Weird recovery: I build the world with weirdness

Chapter 270 The Forbidden Ball and Storage Space, the Real Weird World

Affected by those weird symbols, some other rule information was also faintly transformed into weird symbols.

After seeing this scene, Lu Yu's eyes flashed with light.

It seems that my original unintentional move has evolved into something very special.

So, can he evolve all the basic rule information into this weird symbol?

As for letting it evolve on its own, after a long time, there was still only a slight change. With the rule information that it was evolving towards a weird symbol, Lu Yu couldn't help but shake his head.

If they were to evolve on their own, it would take a very long time, and Lu Yu was not willing to spend a lot of time waiting.

Now that we have a direction, we naturally have to push it to the limit within the scope of what we can do.

However, when he promotes the evolution of strange symbols, he naturally has to take the great road as the root and core, rather than the rules and information of the strange world and the way of heaven.

Therefore, he still has to deal with the affairs of the strange world first, and then evolve the strange symbols after returning to the real world.


These symbols can no longer be called weird symbols in the future, but should be called avenue symbols.

In the weird space dimension that breeds weirdness, those weirdnesses will be affected by the avenue symbols when absorbing the rule information.

Fantasy existences in the fantasy space dimension are even more affected.

After the rule information enters it, those fantasy beings will instinctively absorb the rule information.

However, as long as they are contaminated with rule information, those fantasy beings will all have a tendency to transform into weird things.

And the fantasy existence that came into contact with the symbol of the avenue suddenly became turbulent, with ripples appearing, as if it was about to be shattered.

That is the reason why those fantasy beings cannot bear the symbols of the avenue.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu's eyes flashed with light. These avenue symbols were indeed stronger than simple rule information.

Of course, no matter what the situation was, it was not what Lu Yu wanted to see.

Needless to say, those avenue symbols, if all those fantasy existences were crushed, wouldn't all Lu Yu's efforts be in vain?

Similarly, if fantasy existence is allowed to merge with rule information and transform into special weirdness, wouldn't it still repeat the weird gestation process?

It is not that those fantasy beings cannot integrate rule information, but that after their power and ontology strength reach a certain level, they can then integrate corresponding rule information based on their respective strengths.

Maybe by that time, they can really become fantasy beings with corresponding abilities.

But before that, it’s better not to let them have access to rules information.

Therefore, after discovering that the rule information would affect those fantasy beings, Lu Yu immediately had another idea and once again derived a space in the fantasy space dimension.

In Lu Yu's setting, the fantasy space dimension is divided into two levels: inner and outer.

The inner fantasy space dimension does not have any rule information, only those fantasy existences, and the spiritual thoughts that point to them and converge towards them.

Outer space holds a lot of rules and information just now, and it is also the place where those fantasy existences will further transform in the future.

Only when the fantasy existence in the inner fantasy space reaches a certain strength and can withstand the erosion of rule information, can it break through the current space dimension and enter the outer space dimension with rule information.

But so far, there is no illusion that it can reach the intensity of breaking through the space dimension.

After doing all this, Lu Yu just exited the state of being in harmony with Tao.

Glancing at the end of the Red Flame Desert, a strange bus drove in unsteadily.

Among them, the aura of an A-level Strange Controller was extremely conspicuous. It was a member of the Xia Guo Secret Bureau, who came to explore the strange world this time.

Involuntarily, an idea from before appeared in Lu Yu's mind again.

That is whether he can suppress all kinds of magic according to the characteristics of his own mysterious body, and the method of suppressing the strange power in the body of the mysterious controller during the flow of rules when Wang Fugui opened the cave.

Evolution creates a special strange item, or a strange symbol, talisman, etc., which is used to place it in the city to suppress and limit the use of strange power.

If this can be achieved, then although this strange recovery will be more intense, even far exceeding that in history, the chance of going through it more smoothly will actually be a bit greater.

While thinking about it, Lu Yu had already communicated with Dao Tianwang and began to deduce its feasibility and how to build it.

With his own strange body as a template, Lu Yu quickly deduced the method.

Extracting some weird rules of his weird body's ability to suppress all kinds of magic, making certain evolutionary adjustments, and engraving some weird items into it are enough to suppress the weird power.

Lu Yu called it the Ball of Forbidden Laws. It took on a spherical shape as a whole. After it was activated, a forbidden law field would be created, covering a spherical space.

As for the suppression range and strength, it depends on the level of the weird item.

C-level can cover a ten-meter radius, suppressing the weird power of C-level and below;

Level B can cover a hundred meters in radius, suppressing the weird power of Level B and below;

A-level can cover a kilometer radius, suppressing the weird power of A-level and below A-level;

The S-level can cover a 10,000-meter radius, suppressing the strange power of the S-level and below.

Of course, this is only a certain degree of suppression, and it cannot completely silence the weirdness. It only limits their destructive intensity and the external weird power.

In other words, when Weird and Weird Controllers do not have explosive power, although they will feel depressed, they will not have much impact.

However, once their weird ability breaks out, their weird ability and weird power will be suppressed to the limit, which is probably equivalent to C level, slightly stronger than ordinary people.

As for what to do if the Trickster is being hunted at this time.

There is no perfect solution in this world.

If you are being chased, you can only go to the police.

Otherwise, don't enter the city.

As for the stronger double S-level forbidden ball, Lu Yu can also create it, which can cover a hundred miles radius.

But for now, there is no need for that.

Because even if Lu Yu made it, no one would be able to afford it.

Just like other trading items, this forbidden ball also requires the use of weird coins of the same level or weirdness as payment.

To be honest, using weirdness as payment is the most cost-effective thing for various forces.

It is never that easy to gather the same level of strange coins.

The condensation of each trick coin of the same level is basically one-tenth of the power of an ordinary trick-controller. Even some powerful peak trick-controllers will probably consume one percent of their power.

Even after a day's consumption recovery, I can't gather many treacherous coins.

Of course, if you want to buy weird items that are lower than your own level, weird coins are more cost-effective.

And the lower the level, the more cost-effective it is.

One A-level trick coin can be exchanged for ten B-level trick coins, one hundred C-level trick coins, one thousand D-level trick coins, and so on.

An A-level magician can definitely purchase a lot of D-level strange items with the amount of magic coins he can gather in one day.

But, what’s the point?

For A-level monster masters, no matter how many D-level weird items they have, it won't be of much help to their strength.

The reason why Lu Yu divides the purchase of strange items in this way is to force those who control the strange items to exchange for the same level of strange items.

For example, an A-level weird item can be exchanged for a weird item of the same level at the grocery store outside Huang Yuan.

And if it is purchased with cheat coins, it will require at least tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of cheat coins of the same level.

For an average Trick Controller, even if he doesn't eat or drink, it would probably take more than a year to gather enough Trick Coins, right?

If other time is included, it would probably take several years to purchase a weird item.

If it is a powerful strange item, it will take even more time.

No matter how you compare it, it is more cost-effective to trade weirdness.

It's just a little bit dangerous.

However, they can definitely cooperate with each other.

As long as the first weird item is obtained, it will naturally become easier to imprison the other weird items.

This is simply a win-win situation. The Stranger gets the weird item he wants, and Lu Yu also gets the weirdness he needs.

After evolving the method of making the forbidden ball, Lu Yu deduced a method of making strange items in the storage space based on the method of the strange butterfly evolving into the dream cave.

One cubic meter for level C, one thousand cubic meters for level B, one million cubic meters for level A, and one billion cubic meters for level S.

These storage spaces can not only store ordinary items, but can also isolate strange forces to a certain extent.

In other words, to a certain extent, they can also be used as strange and strange objects to imprison.

However, there are level restrictions, unlike gold combined with the prohibition formation, which can imprison weirdness without level restrictions.

After the storage space reaches A level, it is no longer just for storing items, but a vast space.

It's just that this square cave sky has no way to expand and grow again.

But apart from that, this Fang Dongtian has all the abilities that other Dongtians have.

Rich in strange power, planting strange plants, imprisoning strange people, etc., even the owner can hide in it to hide his whereabouts and avoid the pursuit of opponents.

After giving Huang Yuanwai the forbidden ball and the method of creating strange items in the storage space.

Lu Yu turned to look at Hong Yu who seemed to be having a great time, and said with a smile:

"Hongyu, do you want to stay here, or go back with me."

"Are you going back?"

Hong Yu seemed a little reluctant to give up.

"Haha, you can play here."

"Hmm~, no, I definitely have to stay with the master."

Hongyu shook her head, determined to follow her master, and then said in a relaxed tone:

"Besides, there is a paper-cutting figure here, and I can come here at any time."

"That's true, let's go back."

In the blink of an eye, Lu Yu and Hong Yu had separated from the mind and consciousness of the paper-cut man.

When Lu Yu and Hong Yu left, Niu Bingdao's tricky bus had already "squeaked" to a stop at the Chiyan Desert Bus Station.

As the doors of the Quiet Bus opened, a group of Quirk Riders began to get out of the bus one after another.

Looking at the entire gray world with the slowly rising blood moon, Liu Shanye's eyes flashed with shock and curiosity.

The fundamental weirdness he controls is called the Eye of Truth, which allows him to see the true side of the world.

The other four weirdos he controls are all about weird eyes and vision.

After reaching A level, many strange abilities have been quickly integrated into his eyes.

Not only does it further transform the Eye of Reality, but the normal vision is also far beyond that of ordinary people.

It is precisely because of this that the Bureau of Intelligence sent him to explore the world.

At this time, although Liu Shanye has not yet used his true eye.

However, with his powerful eyesight, he can still see many things that the Trickster Controller cannot.

For example, most of the magicians today know that these so-called dream realms are actually spaces condensed with strange energy.

However, when Liu Shanye saw the bus stop in front of him, he suddenly realized it.

The bus in front of me, and even the land below, are almost exactly the same as reality.

Looking into the distance, the yellow sand is endless, just like the real world.

This naturally shocked Liu Shanye.

Could it be that this is not a dream realm, but a real world?

His eyes blinked, and as the strange power flowed, the scene in front of him changed instantly, and strange powers flowed between heaven and earth.

This is not beyond Liu Shanye's expectation. This is a strange world after all, and it is normal to have strange powers.

What really shocked him were the surrounding earth buildings and the long stretches of yellow sand in the distance.

"This, this, this, this is impossible?"

"Senior Liu, have you discovered anything?"

Seeing Liu Shanye's shocked look, Zhang Wei, who followed, couldn't help but ask in a low voice.


Liu Shanye took a deep breath, and then slowly spoke with a solemn expression.

“Through my observation, I found that the world and everything here is almost the same as the real world.

It seems that this is not a dream realm, but the real world on the other side. "

"Senior, are you saying that this is the real world?"

Zhang Wei was also shocked by Liu Shanye's words. If this were the real world, it would be a big deal.

You know, based on the previous explorations of many Trick Controllers, you can know that this red flame desert alone exceeds the territory of Xia Kingdom.

Not to mention, there are other places in this weird world.

At least what they know and have seen is the Graveyard and the Greenwood and Vine Sea, which don't seem to be any smaller than here.

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