Weird recovery: I build the world with weirdness

Chapter 287 The disadvantages of Hedao, the five gods merge into heaven and earth

Looking at the direction in which the five gods fled and the power emanating from them, the King of Zombies deduced their purpose.

After deducing their purpose, Shoji, the King of Zombies, actually had the urge to push them forward.

Because that way is the most beneficial to the way of heaven in this world.

As for the interests of the zombie family, it seems that he is gradually putting them aside and becoming less important.

He only needs to ensure that the zombie race is the most important race and destiny protagonist in this spiritual land, and that is enough.

As for whether the zombies have enough strong people and whether they will be suppressed by other strong people, that seems to be no longer important.

The Zombie King's mind and consciousness at this time seemed to be gradually becoming ethereal and indifferent as he aligned with the way of heaven.

Promoting the movement of Heavenly Dao, controlling more rules of heaven and earth, and finally bringing this area of ​​heaven and earth completely under Heavenly Dao is his ultimate goal.

Even the god of zombies

"Huh~? God of Zombies!"

When thinking of the God of Zombies, the King of Zombies will be sacrificed, and a clever spirit suddenly appeared in his mind. Even Tiandao was slightly shaken.

In an instant, the King of Zombies woke up, and the ethereal and indifferent state quickly disappeared.

Recalling his previous state, General Zombie King couldn't help but change his face, the hairs all over his body stood on end, and cold sweat trickled down his face.

Involuntarily, the zombie king Jiangji wanted to get out of the current state.

However, when he wanted to leave the state of Hedao, he suddenly discovered that as his own brand was imprinted on the core of Heavenly Dao, his connection with Heavenly Dao had become extremely close and almost inseparable.

At the same time, as time passed, the slightest fluctuation in the rules of heaven was restored, and all kinds of information about the rules of heaven were once again poured into his mind through the connection between the two.

This made his spiritual consciousness almost submerged in the ocean of rules and information again, and countless avenue symbols floated in his mind.

Even though he had been prepared, the suppression of countless rules of heaven and earth still made the zombie king Jiangji, immersed in it again. The fluctuations of his mental consciousness gradually became calm, and it seemed that he was about to fall into an ethereal and indifferent mental state again. middle.

And as time goes by, this situation becomes more and more serious.

Even though he knew it, he no longer had much anxiety in his heart. He was just deducing like an outsider how to avoid this situation from happening.

After a while, Shoji, the King of Zombies, suddenly had an idea.

How did he wake up just now?

it seems that.

God of Zombies!

In an instant, his mind and the way of heaven fluctuated together, causing a gap in his connection with the way of heaven, causing his mind to return to normal state again.

"God of Zombies! God of Zombies"

The King of Zombies, Shoji, murmured in a low voice, and his mind was racing.

It seems that this world is not just their zombie clan, but the evolution and creation of the zombie god. Even the heaven and earth of this world are also created by the zombie god.

Otherwise, Tiandao would not have such obvious fluctuations when he mentioned the God of Zombies.

At least, at least, there should be some connection between the two.

However, that is not something he should consider now.

What he should consider now is how he should maintain his current state, instead of falling into the state of emptiness and indifference, where all living beings are equal, aloof, and regard all things as stupid dogs.

It's not that that state is bad, it's just that the state of suppressing emotions to the limit seems a bit too boring.

No, no, how could I have such thoughts, how could I feel that that state was good? It is obviously to obliterate all one's emotions and emotions, and then to achieve supreme ruthlessness, to run the heavenly way, and to promote the growth and expansion of the heavenly way.

He felt that he didn't feel like he was in tune with the way of heaven and controlled the way of heaven. Instead, he seemed to be assimilated by the way of heaven and became a puppet of heaven.

Is it possible that he wants to keep chanting the name of the God of Zombies?

Although this can break the state of being in harmony with the way of heaven and maintain one's own independent spiritual personality, it will also have a certain impact on the way of heaven.

After all, the constant fluctuations of Heavenly Dao will naturally affect the operation of Heavenly Dao rules.

"No no no"

The King of Zombies, Shoji, shook his head again and again. How could he consider the operation of the laws of heaven now? He only needs to consider now, it is enough to maintain his own emotional consciousness and not be assimilated by the way of heaven.

Feeling that his spiritual consciousness was constantly drifting towards the way of heaven when he was thinking about things, the Zombie King General's face looked a little ugly.

Therefore, even in the name of the God of Zombies, he temporarily resists the assimilation of Heavenly Dao.

In fact, the way of heaven is also exerting a subtle influence on it bit by bit.

Therefore, you still have to think of other ways to avoid sinking your own spiritual consciousness.

The most direct and fundamental way is naturally to enhance one's own spiritual consciousness and enhance its ability to bear the rules of heaven.

But for the time being, he had no good solution.

Besides, there seems to be no other way.

Suddenly, Shoji, the King of Zombies, looked at the four zombie commanders who had chased the five gods of Ebisu, and then looked at the five gods of Ebisu.

Let’s deal with them first!

"God of zombies, god of zombies."

Constantly thinking silently in his heart, the King of Zombies took a step forward.


Suddenly, ripples appeared in the space in front of him, swallowing his body instantly.

When he reappeared, he had already arrived at the location of the four zombie leaders.

With cold and indifferent eyes, he looked at Ebisu and the other five gods opposite.

At this time, the Ebisu Five Gods had already entered the ocean beyond the east coast.

Because it once devoured and fused with the rules of the ocean of Sabitchigami, the territory of Fuxian Lingdi already covers part of the ocean.

Therefore, although Ebisu and the other five gods have left the land, they are still within the scope of the Fuku County Spiritual Land.

Just as they were about to implement their plan, Ebisu and the other five gods saw Shoji, the King of Zombies, suddenly coming across space.

Looking at Shoji, the King of Zombies at this time, both the five Ebisu gods and the four zombie commanders couldn't help but frown.

What just happened?

Why did the King of Zombies appear like a different person in such a short time?

The calm and indifferent eyes and the mysterious halo blooming behind his head gave everyone the feeling of facing the heaven and earth directly.

"Halo of Heaven?!"

The Eastern Zombie Commander couldn't help but feel a little dazed and muttered to himself.


The other three zombie commanders couldn't help but look at him.

Aura of heaven? what does that mean?

Seeing the three people looking at him in confusion, the Eastern Zombie Commander's heart tightened and he suddenly came back to his senses.

"I don't know the specific situation, but I can vaguely feel that the halo behind the king's head is the supreme blessing of Heaven, which almost represents the embodiment of Heaven in reality.

That’s why it’s also called the halo of heaven. "


The other three zombie commanders all looked astonished after hearing this.

But new doubts arose again, how did the Eastern Zombie Commander know?

"How did you know?"

"I don't know, it's just a feeling, an induction.

Perhaps, this is a feeling that will appear autonomously after reaching S-level."

The other three zombie commanders nodded and stopped asking, but looked at Ebisu and the other five gods opposite.

And the five Ebisu gods could hear their conversation just now clearly.

"The way of heaven?"

Ebisu frowned slightly, could it be the legendary Tiandao of that great country?

If that were the case, things would be in trouble.

The doubts in his heart were also shared by the other four gods.

Looking at each other, they made a decision in an instant and immediately implemented their plan.

It's already reached this point, and even if they want to regret it, it's too late.

"River, sea!"

The two siblings, Su Qiujin Bimai and Su Qiujin, suddenly shouted in unison.

In the next moment, their divine realm spread out, and their bodies suddenly collapsed, turning into endless weird energy that filled the divine realm.

Immediately afterwards, their divine realm carried their rules and the huge strange energy remaining in their bodies and merged into the sea below.

Looking at their actions, the Zombie King Jiang Ji couldn't help but frown. It was just as he had guessed before.

They want to integrate their own rules and even the Kingdom of God into this world, so as to gain the authority of the ocean in this world.

In fact, for Tiandao, not only does this not cause any loss, but it can also gain many rules. It can be said to be a guaranteed profit without loss.

Because the so-called authority is just a kind of management authority granted by heaven, which can be withdrawn at any time.

But the rules are a real gain for Tiandao.

Naturally, Heavenly Dao is supportive of Ebisu and other five gods integrating the rules and divine kingdom into Fuxian Spiritual Land.

Not only did he not have any intention to stop him, but he was constantly urging the King of Zombies to sacrifice and promote the integration of the opponent's kingdom.

However, this is a good thing for Heaven, but it is not a good thing for Shoji, the King of Zombies.

The rules that Tiandao currently controls are already a bit too much for him to bear.

If more rules are controlled, and the Kingdom of God integrates with the enhanced power, Tiandao will inevitably penetrate deeper into the rules of heaven and earth, leveraging and grabbing more rule information.

At that time, the King of Zombies will be sacrificed and will have to bear more pressure and assimilation from the rules of heaven.

Once his mind is careless and there is no blockage, he will be completely assimilated by Heaven and become a puppet of Heaven with no self-awareness but extremely strong spirituality.

Naturally, Shoji, the King of Zombies, was not willing to let Ebisu and the others succeed.

In fact, if possible, he would have liked to shoot them to death.

However, while he is in harmony with the way of heaven and possesses the power of the way of heaven, he is also restricted by the way of heaven.

Let's put it this way, even if he wants to beat Ebisu and the others to death, he must wait until they integrate the Kingdom of God.

This is the tragedy of those who have joined the Tao. If the Tao of Heaven is weak, it will naturally be able to completely control it and become the master of the Tao of Heaven.

But if the way of heaven is strong, then the first thing those who follow the way need to face is the pressure and assimilation from the rules of heaven.

This requires one's own growth to surpass the way of heaven, so that he can control the way of heaven bit by bit, and finally become the master of heaven's way.

And once one's own growth cannot keep up with the growth rate of Heaven's Dao, it will inevitably end up being assimilated by Heaven's Dao and becoming a puppet of Heaven's Dao.

Squinting at the actions of Ebisu and others, the Zombie King Shoji's face was calm and indifferent, but his heart was full of murderous intent.

"King! Why don't we take action?"

Seeing that the five Ebisu gods seemed to be doing something, the Eastern Zombie Commander couldn't help but ask.

The Zombie King Shoji looked at him calmly.

"Can you beat them?"


The Eastern Zombie Commander was a little confused. Although he had been promoted to the S- level, coupled with the blessing of the power of heaven and humanity, he soared all the way to the S+ level.

However, the opponent was only a double-S level strongman, but there were four gods. How could he defeat them?

"King, won't you take action?"

"The way of heaven has decreed that their rules and the integration of the Kingdom of God into the spiritual land of Fuxian County are the general trend of the way of heaven. I am in line with the way of heaven and cannot go against it!"


The Eastern Zombie Commander was a little dizzy.

After reaching A level, their spiritual intelligence has been basically fully developed, and after entering S level, their spiritual intelligence is greatly expanded.

However, no matter how smart he is, the knowledge he has access to is only the fragmentary memory in his mind, and it is difficult to understand the slightly awkward words.

Therefore, after listening to what the Zombie King Shoji said, he did not understand it immediately.

What is decreed by heaven? What is the general trend of heaven? What am I in harmony with the way of heaven?

He didn't understand everything.

However, after frowning and thinking for a while, he gradually understood.

It is probably because Tiandao wants those divine kingdoms and rules. Because of the combination of Tiandao, the Zombie King, General Sacrifice, cannot violate Tiandao and cannot take action against them.

"Oh~, what a pity!"

Involuntarily, the Eastern Zombie Commander secretly sighed, but he could only watch Ebisu and the others do what they did.

Following the two brothers and sisters Su Qiujin, Huo Yuanli Ming also expanded his own divine domain, and the rules were integrated into it, and then merged into the sea below.



In an instant, the waves rolled, and the figures of the two brothers and sisters loomed in the depths of the sea.

The rolling tide spread towards the coast, with the shadow of Huo Yuanli Ming in it.

As the sea surged, pieces of foam arose in the sea water. The god Saruta Bigu instantly expanded his divine domain and incorporated his rules into it. His whole body turned into a piece of foam and merged into the countless foams in the sea water.

In an instant, those bubbles solidified. They no longer came and went, but were controlled by the god Saruta Bigu. Only what he thought in his heart could make those bubbles burst. (End of chapter)

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