Weird recovery: I build the world with weirdness

Chapter 430 Confrontation with the Trading Scale? trade!

A huge phantom of a scale loomed high in the sky in the Mengling Realm, instantly locking onto the phantom of the Happy Supermarket below.

In an instant, a special force of rules flowed down.


Mr. Xi, the corpse exorcist, suddenly felt a trading rule locking him. His face changed slightly, and he quickly raised his head and looked in the direction of the dream world.

Through the shadow of Happy Supermarket in the dream world, his perception instantly came to the dream world and looked towards the sky.

When he saw the huge trading balance, his expression changed again, and he sighed slightly in his heart.

Did you finally come to your door?

But soon, Mr. Xi's face returned to calmness. Wasn't this something that had been expected?

As trading rules become more powerful, there will always be trading balances behind the scenes.

As the trading balance was locked, Mr. Xi, the zombie exorcist, could feel that he was conducting a transaction with himself.

The target of the transaction is the entire Happy Supermarket, its vast area in the dream space, the dream world, and Mr. Xi himself.

"Oh, I really have a big appetite."

After feeling this, Mr. Xi's face was not only cold.

Of course, with the level of Trading Balance, he naturally has this confidence.

Therefore, Mr. Xi, the exterminator, communicated with Lu Yu in an instant.

Well, this kind of existence is at an extremely powerful level even among immortals, so he is naturally unable to fight against it.

However, he believed that his master would definitely be able to defeat him.

As a paper-cutting person, when he didn't know Lu Yu's specific realm, he naturally had great confidence in him.

And when Mr. Xi, the exorcist, contacted Lu Yu, a part of his consciousness instantly descended and took over Mr. Xi and everything in Xingfu Supermarket.

Naturally, everything that Trading Balance did was reflected in his mind.

"Want to trade everything about me? Then it depends on whether you have the chips."

A sneer appeared on Lu Yu's face.

If he were to directly suppress him with force, Lu Yu would have no other option but to retreat and stay away from the dream world.

However, if he wants to trade everything he owns through trading rules, let alone a trading scale, he won't be able to do it even with ten more.

At this moment, the image of Happy Supermarket began to appear on one end of the trading scale that projected the void, and then turned into weights.

At the other end, there was just a thread of power as thin as a gossamer.

That strand of power twisted and transformed. One moment it turned into the shadow of a trading scale, the next it turned into a gorgeous ray of light, and the next it turned into countless intertwined threads.

This power is none other than a ray of power from the trading balance, the true power of an immortal god.

After that ray of power appeared, it also turned into a weight, but it was still covered with wisps of brilliance, demonstrating its extremely high power essence.

Just like the difference between extraordinary and ordinary things, one weight is much more than the happiness supermarket on the other side.

When it appeared, the trading balance in the sky began to tilt rapidly towards it.

Lu Yu could feel that once the trading balance was completely tilted, the transaction would be completed, and everything about Mr. Xi and Xingfu Supermarket would belong to the trading balance.

As for it, since it is a transaction, there should be comings and goings.

Then does the trace of immortal power that was traded belong to Mr. Xi?

Yes, that's right.

However, doesn’t Mr. Xi also belong to the Trading Scale?

So in the end, that trace of fairy power turned around and returned to the trading balance.

A complete empty-handed white wolf.

After feeling this situation, Lu Yu had a slight thought and tried to end the transaction.

However, as this idea came to mind, a piece of information emerged instantly.

Once a transaction begins, it cannot be ended midway unless ten times the default penalty is paid.

Moreover, this is a fundamental rule that belongs to the trading rules, and even the trading balance itself cannot violate it.


Lu Yu's face showed a look that was indeed the case.

Trades from Trading Scale are not that easy to block.

Lu Yu felt the weight on the trading scale.

Perhaps it's because it is the embodiment of Lu Yu's possessions.

Therefore, he could clearly feel the meaning of those weights.

It includes the projection of Happy Supermarket in the dream world and nearly one-tenth of Mr. Xi's own power.

In other words, once Lu Yu wants to forcefully terminate the transaction, basically all of Mr. Xi's power will belong to the transaction balance.

As for Xingfu Supermarket, most of it will be robbed by it.

Now, it depends on whether Lu Yu wants to forcefully end the deal.

After the transaction is completed, the power accumulated by Mr. Xi and Xingfu Supermarket will be swept away in an instant, and it can be said that they are back before liberation.

If you continue to trade, you need to continue to add chips.

But based solely on the comparison of strength between the two sides, I'm afraid the entire Happy Supermarket might not be able to overwhelm that force.

However, despite this, Lu Yu had no intention of stopping the transaction.

The prices of Xingfu Supermarket are indeed not high enough, and even more so for Mr. Xi, the corpse chaser.

However, this does not mean that everything Lu Yu owns is not worth the price.

After pondering for a moment, he had an idea in an instant.

In a flash of thought, the rules and power of Ningshi's dream world suddenly arrived, and were then placed on the trading scale above.


In an instant, weights were formed one by one, stacked on the end of the scale that belonged to him.

Immediately afterwards, together with the countless previous weights, they condensed into two weights that bloomed with brilliance. The trading balance instantly tilted towards Lu Yu.

The shadow of the trading scale flickered slightly, as if he was a little shocked that the mortal below him actually had some trump cards that he didn't know about, which was indeed beyond his expectation.

He originally thought that with just one force, he could trade everything for that mortal.

Unexpectedly, just as it was about to be achieved, something unexpected would happen.

However, he did not feel displeased at all. Instead, he felt a bit interested and happy.

After all, the more trump cards that mortal has, the more he can gain after the transaction.

In an instant, the side of the trading balance suddenly gained a few more rays of power, and once again evolved into five weights, overwhelming Lu Yu's side in an instant.


Lu Yu chuckled, and in an instant, according to the trading rules, the entire dream world of Ning City was placed on the trading scale.

Of course, this is not really a transfer of Ning City Dream World.

Rather, it represents some kind of meaning, which is Lu Yu's authority and the identity of the master.

A vast phantom of the dream world emerged, shrinking rapidly as it approached the trading balance. Weights blooming with brilliance emerged one after another, stacked on the end belonging to Lu Yu.

The balance began to tilt in this direction rapidly.

However, at the other end of the scale, power also began to flow, turning into weights one after another, quickly bringing the scale back to a balanced state.

As for why, the value of Ningshi Dream World far exceeds that of Happy Supermarket, and the weights converted are special extraordinary weights that bloom with brilliance.

But previously, the power of Happy Supermarket and Mr. Xi only converted a bunch of ordinary weights.

One is because the trading balance did not include all the power of Xingfu Supermarket and Mr. Xi.

Furthermore, the nature of the strength of the two sides is different.

Not counting Mr. Xi's power, even if it were all filled in, it would be just like that compared to the immortals.

The shadow of the Happy Supermarket that originally traded the balance package only contained the part of the Dream World.

But what Lu Yu now puts on the trading scale is the entire dream world of Ning City.

Logically speaking, although the shadow of the Happy Supermarket in the dream world is just a shadow, it is in the dream world, a dimension that exceeds the dream space.

Therefore, even if its power is not as good as the main body of Happy Supermarket, it definitely accounts for one-tenth or more. It should not just be a pile of ordinary weights.

In fact, that's not how things work out.

The happiness supermarket phantom in the dream world may be very powerful in comparison, but compared to the immortals, it is still very different.

The Ning City Dream World is different. Its power may not be as strong as the sky, but it is closely related to the rules of the real world.

If we put it in the past, this would be a paradise dependent on reality.

The forces on both sides are entangled, pulled, and penetrated into each other. It can be said that there is me in you and you in me.

If Trading Balance wants to trade Ningshi's dream world, it is equivalent to using some of the rules of the real world as trading items.

This can be said to be plundering the rules of the real world. The difficulty and the power required are naturally far greater than the shadow of Happy Supermarket in the dream world.

In fact, Happy Supermarket is also in a similar situation, because it is also consistent with reality.

However, the previous trading balance only included its phantom in the dream world, and only completed the lock on the real happiness supermarket.

Therefore, what appears are just those ordinary weights.

As more and more forces appear at the other end of the trading balance, each weight appears, and the trading balance begins to tilt toward the other end again.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu's heart moved, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Haha, he is truly worthy of being a powerful immortal, far beyond the comparison of ordinary people."

If you are an ordinary strong person, even if you are at the peak of the emperor level, facing a dream world that is tens of thousands of miles in size and contains real rules, you will definitely be crushed in an instant.

But when it comes to the Immortal-level trading balance, it's just a matter of putting in more effort.

It can even be recovered within a short period of time, which is not considered a loss at all.

That being the case

"Then I'll give you a big one."

The smile on Lu Yu's face widened, and as he thought in his heart, another phantom of heaven and earth appeared above the trading scale.

This phantom of heaven and earth is only a few thousand miles in size at most, which is far less than the tens of thousands of miles in Ning City's dream world.

But the meaning and weight it represents are completely different.

Because this phantom of heaven and earth comes from Fuxian Lingdi, an island country in the east, a country where zombies are forbidden.

The dream world of Ning City is only somewhat related to reality, but its body is still in the dream space.

But Fuxian Spiritual Land has been completely integrated with reality. It is evolving in reality. Most of the rules are real rules, but some zombie rules have been integrated, making the rules more active.

But no matter what, it is part of the real world.

Therefore, the meaning and weight it represents far exceed that of Ningshi Dream World.

Almost as soon as its shadow appeared, the trading balance began to shake violently. Even before it turned into a weight, the trading balance was already tilting towards Lu Yu.

At this moment, Lu Yu came up with another thought.

"It's rude to come and go without reciprocating, it's a trade-off!"

You know, Lu Yu also controls the trading rules. Although he has not reached the immortal level, he is still at the third S level.

Maybe it can't be compared with the trading balance, but it can be done with some interference and reverse trading.

Of course, the premise is that both parties are face to face and the transaction has already begun.

Otherwise, Lu Yu's trading rules would not be able to interfere with or lock the trading balance.

Now, it is obvious that all conditions have been met.

In an instant, the trading balance began to shake violently again.

And as the spiritual land of Fu County turned into weights, the trading balance shook even more violently.

An invisible force began to spread toward the trading balance body along the mysterious connection.

Another phantom of a trading scale began to appear faintly at the other end of the trading scale.

The next moment, the trading scale shook slightly, and a voice came into Lu Yu's mind.

"Mortal, you are so presumptuous! You dare to blaspheme the gods. If you don't quickly retract your offensive thoughts, I can still spare your life and let you sit here and obey my orders."

The voice was rumbling, with the arrogance of a god looking down on the common people.

At the same time, an inexplicable rule and power grew around Lu Yu along with the sound.

Suddenly, Mr. Xi's office where Lu Yu was located, the walls, floors, various office equipment, etc., all began to have various patterns that looked like coins and weights, and the looming shadow of a scale appeared.

Even Mr. Xi's body began to develop various strange patterns, like various coins from ancient times to the present, or various weights.

At the same time, there were waves of strange spiritual thoughts that were constantly impacting Lu Yu's mind.


Feeling the changes in his mind and surroundings, Lu Yu couldn't help but secretly sigh, the Immortal God is an Immortal God, far from ordinary.

Just a voice has already caused Mr. Xi, who has now reached the third S level, and Happy Supermarket to be eroded and assimilated to a certain extent, and even distorted.


This is Lu Yu's home court.

In the blink of an eye, the Heavenly Way of Happiness Supermarket operates instantly, and the rules interact with each other. The rules of this fifth level, which is close to the dream world and far away from the real world, are instantly reversed.

The rules and power of the real world instantly enveloped Lu Yu's surroundings.


In an instant, there was a fierce confrontation and conflict between the rules of the real world and the power of the trading balance.

In addition, this is a dream space after all, and does not allow the existence of immortal power.

Therefore, the power of the trading balance is not as strong as the power of real rules after all. The various anomalies around Lu Yu began to disappear quickly. (End of chapter)

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