Weird recovery: I build the world with weirdness

Chapter 274 The integration of core rules and the unique style of Bridgehead City


When Liu Shanye lost his strength and the restraints on his body were gone, Zhang Wei immediately couldn't help but take a big breath.

"Haha, are you okay?

Sorry, I got a little excited at the moment."

Looking at Zhang Wei's appearance, Liu Shanye felt a little embarrassed. He had indeed ignored it just now.

"Huh~! It's okay, it's okay, it's just that the momentum of the senior just now was too strong and the junior was a little unbearable."

A wry smile appeared on Zhang Wei's face, but he was still too weak.

"By the way, senior, are you really in complete control of this place?"

After calming down a little, Zhang Wei changed the subject and asked, feeling a little hopeful in his heart.

"Yeah! I can easily mobilize all the power of rules within a hundred miles."

Liu Shanye nodded, with a look of joy on his face.

"Then, can seniors build a city in an instant like Wang Fugui?"

Zhang Wei asked again.

Liu Shanye was silent for a while, and finally said:

"Well it can't be!

I can just mobilize the power of the rules here, and based on the rules here, set some rules that need to be followed, etc.

However, I cannot truly grasp the world, let alone use it to shape buildings, cities, transform the world, and the environment. "


Zhang Wei couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. If they needed to recruit manpower to build this land in the dream realm, the effect would be greatly reduced.

Even somewhat difficult to complete.

You can't, just rely on Niu's bold and cunning buses to transport building materials bit by bit, right?

And that includes construction workers.

Although I don’t know what it will be like for ordinary people entering this dream realm.

However, the rich and strange power of this dream realm is not something that ordinary people can easily bear.

I'm afraid that if I only need to stay for ten days and a half, my whole body will be exhausted and my life will not be long.

As for those who control the tricks, Zhang Wei doesn't think they would be willing to become construction workers.

Unless they are willing to use high amounts of cheat coins or dream essence to attract them.

However, now is just the beginning of Weird's comeback, and the time is too short. Even with the power of the country, not much dream essence has been accumulated.

Coupled with the huge expenditure this time, the Bureau of Conspiracy did not have much left.

If the city is really to be built, I am afraid that all the dream essence of the entire Secret Bureau will be consumed, and there may even be some insufficient.

This is obviously not what the Bureau or even the country wants to see.

Involuntarily, Zhang Wei blurted out with some confusion.

"How could it be? Then how could Wang Fugui do it?

Is there something else we haven't done? "

As Zhang Wei spoke, he couldn't help but shift his gaze and look at Huang Yuanwai in the distance.

As if aware of Zhang Wei's gaze, Huang Yuanwai turned to look at him and nodded to him with a smile.

In response, Zhang Wei could only nod in response, and then looked at Liu Shanye.

".I do have some ideas, but I'm just a little unsure."

Liu Shanye hesitated.

"What can senior do?"

Zhang Wei looked at Liu Shanye expectantly.


I'm still a little unsure. "

"I don't think it's possible, so let's just go and ask Mr. Huang."

Seeing Liu Shanye's hesitation, Zhang Wei knew that his method must have some difficulties, so he couldn't help but suggest it.

"Well that's all it can do!"

The two soon approached Huang Yuanwai again.

"You two, is there anything else?"

"That's it. It seems that my control over that world is not as good as that of Boss Wang Fugui."

"Oh, you said this.

That's natural, Wang Fugui has integrated his core rules into that world, and can naturally control everything in it."

"Is that really the case?"

Liu Shanye's expression changed slightly, he frowned slightly and murmured.

Seeing the change in Liu Shanye's expression, Zhang Wei couldn't help but ask.

"What's wrong with this?"

After looking at Zhang Wei and then at the smiling member Huang, seeing that he didn't seem to care, Liu Shanye explained in a low voice:

"If you integrate the core of the rules into this place, it means that all your life, death, honor and disgrace will be bound to this place.

Although, it is true that he can control everything in this place.

However, because the core of rules is integrated into this place, if I leave here and stay away from my own core of rules, my strength will naturally decrease.

Moreover, if this place is destroyed by others, then I will also perish. "


After listening to Liu Shanye's explanation, Zhang Wei couldn't help but widen his eyes. The price must be too high.

The strongest one only controls the rules of this area. After leaving here, the strength will actually decline.

Moreover, once you encounter a strong enemy, you can't even hide, you can only fight to the death.

Thinking of Wang Fugui again, Zhang Wei couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration. He was really courageous.

Is this putting everything on the line in this red flame desert?

Seeing the changes in the expressions of these two people, Huang Yuanwai couldn't help but smile and said:

"Hahaha, no, no, no, it's not about integrating the core of the rules into it, but about integrating the core rules."

"Core rules? Core rules? Does it make any difference?"

Zhang Wei was a little confused.

On the other side, Liu Shanye's eyes gradually lit up. He had come to some understanding. He had thought wrong before, and he immediately explained to Zhang Wei with excitement:

"The core of the rules is the concentration of one's own energy and spirit, and everything.

The core rules are the most fundamental rules that one controls.

Hmm. How should I put it?

The core of the rules is equivalent to the individual who possesses knowledge;

The core rules are equivalent to important knowledge mastered by individuals.

If an individual dies, everything disappears.

However, if you just spread knowledge, it will not have much impact on individuals, but more people will master this part of knowledge.

You can even gain a large number of contacts through this teacher-student evangelism relationship.

Of course, the rules are definitely different.

If the core rules are integrated into this world, then these core rules can be used to regulate the rules of the entire world.

Once you truly master everything, it is completely normal for the world to turn upside down with your thoughts.

Moreover, because it is just a rule of integration, even if the world is damaged, it will only be severely damaged and will not lead to death. "


After listening to Liu Shanye's explanation, Zhang Wei couldn't help but look surprised.

Afterwards, after thanking Yuan Wai Huang for his advice, the two of them said goodbye and left slightly excitedly.

After returning to the territory, Liu Shanye motioned to Zhang Wei to stay outside, fearing that something unexpected would happen later.

The rules of heaven and earth follow each other as he thinks, and Liu Shanye has arrived at the center of the territory as the space changes.

Closing his eyes slightly, Liu Shanye pressed his palm on the ground in front of him and began to mobilize his core rules to integrate into the earth below little by little.


Along with a buzzing sound, the power of rules, with Liu Shanye as the center, bloomed with bright clear light, quickly spread to the surroundings, and gradually merged into the world.

From the outside world, Zhang Wei and some of the Trickster Controllers who were slowly approaching could only see a clear, regular brilliance in the desert ahead, quickly spreading in their direction.



Unable to help themselves, everyone screamed and backed away.

However, the rapidly spreading light of rules did not envelope them.

But when it was still more than ten meters away from the desert road, it stopped abruptly, and finally slowly merged with the heaven and earth, turning into an invisible color.

Liu Shanye felt that his control over the world had reached its peak at this moment, almost like the Lord of Heaven and Earth and the Creator God.

Instinctively, Liu Shanye thought, and the whole world within a hundred miles shook.



The soil on the earth rolled up, and the long yellow sand surged and condensed. A modern city quickly rose in front of Zhang Wei and the other Trickster Controllers.

There are brand-new buildings with bright windows, and straight and wide roads extending in all directions. Occasionally, you can see some green plants growing, slightly twisting against the blood moon.

There is something abnormal about the plants here after all.

Therefore, Liu Shanye did not promote greening in the city.

Even if he insists on greening, he prefers to transplant it from the real world.

On both sides of the road, rows of street lights spread into the distance.

However, when someone looked carefully at those street lights, they couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Fuck, what is that?"


"Street light, street light, look carefully at that street light."

"Street light? What happened to the street light?"


"Oh, my mother-in-law."

"This is a city built by humans, okay? Can this style be more human-like? What the hell is using eyes as street lights?"

That's right, the street lamps with dim yellow light are just eyeballs, and some are even spinning around, which looks very strange and penetrating.

In addition to these, there is a tall boundary monument standing near the entrance of the desert road and the main road entering the city.

At the top, a big eye that blinked occasionally was staring straight at them.

Everyone looked at all this and couldn't help but feel terrified. Are you sure this is a city established by the Bureau of Secret Intelligence? How come the city built by Wang Fugui, who is said to be weird, is even weirder?

Involuntarily, everyone turned to look at Zhang Wei.


Facing everyone's gaze, Zhang Wei's mouth twitched slightly. He did not expect that Senior Liu would build such a unique city.

But suddenly, Zhang Wei seemed to have thought of something and looked at the big eyes above the boundary monument in astonishment.

Senior Liu's rule ability seems to be the eye of truth.

Could it be that it is for this reason that the city that has incorporated Senior Liu's rules seems so unique.

I am afraid that these eyes can not only be used as street lights, but also as surveillance cameras and even identify identities.

Thinking again about the city built by Wang Fugui, it seems that there is always a breeze lingering around.

And Wang Fugui's ability to rule seems to be related to wind.

In this way, Zhang Wei finally understood that these cities that are integrated into the rules will inevitably show some characteristics that are consistent with the rules.

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei looked at everyone and said with a smile:

"Well, this is Senior Liu's special ability, which can ensure the safety of the residents."

With so much surveillance, crimes will definitely be discovered immediately. This can be regarded as ensuring the safety of residents, right?


Everyone looked at Zhang Wei, then looked at the big eyes on the boundary monument, and the eyes that acted as street lights. They always felt that something was wrong.

"Well, tell me, can these eyes see?"


In an instant, Zhang Wei's body stiffened slightly and he looked at the person who spoke.

You know a little too much.

However, at this time, everyone's eyes were focused on him again.

"I don't know the specific situation.

However, aren’t there cameras in public places in our reality?

In order to protect the safety of the people, some necessary measures are still necessary.

If you don't do anything illegal or criminal, why should you care about surveillance in these public places? "

After hearing this, everyone thought about it carefully, and it seemed that this was also the case.

Of course, not everyone agrees.

However, if you refute this point of view at this time, does that mean that you want to commit a crime?

Zhang Wei is the national organization that handles weird events and manages the weird masters like them.

If he is thought to want to commit a crime, will he be closely monitored in the future?

For a moment, everyone fell silent, acquiescing to Zhang Wei's statement.

As for how many people recognize it, it depends on how many people will be stationed in Qiaotou City in the future.

That's right, it's Qiaotou City.

On the tall boundary monument, under the big eyeball, from top to bottom, there are several large bloody characters written on it.

[Xia Kingdom—Qiaohead City]

Seeing these words, many people had strange expressions on their faces.

This is really blatant and does not hide its purpose at all.

I just want to tell you that this is just the first city and a bridgehead built by Xia Guo in the strange world.

In the future, more cities will inevitably be built one after another.

Huang Yuanwai didn't care about this either. He wished that more people would be stationed in the strange world and the Red Flame Desert.

It would be best to be like reality, full of humans or weird.

When the evolution of the city subsided, under the leadership of Zhang Wei, other trick masters also entered the city one after another.

They also wanted to see what the inside of the city was like.

After all, they may buy a house and live here in the future. Why should they carefully observe the environment where they will live in the future?

Although the eyes that act as street lights or appear from time to time in other places look a bit eye-catching, the overall look is still good.

There are already many people who have decided to buy a house in Qiaotou City.

They feel that after all, this is a city built by the state, and in terms of order, security, and many other aspects, it is always much better than individuals.

At least on the surface, there won't be a completely one-person hall. (End of chapter)

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