Weird recovery: I build the world with weirdness

Chapter 150 Survivors, Trading Rules

It did not go beyond Lu Yu's expectations. Apart from corpses everywhere on the first floor of the supermarket, there were no living people, not even anything strange.

In this case, we can only look for it on other floors.

Moreover, the countless walking corpses did not violate the rules of this strange realm.

Lu Yu was not surprised by this, and even nodded thoughtfully.

Previously, when Lu Yu sensed the situation in this strange realm, he had vaguely noticed some of the superficial rules of this strange realm, which seemed to require some kind of interaction between different beings.

But now, although there are countless zombies wandering on the first floor of the supermarket.

But in essence, they are puppets controlled by Lu Yu. They are an extension of Lu Yu's power, but they are not different existences. Naturally, they do not need to interact, and they will not trigger the rules of the strange realm.

After making some guesses, Lu Yu slowly stepped out and controlled countless zombies towards the second floor.

However, as Lu Yu went up to the second and third floors, he saw a strange thing. There was no living person, and there were only nearly a thousand corpses. Now there are more than a thousand walking corpses.

All told, Lu Yu already controlled nearly two thousand walking corpses.

"Puff puff"

"Da da da"



Listening to the strange sounds coming from upstairs, Lu Yu controlled more than a thousand walking corpses and quickly swarmed towards the fourth floor where the sounds came from.

As for himself, he stopped on the third floor, found a seat and sat down. He squinted his eyes slightly and felt the situation on the fourth floor through the zombie's senses.

On the fourth floor, there were still corpses everywhere, but many of them had recent injuries.

What's more, some of the corpses were still warm, obviously they had just died.

Finally, Lu Yu saw two survivors, a man and a woman, in a stall in the northeast corner, trembling and looking at the strange thing in front of them.

Yes, there was a strange existence in front of the two of them.

This strange thing is also a human body, but a little thin and small, just like a child.

However, its head is a cat head.

Feeling its aura, the highest level is only E-level, but it has a solid body and does not feel illusory at all.

At this time, it was taking out a ghost coin from its pocket and handed it directly to the girl.

"Head! I want to buy your head!"

"Ah~? No! No! I don't want it, go away, get out, get away.

Yuan Hao, don’t you like me? Please help me, as long as you can save me, I will consider being your girlfriend. "

The man named Yuan Hao first glanced at the cat-headed man in front of him in fear, and then at the woman next to him. His face, which was originally more delicate and enchanting, was already stained with snot and tears, and he looked embarrassed. Extremely.

"You said... you would consider being my girlfriend?"

"Yes, yes, as long as you can save me, I will consider being your girlfriend."

When Yuan Hao heard this, there was a hint of sadness in his eyes. He had been frugal in the past two years and spent all of it on the woman in front of him.

However, she has always been aloof.

It's not like Yuan Hao never thought of giving up.

In fact, there were many times when Yuan Hao wanted to give up.

But every time at this time, this woman would approach him with concern, ask for help, and engage in ambiguity.

However, when he wants to take a step forward with a woman and have a formal relationship, the woman will shirk him for various reasons.

Especially recently, Yuan Hao heard that this woman seemed to have an ambiguous relationship with a rich second generation.

Originally, Yuan Hao had decided to completely cut off contact with him after this time.

But I didn't expect that what happened this time.

Moreover, although we have to cut off contact.

However, Yuan Hao still saved the woman in front of him several times, and even almost killed him twice, even losing his arm.

Looking at his left arm, even though it was bandaged with clothes, blood was still leaking out. Yuan Hao felt sad in his heart.

He almost lost his life, for what reason?

The woman in front of him didn't care about him at all.

Doesn't she know that if he wants to save her life, he needs to fight tooth and nail?

The result was that she considered becoming his girlfriend.


Involuntarily, Yuan Hao laughed, he was so ridiculous.

This is true

Licking the dog, licking the dog, licking until there is nothing left.

"What are you giggling about? Hurry up and find a way to save me."

Listening to Yuan Hao's unexplained chuckle, the woman couldn't help but frown slightly, a bad feeling arose in her heart, and she quickly spoke.

However, the Yuan Hao he imagined stepping forward did not happen. Instead, he took a slight step back, exposing her directly to the cat-headed man.


Seeing Yuan Hao's behavior, the woman couldn't help but get angry and wanted to scold him loudly.

However, when he saw Yuan Hao's cold and indifferent eyes, he couldn't help but hesitate for a moment, and then spoke in a slightly pleading tone.

"Please Yuan Hao, help"

However, before she finished speaking, the cat-headed man impatiently handed the coin forward again.

"I want to buy your head!"

"No, no, go away, I don't want it!"

Looking at the cat-headed man in front of her, she took a step back without panic and waved her hands repeatedly, as if she wanted to drive him away.


With a sound of slapping his arm, the strange coin in the cat-headed man's hand was swatted away.

For a moment, the scene fell silent.

"No! It's not me!

Yuan, Yuan Hao."

Looking at the trick coin slowly falling, the woman slowly shook her head and backed away.

"Deal done!"

And the cat-headed man said something in a hoarse voice.

Then he approached step by step, slowly raised his right hand, and his nails slowly extended out, shining with a cold white light, like five sharp steel knives.

It seemed that in just one stroke, he could cut the neck of the woman in front of him and get the head he purchased himself.

But at this moment, a pressure instantly enveloped the surroundings. Lu Yu (walking corpse) slowly stepped forward and pressed on the cat-headed man's shoulders, suppressing all his strength and actions.

Then in an instant, this strange realm fluctuated slightly, and a strong force instantly enveloped the walking corpse controlled by Lu Yu. A sense of truth and rules belonging to the world began to affect Lu Yu, making him instinctively want to let go of his suppression.

“The rules bite back.”

Lu Yu's "body" sitting on the third floor raised his head, looked in the direction of the fourth floor, lowered his head and murmured.

It seems that the rules of this strange realm are indeed related to interaction.

Even, judging from Wei Wei and the woman's situation, it may be a trading rule.

On the other side, Yuan Hao and Yuan Hao were startled when they saw Lu Yu suddenly appeared.

Then he saw that Lu Yu was actually stopping the cat-headed man, and he really succeeded in stopping it, and he couldn't help but feel happy.

Could it be

"You're from the country, you're from the Conspiracy Bureau, you're the Conspiracy Controller, right?"

When the woman saw Lu Yu stopping the cat-headed man, she immediately stepped forward excitedly and chattered, completely not seeing Yuan Hao on the other side, whose face suddenly turned extremely pale.

Looking at the suddenly arrogant woman in front of him, Lu Yu frowned slightly. Who is this?

It seems that Yazi, who has a profound background, is not even looked down upon by the Secret Controller of the Secret Bureau.

"Quickly!, take me out of here.

By the way, kill this monster quickly.

Right, right, and this piece of trash,

I’m beeping beeping% @“\u0026amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;%#@%

Fortunately, I still think you are useful, but you abandoned me at a critical moment. What a scumbag.

beep beep beep beep

Hehe! "

Lu Yu's brows furrowed even deeper. Who are you ordering?

"Hurry up, kill this monster quickly, what the hell are you doing?

I am a good citizen of the country. Aren't you supposed to protect me and kill bad guys and monsters?

And this Yuan Hao is not a good guy either. He wants to push me out to die, so you must not let him go lightly."

What should I do if I want to kill someone? Lu Yu stared at the woman in front of him who was beeping non-stop. Is there really such a person in this world?

Arrogant and domineering, I don’t know what to say.

Moreover, can’t you clearly see the current situation? I have just saved you, and you are not even completely out of danger yet. Why are you so arrogant?

Is it really okay for you to look down on the Conspiracy Controllers of the Conspiracy Bureau like this?

"Hoo~! Hoo~!"

Lu Yu took two deep breaths to suppress the rising murderous intention. She was just an ignorant woman, so there was no need to be angry with her.

Lu Yu let go of his hand and looked at Yuan Hao.

He always felt that the person in front of him seemed to know something.

After seeing him, she first showed a happy expression, and then her face turned pale. She kept backing away cautiously, despite the woman's insults, without any intention of refuting.

On the other side, after Lu Yu's palm was removed, the cat-headed man took action again. Five fingernails popped out more than half a foot long, and a "swish" afterimage was waved out.



A beautiful woman's head showed shock and despair, and she quickly broke away from her body and was grabbed by the other hand of the cat-headed man. Her body quickly fell to the ground, blood spraying all over the ground.

Seeing the woman's miserable end, Yuan Hao's body trembled and his face became paler.

He had no sympathy for the woman, who had broken his heart, so to speak.

Seeing her death at this time, he even felt a hint of joy in his heart.

However, after the woman dies, he will be next.

He wanted to escape.

However, a cold force enveloped his whole body, making his body stiff and difficult to move.

Lu Yu turned his head and looked at the cat-headed man, who was holding the woman's head and placing it on his neck.

At this moment, the cat-headed man's cat head had been taken off by himself.

Well, it can no longer be called a cat-headed man, but a headless man.

However, Lu Yu would not go as he wished.

Powerful power enveloped him again, suppressing the headless man.

At the same time, the gray corpse air spread, and the headless woman's body stood up again after a period of twitching.

Then, he came to the headless man, took back the head that opened his gray eyes again, and then pressed it on his neck.

However, the head seemed to be pushed backwards, turned 180 degrees and looking in the direction of Yuan Hao.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Hao almost went crazy, with a flash of sadness and despair in his eyes.

This is so weird and terrifying.

In the past, these weird things were just killing people.

But now, not only do they kill people, they can also turn people into moving zombies and play with their corpses.

And I am afraid that I will also end up like this.

However, this was not the case. The woman with her head backward began to stagger away from the area, looking left and right as if looking for something.

However, its head is turned 180 degrees backward, which looks weird and funny.

But the other person who was resurrected from the dead, or a zombie, walked towards the weird one again.

After getting close, the strange cat turned its head under Lu Yu's suppression. In fact, it bent its arms and rushed the cat's head towards him.

On the other hand, there was an extra trick coin, and he spoke in a hoarse voice.

"I want to buy you."

Lu Yu looked at the strange coins that were stretched out in front of him, which were similar to the strange coins and his own, as well as the regular power that shrouded the surroundings, Lu Yu showed a clear look.

"I want to buy your head!"

Before the cat-headed man in front of him could finish speaking, Lu Yu had already spoken first.

At the same time, Lu Yu directly took out a stack of strange coins and stuffed them directly into the hands of the cat-headed man before he could react.

In an instant, the power that shrouded the surroundings came instantly, covering it and the cat-headed man.

"Deal done!"

A mysterious message sank into Lu Yu's mind.

At this moment, Lu Yu finally determined that the rule of this strange realm was trading.

Everything can be traded, as long as the corresponding price can be paid.

Whether you are weird or human, you must abide by the rules of the transaction here.

Everything needs to be obtained through transactions. Even if it is weird, you cannot kill people casually. You also need to abide by the rules of the transaction.

Just like before, the cat-headed man was also buying the woman's head with a trick coin.

In other words, as long as you abide by the trading rules here, you will be protected by the rules of the treacherous realm.

If the woman was calm enough, it was actually possible to avoid death.

As for why most of the people in the supermarket were killed.

I'm afraid few people can stay calm in the face of sudden strangeness, right?

Moreover, facing the strange coins handed over by Wei Wei, it is not that easy even if you want to avoid them.

After all, as long as you touch it, it counts.

With their strange power, do ordinary people have a chance to resist them?

To some extent, this is a way to circumvent the rules.

It can only be said that, perhaps because of the reason that it has just been conceived, the trading rules of this strange realm are extremely rough.

Regardless of whether it is voluntary or forced buying or selling, it is a transaction and is blessed by the rules of the treacherous realm.

Once a deal is made, it is absolutely impossible to avoid it.

Just like that woman, Lu Yu seemed to have suppressed the weirdness at that time.

However, even if Lu Yu swallowed Wei Wei, the woman would still die.

This side of Weiyi's space will take off her head instead of Weiyi.

When a deal is done, it must be done.

Please recommend monthly tickets and follow-up reading!

Thanks man! Thank you Starfire! (`)**

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