Weird recovery: I build the world with weirdness

Chapter 190 The mysterious body, Wang Fugui is in action

As the weird forces flowed to each other, the hairs, eyelashes, etc. derived from the weird skin also began to become weird.

Well, before, the weird skin was really just skin, and not a single hair on it was included.

But this time, they all started to undergo strange changes.

Although, Lu Yu had no idea of ​​integrating his hair into weird rules. After all, he didn't want to be covered in hair and turn into a monkey.

However, since they evolved in this direction independently, Lu Yu did not stop them. At most, he would just not let them grow longer.

You can even make them shorter and thinner.

The most important thing now is the fusion of weird hair and weird skin.

In the end, both sides shook slightly at the same time, and their strength merged, completely becoming a whole.


A strange force field began to form around Lu Yu.

At this moment, the level of Weiskin has not improved at all.

However, the defense of Lu Yu's skin suddenly improved to a new level.

As for Wei Hair, affected by Wei Skin, it began to improve a little bit, until it was close to the b+ limit, and then it slowly stopped.

The strength, restraint and suppression of its abilities are even barely close to the A-level.

At the same time, a feeling of harmony appeared in Lu Yu's heart.

However, Lu Yu always had the feeling that this harmony was incomplete, strange and uncomfortable.

For this, Lu Yu quickly understood the reason.

The fusion of weird hair and weird skin really makes both sides complete.

However, compared to the entire body, they are far behind.

That's why there is this feeling of incompleteness in harmony.

This made Lu Yu sigh secretly and decide to find more powerful and strange body tissues as soon as possible.

However, just when Lu Yu thought that this promotion was about to end, the mysterious force field produced by the fusion of Wei's hair and Wei's skin had another impact.

The first is the tricky eye, because it is closest to the skin and begins to resonate with the skin.

Although it was not completely integrated, it still caused the strength of both sides to increase to a certain extent.

In particular, the weak hair has reached the A-level due to this resonance of power, gradually synchronizing with the levels of the skin and eyes.

And at the end, the weird heart began to resonate with the weird skin, weird hair, and weird eyes, and also received a slight increase.

Naturally, the level of Weixin has also been raised upwards.

However, due to the lack of connection between the two parties, its improvement is limited, and it has not truly entered the A level. It can only be said to be another step above B+, but it is still a little bit behind.

And after all these body tissues of Lu Yu completed the resonance, some other strange rules and skills also began to resonate with them.

The bloody handprints, the strange sound of turning around, the strange footprints, and the strange footsteps all resonated one after another, and finally completed a mysterious fusion and integrated into Lu Yu's body.

Moreover, perhaps because they all have intangible abilities derived from their bodies, their integration is even more complete.

Needless to say, the Turning Sound, which had already reached B+ level, soon broke into A level and reached A- level after the fusion.

Even though there were only B-level cunning footsteps, it had reached the B+ level limit at this time and could break into A- level at any time.

At this time, wherever Lu Yu walks, talks, and touches his palms, these strange rules will form, and they will become more powerful as they resonate with each other.

This is different from before. When I wanted to use these rules before, I could use them even if I just thought about it, but those were also rules that were used alone.

But now, Lu Yu is using these weird skills, which are the instincts of his body. It is his body that has these abilities.

Just like a tool, a body's own ability to use.

Of course, this is mainly due to the fact that the dream world is suppressed by the rules of reality, and using rules and skills swallowed and fused by it, even if you do whatever you want, there is always a layer of separation.

Otherwise, the dream world is Lu Yu's true foundation. How could one be like a tool and the other be a body?

There shouldn't be any difference between the two.

In addition, there is also a difference between active and passive.

Before, if Lu Yu didn't use these skills, he himself didn't have these abilities.

But now, even if Lu Yu doesn't use these skills, he still has this ability.

However, because they are under his absolute control, these abilities will not appear if he doesn't want to or is not stimulated.

However, once someone goes against him, these abilities will be activated even if Lu Yu is unprepared.

Feeling his current state, Lu Yu showed a half-smiling expression.

This seems to be developing in the direction he envisioned.

Similarly, this also means that he is getting further and further away from the term "human being".

Of course, this is just his body developing towards an inhuman state.

But that doesn't mean that he really doesn't regard himself as a human being.

Feeling the strange rules and skills after the fusion, Lu Yu, after thinking for a while, fortunately called it a "weird body"

As the name suggests, it means a weird body.

Weird body, A-level, (weird skin, weird eyes, weird hair, weird heart, bloody handprints, weird footprints, weird sound of turning back, weird footsteps.)

In addition to possessing the ability of these strange rules, it also derived other rules that suppress all strange things and are indestructible.

Suppressing all weird things, that is, all weird things below the weird body level will be frightened and suppressed, and they will not be able to resist.

Even if they are weird at the same level, they will be greatly suppressed and their strength will not reach the seventh level.

As for the stronger weirdness, as long as it does not exceed S level, Lu Yu can not only ignore the level suppression and aura shock, but can even reverse the shock, affecting the performance of his strength.

As for being indestructible, it is a strange skin. Under the support of all kinds of strange rules, it has almost undergone a qualitative transformation again. Lu Yu can even completely ignore the strange attacks below the S level.

Only S-level attacks can penetrate Lu Yu's skin and damage the inside of Lu Yu's body.

Moreover, as Lu Yu's fusion of corresponding rules increases, his indestructible characteristics will become even more exaggerated.

In the end, it may not be able to ignore S-level attacks, and even stronger ones will not be able to cause much damage to them.

Of course, that refers to the situation where Lu Yu's level has not improved at all.

Looking at Lu Yu's information panel at this time, a lot of skills were suddenly reduced.

Name: Lu Yu

Age: 28

Field: Three thousand meters in dreams and thirty meters in reality.

Realm: Lord of the Five Rings [Level B]

Energy: 5235 (power of chaos, downward transformation, increasing tenfold)

Dream world: 1. None (s);

2. Reality and illusion (s-);

3. Chaos (a+);

4. Endless void dimension (a).

5. Daodao Tianwang (a-)

Weird skills: 1. Illusion (a);

2. Fear and despair (a+);

3. Strange body (a-);

4. Cut paper into soldiers (a-);

5. Blood Sword (a+);

6. Five elements (a+);

7. Corpse control (a+)

8. Fog (s-)

9. Contract (a)

10. Positioning (b+)

11. Strange coin (b+)

12. Transaction (a+)

13. Unmemorable (unknowable) (b+)

Looking at the information and data at this time, Lu Yu let out a silly laugh from time to time. He felt that with his current power, in today's world, he must be the top one, right?

Of course, he also knew that although he was relatively powerful now, it was still not the time to relax.

Not to mention the existence behind the Trading Balance that he had offended, and the existence that caused him to be tainted by power just by looking at it. When he thinks about it now, Lu Yu still feels that he is far from his opponent.

Although, with the existence of the strange body, Lu Yu had some confidence to resist the power pollution of the sludge monster.

However, that's all. Just looking at the monster's size, the mountains and rivers annihilated wherever it passed were beyond what he could contend with now.

So, he still has a long way to go.

The road ahead is long and difficult, so we must keep moving forward.

After dispersing the information panel, Lu Yu began to think about what he should do next to perfect and break through his strange body and the dream world as soon as possible.

Speaking of which, today's dream world has reached the B-level limit. It only needs to be devoured and fused with one or two A-level weirdness, or even some B+-level weirdness, to easily break through.

On the contrary, the perfection of the strange body requires a large number of strange rules and skills related to the body, which makes it difficult for Lu Yu to obtain them.

As for those low-level weirdness, such as the weird foot sacrificed by the trapped boy, the rule level is too low, so Lu Yu is naturally unwilling to integrate it.

Even if they are fused, it is possible to break a certain balance of the strange body and lower the upper limit of the power of the strange body.

What's more, it may even cause some kind of flaw in the strange body.

Therefore, the rules he wants to fuse with must be B+ level, right?

In this way, it can even transform into an A-level strange rule with the resonance of the strange body and mutual perfection.

This is the rule he wants to integrate.


Lu Yu also thought about something, if he could completely transform his body into a strange body before breaking through the dream world.

Then with the breakthrough of the dream world, the level of the strange body will inevitably be promoted, and the tide will rise.

However, if the dream world breaks through first, it will be difficult for Lu Yu to find the right weirdness.

"So, should I put my level up in the dream world on hold now and look for a suitable strange devouring fusion first?"

Lu Yu murmured in his heart and made up his mind.

In the next period of time, his main focus will be on finding the right strange person to devour.

As for the level of the dream world, let's suppress it for the time being and wait until it can no longer be suppressed before making a breakthrough.

Anyway, today's dream world is filled with vast power of chaos. As long as the rules are perfected to a certain extent, isn't it possible to break through at any time?

After making up his mind, Lu Yu began to search for places with suitable weirdness.

Skynet is the great avenue of communication, and thousands of information flows in a single thought.

However, Lu Yu was disappointed to find that it did not contain the information he needed.

First, the time for the strange program to spread was too short;

Secondly, the channels for weird programs to obtain information are also extremely limited.

Even if it is now integrated with part of the sneaky eye ability, the same is true.

Because whether it is a trick-eye ability or an unmemorable ability, you can only get feedback on the current information.

Therefore, it was impossible for Lu Yu to know where there was something suitable for weirdness when no one had ever handled weird events with weird procedures or discussed them.


Lu Yu looked at the cell phone beside him.

For the time being, he still has to rely on the country's weird app to find suitable weird ones.

While thinking about it, Lu Yu had already picked up his phone, just to open the weird app and look for a suitable weird mission.

However, at this moment, Lu Yu stopped suddenly and looked in the direction of Shanglin Mingyuan Bus Stop with some surprise.

"Have you finally started taking action?"

The owner of the Malatang shop, Wang Fugui, took the Gui Bus for the first time.

"Hey~, Boss Wang? I said you are an ordinary person, why do you get involved in these weird things?"

"Haha, curious, curious, just curious, just take a look, just take a look."

"Heh, what's so good about this? Don't you worry that you won't be able to go back after watching it?"

"Ha, if you can't go back, you can't go back.

In life, you have to fight a few times. "

"Well, that makes sense!"

The journey was uneventful, and when the strange bus was driving for a while, it suddenly passed through the layers of space dimensions and entered the dream light and mist storm outside the strange space.

Feeling the changes in the space, Wang Fugui's face remained unchanged, but deep down in his heart, it was indeed the case.

This strange bus seems to be moving forward, but in fact it passes through the spatial dimension.


After passing through the light and mist storm in the dream world and entering the Red Flame Desert, Wang Fugui looked out the window of the strange bus, which seemed to be driving normally.

However, he clearly felt that there was a trace of space power lingering around, causing the strange bus to quickly shuttle through space.

The power of the mist cannot generate real time and space, but it can expand and compress it.

At this time, the space in this section of the Red Flame Desert was naturally compressed.

If it were an ordinary magician, he would naturally not be able to detect the changes in space.

However, after reaching level A and possessing the Unexpected Realm, it is equivalent to coming into contact with some dimensions of space.

After feeling the subtle changes in the space, Wang Fugui couldn't help but feel extremely happy. What he sensed through the person's body before was indeed correct.

At this time, through personal experience, I finally determined that the scope of this Red Flame Desert was indeed extremely huge.

If he can keep it in his pocket and match it with the rules, then his power will definitely be improved by a leap, and he may even be able to restore his own cave, or even go one step further.

Thanks to book friend [Xingchen Zaichen] for the 100 reward!

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