Weird recovery: I build the world with weirdness

Chapter 236: Walking Corpses and Harvest, Arrangement and Detection

To be honest, it doesn't matter whether Little Japan is destroyed or not.

But what if these countless blood shadows expand to the surrounding area? Will anyone be able to stop it then?


Lu Yu's eyes suddenly moved slightly, he looked at the mummy that fell to the ground, and murmured in a low voice:

"My country, Daxia, has always been benevolent and righteous. Although your crimes are countless, I am still willing to complain with virtue and help you get revenge."

Take a few steps forward quickly, activate the corpse control skill, and the power of chaos is instantly transformed into strange corpse energy.

Lu Yu raised his hand and waved, and a stream of corpse energy flew out instantly and disappeared directly into the dried corpse on the ground.

The next moment, the mummy shook slightly and opened its eyes again. After slowly getting up, it looked around with its gray dead fish eyes and immediately staggered towards the other corpses that had fallen to the ground.

After Lu Yu obtained the corpse control skill, he has upgraded it several times, and now it is also an A+ level skill.

Therefore, don't look at the transformed zombie, staggering when walking.

But his speed is really not slow, at least not slower than ordinary people running.

Therefore, although the mummy was staggering, it only took one or two breaths to reach the front of the other mummy.

When approaching the corpse, a gray corpse energy immediately spread out and submerged into the corpse that fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, just like the previous mummy, the fallen mummy was also transformed into a new walking corpse.

In this way, the zombies transformed by Lu Yu quickly spread around like the flying blood shadows.

When the two meet, a battle will immediately break out.

The walking corpses that were originally transformed from ordinary people are no longer afraid of the power of blood shadow and blood after possessing the strange corpse energy.

On the contrary, he has the upper hand, and can even repel the blood and even disperse the body of the blood shadow.

If it happens enough times, it will even be enough to obliterate the blood shadow.

Of course, this situation is actually very difficult to happen.

After all, those blood shadows will not be passively beaten all the time.

However, Lu Yu hooked up with all the walking corpses and used their bodies as a medium to take advantage of the opportunity to collect the blood shadows.

Therefore, basically after a few battles between the two sides, those blood shadows were taken into the dream world.

It looked as if the zombies had killed them.

After seeing the zombies killing the blood shadows, some of the surviving Japanese people were equally afraid of the image of the zombies.

However, they still suppressed the fear in their hearts and gathered.

"S-Sir, thank you for your life-saving grace."

"Thank you, sir, for saving me!"


One by one, the little Japanese people bowed ninety degrees and respectfully thanked the walking corpse in front of them.

Looking at the bent human being in front of him, the zombie paused slightly, then wiggled his nose and sniffed hard.



The zombie let out an excited roar and bit the man's neck artery directly.

It seems that due to the lack of blood in the body, the zombie began to instinctively suck the blood from its body.

The moment the blood flowed into the throat, it was infected and transformed by the strange corpse energy.

Perhaps it's because these walking corpses were transformed from corpses after those blood shadows swallowed all the blood and turned into mummies.

Therefore, their bodies that have been eroded by the blood still retain a trace of the power of the blood.

This makes the blood they swallowed, while being corroded and transformed by the corpse energy, also possess a trace of the power of blood.

However, this newly transformed blood will not be controlled by the blood shadow or Jimmy, but will be controlled by the walking zombies.

In other words, it can be called corpse blood.

After the corpse blood is formed, it is not absorbed and excreted by the intestines and stomach like the devoured food.

Instead, like a living thing, it quickly penetrated into the gastrointestinal blood vessels and flowed into the heart. While a little blood essence was condensed, most of the corpse blood began to flow within the body.

This caused its dry bacon-like body to gradually stretch out, and even some parts of its body showed a trace of imperceptible blood color.

At the same time, its power aura has also been improved.


The man whose neck was bitten immediately screamed miserably. When the people around him saw this, they immediately backed away in fear.

"Ho ho ho"

The walking corpses around them seemed to have noticed the movement here, and they also gathered around and attacked them.

In an instant, everyone fled in all directions.

However, they were soon submerged in the tide of corpses, or their bodies were penetrated by blood shadows, sucking away the blood.

In the final analysis, Lu Yu only collected the blood shadows through the walking corpses and gave them orders to fight against the blood shadows.

If you say you can help them get revenge, you can help them get revenge.

As for the rest, Lu Yu did not interfere.

Naturally, while fighting against the blood shadow, these zombies will also act according to their instincts.

The fear of humans and the desire for life force will also cause them to attack nearby humans.

The lack of blood in the body and the influence of the residual power of the sneaky blood will make them suck the blood of the target.

Lu Yu didn't know about what happened when the zombies were fighting against the blood shadow, and he didn't care. It was just a slight accident.

He didn't have a good impression of this country. The death of just a few people was regarded as a necessary sacrifice in battle.

At this time, Lu Yu was taking stock of his unexpected gains, which were the dead ghost masters, or the weird and spiritual dreams in their bodies.

Because of feeling the aura of the blood shadow, the strangeness in the body of the controller has not completely revived, breaking the spiritual dream that bound them.

As for these strange spiritual dreams trapped in them, Lu Yu was naturally unceremonious and directly collected them into the dream world and placed them in the corresponding void levels.

Of course, most dream worlds and the weirdness in them are all E-level or F-level, with very few D-level and above.

Don't look at some of the monster masters or weirdos that Lu Yu encountered. They were either B-level or A-level, or at least C-level.

However, that was the reason why Lu Yu specifically chose the target.

In fact, in today's world, even D-level trick masters can be considered masters and strong men.

In the world today, most of the Trick Controllers are actually E-level or even F-level below D-level.

Therefore, most of the weird and spiritual dreams that Lu Yu collected this time were E-level or F-level.

However, although the quality is not good, the quantity is quite a lot. In just a short time, Lu Yu has collected more than a dozen spiritual dreams.

After all, as the degree of strange recovery continues to intensify, there are more and more strange things, and naturally there are more and more people who control them.

It's just that because the time is too short, they haven't grown up yet, but the number is quite a lot.

Of course, Lu Yu did not stop there, just waiting for the zombies to spread by themselves, but continued walking towards the hotel.

First of all, it was the center where everything happened, and there must be a large number of mummies. Lu Yu needed to transform them into walking corpses to deal with the large number of blood shadows.

The second is to collect more spiritual dreams.

Nothing more.

That is, although these blood shadows are spreading in all directions, will Blood God Jimmy not stay in the hotel or stay nearby?

Blood Shadow is not the same as the Blood God, but more similar to the walking corpses he controls.

If the Blood God is cautious enough, he will definitely leave corresponding back-ups there, and even his true form is still there.

As Lu Yu walked, he kept waving his hands to shoot out strange corpse auras, transforming zombies one after another, or collecting spiritual dreams one by one.

One zombie after another climbed up, infecting more and more mummies.

And wherever the walking corpse passes, traces of corpse aura will remain.

As time goes by, the number of blood shadows increases and their influence becomes wider and wider.

Similarly, more and more walking corpses were transformed by Lu Yu. The zombies that had passed through the residual corpse energy gradually connected into a network and formed a piece.

Eventually it turned into a gray mist, covering all the places where the walking dead existed.

At the end of the day, with the hotel as the center, a radius of several hundred meters was covered in gray fog of corpse energy, and it continued to spread outwards following the expanding blood shadow.

Surrounding the mist are countless roaring zombies. While constantly transforming mummies, they are also constantly attacking, collecting blood shadows, and collecting spiritual dreams.

At this time, there were already two to three hundred spiritual dreams in Lu Yu's dream world.

There are about twenty D-level mental dreams, and there are even three C-level mental dreams.

It can be said that the harvest has been very fruitful.

Even Lu Yu felt that his dream world began to undergo mysterious changes after receiving so many spiritual dreams.

It's just that this change was too small and the time was too short. Lu Yu sensed it and didn't find anything different.

Just being able to sense that this change is good.

This made Lu Yu even more eager for spiritual dreams.

He needs more spiritual dreams.

Standing on the street more than a hundred meters away from the hotel, Lu Yu's eyes were filled with strange power and he showed a faint smile.


How could someone with such a strange ability as the Bloody Man not leave a backup plan for themselves?

Of course, this is only its most important back-up, it is its core.

In fact, all the blood shadows can be used as his backup to revive him.

However, Lu Yu didn't care about the others, all he needed was the weird core of Wei Xue.

However, in view of the special nature of the strange blood, Lu Yu needed to find an opportunity, an opportunity to hit it with one hit and control it into the dream world.

And this gray fog of corpse energy all over the sky was prepared for him.

However, it is still a little short of that.

Therefore, he needs more zombies to generate that special corpse energy.

These zombies died because of the blood shadow, so they will instinctively have a trace of hatred and obsession with them.

Under normal circumstances, their obsession would quickly dissipate between heaven and earth.

However, Lu Yu had transformed them into walking corpses before that, which allowed this obsession to be retained.

In addition, they themselves have been corroded by the strange blood, which makes their bodies contain a trace of the residual power of the strange blood. The corpse energy intertwined by various forces is likely to lock, suppress, and restrict Jimmy for a period of time.

This time may not be long, even just one or two breaths.

However, this was enough for Lu Yu.

After looking at the direction of the hotel for a while, Lu Yu began to slowly circle around the hotel.

Every time he passed a certain distance, Lu Yu would draw the strange corpse energy, forming strange symbols and imprinting them on the ground.

It was a forbidden formation that Lu Yu evolved using the various strange skills he had mastered, based on the strange tomb and part of the strange blood rules he had mastered, and using the Great Avenue Skynet, the legendary formation restrictions, and strange procedures as templates.

Then, using the special corpse energy that filled the sky as the source, it was specifically targeted at Jimmy.

As time passed little by little, more and more weird corpse energy was drawn and gathered quickly, and then it was condensed into special weird symbols by Lu Yu.

Gradually, the formation began to take shape little by little, and an invisible force field began to permeate the air, but this force was extremely obscure.

As long as it is not activated and completely explodes, it will be difficult for even the Trickster to detect it.

In the half-collapsed hotel, Jimmy had regained his human body and was staying in a intact guest room.

Sensing the actions of countless blood shadows, the looming resentment constantly attacks across the sky.

At this moment, a hint of uneasiness suddenly arose in his heart.

Just after checking it, except for the gray fog rising from the outside, I didn't find anything wrong.

After shaking his head, which had become a little dizzy due to the impact of unwilling resentment, he turned his attention to the blood shadow clones in the outside world and sensed the general situation of the blood shadow clones.

They are currently expanding outwards, transforming more and more blood shadows.

However, he also discovered something wrong, that is, the blood shadow has also lost a lot, and there is an increasing trend, even with the overall growth trend of the blood shadow.

His brows furrowed slightly, and after some thought, Jimmy divided his mind and descended on many blood shadows.

The first thing he felt was not the external scene, but the impact of waves of unwillingness and resentment, which confused his thinking for a moment.

This is also the reason why Jimmy was previously unwilling to separate his mind and consciousness and come to Blood Shadow.

The strange blood condensed by him was okay. Apart from being eroded by the strange power, it had no other effects.

However, those blood shadows formed by extracting the blood of others will be mixed with all kinds of unwilling resentments, obsessions, etc. that burst out before human beings die.

A small part was okay, Jimmy was able to suppress it and erase it bit by bit.

However, once they reach a certain number, their impact on the spiritual soul will become extremely fatal, causing their spirit to fall into extreme chaos, and even lead to strange resurgence and backlash.

Basically, the blood shadow formed like this needs to wait for a period of time, and the resentment in it is completely eroded by the blood, and then Jimmy can integrate it into himself.

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