Weird recovery: I build the world with weirdness

Chapter 265 The strange gestation of new life and the evolution of dream bubbles

"Hoo ho ho"

As the countless weird rule fragments were buried, in the blink of an eye, countless weird energy containing mysterious creations quickly gathered, constantly nourishing the weird rule fragments.

And their gestation and perfection speed is even faster than the first strange fragment.

After thinking for a while, the sword light in Lu Yu's hand condensed and he slashed towards the ground below in an instant.


"Boom boom boom"

In an instant, the sword light split up and sank into the earth one after another, cutting off the thread connection between the strange fragments.

As those threads broke, the growth rate of those strange fragments actually increased again.

Next, Lu Yu did not perform any other operations, but kept waiting for the birth of those strange fragments.

And this wait lasted for nearly a week.

The frozen weird fragments that were gestating the fastest have begun to give birth to some more complete weird fragments, giving birth to new weird ones.

In an instant, the figures of Lu Yu and Hong Yu slowly faded away.

Including all the strength and energy in the body, they were all restrained and hidden, so as not to interfere with the natural evolution after the birth of these new and strange things.


With the strange squirming of the new life, the energy crystal surrounding it exploded into countless fragments in an instant, and a deep cold force spread quickly.

If Lu Yu hadn't isolated it in time, it would have affected other weird things that were brewing.

After those energy crystals exploded, they quickly melted and turned into rich and strange energy that contained mysterious creations.


Instinctively, the frozen strangeness that was reborn was a fierce force, and the strange energy that contained the mysterious power of creation and was so rich that it was almost liquefied was sucked into the body.

In an instant, its level of strength was greatly improved again, directly reaching the F+ level.

After carefully sensing it, the new strangeness in front of me was exactly the same as the previous strangeness.

It is different from the weird map and the map that evolved from the sand table.

Then, frozen weirdos were born one after another, and all these new weirdos had the ability to freeze, without any change.

This situation really surprised Lu Yu. There were dozens or hundreds of weirdos, and they all gave birth to identical new weirdos.

And after these weird things were born, they immediately started fighting with each other.

Big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat small shrimps.

Moreover, in the face of the oppression of the upper-level weirdos, it is difficult for the low-level weirdos to break out a strong resistance.

Therefore, in just half a day, the weird things that Lu Yu smashed into pieces and were reborn separately had once again devoured each other and merged into one weird thing.

The strength has also reached the C+ level from the original C level.

This is not entirely because of the fusion of each other, but because of itself, it has almost reached a critical point.

Coupled with the fact that this time, Devouring fused a large amount of weird power containing mysterious creation, Frozen Weirdness completed this breakthrough.

If it were to happen again, it would never be able to achieve another breakthrough.

And just when the frozen weirdness was re-merging, the weird fragments of the weird butterfly on the other side were also gestated.

Just like a butterfly breaking out of its cocoon, a tiny butterfly wriggled its way out of the fist-sized crystal egg.

This is also an F-level weird, but from the aura point of view, it is stronger than the first and most powerful frozen weird when it was born.

After the crystal egg was drilled out, the strange butterfly, which could also be said to be Weird Butterfly No. 2, slowly spread its wings and then rose gracefully.

Immediately afterwards, an illusory bubble the size of a rice grain slowly emerged below it.

As the illusory bubble emerged, a devouring force was immediately produced, and the power in the crystal egg below began to be slowly absorbed by it.

As the power was absorbed, the illusory bubble rapidly solidified and expanded.

At the same time, the power of Judie No. 2 also increased little by little.

Finally, the illusory bubble reached the size of a peanut, and then it slowly stopped, and various scenes began to appear in it, which seemed to be a reflection of the scenes seen by Guidie No. 2.

At this time, the illusory bubble was completely formed, that is, the dream light ball.

However, this dream light ball is transparent from front to back, and everything inside can be clearly seen, just like a transparent bubble.

Therefore, instead of calling it a dream light ball, it is more appropriate to call it a dream bubble.

After the dream bubble was completely solidified, the power aura of Judie No. 2 had reached the peak of F level.

Immediately afterwards, another dream bubble was produced, continuing to swallow the power of the crystal egg below as before.

When this dream bubble solidified, the power of Weidie No. 2 had reached the f+ level.

In this way, that butterfly was so weird that it condensed more than a dozen dream bubbles, and its strength broke through to E-level.

More than a dozen dream bubbles with changing light and shadow are constantly surrounding it, and the butterflies set off are weird, just like the master of the dream world.

And with the birth of the Weidie No. 2, a rule belonging to the Weidie No. 2 was fed back to the strange world of heaven.


Lu Yu raised his palm slightly, and a bubble the same size as a grain of rice condensed out of his palm.

Immediately afterwards, strange powers merged into it, and the dream bubbles quickly grew in size.

Mung bean size, peanut size, table tennis size.

At the end of the day, the dream bubble above Lu Yu's palm had turned into the size of a basketball.

The barrier of the dream bubble has become much more solidified than before, and the situation inside can no longer be seen clearly, and only some vague images can be seen vaguely.

By this time, the dream bubble was already slightly unstable, vibrating slightly, and there were signs that it was about to collapse.

Lu Yu pondered slightly, then injected some strange rule information into the dream bubble.

"Bang bang!"


With the injection of strange rule information, streaks of mysterious brilliance circulated rapidly in it. The dream bubbles first showed signs of stability, then trembled violently, and then collapsed and dissipated.

Looking at the dots of fluorescence on the top of his palm, Lu Yu couldn't help but fall into deep thought. The rule information it integrated into it was already the most basic and constituted a stable operating logic. How could it cause the dream bubble to collapse?

There must be something that I didn't think of for a while.

In the following period, Lu Yu continued to try to integrate rules into the dream bubble, single rules, multiple rules, only some rule information, etc.

But without exception, they all failed. Always at the critical moment of fusion, the dream bubble would collapse.

After another two days, another Weidie, Weidie No. 3, also broke out of its shell.

But Lu Yu's attempt to integrate the rules into the dream bubble still failed.

Since there was no way to succeed for the time being, Lu Yu gave up trying and started other experiments.

With a thought, Lu Yu released his hold on Weidie.

He wanted to see how the strange butterfly would react to the two newly born strange butterflies.

After losing its suppression, the strange butterfly began to slowly revive.


The butterfly wings stretched out, and the dots of light lit up, and the strange butterfly slowly floated up.

Immediately afterwards, the strange power in the body of the strange butterfly surged and was injected into the light spots on the butterfly wings.

In an instant, dreamy light balls appeared one by one around the strange butterfly, blooming with various colors of brilliance, and slowly rotated around the strange butterfly again.

The weird ones imprisoned in the dream light ball also completed their recovery at this time.

However, they did not move in the dream light ball like before, but instantly broke free from the dream light ball.

After all, in the past, there were no unexpected situations, and the weirdness was only instinct, so those weirdness would stay safely in the dream light ball.

However, after being suppressed by Lu Yu's power, these strange things naturally did not remain unresponsive. Instead, after recovering, he instinctively used his own power to break free from the shackles of the dream light ball.

As for these weird things, Lu Yu just thought about them and threw them out of the experimental site together with the previous frozen weird things.

And as the strange saucer completely revived, it seemed to sense something, and an invisible and strange force suddenly bloomed, sweeping across the two newly born strange butterflies in an instant.

In an instant, the first Weidie was born, Weidie No. 2.

There was a sudden stiffness, and the dream bubbles swirling around it lost their luster in an instant, and then disillusionment dissipated one by one.

In other words, it turned into a strange force again and integrated into the body of this strange butterfly.

The next moment, this strange butterfly fell to the ground lightly, losing all reactions, just like an ordinary butterfly that had been dead for a long time.

On the other side, Judie No. 3 also lost its reaction instantly after coming into contact with the power blooming from the source Judie.

However, it only froze for a moment, and then recovered again. The power swept by the source of the strange butterfly was directly integrated into its body.

It instantly converges with the source of the power of the strange butterfly, mind and consciousness, etc.

Then, Judie No. 3 looked at Judie No. 2, which fell into silence.

"Hoo ho ho"

Butterfly wings fluttered, and in an instant they arrived above the silent Judie No. 2. A strange force far stronger than the F-level enveloped the Judie No. 2 below.

Gradually, the Judie No. 2 that fell into silence below gradually became illusory, and finally turned into a regular force and merged into the Judie No. 3 above.

Immediately afterwards, the strange butterfly No. 3, whose power more than doubled, flew towards the source of the strange butterfly, and naturally transformed into a force of strange rules and merged into it.



As the Judie No. 3 merged into the body of the source Judie, a muffled sound suddenly came from its body.

Lines of strange rule information began to flow between it and the heaven and earth.

You must know that the two newly born strange butterflies were already subordinate to the life under the law of heaven at the beginning of their birth.

In addition, the integration between the strange butterfly and the rules of heaven has only the last core left and has not been completely completed.

The integration of the new Weidie into it is equivalent to the last straw that breaks the camel's back, allowing the power of heaven to instantly integrate into the core of the source of the Weidie, completing the final blend.

In an instant, the strange butterfly seemed to merge into the heaven and earth, and all the rules between heaven and earth were opened to it.

Instinctively, Weidie greedily absorbs the rules and information between heaven and earth to make up for the lack of its own rules.

At the same time, the strange forces around him were also attracted by the strange butterflies and began to gather quickly, forming a small energy storm.

The power of Weidie began to rise rapidly. In just a moment, it had already exceeded the limit of power and reached the A- level.


An invisible force field spread rapidly, combined with the rules and power of the strange butterfly, as well as the countless dream light balls around it, and quickly evolved into a 100-meter area.

In the realm of the strange butterfly, there are countless dream light balls, which are constantly circling and circulating in it. It is like a multiverse and a sea of ​​​​worlds.

And with the integration of Weidie and Heavenly Dao, streams of rule information fed back to Heavenly Dao, fed back to Daodao Skynet, and finally merged into Lu Yu's mind.

For a moment, Lu Yu's face showed a look of surprise. Why didn't he think of it?

The evolution of the dream light ball does not mean adding rules to the dream bubble after evolving it.

But at the beginning of the evolution of the dream bubble, the corresponding rules must be integrated into it. Any subsequent rules will cause it to collapse.

This is also the reason why those dream bubbles, and even the subsequent dream caves, have no growth potential.

Because they have no way to carry other acquired rules, that is, there is no way to add rules acquired.

According to what rules they evolved in the first place, they will remain in this form in the future, naturally without any potential for growth.

"Five elements!"

Lu Yu held his palm empty, and a five-color light bloomed on his palm. Then it flowed and collapsed in an orderly manner, turning into a five-color light spot with a five-color halo.

With the injection of Lu Yu's strange power, the five-colored light spots began to expand rapidly like an inflated balloon.

In almost the blink of an eye, the light spot the size of a grain of rice had reached the size of a basketball, and then reached a diameter of one meter.

The internal space even reaches a radius of thousands of miles.

After all, this is just a dream. Even if rules are added, it can only be regarded as a dream of rules, which is very different from the rules of reality.

Of course, although it is a regular dream, the energy filled in it is real.

If it were hit by it, or even exploded directly, even an average A-level strong person would not be able to survive easily.

Looking at the dream light ball in front of him that seemed to have reached its limit, Lu Yu just paused for a moment, and then continued to inject energy. At the same time, he concentrated on communicating the five elements rules and stabilizing the operation of the five elements rules. (End of chapter)

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