Weird recovery: I build the world with weirdness

Chapter 250 Anthony’s choice, stripping and replacing the Holy Light

The dark golden holy light circulated on Anthony Wilson's body, then followed his palm and slowly sank into the cross in front of him.

After being stimulated, the cross began to bloom with pure white holy light.

"Yes, yes, that's what it feels like."

Anthony Wilson's lips trembled with anger and excitement.

The holy light on the cross came from the same source as the power of the holy light that had fought with him across the air.

Thinking that that person had ruined all his plans and layouts, Anthony Wilson couldn't help but feel a surge of murderous intent.

He even had the urge to destroy the cross in front of him.

However, the holy light on the cross and some faint messages on it also allowed him to vaguely see the way forward.

This made him instantly suppress the impulse in his heart, take a deep breath, and after calming down the anger in his heart, he began to understand some of the information revealed in it.

Gradually, Anthony Wilson gained a little bit of understanding, and pieces of information were read by him.

There is always no future in believing in others. If you can become a god yourself, why should you believe in others?

The main thing is, it’s not that there are no believers with firm faith in the Holy See.

However, in an era without extraordinary manifestations for a long time, there are absolutely very few people who can maintain firm faith.

Especially those at the top of the Holy See who have firm beliefs are even rarer.

After all, there are times when faith cannot gain power.

Machiavellian tactics are actually more useful.

As for these high-ranking members of the Holy See who have climbed up through power and maneuver, can you expect them to have such firm faith?

They believe in themselves more than gods, and they believe in and desire money and power more.

The fact is that the lower the people are, the more devout and firm their beliefs will be.

On the contrary, the higher the position, the lower the degree of belief.

If the Holy See had not mastered the method of using faith to condense the Holy Light, most of them would not be able to use the Holy Light.

But that's it. The holy light they use seems to be extremely holy, but in fact it is very messy and sparse.

It is almost impossible to integrate the divine kingdom that you have evolved into heaven and become a god and angel in heaven.

Therefore, Anthony Wilson wants to control a plane of Holy Light and then integrate his Kingdom of God with it.

By then, even if he cannot integrate into heaven, he can still become a wild god.

Although, such gods who steal the achievements of the Holy Light Plane may be accused of being heretics and be hunted down by the Holy See and even the angels in heaven.

However, how many people can resist the temptation of becoming a god and eternal life?

Moreover, as long as he can become a god, he can naturally find ways to control his Kingdom of Holy Light and stay away from the sphere of influence controlled by the Holy See.

Doesn’t today’s Holy See also have the Old and New Covenants, the Old and New Testaments?

Why can't he create another new sect belonging to his Antony?

However, this dangerous road will not only face the pursuit of the Holy See Heaven.

Its own strength will also be mixed, and it is much weaker than angels of the same level, as well as the bishops of the Holy See with devout faith.

This is what makes Anthony Wilson most uncomfortable.

In fact, if he had not been in a high position for a long time and fought for power, Anthony Wilson's character and cognition would have been shaped long ago, and it would be difficult for him to give piety and pure faith. He really didn't want to embark on this dangerous path. Woolen cloth.

Although the power of faith has the effect of assimilating the soul and purifying faith.

It seems that no matter whether the faith is firm or not, if you are in the Holy Light environment for a long time, your faith will become firmer.

But, if there are difficulties, there will naturally be solutions.

I don’t know who started it or who kept it.

But within the Holy See, there are indeed ways to resist the pollution of faith.

Other devout believers don't know, but non-devout believers definitely don't want to get lost in their faith.

Anthony Wilson is one of them. He has been in a high position for a long time and criticized Fang Qiu. How could he be willing to lose himself?

Therefore, he chose to plunder the Holy Light Plane, usurp faith, and become a god himself.

But now, he seemed to see another path.

Although in his opinion, this path is also heretical compared to the orthodox Holy See belief system.

Even more extreme than the path he took.

After all, he still has orthodox beliefs, he just plundered the Holy Light Plane and made himself a god.

The message revealed by the cross in front of you is faith in the Holy Light itself, and you use your inner firm belief to condense your own Holy Light.

The holy light condensed in this way is more condensed and pure than the holy light mastered by devout clergy, and is naturally more powerful.

For those orthodox papal missionaries and clergy, this would be simply the biggest heresy.

But for Anthony Wilson, what’s the big heresy, the little heresy?

Does that make any difference?

Anyway, no matter which one, if people from the Holy See find out, he will be the target of being punished and hunted down.

In this case, why didn't he choose a path that was more powerful and seemed to have more prospects?

And the most important thing is that when choosing to believe in the Holy Light, the most important thing does not seem to be faith, but the persistence of one's own inner beliefs.

Persistence of faith?

Does wanting to become a god count? Does wanting eternal life count?

If you want to have a bird's eye view of all sentient beings, the supreme power of thousands of people, and unparalleled wealth, do they count?

However, the information from the Holy Light shows that the less insistence on inner beliefs, the better, or integrating other thoughts with a certain belief.

Otherwise, too many complicated thoughts will make the power of the Holy Light no longer so pure.

Although it is also more powerful than ordinary believers in the Holy Light, it is much weaker than other Holy Light believers.

What Anthony Wilson chose was to become a god and live forever.

In this era of strange revival and extraordinary manifestations, supreme power and wealth are nothing but vassals of the strong.

As long as you can have supreme power, power, and wealth, aren't they all within your reach?

It may be extremely difficult to comprehend the Holy Light out of thin air and gather one's own belief in the Holy Light.

However, with the Holy Light in front of you as a reference, bathing in the Holy Light, and having your own faith, it is actually very easy to gather the Holy Light of faith.

Especially as the Archbishop of the Holy See, his strength has reached A level, and he has condensed and evolved his own Kingdom of God. It is even easier to condense the Holy Light of Faith.

Although the paths of the two seem to be completely different, one pursues oneself, and the other gathers the faith of all sentient beings.

But in essence, it is nothing more than the condensed evolution of belief ideas.

As an A-level archbishop, after receiving the guidance of the Holy Light, it only took a few breaths for him to condense a ray of his own Holy Light of Faith.

Because of the core of belief, the holy light condensed by Anthony Wilson blooms with a trace of gold and is filled with a sacred and eternal atmosphere.

Although there is only a trace, it is faintly able to compete with other holy lights in his body.

This couldn't help but make Anthony Wilson feel happy.

He didn't expect that the gap between the two holy lights was so big, which greatly boosted his confidence.

Looking at the shining golden light, Anthony Wilson directly called it the holy light, which also showed his ambition that he would become a god in the future.

Afterwards, Anthony Wilson once again sank into the practice of Holy Light.

As he practiced, the strand of holy light began to grow little by little, one strand, one wisp, one strand, one clump.

Finally, Anthony Wilson condensed a fist-sized ball of holy light.

Feeling the golden holy light that filled his soul and the dark golden holy light in the Kingdom of God, Anthony Wilson hesitated.

If you follow the information contained in the holy light of the cross, you must integrate the power of the holy light into the spiritual dream at this time and evolve your own holy light dream.

However, Anthony Wilson is not an ordinary believer of the Holy Light.

His spiritual dream has long been transformed into a dream kingdom.

So, can it still be integrated?

Will the dark golden light that fills the Kingdom of Dreams pollute his sacred light?

After thinking for a moment, Anthony Wilson gritted his teeth.

In order to become a god, for eternal life.

My mind penetrated into my dream kingdom, and a trace of dark gold holy light was pulled away from the core of my dream kingdom.

In an instant, Anthony Wilson's face turned pale, and a trace of cold sweat oozed out.

To evolve the Dream Kingdom, your mind, strength, and the strange power you control have already been linked to the core of the Dream Kingdom. If you want to separate it, you will naturally need to endure extreme pain.

However, for the sake of his own godhood and immortality, Anthony Wilson endured it all his life.

As time passed, the dark gold holy light power was stripped away one after another.

And these holy lights instinctively gathered slowly, constantly flowing and merging into one, turning into a huge dark golden light group, in which a looming angel figure slowly condensed.

This is the weirdness controlled by the clergy of the Holy See.

Extract a trace of power from the icon of God, then integrate it into the body, gathering the power of faith to breed.

Of course, this is definitely not what is said to the outside world. This is a gift from God to devout believers.

When the pregnancy is complete, this trace of power will give birth to an angel, and then integrate this angel into the kingdom of God.

In the end, one's own soul consciousness, as well as everything else, is integrated into the Kingdom of God, and oneself becomes an angel, driving the Kingdom of God into heaven.

In fact, in a certain aspect, it is almost the same as the Holy Temple and the Holy Light system that Lu Yu evolved.

However, one needs the belief of all living beings, and the other needs the persistence of one's own belief.

Moreover, by believing in the Holy Light, one can integrate one's own dreams into it from the very beginning. The core evolution angel of the dream is essentially the evolution of one's own spiritual projection.

As for belief in God, at the end of the day, oneself merges with the angels, and then ascends to heaven and becomes a new angel.

It’s just that at this time, you, who only have God and His principles in your heart and soul, are you still you?

In other words, the angel is actually the puppet body of the evolution of God's power, which is then bred by all living beings with faith, and the souls of believers enter and control it.

After knowing this, Lu Yu unconsciously thought of his paper cutter.

Like Hongyu and Huang, they all have self-awareness and can independently control the changes in the paper-cutting people's abilities, etc.

Or, if someone is willing to possess his soul into the paper-cutting person, and Lu Yu agrees, he can naturally become the soul and consciousness of the paper-cutting person and control everything about the paper-cutting person.

However, that was when Lu Yu didn't care.

However, as long as Lu Yu has a thought, he can deprive them of all control and even erase their soul consciousness.

Think about it, using the power of God to conceive an angel, then integrate into an angel, and become an angel, is it almost exactly the same as the paper-cut man whose soul consciousness merges into Lu Yu's?

The only difference is that the angel needs to be conceived by the believer himself.

This is simply making your own puppet, and then blending your soul into it and becoming someone else's puppet.

What kind of sacrificial spirit is this?

Capitalists will be moved to tears when they see it.

I don’t know how much time has passed, but the dark gold holy light that has been integrated into the core of the Dream Kingdom by Anthony Wilson has been stripped off again.

That ball of dark gold holy light completely transformed into an angel with a pair of dark gold wings, looking down at Anthony Wilson indifferently.

Glancing at the angel in front of him, Anthony Wilson frowned.

Perhaps because he was not a devout believer, every time he saw the angel in front of him, he couldn't help but feel chills running down his spine and a sense of fear in his heart.

Only after reaching A level and completely assimilating the angels into the dream kingdom, this feeling gradually faded away.

But at this time, after peeling it off, he still had that feeling, which made him very bad.

After thinking about it for a long time, did he actually not understand the angel in front of him? Or only when the soul consciousness is fully integrated can it be completely controlled?

"Huh~! My choice was correct.

What does this angel that is not under my control mean to me? "

Taking a deep breath, Anthony Wilson's thoughts swirled in his mind, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and he began to guide the sacred light in his body.

Wisps of sacred light began to emerge from his consciousness, and then bit by bit sank into the core of the dream kingdom.

In an instant, wisps of golden light began to spread throughout his divine kingdom.

But Anthony Wilson, who was fully controlling the holy light and integrating it into the Kingdom of God, did not notice it.

With the integration of the holy light, the dark gold angel, who had always been indifferent, began to flicker with slight fluctuations in his eyes, including chaos, violence, murderous intent, etc.

And with the continuous integration of the holy light, the violent murderous intention splashed by the dark gold angel became more and more intense and boiling.

Fortunately, just a moment later, Anthony Wilson's sacred light had been completely integrated into the Dream Kingdom.

After all, he just evolved a piece of holy light the size of a fist.

How long will it take to integrate it into the Kingdom of Dreams?

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