Weird recovery: I build the world with weirdness

Chapter 255 The expansion of Baihu Mountain, the strange space of heaven, and the plan

Although the lives in the dream realm of Baihu Mountain are naturally compatible with the metal attribute skills and weirdness due to the rules.

However, due to the lack of other attributes, they will also have congenital deficiencies, and there will be a more obvious phenomenon of birth defects.

For example, fire defeats metal. When faced with fire-attribute attacks, they basically collapse at the first touch.

Another example is earth-born metal. They are often able to explode with stronger power in earth-type or metallic environments.

And if you don't step into practice, it's okay to be in the dream realm of Baihu Mountain. Once you appear in the outside world, you will suffer from various physical discomforts and even premature death.

This is true for humans and life, and even more so for the dream realm of Baihu Mountain itself.

The operation of heaven and earth can be based on certain rules, but other rules must be involved.

Otherwise, the world is incomplete and can only be regarded as space. It is basically impossible to breed life and cannot be regarded as a world.

Moreover, if it really wants to integrate with the real world, because the rules are too simple, it will be difficult to effectively resist and fight against the erosion of complex external rules.

Humans and other life forms simply die young.

The Dream Realm of Baihu Mountain may completely collapse when it merges.

And if you want to avoid this situation, you can only complete the missing rules in the dream realm of Baihu Mountain.

There are many ways to complete the rules of the Dream Realm of White Tiger Mountain, and Mrs. Bones currently has five options.

One is that Mrs. Bones slowly comprehends the rules of the outside world, evolving and completing the rules of the dream realm of Baihu Mountain bit by bit.

The other is to connect the avenue with the way of heaven, guide the projection of the rules of the avenue, evolve the illusory rules of heaven and earth, and help stabilize the dream realm of Baihu Mountain.

Then think of ways to fill in these illusory rules of heaven and earth bit by bit.

And this is why this realm is also called the illusory rule.

The third method is to make a strange sacrifice to the avenue, and the avenue will naturally feed back the corresponding rules.

The fourth method is to annex and merge other dream realms and merge their rules.

In this way, nature can also make up for the rules it lacks.

The last method is to find a way to attract the Strange Controller or Weird to enter the dream realm of Baihu Mountain, and use the way of heaven to erode them and bring them under the way of heaven.

In this way, all the rules they master will feed back to the way of heaven.

Even their subsequent promotion and understanding of the rules will also feed back to the way of heaven.

However, this requires waiting for them to grow up, just like the first one who understands the rules of the outside world, it will definitely take a long time.

So, Madam Bones decided that she wanted all five methods to be used together since they didn't conflict with each other.

The first thing is to communicate with the great road. The heart is in harmony with the way of heaven and begins to sense the hidden great road.

Gradually, a vague feeling appeared in her heart.


In an instant, the avenue was connected with the way of heaven. A series of illusory rules came down from the shadowy avenue, quickly merged with the way of heaven, and then spread rapidly to the entire world.

At the same time, Mrs. White Bones felt that all the missing rules in the dream world of Baihu Mountain began to be quickly completed and became more solid and thicker. A feeling of completeness came to her heart.

"Boom boom boom"


With the completion of the rules of heaven, the entire Baihu Mountain Dream Realm began to shake slightly, and the immeasurable dream light and mist from the outside world began to gather at an extremely fast speed, quickly pouring into the Baihu Mountain Dream Realm.

"Boom boom boom"

With slight vibrations again and again, the dream realm of Baihu Mountain began to expand outward little by little, and the speed became faster and faster.

By the time the Dream Realm of Baihu Mountain stopped expanding and stabilized again, it had already reached a radius of thousands of miles, almost half the size of Xia Kingdom.


With a buzzing sound and the power of heaven feedback, a halo of light bloomed behind Madam Bones' head again.

Lord of the Five Rings Realm, done!

At the same time, her strength also increased again.

However, she could also feel that her power growth was based on the rules he mastered.

In fact, nearly two-thirds of the rules and powers in the dream realm of Baihu Mountain are beyond her control.

The source of those powers is the illusory rules of the avenue projection.

These illusory rules, and the power they gather and evolve, are not under the control of the Bone Lady.

If she wants to control it, she needs to fill in and replace these illusory rules one by one with real and true rules.

Of course, that doesn't mean that these illusory rules don't have much meaning if they are not controlled by Madam Bones.

These illusory rules can not only stabilize the world, but also evolve into a larger world, and in disguise, increase the power controlled by the Bone Lady.

At the same time, they also pointed out the way forward for Lady Bones.

Mrs. Bones only needs to find similar rules and replace them one by one to complete the perfection of the dream realm and advance to the next level.

With her mind spinning, Madam White Bone looked down at all the lives in the dream realm of Baihu Mountain from the perspective of heaven. As the rules of heaven flowed, they had already submerged into the depths of their bodies and souls.

They were originally the beings in the dream realm of Baihu Mountain. Facing the erosion of Heaven's way, they naturally had no resistance at all. They were directly included in Heaven's way and became the beings under Heaven's way.

Only Bai Jingjing became the only exception.

At this time, in the eyes of Madam Bai Gu, Bai Jingjing was simply a pearl in the night, too conspicuous.

The power of heaven fell into Bai Jingjing's body and did not invade her body.

Instead, within his body, a circle of brilliance that ordinary people could not detect quietly bloomed, blocking the power of heaven.

"That's the way of heaven?!"

Mrs. Bones was slightly startled at first, and then showed a look of surprise.

He originally thought that Bai Jingjing was just a life in other dream realms.

Unexpectedly, it turns out that Bai Jingjing is a life under the law of heaven in other worlds.

She knew that after integrating into one side of the Heavenly Way, it would be difficult to escape from it. Even if she left her own world, it did not mean that she could escape from the Heavenly Way.

Unless you encounter a stronger Heavenly Dao, use a stronger Heavenly Dao mark to forcibly cover and erase the original Heavenly Dao mark.

Obviously, the aura of Heavenly Dao in Bai Jingjing's body is much greater than that of Baihu Mountain's Heavenly Dao. Naturally, it is impossible for Baihu Mountain's Heavenly Dao to cover and erase it.

After feeling this situation, Mrs. Bones' heart moved slightly, and she immediately raised her palm to throw Bai Jingjing out of her world.

Even though she brought him great opportunities, the relationship between the two was nominally master and disciple.

However, she would never want a life from another world to appear in her world.

That will only increase variables and bring trouble to oneself in controlling the world.

However, the moment she was about to send Bai Jingjing out of the world, the law of heaven fluctuated slightly and sent her a message.

Heaven operates and controls everything, but at the same time it also requires variables.

Otherwise, everything is under control, but it is easy to fall into a mechanical and rigid state. Even if it runs for tens of millions of years, it will be difficult to make a fundamental breakthrough.

As the saying goes, there are fifty great avenues and fourty-nine Tianyans. One of them escapes.

The world needs that glimmer of hope, that one variable.

Moreover, life outside the world will also bring different rules to this world, completing and expanding the evolution of the rules of this world.

After sensing this information, Mrs. Bones raised her eyebrows, and the palm she just raised stopped instantly.

She sensed carefully, and sure enough, she could feel a lot of rule information emanating from Bai Jingjing's body, some of which were possessed by the Baihu Mountain Dream Realm, and some that were not possessed before.

And those rules and information were quickly sorted out and summarized under the operation of Heavenly Dao, and a special kind of suppression and strange power was faintly exuded.

However, those rules information is too scattered and weak. Even the way of heaven has no way to combine it into complete rules. It can only integrate it with the existing rules to bring some suppressive and strange effects.

Although that ability is dispensable, it is indeed a gain after all.

Moreover, with the blooming of the power of heaven in the white crystal, Mrs. Bones was vaguely able to see the way of heaven through the white tiger, and come into contact with that side of heaven.

Cold and ruthless, indifferent, supreme, impartial and righteous, it is much more than the way of heaven in the dream realm of Baihu Mountain.

Even Madam White Bones could vaguely feel that she could establish a secret connection with him through the avenue.

After thinking for a moment, Madam Bones began to try to communicate with her.

Contrary to Mrs. Bones' expectation, she just made contact and the other party responded.

However, the other party's reaction was extremely mechanical and blunt.

"The Way of Heaven in Weird Space!"

Only this piece of information came.

Weird space? Is it related to the weird rules? Or is it related to the weird?

Moreover, the information shows space, not the world. Is it just a space on the other side?

if it is like this.

Mrs. Bones quickly shook her head. The other party was stronger than herself and could not be easily swallowed up.

Moreover, the opposite side is also controlled by Heaven, so it is not that easy to annex it.

The most important thing is that destroying the normal world of Heaven will cause the Dao to be disgusted and even punished.

Therefore, she had better look for those dream realms that have no way of heaven to annex.

After thinking for a moment, Madam White Bones also sent a message.

"Baihu Mountain Dream World and Heavenly Way! Can we establish a connection with the avenue?"


Feeling the cold message coming from the opposite side, Mrs. Bones raised her eyebrows, and finally communicated through the avenue and established contact with the strange space of heaven on the opposite side.

In an instant, a mysterious connection was established.

At the same time, a piece of information flowed into Madam Bones' mind.

That was various introductions about Daodao Tianwang.

"Daodao Skynet? It is somewhat similar to the outside network, but it is simpler and more convenient.

At the same time, what it is linked to is also the way of heaven, or the controller of the way of heaven, the master of the way of heaven. "

As soon as the thought moved, the power of heaven fluctuated slightly, and a light curtain was instantly projected, with various information about the Bone Lady and White Tiger Mountain on it.

In addition, there is also a friend list, which displays [Weird Space Heavenly Way] alone.

When Mrs. Bones touches her gently with her heart, her name will flash quickly.

The next moment, a piece of information emerged.

[Weird Space Heavenly Way]: Is something wrong?

[Baihu Mountain Dream World and Heavenly Way]: Nothing, just saying hello to you.

[Weird Space Heavenly Way]: Yeah!

Seeing the simple and cold reply from the strange space Tiandao, Mrs. Bones couldn't help but smile softly. This is indeed the supreme, cold and ruthless aloof Tiandao.

I don’t know if there are other heavenly ways in this world, whether they are like the strange space heavenly ways.

There are still people like her who become the master of heaven.

After thinking about it, she put away the projection light screen of Heavenly Dao. After Madam White Bone continued to feel the changes in the world, she slowly gathered her mind and exited the state of Hedao.

In an instant, the heavenly halo behind his head disappeared one after another, and the momentum around him dropped rapidly.

The surging power in her body disappeared, and Mrs. Bones felt slightly uncomfortable.

Even the brain, five senses, etc. appear to be slightly sluggish.

This is the result of the sudden loss of the blessing of high-speed computing from Heaven.

It's like a person doing calculations. If he always does calculations manually, as he continues to calculate, it will only become easier for him to calculate.

However, if you let him use a calculator for a period of time during this process, and then let him return to manual calculation again, he will definitely be uncomfortable for a period of time.

Slightly closing her eyes, Mrs. Bones calmed down, suppressed the discomfort in her heart, and then slowly walked out of the secret room.

After arriving at the hall, Mrs. Bones began to summon her little apprentices and a group of little demon disciples, and began to think about the next trip.

To the east of Baihu Mountain is the Wuzhuang Temple of Immortal Zhenyuan, which she cannot touch now.

Although the current Zhenyuan Immortal may not be able to bring all his power to the throne.

But even so, she had no confidence that she could defeat him because his reputation was too great.

To a certain extent, Immortal Zhenyuan is a stronger person than Kong Xuan, and there is really no need for her to offend him easily.

To the west of Baihu Mountain is the Boyue Cave in Wanzi Mountain.

Yellow Robe Monster, Hundred Flowers Shame

Star Lord Kui Mulang, the fragrant jade girl serving in the Pixiang Palace.

At this time, with the strength of Xingjun Kuimulang, he should not be able to go down to the world, right?

Moreover, even if he forced himself down to the lower realm, how much strength would he have now?

As for his identity as Star Lord, in Madam Bones’ opinion, that’s all.

Especially compared to the Wuzhuang Temple on the other side, it is already obvious how to choose.

What's more, she doesn't necessarily have to annex Wanzishanshan Moon Cave, she just needs to control it with the way of heaven, which will not affect its future function at all.

In that case, let's go west

She could even go all the way west along the route, first capture the dream realm along the way, and then look for other dream realms and cover them one by one with the rules of heaven.

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