Weird recovery: I build the world with weirdness

Chapter 26 Strength sorting and discovery

After thinking of the simple and clear system panel of the game, Lu Yu began to think about how to create it.

With absolute control over the dream world and the ability to concoct defining concepts, it is actually very simple to create a system panel.

As long as the concept of the system is defined and consistent with itself, his various abilities can naturally be summarized and sorted out, and presented in front of him in the form of a system panel.

After having another idea, Lu Yu quickly created the system.

As Lu Yu's thoughts moved, a curtain of light appeared in front of his eyes.

Name: Lu Yu

Age: 28

Realm: Third Ring Realm Master [D Level]

Energy: 3

Dream World: 1. None [Grade B+, does not exist]

2. Reality and illusion [1. Reality (Level B, ten meters, relatively real); 2; Endless Void (Level B, one hundred thousand meters, relatively unreal)]

3. Chaos [B-level, the beginning and the end of everything]

Weird skills: 1. Illusion [C+, 50 meters, the basic abilities of all weird dream monsters]

2. Fear [1. Power of fear (level C+, 50 meters, spread fear, gain fear power), 2. Mark of fear (5000 meters, condense power of fear, descend into the medium, feed back fear power].

3. Blood handprint [1. Blood handprint (level C, 30 meters), 2. Strength increase (twice), 3. Target lock (3000 meters), 4. Suppression, 5. Conscious power comes].

This is the ability that Lu Yu possesses and controls. It is divided into abilities derived from the dream world, and skills derived from the fusion of weird abilities.

It's just that nowadays, under normal circumstances, the ability to evolve in the dream world is difficult to have an effect in the real world, and it mainly relies on weird skills.

In other words, the ability of the dream world can reach B level in the dream world, but it cannot be applied to reality.

As for the weird skills, although they are only C-level, when in the dream world, they are far inferior to the ability of the dream world itself to evolve, but they can be used in the real world.

The levels and ranges displayed by weird skills are the power intensity these skills can achieve in the real world, and the range they can affect.

And the 3 points of energy contained in it are naturally chaotic energy.

Every point of chaos energy can be transformed into lower-level energy in a tenfold increase.

In other words, 1 point of chaos energy can now generate 30 points of fear power, or 300 points of blood handprint power.

But now, after integrating all the power Lu Yu possesses, and after another transformation, he now only has 3 points of chaos power.

However, the fearful power from the outside world is still pouring in, and the chaotic energy is also increasing little by little.

By the time dawn came, Lu Yu's chaotic energy had reached ten points.

At this time, the power of fear that poured into Lu Yu's dream space was weakening a little bit.

In the next few days, Lu Yu was looking for other weird things while getting familiar with his own power.

It's a pity that since then, he hasn't encountered any weirdness again, but he is extremely familiar with the power he controls now.

Especially the blood-colored words written with the power of blood handprints can still be maintained for a long time and locate the approximate direction even after being far away from the range of 3000 meters.

And if someone wears it personally and nourishes it, it can be preserved for a long time and can maintain C-level strength.

And the reason why it can be like this is naturally the influence of evolving the power of chaos.

Although the blood handprint power evolved from the power of chaos no longer has the characteristics of the beginning and the end of all things.

However, it is still possible to devour the spiritual blood emanating from a living body and use it to maintain its own consumption.

Moreover, because it is the swallowed spiritual blood that is emitted independently, it will not have any impact on people.

The reason why Lu Yu put so much effort into transforming the abilities of the blood handprints was.

That's because his wallet is almost empty.

However, after he learned about the other side of the world and gained extraordinary power, he was no longer willing to let him work as before.

In this way, he had only two choices. One was to join the Conspiracy Bureau established by Xia State; the other was to naturally start with his own strength.

Obviously, Lu Yu chose the latter.

Needless to say, the abilities Lu Yu currently possesses, those in the dream world, cannot be used in reality under normal circumstances.

As for illusion and fear skills, they definitely won't be of much help.

Only the ability of the blood handprint, or the blood-colored words derived from it, could help Lu Yu.

Like, pretending to be a master or something.

Those blood-colored words have truly extraordinary power, so they must be much stronger than those fake talismans, right?

Therefore, during this period of time, Lu Yu also purchased some yellow paper and used the power of blood handprints to draw some talismans and carry them with him.

Well, if you meet someone who needs it, wouldn't it be a life-saver?

It's a pity that after a few days, Lu Yu didn't meet anything weird or anyone in need.

Looking at the darkening night outside, Lu Yu walked out of the house again.

Didn't the captain of the Secret Bureau say that weird things like to appear at night?

Walking on the busy street, Lu Yu grabbed a handful of skewers and ate them as he walked, his eyes wandering around, hoping to find something.

Of course, he is just holding on to the mentality of taking a shot first and then talking about whether there is a date or not.

He naturally knew that even if there was something strange, it would basically be impossible to appear in front of so many people.

However, it’s always good to take a closer look.

just in case

Lu Yu's steps slowly slowed down and he looked at a middle-aged man sitting on the curb who looked very decadent.

Sometimes it's just so dramatic.

In the past few days, Lu Yu had secretly searched those sparsely populated and relatively deserted communities countless times.

However, there has been no harvest.

But now, he clearly didn't have any hope, but he met him by chance.

Isn’t this what life is about?

Lu Yu stepped forward and sat down on the curb, watching the vehicles passing by on the road, the occasional people passing by, and listening to the cries of the vendors.

"Brother, do you want to come and hang out?"

Lu Yu handed a handful of skewers in front of the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man glanced at Lu Yu with dull eyes, then turned back and continued to look straight at the opposite side, without any focus in his eyes.


Slightly closer to middle age, Lu Yu softly uttered one word.

Finally, the middle-aged man slowly turned his head and his eyes gradually focused on Lu Yu.

Ps: Non-systematic writing is about sorting out the abilities, so that book lovers can have a clearer understanding of the protagonist's abilities, which will basically not appear in the future.

Even if there are, except for those new abilities, everything else is also a concise version.

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