Weird recovery: I build the world with weirdness

Chapter 215 Blow up the base and the holy light shines


Suddenly, John realized that there were more than five men leaving with him.

"What about the rest?"


The five people were stunned by John's question and looked back subconsciously.

However, when everyone took a look, they were horrified to find that there were only five people left in their group of more than ten people, and including John, there were only six people.

"Oh, God!"

"what happened?"

"Did they get separated?"

"Huh~, Gudong!"

John took a deep breath, swallowed again, and gave instructions to everyone with a gloomy face.

"Go, get out of here and be vigilant!"

"Tap tap tap"

Walking in the passage, the sound of Ruoyouruowu footsteps sounded behind him, as if he was close behind him.

"Don't get so close to me!"

John frowned angrily.

No one responded behind him. John's body stiffened and he stopped instantly, and the footsteps behind him also stopped simultaneously.

He slowly turned around, and there were no more of his men behind him.

"When? When did they disappear?"

The feeling of horror almost overwhelmed John, and he backed away slowly and with difficulty.

Slowly, John touched the wall on one side and moved towards the exit step by step.


From time to time, John felt a cold breeze blowing on the back of his neck and ears, as if someone was blowing wind.

However, he was leaning against the wall, which gave him the urge to run away.

However, even though the fear in his heart reached the extreme, John always endured it.

As for fighting with weird abilities.

John is just an ordinary person, where does his strange ability come from.

Yes, the leader of this strange organ transplant base is just an ordinary person.

However, this is quite understandable.

First of all, John is really good.

Secondly, the minds of most of the Strange Controllers will be affected by strange forces. They can only serve as armed forces, but cannot serve as decision-makers.

Shivering, John finally approached the exit.

He opened the door violently, ignoring the dazzling light, and ran forward quickly.

"Tap tap tap"

The sound of fast running footsteps sounded behind him, gradually came behind him, and gradually overlapped with his footsteps.

His body gradually stiffened, but his brain was extremely clear-headed. The fear and despair of imminent death filled his mind.

"Die, die! Then let's all die."

John lowered his head, looked at the information box in his hand, and pressed a button.

Invisible fluctuations spread, and a dazzling holy white light suddenly lit up in a secret room in the underground base.



In an instant, a deafening explosion sounded, and a shock wave of fire spread into the sky, mixed with a touch of holy light.

All the strange monsters affected had their bodies stagnant and their strange organs showing signs of slackness.

In the next moment, the bodies of these strange monsters were torn apart by the shock wave, leaving only their strange organs, although they were extremely traumatized.

But after the holy light passed, it was once again reorganized and condensed, becoming a weak and strange being that was dismembered and weakened.

This is the method used by the ghost society to deal with weird monsters that are out of control.

The holy light suppresses the strange power, and the explosion shock wave destroys the real body of the strange monster.

Only some of the more powerful weird monsters can barely resist it.

Such as the Cyclops and the four-armed man

The only pity is that it is not easy to make such a bomb, mainly because the Holy Light is not easy to obtain.

In their base, it was because of the strange organ transplantation experiment that they obtained a bomb of this kind, which was enough to destroy the entire underground base, in order to deal with this situation.

It is completely capable of destroying all weird monsters that break into reality, destroying space passages, and erasing all clues and evidence.

"Boom boom boom"

In just an instant, the entire base began to vibrate violently, and then collapsed.

The explosion flames and billowing smoke soaring into the sky could be seen throughout the town of Moxiwa. The nearby buildings and buildings were all cracked and the glass was shattered.

Suddenly, the entire town of Moxiwa was awakened, and everyone ran out of their homes and looked towards the center of the town.

Fires soaring into the sky and thick smoke billowing.

"Oh, God!"

"Oh My God!"

"What happened?"

"Is there going to be a war?"

The residents and staff near the church can naturally see it more clearly.

Through all the windows that had been destroyed, they saw that the back of the church had turned into a deep pit, with flames rising into the sky and thick smoke billowing. Occasionally there was an explosion, which ignited another flame.

And just when everyone thought it was just a gas explosion or even a terrorist attack, they saw some strange monsters suddenly rushing out of the firelight, and some monsters were even burning with dark red flames.

The moment they saw these monsters, descriptions of hell demons in myths and legends appeared in their minds.

"Devil, devil."


"Weird, this must be the legendary weird, run away quickly"

In an instant, the surrounding residents and staff became panicked and began to flee quickly.

But, how can their speed compare with those weird monsters?

Some people were quickly caught up and died inexplicably, and some were ignited by the hell demon and turned into a ball of torches.

"No, help!"

"God, save me!"

"Weird?! Why is there something weird here?

Didn’t you say that this is the safest place and no weird incidents have ever happened? "

An eighteen or nineteen-year-old girl couldn't help but cry without tears when she saw the countless weird things crawling out of the pit and the countless people fleeing in panic.

She just heard that strange events never seemed to happen in Moxiwa Town, so she came here specially from other places.

However, she had just arranged to move in, and something like this happened.

Could it be that she is really a cursed person? Favored by the weird and the devil?

"No, no, no, this must be an accident. I am not an ominous person."

The girl who was about to cry without tears shook her head violently.

At this moment, the door to her room suddenly opened, and an old man in his fifties or sixties, with gray hair but energetic, walked quickly in front of her.

"Miss, it's too dangerous here. Let's leave quickly."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah"

The girl did not refute, but nodded repeatedly.

And just when they turned to leave, they suddenly discovered that the church near the explosion suddenly bloomed with a ray of light.

"That is."

The two looked at each other in confusion.

"Holy Light?"

The light bloomed, gradually covering the entire church, and quickly spreading to the surroundings, and a faint chant sounded.

In just a few breaths, the holy light blooming from the church had enveloped hundreds of meters in radius, covering all the strange monsters that rushed out.

For a moment, the strange monsters that were still attacking and killing people all let out shrill wails and became sluggish.

"This, this is."

"God, God has appeared."

“O God, have you come to save your people?”

"God, I am your devout believer, the Lamb."

Seeing the church blooming with holy light and the countless wilting weird monsters, everyone couldn't help but kneel down and pray.

Wisps of power of faith rose up and submerged into the plane of holy light, and were then crushed and reorganized by the rules of heaven, turning into pure holy light and filthy evil power.

The holy light merges into the holy light plane, and the filthy and evil power falls into hell.


The girl and her housekeeper looked at all this with disbelief.

"Could it be that there is a powerful archbishop in that church?"

"A-level trick controller? No, no, no, it shouldn't be an A-level trick controller.

How could an A-level magician stay in such a remote town? "

"But, if he is not an A-level magician-level archbishop, who can do this?"

"No matter who it is, it's no wonder that such a big explosion happened right next to the church, but the church was safe and sound."

The girl and the housekeeper murmured in low voices at the same time.

Then, the two looked at each other and looked at the church at the same time.

They all felt that they should pay a visit to that powerful existence.

"Let's go! Let's go meet this adult!"

The girl's white hands clenched into fists, deciding immediately.

"Miss, why don't you let me go and take a look first?"

"No! Let's go together."

The girl shook her head and said firmly.

"Oh well!"

The housekeeper thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement. Such a strong man cannot be overestimated.

When the two of them came downstairs to the church square with their bodyguards, a large number of people had gathered around them.

Everyone knelt down devoutly, kowtowed and prayed in the direction of the church.

Looking at the crowd, the two girls hesitated for a moment.

Of course they knew that it was definitely not a manifestation of God.

However, if they barged in so suddenly, they would inevitably arouse dissatisfaction from these people, and even conflict would break out.

They don't care too much about the dissatisfaction of these people.

However, they are afraid of offending those within the church.

And while everyone was bowing and praying, the two girls were hesitant to enter the church.

The holy light blooming from the church has changed again.

The holy light that enveloped hundreds of meters in radius began to shrink and became more intense, making those weird monsters even more uncomfortable.

Finally, some weird monsters couldn't bear it any longer and collapsed, dissipating into countless weird powers, and then melting into the rich holy light in an instant.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but become more pious.

"Ho ho ho"


“Gugujiji% @j*”

Along with the strange sounds, traces of black mist rose up from the bodies of those strange monsters, which eventually intertwined and turned into a field of black mist, barely resisting the invasion of the holy light.

However, everyone can clearly see that under the purification and suppression of the Holy Light, the black mist realm is shrinking rapidly.


At this moment, several hellish flame demons in the black mist were standing in different directions, with traces of strange power mixed with dark red flames intertwined and operating among them according to certain rules.

In the end, the space in the dark red flame suddenly distorted, and then turned into a dark space passage.

This is a method developed by Lu Yu based on the space channel established by the Ghost Society.

Using the power of the same origin as a medium, it communicates with the dream realm, forcibly distorts space, breaks the space barrier between reality and dreams in a short period of time, and builds a temporary space channel.

However, although the time was short, it was enough to let many strange monsters leave.

As the space passage opened, a filthy and evil force immediately emitted from it. Everyone who had been looking at the black mist realm suddenly felt dizzy and nauseated, and whispers came into their minds.



Some people who are more mentally sensitive will suddenly exhale with a headache.

Even on their bodies, wisps of black energy were rising.

That is the strange power born from the chaotic thoughts in their hearts, under the influence of the filthy evil power. It can also be said to be the evil power born from the filthy thoughts in their hearts.

Fortunately, they are now in the holy light. The black energy has just risen and disappeared under the illumination of the holy light. This makes them feel very happy, but they also lower their heads fiercely, not daring to look at it anymore. Toward the black mist.

And those weird monsters, after feeling the filthy and evil power, became excited and rushed towards the space passage.

Finally, there are several hell demons who preside over the stability of the space passage.

After they left, the black fog that shrouded the surroundings quickly disintegrated under the illumination of the holy light.

Then, the space passage leading to hell also collapsed amid a burst of tremors.

After the holy light circulates and quickly purifies all the evil and filth around it, it can be quickly recovered.

Seeing this scene, the girl and her housekeeper could no longer care about anything else. They ignored the dissatisfied looks of others and anxiously led a group of bodyguards and ran towards the church quickly.

When they entered the church, they saw the boundless holy light quickly gathering towards the cross on the wall, and eventually they all fell into it.

"This is."

"Oh, God!"

Some of the people who followed them in looked at the cross with the holy light immersed in it, and chanted something piously.

"Weird object?? Holy object."

The girl murmured and wanted to take a closer look.

However, she was stopped before she even took two steps.

"You are too rude. You are blaspheming God. You will be punished and you will go to hell."


The housekeeper behind the girl frowned and called the bodyguard beside him to stop everyone.

However, before he could say anything, the girl in front had already taken out a cross.

"I am a devout believer in God!"

"Oh, God, you don't just take out a cross and you are a devout believer in God, right?"

Someone around them jeered.

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