Weird recovery: I build the world with weirdness

Chapter 329 The power of heaven that envelopes the world, the God-conferring Monument

Just as Liu Jun and others were confronting each other, a group of Japanese soldiers suddenly rushed over from further west and stopped far away from Liu Jun and others.

"Yo Xi, Liu Jun, why don't we work together to kill those who don't obey the rules, and then we can fight for the treasure."

"Haha, I don't care if it's a treasure or not.

But if you devils want to go over there, don’t even think about it.

And you people, I don’t care how you fight for treasures, but you can’t fight near the city. "


After hearing Liu Jun's words, everyone frowned.

"Xu Sang, why don't we cooperate and jointly destroy Liu Jun and the others? Then the treasure will be yours."

"Go away! How can we argue? It's our own business. What does it matter to you devils?"

"Hahaha, yes!

Xu Yang, I do appreciate you a little."

"Haha, I don't need you to appreciate it."

And just as everyone was arguing, the dense light in the sky began to spread rapidly to the surroundings according to the rules between heaven and earth.

Because there is no one to preside over it, and although the rules have changed fundamentally and become the rules of heaven and earth, they are actually not much different from the rules of heaven and earth in the dream realm.

Therefore, in the face of the spread and proliferation of the rules of heaven and earth, the rules of heaven and earth in the dream realm did not produce any rejection or confrontation. They were only slightly shaken and were eroded and transformed by the power of heaven.

In just a dozen breaths, the hazy light in the sky had become overwhelming, pressing down on Yu Cheng and everyone below.

Seeing the dense brilliance that quickly covered them, the faces of everyone suspended in the air suddenly changed, and they fell downwards one after another.

However, even if they had reacted immediately, some of them were still half a beat too late and were instantly submerged in the dense light.




"help me!"

The moment they were submerged in the mist of light, everyone felt a majestic force invading their bodies, ignoring all defenses and strange abilities, causing everyone to scream in shock.

This is because when the law of heaven eroded and usurped the rules of heaven and earth, too much power of heaven evolved, and too strong power of heaven eroded, which caused this situation.

If it is a normal situation, the erosion of the way of heaven transforms into loneliness, and it is more of a moisturizing thing, silently, and will not be discovered at all.



But soon, many people who had been enveloped and corroded by the power of heaven reacted violently, although the power was extremely corrosive and completely ignored all the body's defenses.

But other than that, it didn't seem to have any impact on them.

It was as if the invasion of that kind of power was just an illusion.

However, with the erosion and transformation of the power of heaven, everyone's power has not changed on the surface, but the foundation has been transformed into the rules of heaven.

Everyone can clearly feel that as that power is integrated into the rules of the body, the strange power and strange abilities in their bodies begin to undergo essential changes.

It seems that there is a foundation of dependence and it has become thicker.

It is even vaguely connected to the heaven and earth. In the past, it was purely using its own power to influence the surroundings, and now it is using its own ability as a medium to leverage the rules of the world and respond to changes in its own power.

What's more, as that power invaded the core of the rules, everyone felt their hearts tremble, and they instantly connected with the world and communicated the rules of the world. All kinds of rule information appeared in front of them, allowing them to browse and copy to complete their own rule abilities.

At the same time, a sense of enlightenment also arose in their hearts, and the way of heaven was born in the dream realm of Yucheng.

And they, the first batch of creatures in Yucheng's dream realm, will directly bathe in the baptism of the power of heaven, become compatible with the rules of heaven, and can easily achieve the unity of heaven and man.

You can even connect your own rules to the corresponding rules of heaven, use your own rules to leverage the rules of heaven, directly mobilize the power of heaven and earth, and explode with power far beyond your own limits.

Of course, because the strength of one's own rules is different, the power of heaven and earth that can be mobilized is also limited.

In addition to those who were first overwhelmed by the power of heaven, those who reacted quickly and fled to the earth immediately, there were also many people who did not even think about snatching the treasure.

At this time, when I looked up at the sky, I found that the dense light was spreading downwards rapidly, without any intention of stopping.

Moreover, the dense brilliance was overwhelming, covering the entire sky as far as the eye could see. As long as they were still in this world, there would be no place to escape.

Unless I can escape from this world before that.

It's just obvious that it seems it's too late to escape now.

Of course, despite this, there are still many strong people under the survival instinct of life. Their bodies turn into streams of light and quickly escape into the distance.

Even ordinary semi-weird beings, as long as they have spiritual intelligence, are running around in panic.

After all, they don't know what will happen after being covered by the law of heaven.

In comparison, those Japanese troops were much more advantageous.

After all, they are far away to begin with, so escaping is naturally more convenient.

Even on the way to escape, they continued to attack the 74th Company led by Liu Jun, blocking and delaying their escape.

"Hahaha, Liu Jun, don't you want to protect Yu Cheng? Then you must protect it well!"

"Da da da"

"Boom boom boom"

"Damn Inuno Yakuzo"

Liu Jun was immediately angered by the actions of Inuno Yakuza's Japanese army, and while fighting back, he cursed endlessly.

He wanted to protect Yu Cheng, but he was not a pedantic person.

One glance at the situation in front of them makes it clear that in the face of this kind of world-destroying natural disaster, if they want to protect Yucheng now, it will just mean more people die, which is meaningless at all.

In this case, he naturally wants to seek a chance for survival for his brothers in the team.

It's a pity that even this glimmer of hope was destroyed by Inano Yakuzo.

When Inuno Yakuzo and the Japanese army moved away, the dense light spreading from the sky had already enveloped the city below.

Yu Cheng's protective shield did not play any protective role at all. It was directly enveloped by the power of heaven and quickly eroded towards the city below.

In just one breath, they were already close to the bottom of the city wall.



The guarding soldiers on the city wall couldn't help but exclaimed after feeling the erosion of the power of heaven.

Mo Hongqiang, Mo Yating, Liu Jun and others looked at the hazy light above their heads and couldn't help but feel a touch of despair, but at the same time they felt a sense of relief and relief.

"Is it finally over?"

In the next moment, everyone was swallowed up by the power of heaven, their bodies were refined, and their foundations were changed.

"Huh~? This is."

"This power doesn't seem to want us to kill, but it is purifying the body."

"Not only that, I feel that my mental thinking is clearer now. The bloodthirsty and violent emotions and slightly hazy and chaotic consciousness have now become normal."

"This power.

Hmm. The power of heaven is sorting out our spiritual consciousness. "

"Eh~? If that's the case, will all the resentful spirits of the people in Yucheng regain their sanity?"

"It's hard to say, after all, I am so ignorant at such a young age.

In the past twenty or thirty years, no one has recovered and awakened their spiritual wisdom. It is difficult to say whether anyone will awaken again. "

And the resentful spirits of ordinary people who were discussed by everyone, after their bodies were cleansed by the power of heaven and their foundations were changed, their originally mechanical and dull eyes gradually became clear, and they looked around with a slightly confused look, just like that of a newborn baby. generally.

Countless years have passed, and the sanity of many people's resentful spirits has been completely wiped out, leaving only the last bit of obsession supporting their existence.

Once this last bit of obsession dissipates or is wiped out, then these common people's resentful spirits will completely disappear and merge into the dream realm of Yucheng, just like the countless common people's resentful spirits that have dissipated before.

However, now that their bodies have been purified by the power of Heaven, and their foundations have been changed, their spiritual consciousness has been reorganized, and part of the information of Heaven has been integrated.

Although they did not reach the level of being truly weird in an instant, they already had the foundation to become weird.

As long as a period of time passes, they will naturally evolve their own rules and become truly weird.

Moreover, because they themselves have evolved with the obsession of human souls, they possess part of human spirituality.

Therefore, as soon as they evolve into weird ones, they can have a strong spirituality, and when they reach D level or even E level, they can completely restore their sanity as humans.

Of course, more than a hundred years have passed, and their memories of when they were humans have long been wiped out.

Even if he regained his spiritual intelligence, it would be almost as strange as a new life, and it would not have much to do with the past.

The only thing involved is probably that last bit of obsession.

Immediately afterwards, the power of heaven completely covered the ground, invaded the ground below, and quickly spread into the distance.

Even those Japs who were about to flee back to the camp were still covered by the power of heaven, eventually covering the entire world.

Immediately afterwards, the power of heaven followed the mysterious connection, broke through the outer space of the dream realm, entered the space where the monument was, and gradually changed it.

Gradually, countless avenue symbols began to appear on the monument, constantly changing and evolving.

In the end, combined with the spiritual belief in the ancestors and heroes from the real world, the tempering changed the nature of the monument, and it gradually gained the ability to connect with the rules of heaven.

To a certain extent, the changed monument already possesses some of the capabilities of the legendary Conferred Gods List, and can be called the Conferred Gods Monument.

At the same time, he has the ability to resurrect the people named on the monument as he did before the Conferred God Monument.

All the people named on the monument can also borrow the power of the rules of heaven to a certain extent, and have a great degree of suppressive power over other lives.

At the same time, in the war city in the real world, people near the monument suddenly felt their feet shake slightly, and a brilliant light came from the direction of the monument.

Involuntarily, everyone turned their heads to look.



In an instant, everyone opened their mouths and looked at the monument in disbelief.

Brilliant rays of light were blooming from it, covering hundreds of meters in radius. The names engraved on it were flickering with golden light.

Then, blurry figures appeared on top of the monument, overlooking the bustling city below, and they all showed expressions of joy and relief.

"what is that?

Is it the heroic spirit from the past? "

"It must be. Look at the clothes they are wearing. They must be the former Seventh and Fourth Company."

"What is the Seventh and Fourth Company?"

"Eh~? It's a good thing that you still live nearby. You don't even know that the 74th Company sacrificed their lives here to prevent the invaders from attacking."

Some people couldn't help but said with some disgust.

"Well, it's been so long, and the pressure in today's society is so great and so impetuous. Isn't it normal to not know?"

The man's face looked a little ugly when he heard this, and he couldn't help but argue in a low voice.

However, he quickly shut up in the eyes of everyone.

Normally, he might argue loudly.

But at this moment, under the endless divine light, in front of countless heroic souls, he really couldn't say much to argue.

What happened at the monument naturally quickly attracted the attention of the Secret Intelligence Bureau.

In a very short period of time, Director Feng Yunshao led several teams of conspirators and quickly arrived near the monument.

Looking at the monument blooming with divine light and the looming figure above, everyone was stunned for a while. Feng Yunshao frowned slightly, not knowing whether the current situation was good or bad.

Looking at some of the staff who were also shocked and stunned around the monument, Feng Yunshao just pondered for a moment and decided to enter one of them to see if he could communicate with the figure on top of the monument.

"Let's go in and take a look!"

"Yes, Director!"

When approaching the monument, Feng Yunshao began to hear some whispers.

".Is this the scene of future generations? What a prosperous city."

".Our efforts are worth it."

"Alas~, we could only receive some information in the past. We knew that the war was won, but we didn't know what the world would be like after victory.

Now, we finally see it”

“I really want to experience such a prosperous city in person”

“It’s too difficult, especially after the great changes in the world, I feel that the world barrier has become more solid, and it is basically impossible to enter the real world.

Unless, unless someone calls.

Or take train 4444, and some may enter the present world.

Otherwise, this is it for us.”


Listening to the whispers in his ears, Feng Yunshao raised his head sharply, wanting to say something.

However, at this moment, the divine light blooming on the monument began to slowly converge, and the figures above it quickly faded and disappeared.

Eventually, the monument returns to its previous appearance, as if everything just now was just a dream.

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