Weird recovery: I build the world with weirdness

Chapter 289: Extermination and subsequent effects, zombies emerge from the cage

Even if the world has a stronger upper limit of tolerance for the older generation of strong men who survived last time, their strength has been greatly suppressed and they cannot fully display it, which is even more weird.

Therefore, after seeing the battle between Shoji and others, although they were extremely frightened, they were still able to stabilize their mentality. Anyway, they could not step out of the restricted area.

However, Suakitsu Koko and others attacked Ebisu with all their strength in the sea, and then triggered a super tsunami, which made the top leaders of various countries unable to calm down.

The rules of heaven and earth in the real world can prevent the arrival of powerful and strange things.

But it won't stop the tsunami!

Everyone only saw the entire sea area, which was suddenly lifted up, and then poured down around it, turning into a mountain-like tsunami, impacting and spreading in all directions.

There is naturally no problem with the direction of the Pacific Ocean. There is enough scope and area for them to pour tsunami potential energy.

However, it is difficult to say in other directions.

Especially in the direction of Fu County.

Seeing that the tsunami that had already flooded Fu County did not lower its height but instead rose a few points higher again, some of the leaders of Xiaori Country finally came to their senses.

"Quick, quick, quick! Make a call to avoid the tsunami."

"It's over, it's over!"

The situation happened so suddenly that there was no time to respond. All we could do was watch helplessly as the tsunami hundreds of meters high submerged all the cities along the way.

Xinshan County and Xingxian County, which border Fu County, were naturally hit by the tsunami immediately.

When the residents living there discovered that the spreading waterline in the distance was a boundless tsunami, it was already too late.

Fragile buildings were swept away in an instant. Domestic animals and humans were swept away by the tsunami in an instant. They had no time to escape, resulting in heavy casualties.

Even those who received the notice could only wait desperately for the tsunami to hit.

At this moment, under the ruthless tsunami, everyone is treated equally regardless of whether they are rich or poor.

That’s not right, there are still some truly wealthy businessmen who escaped.

Without exception, they all have private jets.

Or, there are some really lucky people who happen to be on a plane today.

On the other side, Shosai didn't know that because of his momentary indulgence, he wanted to let Ebisu and others experience more of the fear before death, which directly caused a tsunami of hundreds of meters, which directly flooded the surrounding cities.

Maybe, even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

Anyway, their zombie clan, as well as the weird ones in Fu County, don't need to breathe air.

At most, it is just soaking in sea water for a period of time.

As for humans and other life forms, they are relatively special foods for the zombie family.

When you are in a good mood, you can trade.

If you are in a bad mood, it will directly suck all your blood and transform you into a new zombie or walking corpse.

At this time, Shoji's palm has touched the original sea level and is continuing to press downward.

Seeing that the palm of his hand continued to press down, Ebisu could not be completely killed due to authority and rules.

Suakitsu Koko and others looked at each other, and directly used their own rules as a rope to tie Ebisu tightly from top to bottom.

If people saw Ebisu's image at this time, they would definitely praise him for his good workmanship.

"Your Majesty, spare your life, we have arrested Ebisu."

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the culprit is here."

"Your Majesty, please spare my life. This little girl is willing to serve Your Majesty."

In an instant, everyone fell to their knees one after another, kneeling towards the palms above to beg for mercy.

However, whether it was Ebisu's cold eyes and anger, everyone's frightened begging for mercy, or the flattery and temptation. Shoji ignored them all, and just stretched out his hand to press down hard on the sea below.

In an instant, all sounds disappeared.

"Bang bang bang"

The bodies of Ebisu and others were instantly exploded by Shoji's palm.

Then, he grabbed Sacrifice's palm and retracted it.

After spreading his palm, there were four re-condensed figures on it.

As if they realized that they and others were not dead, Ebisu, Suakitsu Koko and others immediately became very happy.

It seemed that the adult didn't really mean to kill them.

In other words

The hearts of Su Qiujin and others gradually became alive.

Is it because of the authority and rules they control?

So, this lord has no way to kill them easily?

"Hahaha, I'm still alive! I know that I have mastered the authority and rules of this world, and no one can kill me.


After Ebisu realized that he was not dead, he immediately laughed and looked at Suakitsu Koko and others with eyes full of coldness and disdain.

The expressions of Su Qiujin and others also changed.

Is it true that, as Ebisu said, they cannot be killed because they have the authority and rules?

If this is the case, why are they begging for mercy?

Su Qiujin and others looked gloomy and did not speak. Instead, they looked around. It seemed to be the previous sky dome, um... palm!

Involuntarily, everyone raised their heads and looked in the direction of the general sacrifice.

A face that was calm and indifferent, as if it were the supreme heaven, was looking at them indifferently.

And around it, there are four other faces.

Three green-faced fangs, one face is no longer green-faced with fangs, but the face is a little gray, with two sharp tiger teeth exposed, looking a bit ferocious.

At this time, they all looked at the general's palm curiously. There were five villains in it, and they were looking at them with slight horror and panic.

But one of the villains seemed to come to his senses quickly.

Turning his eyes, Su Qiujin suddenly said softly:

"Sir, this is all Ebisu's own initiative. Asking you to strip away his authority and rules would be dirtying your hands. We are willing to work for you and personally kill Ebisu, who is both a snake and a rat."

As he spoke, Su Qiujin knelt down in a graceful manner, looking up at the indifferent general with great humility but full of expectation.


Ebisu looked at Su Qiujin's life and couldn't help but curse.

However, when he felt the eyes on him, he shut up immediately and just stared at Su Qiujin angrily.

He must be put to death. This is the most poisonous woman's heart.


Watching Su Qiujin's performance, Shoji couldn't help but let out a chuckle without any ups and downs.

Now that they have integrated the rules into this small world, they have also integrated the authority and rules of heaven.

So, this means that in the eyes of Tiandao and Jiang Ji, there is no secret in everything about them, and naturally they can see through her little thoughts at a glance.

Strip away rules and authority?!

As soon as he thought about the sacrifice, the radiance of the Heavenly Dao halo behind his head began to ripple.

"Buzz buzz"

As the rules of heaven circulated, the rules and authority held by Suakitsu Koko, Ebisu and others were directly stripped away bit by bit by Shosai.


"Is not likely to?"

"I do not want"

"Your Majesty, spare your life!"

"It's not me, it's not me, it's Ebisu, it's Ebisu, sir"

"My king, please spare my life! This is all Ebisu's fault!"

"Yes, Ebisu is a snake and a rat. All this has nothing to do with me!"

"No, I integrate the rules into the world. I am doing merit to the world. You can't do this."

Listening to the shouting and begging for mercy below, Jiangji remained unmoved at all.

You have merit for heaven and earth, you have merit for the way of heaven, but you have no merit for me.

There may even have been.

Seeing that General Sacrifice was unmoved, some people collapsed and allowed him to do whatever he wanted.

But some people became crazy, raised their heads suddenly, and stared coldly at the general, saying, "If you don't let me live, then no one will be able to live well."



In an instant, Ebisu exploded directly, causing ripples in the space.

It's a pity that despite his good intentions, he didn't cause any damage to the general's palm.

After integrating the rules into the world and integrating the rules and authority of the Heavenly Dao, their power is equivalent to an extension of the Heavenly Dao's power.

As a Taoist, how could he be hurt by the power of his own world?

Immediately afterwards, Saruta Bigujin turned into a bubble, and countless bubbles merged to form a huge bubble tens of meters tall.

Of course, his huge bubble of tens of meters is only from his perspective.

In fact, it was about the size of a marble when placed in Shoji's palm.

There are continental mountains, rivers, vegetation, and even the shadows of human beings, all appearing in it one by one, like a bubble world.

At the moment when the bubble world was formed, it collapsed suddenly. The entire world collapsed and turned into a pinpoint-sized dot, blooming with dazzling light.



The next moment, the small dot exploded, and the world-shattering destructive power directly destroyed the surrounding space, and a light dot flashed away in it.

Seeing this, Su Qiujin and others couldn't help but their eyes lit up, and they instantly rushed towards the broken space.

However, at this moment, Jiang Ji fiercely shook his hand, and all the authority and rules in everyone's body were instantly pulled away by him.

Even their own rules have been separated from the imprisonment of the sacrifices, and the rules have been integrated into the way of heaven. It is not that easy to break the separation.

They are also subject to the control of heaven.

After losing all authority and rules, everyone was left with only some powerful bodies. The moment they rushed into the broken space, they were torn apart by the cracks in the space, and only a little bit of spiritual light escaped from the body.

However, General Sacrifice did not intend to let them go. The laws of heaven in his palm fluctuated, and the broken space was directly crushed by it, and then completely annihilated, including the fundamental auras of several people. Sacrifice wipe away.

Even Saruta Bikojin, who was the first to escape, did not escape death.

At this time, all the gods who came to Fuxian County's spiritual land died here.

At the same time, as the battle between several gods stopped, the tsunami of several hundred meters also quickly fell back.

Especially where Jiang Ji and the others were standing, the boundless sea water quickly flowed back and merged into the sea again.

In almost a moment, the seawater that submerged everything had receded by more than half, and some taller buildings and hills had been revealed again.

After the leaders of various countries saw this scene through satellite, they couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and finally did not continue.

In fact, the unprecedented tsunami set off by humans has already submerged most of Fu County, Xinshan County, and Xing County in Xiaori Country, and it is still advancing.

It is about to completely submerge the two counties, and then enter the sea from the other side of the island.

If that huge tsunami continues, it will inevitably affect both of them.


Seeing the tsunami flood that had lost its source power and was gradually becoming powerless, but still hundreds of meters high, rushing towards the sea, the top officials of the two countries once again became solemn.

They must quickly organize the people along the coast to prepare for disaster relief and even be ready to evacuate at any time.


Accompanied by a loud roar, the tsunami flood hundreds of meters high hit the sea directly from the other side of the island, instantly setting off thousands of feet of waves and advancing into the distance.

At this moment, the entire small Japanese country was divided into two, cut into two parts.

However, as the tsunami rushes into the sea from the other side and loses its source power, the floodwaters are gradually receding.

Hundreds of meters, a hundred meters, fifty meters, and finally only a few meters were left, and most of the building heights were exposed above the water.

But at this time, the floods in Xiaori Kingdom receded, but the coasts of the cold wave countries set off tsunamis of tens of meters, rushing toward the coast like wild horses.

Dozens of cities along the coast were directly affected by the tsunami.

Fortunately, by this time, the tsunami was at its end and quickly subsided.

But even so, it still caused huge casualties and economic losses.

Of course, compared to the small country of Japan, it is not worth mentioning.

The area that was directly flooded by the tsunami covered three or four counties. Coupled with the flooding that spread to the surrounding areas, less than half of the island was affected, and the losses were heavy.

However, this was only the beginning of the disaster.

As the floods receded and they began to carry out rescue operations, they were shocked to discover that this was accompanied by an unprecedented tsunami.

The zombies that originally only existed in the restricted area were swept by the tsunami and spread all over the affected areas.

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