Weird recovery: I build the world with weirdness

Chapter 301 Weird copy, the purpose of the stone tablet

After observing the tombstone for a while and confirming that there were really no other changes, someone finally looked in the direction in which the tombstone fell.

Due to the impact of the tombstone, the dark clouds covering the sky were directly knocked out of a large hole with a radius of several miles, and the sky above could be clearly seen.

"You tell me, there is something in the sky, how could a stone monument suddenly fall?"

"Then who knows?"

"Maybe there are other worlds in the sky?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone around him laughed out loud.


They know that there should be many other dream realms outside the weird world.

But they also know that within one dream realm, it is basically impossible to have other dream realms.

Especially this naturally evolved dream realm, it is even more impossible for other dream realms to exist.

With that power, they will naturally be used to grow and evolve their bodies.

And why disperse the power to evolve other dream realms?

"Eh~? Look at the hole in the sky. There seems to be light."

Suddenly, someone discovered that there seemed to be little bits of light above the hole.

"Are they the stars of this world?"

"I'm afraid so."

"I didn't expect that this strange world not only has the sun and moon, but also stars. I have never seen it before."

"The reason why we haven't seen it before is probably because of the clouds in the sky."

"That's right. Under the clouds, you can't see it."

“Well do you want to listen to what you are saying?

What about the black sun and blood moon? "


The black sun and blood moon must be under the clouds. "

"How is that possible? I feel that the dark clouds are only a few hundred meters high. How could the black sun and blood moon be under the dark clouds?"

"What's there to discuss? It's just that because of the different rules of the world, the light of the black sun and blood moon can penetrate the clouds.

As for the stars, maybe it’s because they are too far away.

And vaguely, it seems that there is also mist around those stars. "

"That seems to be the case. Look at the empty area with clouds. It's obvious that the clouds haven't covered it again, but the starlight has disappeared, as if it was blocked by something."

"Well, doesn't it mean that the area of ​​a dream realm like Weird World is actually not that big?

The dream realm that can reach such a weird world, with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, basically does not exist anymore.

Then why are there still sun, moon and stars here?

How much space is there to accommodate the sun, moon and stars?

At least a radius of tens of thousands of miles is not enough, right? "


Everyone was silent for a moment.

If there really is a world with sun, moon and stars, then why is the world much larger than the solar system?

"Uh, actually.

It's not impossible, right? "

"How is it possible? With just one star covering a radius of tens of thousands of miles, it has almost been taken up, not to mention the other sun, moon and stars."


"There is absolutely no way a space with a radius of tens of thousands of miles can accommodate countless suns, moons and stars."

"But what if these sun, moon and stars are just background?"

"Background? What do you mean?"

"It's like a curtain on the real world.

Maybe the sun, moon and stars in the strange world are just luminous bodies embedded in the world's barrier? "

"is it possible?"

For a moment, everyone hesitated, staring blankly at the closing hole in the sky.

"If this weird world really only has a radius of tens of thousands of miles, this situation is possible.


"Unless this world is far beyond the scope of our current exploration."

"Forget it, those are not things we should consider now. Even if the sky falls, there will still be tall people supporting it.

Our main goal now is to improve our own strength.

When we reach A level, or even a higher level, we will naturally have the opportunity to explore the truth of this world.

See if it only has a radius of tens of thousands of miles, or is it just like the real world, so vast. "

"That's true!"

Someone nodded in agreement.

"Hey, by the way, I'm going to go near Guyong City tomorrow to collect some weird materials.

Anyone want to go together? "

"Guyong City? Is there some danger there?"

“It should be fine.

I feel that the weirdness in the entire Red Flame Desert is basically of the same level.

Moreover, it is a new city there, so maybe you will find some strange and strange copy? "

"Well, count me in, I haven't been to Guyong City yet.

This is the only city that truly goes deep into the Red Flame Desert. It is indeed worth a trip to see if there are any special weird materials there.

And as my brother said, if we can find a strange and strange copy, we will send it. "

“Count me in too”

"I'll join in, too."

"Haha, good, good."

When the initiator heard that there were so many people coming, he couldn't help but smile and narrow his eyes.

Although most of the strange things in the Red Flame Desert are of the same level.

However, Guyong City is located deep in the Red Flame Desert after all. It is inevitable that there will be some unrecorded weirdness, some other dangers, and even some strange and strange copies. Naturally, the more people there, the better.

Especially some strange and strange copies often require a large number of people to explore the rules.

As more and more cities are built, more and more rules have been formulated by the city for home purchase, shopping mall owners, etc.

As everyone's understanding of the rules continues to deepen, the way of heaven in the strange world has also evolved to a certain extent. In the strange world, some special rule areas have begun to be born.

These places look no different from other places, just like a piece of yellow sand.

However, within these special rule areas, the beings who enter them need to abide by the rules within the area.

For example, you can't make too much noise, don't take too big steps, close your eyes when it's dark, don't look back when you hear a call, you can't light a fire, you can't have water, etc.

Once these rules are violated, they will be punished by regional rules and die silently.

These kinds of weird rules are actually the weird world, the manifestation of some rules when they are running.

In essence, they are actually the same as weird.

However, Weird is an independent individual and can move freely.

These special rule areas are fixed areas.

However, because these regional rules are ultimately the result of the operation of the rules of heaven and everyone's understanding of city and other rules.

It can be regarded as an alternative derivative of the harmony between heaven and man, so it can often connect with the rules of heaven and earth and exert power beyond levels.

Even the lowest level F-level rules, once violated, can reach D-level intensity, which can completely affect D-level weirdness or D-level weird masters.

Of course, if it is a stronger C-level or even higher existence, under the suppression of the intensity of the rules, the rules of these rule areas will be helpless.

It is even possible that because of their existence, the rules of these rule areas will collapse and eventually disappear.

Of course, most of the Tricksters who enter these rule areas will not violate the rules unless absolutely necessary.

In addition to avoiding wasting strength by following the rules, you can also get some special rewards after passing these rules, just like some copies of the game.

And this is why it is called a weird copy by most people.

But for now, these special rule areas are still at an extremely low level.

Among the weird copies known so far, the highest one is only D-level. Some powerful B-level ghost controllers are somewhat helpless and can easily detect all the rules.

Of course it can be cleared more easily.

However, in the end, there won’t be too many great gains.

However, there are still many people who enjoy it.

After all, most of the current ghost controllers are still low-level ghost controllers, and high-level ghost controllers are only a minority.

Especially those strange dungeons whose rules have been explored clearly are places where many low-level magic masters are vying to enter.

After all, compared to facing real weirdness, those weird copies that have already explored the rules are naturally more attractive to them.

For them at lower levels, even some low-level weird items, some weird coins, etc. are all very rare and good things.

The so-called rewards in those weird copies are just because they act according to the rules.

The spiritual thoughts emanating from oneself will naturally promote the operation of the rules, strengthen the strength of the rules little by little, and so on.

In this process, under the operation of the rules, a mixture of spiritual thoughts and rule fragments will be produced. After condensing strange power, some corresponding strange items will be formed.

Among them, there are not only general corresponding weird items, but also some weird coins that condense weird energy, and even some weird energy that is pure and has no side effects, and can safely increase people's strength.

It is precisely because of this mechanism, such as game dungeon rewards, that there are many weird masters who call it weird dungeons.

Some strange and strange dungeons are often strong ones. Relying on the strength of their own rules, they can suppress the rules of those strange dungeons and explore and figure out the rules of these strange dungeons bit by bit.

And this process, even without the rule penalties of strange copies, is bound to be a time-consuming task.

Therefore, whenever someone discovers a strange and strange copy, a large number of Strange Masters are often summoned to explore it together.

Try to find out the rules in the shortest possible time, obtain the rewards of weird items, etc.

When it has no value to them, they will open it up and use it to earn cheat coins.

Of course, there are actually many copies open to the public.

Some of them were discovered by the Conspiracy Bureau and released to enhance the strength of the Conspiracy Controllers.

In some cases, when a large number of individuals discover it at the same time and no one can occupy it, they will hand it over to the Bureau of Secret Intelligence and make it a free public copy.

Lu Yu naturally sees all of this, and he also knows something that no one knows yet.

When the Strange Controller enters the Strange Dungeon, it is equivalent to promoting the growth and evolution of the Strange Dungeon.

Especially those free weird dungeons, because a large number of weird masters have entered, the strength of the rules is being rapidly improved.

Seeing it, it is about to break through its original level.

At that time, if you still act according to the previous clearance rules, it will inevitably lead to failure to clear the level, or even direct death.

However, the strange copy will also change in time, such as covering a larger area, and even human buildings, etc. will appear.

At that time, as long as the differences in the strange copy are discovered, they will naturally know that the strange copy has changed and the rules may have changed.

If you still insist on acting in accordance with the previous rules when the time comes, you will be asking for death there.

Therefore, Lu Yu just glanced at the strange copies and then turned his attention without any thought of reminding them.

Then, Lu Yu looked at the tombstone.

At this time, he finally understood the reason why the tombstone rushed towards the strange world, for the strange grave.

Isn’t a tombstone the perfect match for a tomb?

Nowadays, there may not be many weird tombs that are more powerful than the weird tomb, right?

Therefore, after sensing the power of the strange tomb in the strange world, the tombstone rushed towards the strange world.

However, if its behavior could be moderated a little, Weird World would not intercept and suppress it.

After all, the weird world is equivalent to an open world that allows any weird and human beings to enter and exit.

However, after those weirdos enter the weird world, they are subject to a small restriction, that is, they can only leave the weird world after they are completely assimilated into the beings of the weird world.

Of course, this small restriction is completely insignificant to Weird.

It's just that the tombstone's behavior was a little too violent. It wasn't to enter the weird world, it was to attack and attack the weird world.

The treatment you receive when entering a strange world and attacking a strange world are naturally completely different.

Therefore, half of the power of the tombstone was directly worn away by the five-color divine light. Until he could no longer resist, the strange world's heavenly law took it into the strange world.

"Tsk, why bother?

This time it was better, I lost less than half of my strength and almost fell to S level. "

Looking at the tombstone below, Lu Yu couldn't help but shook his head.

Fortunately, the rules in that tombstone have not collapsed. If it wants to be restored, it will not take long.

Looking at the huge towering tombstone and the strange city covering the strange tomb, Lu Yu couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Good guy, is this really a big tomb?

Moreover, it is a very large tomb, and I am afraid that you can clearly see it as soon as you enter the strange world.

This is no longer a weird world, but a weird tomb world. (End of chapter)

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