Weird recovery: I build the world with weirdness

Chapter 221 Unparalleled Speed, Paper Man Dies for Him

As time passed, when the sun rose three poles high, three people and four puppets finally arrived at the desert road.

Next, as long as they walk along the desert road, they will encounter some desert hotels where they can have a good rest.

Mainly Feng Ling and Yu Shiyu.

Originally, Lu Yu planned to take the two of them to the desert road and then leave alone.

However, he now plans to take them out of the desert.

Moving forward, the three of them finally arrived at a desert hotel before dark.

Feng Ling and the others were originally an expedition team and had plenty of food and water, so they were able to persevere.

Otherwise, Lu Yu would be fine, but Feng Ling and the two would be in trouble.

Afterwards, the three of them had a good rest for a day. Early the next morning, Feng Ling borrowed the hotel's phone and called her father.

Within more than half an hour, a helicopter parked near the Desert Hotel.

After seeing this scene, Lu Yu couldn't help but smacked his lips.

He admitted that poverty limited his imagination.

He still doesn't know enough about rich people.

This time, they no longer need him to give them the wind chimes.

However, Lu Yu finally found the opportunity to come to Feng Chime.

"Miss Fengchime, do you really not want to become a Trickster?"

"Of course it's true.

Unfortunately, once you become a Trickster, you can never get rid of it. "

Feng Chime nodded affirmatively, and then said sadly.

Looking at his extremely pale palms, Feng Chime murmured in a low voice: "I don't know how long I can hold on."

Looking at the helicopter in the distance, Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and said strangely:

"Isn't it possible for those who control the magic to make progress in cultivation? They may even become immortal."

He believed that with Feng Ling's family background, it should be easy to acquire these cultivation methods.

"Ha, how can it be that easy?

Not to mention that every step of the growth of the Trickster Controller is a life and death disaster. In my current situation, it is difficult to get through it.

Moreover, become an immortal existence

When the time comes, will I still be me? "


Lu Yu looked at Feng Chime in surprise. She seemed to know a lot.

Moreover, what do you mean, am I still me?

Is there any secret to becoming an immortal being? She is no longer her, will she be replaced?

Seeing Lu Yu's surprised expression, Feng Ling smiled and said:

“If Brother Zhongshan can reach level A, he must be careful and stick to his true will.

Otherwise, it may be eroded and assimilated by the weirdness.

At that time, the only ones alive will be the weird ones who have the memories of their hosts. "


Lu Yu suddenly realized, isn't this the case for Boss Wang Fugui and Wang, who has completely taken root in the Scarlet Flame Desert?

It seems that the Trickster is indeed very dangerous, and it can be said that every step is a hurdle.

Seeing that Lu Yu seemed to understand, Feng Ling continued to say sadly:

"Now you know why I don't want to be a Trickster, right?"


Lu Yu nodded. Whether it was now or in the future, the situation of Feng Chime was not optimistic.

At this point, Lu Yu luckily said directly:

"If you really don't want to become a Trickster, I can help you."


Feng Chime stared at Lu Yu with wide eyes, full of suspicion.

You know, none of their ancient forces, inherited from ancient times, can do this. She has never even heard of anyone who can do it. She doesn't believe that Brother Zhongshan in front of her can do this for thousands of years. Something that cannot be done.

"Haha, you don't believe it?"

"How is this possible? I've never heard of anyone being able to do this."

Many strong men in this world can kill the Strange Controller or even destroy the Strange, but they cannot separate the Strange or kill them alone.

Since the day he became the Trickster, basically his own spirit has been closely connected with it.

The chains that bound the weirdness were originally the spiritual consciousness of the weird master. With such close contact, the two parties had already begun to ignore each other. This was also the main reason why the weirdness changed the mentality of the weird master.

Spiritually connected, they will naturally influence each other.

Moreover, if either party is harmed, it will be fed back to the other party.

It's just that it's difficult to kill because of the weirdness.

So, it's basically human death and strange resurrection.

But now that Lu Yu said that he could actually help her get rid of her identity as a Trickster, Feng Ling naturally didn't believe it.

However, she couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope in her heart.

What if, what if it really happens?

After a long silence, Feng Chime finally spoke:

"what should I do?"

Anyway, with her current physical condition and strange recovery state, it would be difficult for her to sustain it for much longer.

So, you might as well give it a try.

"You don't need to do anything, you just need to think clearly, do you really don't want to be a Trickster?"

"Of course!"

Feng Chime nodded firmly.

If she loses her weirdness, with the power of her family, she can completely restore her body, so that she can get married and have children like an ordinary person, and live a happy life, instead of struggling on the line of life and death where she will die at any time.

"Okay! Don't resist my power."

Seeing that Feng Ling had made a decision, Lu Yu no longer hesitated and waved his hand, and the five-color divine light swept across Feng Ling's body.

It instantly suppressed the weirdness and mental dreams in his body, and stabilized his inner consciousness.

In the next moment, the strange power in the wind chime and the strangeness in the spiritual dream were all wiped away by it, and it was absorbed into the dream world.


Even with Lu Yu's suppression and stability, the disintegration of the mental chain still made Feng Chih groan and his face instantly turned pale.

Of course, this isn't over yet.

After all, there is already a deep spiritual connection between wind chimes and weirdness.

Even if they are completely separated at this time, there is no guarantee that Feng Ling's mind and consciousness will not be destroyed when Wei Wei is destroyed.

However, in the dream world, Lu Yu is the absolute master. With just a slight thought, the rules of the dream world have already begun to dismember the strange things in detail, stripping away the spiritual power of the wind chime bit by bit. come out.

In the end, Lu Yu peeled out a ball of wind chime's spiritual power from Wei Wei's body.

However, perhaps due to the long period of integration into the strange body, that small group of spiritual power has been tainted with some strange rules.

As for this kind of power, it would be difficult for Lu Yu to remove it.

The two sides have become one, and they want to separate them unless they are completely broken up and reorganized in more subtle ways.

But in this case, it is no different from directly attacking the spirit of the wind chime. If you don't die, you will become an idiot.

Moreover, even if the power of those strange rules is integrated, it will no longer corrode or affect the spirit and body of Feng Chime.

It will even allow the wind chime to gain some small special abilities in the future, which are probably equivalent to some weak and weird abilities, but it will no longer cause any impact or burden on its body.

In this case, there is no need to carry out other processing. Lu Yu just moved that small group of spiritual power directly into Feng Ling's mind, or into his spiritual dream.

By the way, a ray of green divine light penetrated Feng Chime's body, warming and repairing the damage to his body.

Visible to the naked eye, Feng Chime's spirit and pale face are recovering rapidly.

"This, this, this"

Feeling the changes in his body, Feng Ling's face was full of disbelief.

"You, you, you really succeeded? How did you do it?"

"Hehehe, keep a low profile, keep a low profile, and I hope Miss Feng Chime will keep it a secret for me!"

“Yeah, yeah, I know.

I will definitely not tell anyone. "

Wind Chime's eyes shone brightly, and then he asked again as if he had thought of something;

"Then can you also take out Sister Shiyu's weirdness?"

"Well, I have to remind Miss Fengchime that not everyone wants to be an ordinary person."

Especially people like Yu Shiyu who organize expeditions have an adventurous spirit in their hearts, and they are not unwilling to bear the dangers faced by becoming Trickster Controllers.

Only the eldest lady Feng Ling joined Yu Shiyu's adventure team under the influence of a momentary rebellious mentality.

"No, no, no, Sister Shiyu also said yesterday that if possible, she also wants to give up her identity as the Trickster."

"Oh, is it so?"

Lu Yu was noncommittal.

"If she is willing, I wouldn't mind helping him get rid of the weirdness in his body."

Anyway, after this time, Yue Zhongshan can disappear, and he doesn't care whether the information is leaked or not.

"Okay! Brother Zhongshan, wait!"

After hurriedly saying something to Lu Yu, Feng Ling hurried away with excitement on his face to find Yu Shiyu.

Taking this opportunity, Lu Yu had completely devoured the strange doll that was fused with the wind chime.

As for the strange speed before, it has been swallowed up long ago, and has even been integrated into Lu Yu's strange body. It is indeed about the legs, possessing the ultimate speed, one hundred meters in an instant, and one thousand meters in one second.

After being integrated into his legs, other puzzle pieces of Lu Yu's strange body were completed and increased.

The speed rules for both legs also reached A- level, and the speed increased dramatically again.

One thousand meters in an instant, ten thousand meters in one second, completely ignoring air resistance.

Even with the blessing of the treacherous realm, he could pass through even the smallest gap.

Although it is impossible to ignore the obstruction of any object, it can still travel through relatively open areas without any hindrance.

Within a few miles, it is not much different from real teleportation.

In today's world, there are probably very few beings that can catch up with him.

All guns, bullets and bullets can only follow his butt and eat dust.

Moreover, the speed of other parts of his body has also been enhanced, such as his hands and arms.

Similarly, the power of the arms is also added to the legs, keeping the overall strength and speed of the strange body at an appropriate balance.

After integrating the rules of the strange doll into the paper-cutting weapon, it also gained the rules of damage transfer and paper man substitution.

All non-fatal damage received can be transferred to the paper cutter.

And the fatal injury will be at the cost of the paper-cutting man's collapse and death, and he will be restored to his original state in an instant.

And what Lu Yu needs most now is paper-cutting figures.

It can be said that Lu Yu's life safety has been strengthened again from now on.

At least any technological weapon today can no longer pose a threat to him.

Only super-standard beings like the Lord of the Trading Scale and the Sludge Monster, who can erase everything that contaminates him through the aura of cause and effect, can pose a threat to him.

When Lu Yu was checking his harvest, Feng Chime had already rushed over with Yu Shiyu.

Seeing Yu Shiyu, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel slightly surprised. Did she really not want to be a controller anymore?

"Mr. Yue.

Okay, okay, Wind Chime, you can tell me now, what surprises have you brought me here? "

Yu Shiyu first said hello to Lu Yu, and then asked the wind chime.

At the same time, she secretly glanced at Lu Yu from the corner of her eyes, her cheeks turning slightly red.

After hearing Yu Shiyu's question, Lu Yu knew clearly that Feng Chime had not yet told him that he could completely eliminate his ability to control the strange things.

But, what does it mean when you blush? Are you thinking about something bad?


Involuntarily, Lu Yu coughed slightly and looked at the wind chime.


Feng Chime smiled and nodded, and said to Yu Shiyu:

"Didn't you tell me yesterday that you didn't want to be a Trickster?"

".Yes what's the matter?"

Yu Shiyu asked with slight hesitation.

Vaguely, she already knew what the surprise the wind chime was talking about was.

But how is that possible?

Moreover, she was just temporarily unable to bear the blow of her teammate's death yesterday.

After a night of rest and relaxation, she had gradually recovered.

She actually wasn't that disgusted with her own weird power, but felt like she was immersed in it.

Especially after Lu Yu completely suppressed the weirdness in his body to silence, she didn't want to lose it even more.

Even if Weird is silent for a while, it will still revive little by little as she uses it.

However, the excitement of wandering on the edge of life and death is something she cannot get in ordinary adventures.

Seeing the change in her expression, Lu Yu already knew that she would never be willing to be an ordinary person.

However, the slightly excited Feng Chime on the other side did not notice this, but said excitedly to Yu Shiyu:

"Brother Zhongshan, Brother Zhongshan can completely eliminate the weirdness in your body, and he can make you become a normal person again.

Look at me, the weirdness in my body has disappeared, and I am now a normal person. "

"Yes, really? Mr. Yue, can you really remove the weirdness controlled by the Strange Controller?"

Even though she had already made some guesses, Yu Shiyu still looked at Lu Yu in disbelief and asked in shock.

"Well, as long as you want to and don't resist my power, I can get rid of the weirdness in your body."


Yu Shiyu was a little dazed for a moment, this was really unbelievable.

Thanks to book friend [Yunjian Feihong] for the 100 reward!

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