Weird recovery: I build the world with weirdness

Chapter 209 Integrating into the Great Road Mark, the Awakening of the Weird Head

To be honest, for this seemingly holy church.

Those from the Ghost Society would not be willing to come in unless they had to.

Under the temptation of that hymn and holy light, they don't know when one day they will be completely lost.

At that time, they will be this church, the puppet believers of the God who does not exist.

Moreover, the weirdness in their bodies will be completely integrated with them, turning them into half-human and half-strange beings.

If this is the case, then for them, maybe they have successfully fused the weird limbs and organs, right?

However, at that time, they had completely lost themselves. They were just puppets in this dream realm and could only recite the Bible and pray continuously.

Such a fusion with weirdness is naturally not what they want.

The one eye outside the church was strange. After waking up, he couldn't help but glance at the church in fear.

Then, it roared angrily towards the people of the Ghost Society, and then turned around and walked away.

"Boom, boom, boom"

With the sound of heavy footsteps, the figure of the Cyclops gradually disappeared from the surroundings.

Originally, Lu Yu thought that those people from the Ghost Society would just leave.

However, they were led directly to the church hall by the leader.

Then, they came to some weird bodies, took out some weird daggers or weird swords, and cut off part of those weird bodies.

During this process, although the strange things were shaking slightly, they seemed to be trying to revive.

However, under the strange suppression of the strange head on the altar table, they did not recover in the end.

Apparently they have fallen into a deep state of semi-slumber, and they will only wake up forcibly unless someone destroys the core of their rules.

Otherwise, they will remain in their current state until the entire balance is broken.

Those people from the Guild of Ghosts, who had been cautiously cutting off enough weird limbs and organs, breathed a sigh of relief and quickly left here.

Although those weird things have been suppressed, who knows if there will be any changes.

In short, it is always right to stay far away from here.

After those people left, Lu Yu appeared.

After the tests of those people just now, Lu Yu has determined that as long as he does not break the weird balance in the church hall, he will be ignored regardless of the weirdness or the weird head.

Naturally, there was no need for Lu Yu to hide his figure all the time.

Moreover, his plan is about to be implemented, and there is no point in hiding it anymore.

Lu Yu stretched out his hand and waved, and the avenue mark he had condensed flew towards the cross on the strange head.


After coming into contact with the cross, both sides immediately experienced a strange fluctuation, which caused the entire strange and delicate balance to slightly shake for an instant.

The eyes of that strange head moved slightly, and many other strange things, the power aura dropped instantly, which was due to being suppressed by the power of the strange head.

But fortunately, after the avenue mark came into contact with the regular power of the cross, it quickly changed its shape and gradually conformed to the regular power of the cross. This was the reason why the regular power of the cross was no longer unstable.

Feeling this scene, Lu Yu couldn't help but sigh, this power of God's Holy Light is indeed egoistic and domineering.

Everything else but me is heresy and needs to be purified.

Fortunately, the cross is now fighting against that weird head.

Lu Yu's Dao Tianwang also incorporates enough rules, although it is not similar to Holy Light.

However, Lu Yu was able to transform the rules of the Great Dao Mark into a pure form of rules.

In this way, God's holy light rules no longer reject, but begin to actively accept and absorb them.

The Holy Light of God rejects heretics, but it welcomes those who are willing to incorporate its rules.

Those who integrate into it are not heretics, but part of it, and they are also the Holy Light.

The idea is either join or die.

And now, Lu Yu's avenue mark is in the process of joining.

As time goes by, the Great Road mark gradually blends into it, begins to blend with its rules, and gradually spreads to the surroundings.

The Holy Light is still the Holy Light, but it already belongs to Lu Yu, and belongs to Lu Yu's avenue.

The rules about the Holy Light began to evolve in the Great Dao Skynet.

And this dream realm also began to undergo slight changes, and the cross on the strange head began to bloom with wisps of holy light.

Moreover, these holy lights are more pure, and at the same time add a touch of soft inclusiveness, and no longer have the overbearing and exclusive nature before.

However, its suppression of weird things is as domineering as ever.

Naturally, the first thing affected by the change of the cross is the strange head below.

In the weird confrontation, the weird heads below began to fall behind, and they could only mobilize more power to fight against the cross rule, which greatly reduced the pressure on the weird people sitting below.

Gradually, strange fluctuations began to appear on many strange bodies, as if they were about to wake up from their semi-silent state.

However, Lu Yu naturally would not allow this to happen.

Which one was the most active, Lu Yu was immediately blasted by a five-color divine light.

The next moment, the strange creature was taken into Lu Yu's dream world, and its essence was analyzed.

Although they appear to be human beings, in fact, they are all kinds of weird, some are illusory conceptual rules, and most are body tissues and organs.

After all, this base of the Weird Spirit Society was originally used to study weird organ transplants, so it was natural to deliberately collect weird things in this area.

And these weird ones, the lowest ones are all C+ level.

Of course, this is also the most.

At the same time, this was also the main target of those who used strange objects to divide and dismantle strange fragments.

Ordinary people can't bear the strange organs that are too powerful.

As for the C+ level weird organ, can ordinary people bear it?

It's just that some of the weird fragments that were separated and dismantled were basically E-level or even F-level. Some people with a strong will also have a chance of withstanding the rejection reaction.

Besides, the worst thing is failure and death, for the people of the Ghost Society.

Ordinary people are test subjects for consumption. If a group of people die, more people will naturally follow.

In addition to the C+ level weirdness, the other weirdness in the church hall is all B level or above.

Even if it is suitable for Lu Yu to swallow and fuse, there are as many as three.

This made Lu Yu sigh with emotion. The methods of the Weird Spirit Society were indeed extraordinary. They were able to imprison so many powerful weirdos in such a short period of time.

Although it is a large organization, its power is distributed in Xiyin Country and surrounding countries, and it has a large number of personnel.

However, if one can imprison level B+ weirdos, then there must be A-level weirdos in the Ghost Club.

Sure enough, these large organizations in this world all have many unknown powerful people and trump cards.

For example, if those newly formed forces of Trickster Controllers can have a C-level Trickster Controller, they must be very arrogant, looking like they are the boss in heaven, the second boss in earth, and the third boss in me.

In fact, in front of those large forces, they are just little Karami who cannot stand on the stage.

In the church hall, there were three weird ones suitable for Lu Yu.

One is a pair of lungs, and the other is a throat.

To a certain extent, they are a strange puzzle piece that fits perfectly.

However, the Ghost Society obviously does not dare to splice them together.

The fusion of two weird puzzle pieces of B+ level has a high probability of breaking through the level and reaching A- level.

At that time, it will not be that easy to imprison them again.

It is even possible to splice and fuse them with other weird things around them.

After all, most of the weird things around are weird organs of the human body that can be fused and spliced.

Although these weird grades are uneven, and most of them are even C+ level, but taken together, they may not be unable to reach A level, or even A+ level.

The other one was weird, but it was a piece of spleen.

At this moment, Lu Yu had collected two of the five internal organs. Counting his own heart, that was already three of the five internal organs. Only the kidneys and liver were missing. Lu Yu had collected all the five internal organs.

When the five internal organs are gathered together, it can form a basic small circulation of the human body.

Lu Yu even felt that even if other organs could no longer be obtained, with the circulation of the five internal organs and the other weird organs, he could completely refine it on his own and transform his body into a weird state.

As time went by, the holy light blooming from the cross above the strange head became more and more brilliant, and even spread towards the void.

When it came into contact with the cross on the church wall, the huge cross also began to bloom with bright holy light, and the rules of the avenue mark began to invade it.

There is absolutely no rejection or resistance to the Great Road Mark that carries the Holy Light Rules, the surrounding void, and the Holy Light Rules in the huge cross.

After all, that small and inconspicuous ten-branch is the fundamental core of this dream realm. The rules spread around it will naturally not be rejected by the rules of the dream realm.

Moreover, the rules of the dream realm are also competing with the weird monsters and weirdness in it. Most of the rules are restrained, so naturally there is no way to carefully screen the rules contained in the Great Road Mark.

As the holy light continued to spread, the suppression of the head on the machine became more and more intense, and the strange power emitted outwards became weaker and weaker.

Naturally, more and more of those weird people who were sitting began to revive, and then they were taken into the dream world one by one by Lu Yu.

Until the last sneaky lung was taken in, the head on the altar had fallen into a state of silence.

Lu Yu thought about the weird monsters outside and hesitated for a moment, knowing whether he should put them away.

Without the control of the weird head, this dream realm will probably be completely activated and transformed back into its original state in just an instant. Most of the weird monsters outside will be purified.

Lu Yu was naturally not a virgin and wanted to protect them.

However, Lu Yu felt that their status did not seem impossible to study.

He will not conduct human experiments, but it would be a pity if these transformed monsters were destroyed like this.


Lu Yu looked at the cross above the strange head.

Unless the seal of the avenue is completely integrated with this dream realm and forms a new core - the way of heaven, Lu Yu can completely control this dream realm, and only then can the weird monsters in the outside world be protected.

But this weird head may not be saved.


Weird head? !

Lu Yu suddenly realized, could this strange head also be regarded as a strange organ?

And it’s also a very special and weird organ.

It contains five organs: eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and tongue.

How could he ignore it?

Lu Yu felt a little incredible.

Although what came here was only the incarnation of part of his consciousness, he wouldn't be so careless and ignore such a big weird head, right?

Unless there is some kind of power that is influencing him subtly.

Only now, with more and more rules for the fusion of avenue marks, this influence gradually weakened, and he suddenly reacted.

Then, apart from the dream realm itself, probably the only thing that can affect his consciousness is...

The head on the sacrificial table.

Lu Yu turned his head fiercely and stared at the strange head. His heart was filled with 120,000 energy, and the realm of the dream world instantly enveloped his whole body.

For a moment, Lu Yu's heart felt clear, and various clues began to gather in his mind, making him more and more certain that it was the weird head that was responsible.

However, Lu Yu didn't understand. Wasn't that strange head already in a state of semi-silence under the cross and many strange resistances? How could it still affect him?

As if noticing Lu Yu's gaze, the strange head that should have fallen into silence opened its eyes again and looked in Lu Yu's direction.

However, it was different from the dark eyes before.

At this moment, the eyes of that strange head were actually blooming with traces of milky white holy light.

It's obviously a weird and terrifying head.

But at this moment, it was filled with a sense of holiness.

"Sinner, if you see God, don't kneel down and repent of your sins."

"Sinner! Sinner!."

"You are guilty, you are guilty"

Sounds of accusations filled Lu Yu's mind, and various thoughts arose one after another. All the mistakes he had made in the past were magnified a thousand times at this time.

Pissing in mud and ants trampled to death by walking seemed to have become sins at this time.

Only by surrendering to God and praying and repenting to God can we be saved.

However, despite the many thoughts in his mind, Lu Yu's heart was extremely clear.

It seemed that Lu Yu's consciousness at this time was divided into two parts.

One is an ordinary person sinking into the world;

One is the supreme transcendent person who is detached from the outside world, evolves into the dream world, and overlooks the myriad things in the world.

And the two are together under one, a very wonderful state.

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