Weird recovery: I build the world with weirdness

Chapter 179 Activation, attacking the connection point of the reality and dream realm

And if you want to enter the dream world through this security door, you even need a special method.

Otherwise, it is just an ordinary door.

Unless someone suddenly wants to destroy it, you can notice the difference.

It is precisely because of this that no one from the Secret Intelligence Bureau discovered the clues to the security door.

After all, no one would want to destroy a security door for no reason, right?

But, if that's the case, how can he re-enter?

After standing in front of the door and thinking for a moment, Lu Yu grabbed the door handle again and closed it, and then a trace of strange power emerged.

For a moment, as if it had been activated, the originally ordinary security door began to have old mottled marks centered on the door handle.

Wave after wave of strange power spread out and quickly enveloped the surroundings, traces of illusions emerged, and patches of semi-dried bright red blood began to faintly appear on the surrounding ground.

Ignoring the changes around him, Lu Yu opened the security door and looked inside again. In the black hole, strange power surged out, making people unable to help but send chills down their spines.

Stepping into the door again, during the space change, Lu Yu stood again in the underground garage of the dream realm.

It turns out that the activation of strange power is required to travel to and from the dream realm through the security door.

And obviously, the controller of the Bureau of Conspiracy did not have time to input strange power into a security door.

And when Lu Yu opened the door to the dream realm from the real world, the location of Ning Cheng's Secret Bureau instantly reminded him of the siren.

"Is there something new strange coming somewhere?"

"The alarm was actually sounded. It seems that this strange incident is a bit difficult to deal with."

"Alas~, weird events are happening more and more frequently now. I hope they don't exceed C level."

"Team Wang, what level is this strange incident?"


Wang Zu's face was solemn, and his heart was filled with heaviness.


When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other.

The strongest person in their Ningcheng Conspiracy Bureau, Director Wang Feng, is only C-level now. Facing B-level conspiracies, he is almost in a certain death situation.

Involuntarily, everyone looked at Wang Feng.


Wang Feng took a deep breath and then said with a serious face:

"No matter what, first evacuate the people there, and then cordon off the area.

By the way, where did this strange incident occur? "

Upon hearing Wang Feng's inquiry, Team Wang couldn't help but smile.

"Hongyuan Community!"


Wang Feng was stunned for a moment.

"Haha, Hongyuan Community!"

"Huh~! This is good news!"

After receiving the confirmation, Wang Feng couldn't help but smile.

Because strange incidents had occurred in Hongyuan Community before, the people there had already evacuated.

If it is a normal situation, after dealing with the strange incident, and after a period of time, and there is absolutely nothing going on there, it may return to normal.

However, after everyone watched Niu Bingdao's live broadcast and learned that in that dream space, there was a quite large corresponding dream realm in that community, and there were even powerful and strange existences in it.

Everyone immediately decided unanimously to move that community and the nearby people to other places.

Now it seems that their decision was correct.

Then, the smile on Wang Feng's face faded and he said in a deep voice again:

"However, although there are no more people there, we still have to investigate in person, and it is best to obtain some rough data.

And to prevent that weird one from leaving. "


Everyone's expressions were a little heavy.

Although because there are no masses of people there, they do not have to fight to the death.

However, exploring strange patterns and abilities can also cost lives.

Moreover, if the strange one moves away, they may have to risk their lives to stop it.

However, since they have chosen this path, they have no reason to retreat.

Behind them are the people of Ningcheng. They are the people who are carrying the burden forward.

And just when everyone was feeling heavy and ready to risk their lives to go to Hongyuan Community.

In the underground garage of Hongyuan Community, Lu Yu has stepped out of the dream realm again.

Looking at the security door in front of him, Lu Yu fell into deep thought.

He was thinking, if the iron gate is destroyed, will the dream realm be completely separated from the constraints of real rules? Integrate into the dream realm he evolved?

As time went by, the spatial fluctuations of the dimensional barrier between the two sides became more and more intense, and it had already faintly affected the dream realm of Lu Yu's evolution.

This situation was naturally not what Lu Yu wanted to see.

Therefore, he has been thinking about how to break away from the shackles of the real world and integrate the dreamland of Hongyuan Community into his dreamland.

The most important thing is naturally this security door that connects reality and the dream world.

I just don’t know if it can be destroyed.

After all, to a certain extent, it can be regarded as a weird item, and it is also an extremely special weird item.

Even some rules of reality have been activated and shown to the outside. I am afraid that it is difficult for ordinary weird rules to have an effect on them.

But give it a try anyway.

Mainly, except for the dream realm of Hongyuan Community and the dream realm that will affect Lu Yu.

Also because, after all, this is a fixed dream realm that is connected to the real world.

If something powerful and strange breaks into the real world from the dream realm, it will inevitably lead to a disaster.

Although he would not sacrifice his life to save people in this world.

However, he would still be very happy if a possible crisis could be solved smoothly.

After thinking about it, Lu Yu no longer hesitated and returned to the dream realm. The bloody light bloomed in his hand, and a bloody sword condensed instantly.

Since he wanted to disconnect this security door and connect with the rules of the dream realm, he naturally had to use his strongest attack method.

As for why he had to return to the dream realm, it was naturally because in the real world, he could not feel the threads of real rules extending on the security door.


The bright bloody sword light bloomed, and it instantly slashed in the direction of the security door, or in other words, the rule connecting the security door and the dream realm.


"Buzz buzz"

Accompanied by a fierce sound of gold and iron clashing, a deep sword mark was cut on the security door.

At the same time, two of the countless rules connected to it were broken.

However, that was all, the other regular threads just buzzed and vibrated.

If that's the case, it's not impossible to cut them off completely.

However, as those regular threads vibrated, the surrounding space suddenly vibrated, causing ripples in the space.

Even the entire dream realm was affected.

After all, those regular threads connect the entire dream realm.



In an instant, the entire dream realm was shaken violently, and space cracks spread out, destroying less than half of it.

As a result, in the dream realm, only a piece of ruins was left, and there was no longer a complete building.

The two broken regular threads were reconnected after a while of squirming, and even the sword marks on the security door were healing bit by bit.

At the same time, a terrifying force of rules instantly came back to Lu Yu, making Lu Yu's brain dizzy, his consciousness scattered, and the bloody sword in his hand collapsed instantly.

However, Lu Yu also reacted instantly. As soon as his thoughts moved slightly, five colors of rays of light bloomed instantly.

The five elements circulated and endlessly, instantly stabilizing Lu Yu's spirit. A warm force penetrated his whole body, causing his spirit to slowly recover.

The five colors and five elements originally evolved from strange rules, and were originally derived from spiritual beliefs.

Therefore, it can not only act on energy and matter, it can also act on the soul and spirit, and the effect is even better.

After slowly calming his mind, he looked at the sword marks on the security door that were gradually healing, and felt the reconnected thread of rules and the changes in the dream realm. Lu Yu's expression couldn't help but change, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

If he continues to attack like this, even if he keeps guarding his mind with the five-color divine light, he may not suffer much damage.

However, this dream realm is hard to say.

I'm afraid if the thread of rules is not cut off, this dream realm will collapse.

Although it can be regarded as solving the problem he faced.

However, this is a bit wasteful.

This is a dream realm after all.

If it can be integrated, Lu Yu will definitely gain considerable benefits.

After pondering for a moment, Lu Yu suddenly thought, what if he attacks in the real world?

After all, since it does not directly attack the thread of rules connecting the dream realm, can it avoid rule turmoil?

If the security doors in the real world are destroyed, wouldn’t the security doors in the dream world also lose the foundation of their existence?

Although the two are essentially one, they are the security doors in the real world. They are just integrated with the strange power of the dream world and activate some of the rules of reality.

However, attacking in the dream realm is equivalent to directly attacking the strange power and the rules activated by it.

In the real world, it tends to be based on its actual existence.

Just like many objects in reality, including humans themselves, they also contain the rules of the real world. If they can be activated, even if they are A-level or even S-level weird, they can only be hated.

But in fact, not to mention Class A, Class B, or even Class C, can easily destroy them, and humans are as fragile as tofu.

In the real world, this security door seems to also be in the form of a real object.

Maybe it can be destroyed?

Lu Yu took a step and returned to the real world.

After thinking about it, Lu Yu remembered that there seemed to be some stone piers at the exit of the underground garage.

Without saying a word, Lu Yu strode forward and directly carried down a stone pier.

Lu Yu was afraid of directly using strange skills to attack, which would also activate the rules of the security door connecting to the dream world.

So, let’s experiment with real objects first.

Returning to the security door, Lu Yu directly picked up the stone pier and threw it with all his strength.


Accompanied by a shocking loud noise and flying dust, the stone pier shattered and turned into a pile of rubble.

As for the gravel that splashed towards Lu Yu, a layer of faint five-color brilliance bloomed just as it approached, sweeping across countless gravel in an instant.

In an instant, the countless rubble turned into a piece of stone powder, which was scattered everywhere, without any splash on Lu Yu's body.

Looking at the security door again, there is indeed a dent.

However, it is only dented by less than half an inch at most.

And, it is still recovering little by little.

It seems that after the fusion of the power of the dream realm, the material of the security door has undergone some changes. Even if it is attacked by objects existing in the real world, the security door is still very hard and will even gradually recover.

In this case, let's attack with extraordinary strength.

Immediately, Lu Yu condensed the blood sword again.

However, Lu Yu thought about it and dispersed it again.

The blood sword's attack was too direct and violent, and Lu Yu was afraid that it would still shake the rules.

Therefore, it is better to use milder methods.

The next moment, Lu Yu swung his hand towards the security door. The five-color glow instantly illuminated the entire underground space, and the five-color divine light fell directly on the security door.


As expected by Lu Yu, affected by the strange rules, the security door immediately shook slightly, and the slightest fluctuation of the power of the rules blocked the falling of the five-color divine light.

However, although the metallicity among the Five Elements does not entirely refer to gold and iron.

However, gold and iron are definitely included in the five elements of gold.

And since it is among the five elements, it will naturally be overcome by the five-color divine light.

Of course it cannot be included in the dream world.

But the five-color divine light is never just a collection of magical powers.

It is the fusion evolution of the five elements’ power of generation and restraint, and has all the changes of the five elements’ power of generation and restraint.

Therefore, under the flow of five-color divine light, the power of rules on the security door was quickly reduced.

Although, the five-color divine light was also quickly consumed during the confrontation.

However, Lu Yu was still standing aside.

Seeing that the power of the five-color divine light weakened, Lu Yu immediately waved his hand again.


Another five-color divine light fell, and the five-color glow instantly surged, directly pressing on the security door itself.

Moreover, Lu Yu's movements were non-stop, and the five-color divine light was brushed down one after another. In just a moment, the security door had been swamped, and it was quickly passing by.

If the real rules contained in the security door were not stimulated by the dream world and activated to appear outside, just a five-color divine light would be enough to turn it into iron powder.

But now, even if more than a dozen five-color divine lights fell, they did not destroy it instantly. They only wore away layers of iron powder from the surface of the security door.

If this continues, how long will it really take to completely destroy it?

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