level, let alone B level.

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